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  • Decided to watch this on my lazy Saturday afternoon. I don't really watch many hallmark movies but there wasn't anything on HBO I wanted to watch. This movie surprised me. It kept me interested the whole time. I really enjoyed it!

    I didn't actually realize this movie was a modern day Cinderella when watching this which was good for me. Wasn't too cheesy!

    The 2 leads had great chemistry and I loved the matchmaking secretary. The best friends in the movie were pretty believable. Great casting!

    This movie was adorable. I would for sure buy it if I came across it in a sales bin at like walmart, video warehouse, or best buy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The central conflict of this movie is the fundamental differences in character of the two lovers. And my problem with the movie is that I was never convinced that those differences aren't ultimately going to be fatal in their relationship.

    In the usual mode of romance movies, two very impractical things are possible - 1) the career driven businessman (or woman) can find time to lay around in the grass or take a day trip out of town and generally just relax with his lover; and 2) anyone can become an event planner (or writer, or chef, or photographer or you name it) and immediately jump to the height of success. And even in number 2 they can do it with plenty of free time to boot. That these are myths is part of what creates such a fundamental difference between the characters.

    For me, the movie was saved by Lacey Chabert. In romance movies, she usually plays such a sweet girl with infinite optimism and you just want to like her, even though in this case she is irresponsible and does need to make some life changes. Even with her in the movie, I found my second time watching this movie just wasn't as good and I probably overrated it.
  • My first Hallmark movie, but by no means my last. After reading all the reviews when I saw this available, I made up my mind to watch it and was not disappointed.

    Lacey Chabert was great and lit up the screen whenever she was on, which happily, was frequent, Ryan Merriman did a good job as well, I had seen him before in a few of his earlier efforts. Patty McCormack stole the scenes she was in and her interaction with Ryan Merriman's character was well done.

    It was a predictable movie and some parts were not as good as others, but it hit the spot for my partner and I and we really enjoyed it. Well done Hallmark Channel.

    The reviewer who remarked on the elevator ending obviously did not really watch the movie, there was no goof, it was time lapse and story telling. If you were really watching and paying attention you would have understood. Watch it again and this time actually watch it before rubbishing it.

    Very good easy to watch movie, lived up to my expectations and would recommend it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Count me as a girl who enjoys these Hallmark movies. They are what Lifetime was before it became the man-bashing/sort of sleazy channel is currently is. Anyway, I was very excited to see this movie's preview bc I like Lacey, I recognized Ryan as the kid from that movie w/Michelle Pfeiffer, and we're all around the same age (26-28). Aside from that, the story looked interesting enough and sometimes you just need an easy movie to watch w/a pizza and beverage.

    Anyway, I found the story to be easy to believe in terms of development. My criticism of two of Hallmark's other recent movies (Flower Girl and Wishing Well) was that the bond btwn the two leads wasn't well developed. But that's not the case in Elevator Girl. They meet in the elevator, the secretary initiates the second meeting,and then they take off from there. It was obvious that they had been dating at least a month. So that's good.

    Liked how Rosemary did everything she could to hook them up after she saw how into Libby Jonathan was. That was a nice play on the fairy godmother w/o making it a fantasy tale. It was a great move not making the "big blonde" really the other woman like we're so used to seeing. Usually the blonde is a b---- and although Cynthia made one not so nice comment re: Libby, it wasn't the standard vicious "I'm better than you." I also liked how Libby, the free-spirit of the movie, at the end made the decision to combine all her talents together. A lot of times w/these movies, it's the free-spirit who's ALWAYS right and the more anal retentive person always has to change. That usually bugs me bc sometimes the free-spirits ARE all over the map (Libby was) and that's not always a good characteristic.

    The only thing I didn't like was the cheesy music at the very end when everything was in slow motion. The two leads were young, so they could've chosen a better song.

    Well done. I give it a B
  • It has nothing to do with Cinderella at all, they should have never described in that manner. With that said I really enjoyed this movie because I've seen a lot of Hallmark movies and I've never seen a girl who I would describe as a hippie, a free spirit if you will. Most of my Hallmark movies I rate are 6's. this probably should've been a 6 but I enjoyed it personally that's why I gave it a 7. If you're a Hallmark movie person this movie is worth watching.
  • kdb186112 February 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    This was a cute movie and we enjoyed it until the end, which did not ring true and was a little sappy. It did not make sense to us and we rewound it wondering how that happened but there it was...

    So, they are trapped in an elevator again (hence Elevator Girl), how did she get onto the elevator without pearls and without a bouquet of sunflowers but when the elevator doors opened and they were kissing, she was wearing pearls and he was holding a bouquet of sunflowers? This just did not make sense and we wondered how that slipped through production? Are we supposed to just overlook that or did the producer make a mistake with that major flaw?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    7.3 stars.

    A young hot-shot lawyer and a free spirited woman get stuck on an elevator together and immediately spark an attraction. It's a rocky path to happiness and relationship bliss from that point forward. He is a bit hesitant to date her openly, because she is of "lower" class than he, but he's not a bad guy; it's just his place in life for the moment. But he immediately learns that life is more than status and appearances. He accepts that he's made a big mistake and makes up to her. She is very satisfied with him, and accepts him wholeheartedly. Things go smoothly for a while, but soon he starts to see traits in her that he feels she should improve upon. At first she is open to suggestions, until it goes just a little too far. This takes a toll on the relationship and it goes awry. Eventually, she realizes that maybe she should rethink her own life choices. Will they get a second chance to try again?

    This is a nice and easy-going love story about two people who learn to stop and take a glance in the mirror and make a genuine effort to improve themselves. It's a nice bit of instruction for all of us: get out of your comfort zone before you can't find your way out.

    'Elevator Girl' is an interesting title, but I can think of a dozen better ones.
  • liscandal10 April 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Just to start off, I LOVE the Hallmark channel. It's on in my house 90% of the time only because I have to share the tv with my family. With that said, I hated this movie. You have a girl who is HAPPY with her life, never complained about needing money then meets a rich, pompous ass who ends up being ashamed of her when he finds out she was a waitress. He belittles her, treats her like crap but she says, "there's something about him". Really?! After yelling at her, one visit with flowers is all it took for her to forgive him for treating her like Sh**. What I don't understand is why push her to "choose one thing" if she was genuinely happy with all her TALENTS. Then her best friend accuses her of quitting everything. If she was that type (quitter) she wouldn't have all those different types of jobs now would she??? Then of course at the end she ends up being good enough for him to win her back only because she became "successful". He offended her so much that she decided to follow his advice and choose the one thing. Horrible
  • Lily-3214 February 2010
    I love the Hallmark movies. My mom and I watch them together all the time, but recently I've felt some of them haven't been up to par. Thankfully, Elevator Girl is the exception. It was cute and fun and believable. Not too sappy or preachy, just good fun. The chemistry between Ryan Merriman and Lacey Chalbert (?) was great (though I admit I still have a hard time seeing RM as a grown up actor and not think of his DCOM days where at one point he played a leprechaun). Ryan Merriman showed he can be an adult actor and I was very happy with that. LC usually annoys me but I really enjoyed her performance in this. I'll definitely be buying this one on DVD so the count down for that begins now. If you like Hallmark channel movies I think you'll like this one.
  • A flat, unimaginative script is the main killer for this numbing chick flick, but not the only culprit. This appears to be a team effort by the director, writer and actors. I stuck with it because my wife likes to watch movies until the end; since I love harmony with my wife, I forced myself to stay awake.

    Hallmark Channel seems to be known for sappy flicks -- and sappy flicks have their place -- but this piece of junk would have been better as a high school film project (viewed by a few dozen people).

    There was, perhaps, one clever line in the entire movie, though I can't recall it now. The lead characters were generic and boring, the plot was oh-so-predictable, and the score was incredibly annoying and ridiculous.

    The key positive was that it was over in less than 90 minutes.
  • Still another version of a modern day Cinderella, not oppressed, but rather a free spirit who meets the guy of her dreams when they get stuck in an elevator.

    Our guy is a hot-shot lawyer who has just been promoted to a partnership in the firm. He is hard driven as work ethic really consumes him. Yet, a strong relationship develops between our 2 lovebirds.

    The story is basically if people from two different backgrounds can really succeed. It's the old case of compromise here.

    The cast is great and special kudos to Patty McCormack, as our guy's matchmaking secretary,who sees a good match in the making and fights to sustain it. If anything she is the "good" seed here.(Remember her as the evil child in her Oscar nominated role in 1956's "The Bad Seed?")

    We see our guy's friend who wants him to date the girl of high social status. She is a snob in every word and our guy has no chemistry with her whatsoever.

    Love conquers all. It's better than ever here.
  • LtlHippo30 January 2021
    Enjoyed this one and both the main characters. Also enjoy Bennett. Just wish Lacey would stop the schoolgirl giggling.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've been bummed watching the newer Hallmark movies (festival galore, cooking competition) so went looking for older stuff. This one is better than the new movies. The storyline is a little more plausible - they meet, they date a while, they break up and then get back together in the end. Unlike in the new movies, the couple kiss a few times before the ending. Shocker! The lead actors were also good in this movie, not too cheesy. The only part that I did not like was the music. It sounded low-budget, kind of lounge singer vibes. My sister and I could not stop laughing listening to the songs, it was truly awful.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm not usually a big fan of chick flicks, but I'm always open to any movie that looks good and I have to admit that this movie was very entertaining from beginning to end. Good acting, great actors, and very realistic. It wasn't like those movies that the things that happen would never happen in real life, but only in a Hallmark movie. Great plot. Lacey Chabert and Ryan Merriman did an excellent job. I highly recommend it to anybody, both men and women.
  • gogirlusa-0717110 March 2019
    This is one of my favorite Hallmark movies! Love the romance :)
  • I enjoy the more effervescent Hallmark romantic comedies the best and this is certainly one of those. The relationship and chemistry are explored well.

    Merriman, who has been acting in sitcoms since he was 9 and just played a nasty but driven Dixie Walker in 42, is quite believable as the driven lawyer whose live threatens to be turned upside down and LC, well-known from Party of Five forward, uses her charm and overbite amazingly well in this one. In fact, this may be the most complete performance I've seen from her. The best friends are well-played and have good chemistry with the leads. And the big blonde "other woman" who you would expect to be an obnoxious object-of-scorn in most films is actually a well-written and clearly motivated adult who takes everything in stride intelligently. And the performance of the woman playing Cynthia is pitch perfect - so points to this departure from the norm. And, this movie avoids mean-spiritedness to such a degree that even LC's main detractor, Merriman's best friend, sees the light and apologizes to her. LC is amazing in this.

    But, I must confess the real reason I am taking time to write this is the tour-de-force performance given by one of my personal all-time favorite former child stars, Patty McCormack as Rosemary, the all-wise secretary/matchmaker who never misses a chance to set right what she sees as wrong. Her performance is magnificent and sets the tome for the entire film. It is the meatiest role I've seen her get since her low-budget horror "Mommy" movies and she still has the same penetrating blue eyes she had as Rhoda Penmark and in the Explosive Generation and as Mrs. Roper (much too good for Geoffrey Tambor).

    This was a great role for her and her spirit carries the movie. I wish Priscilla Barnes (from Three's Company and more) had more to do in this film as she's also been an under-utilized talent. Anyway, this is a most enjoyable way to spend an hour and a half.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really liked this movie. It was much more realistic than a lot of other movies on Hallmark-two people who lead two vastly different lives but want to be together. Don't get me wrong I enjoy Hallmark movies a lot but sometimes you want something that seems more real and less over the top cheesy love. The couple had actual arguments I'd imagine really do happen with real couples and it brought home a main premise (or at least what I thought was the main premise) of the story: compromise and realization of one's self. The supporting actors are people who we probably all have in our lives; friends who don't always support, at least initially, who our significant other is and those who realize the one you are with is the one you should be with. I would this again especially because I personally felt chemistry between the two main leads and I'm a sucker for Lacey Chabert.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I had to review this for a couple of reasons. Maybe Lacey Chabert will never be an Oscar winner, but that's OK. What she does well is take parts in small enjoyable to watch television "movies". Ryan Merriman (jonathon) and Lacey Chabert (Liberty) meet and become somewhat acquainted on a stuck elevator. What ensues is a helped along courtship and also one with some naysayers. One of the reviewers must have fallen asleep not to have understood the ending..I must throw in a spoiler here in that the other reviewer couldn't understand the elevator opening with Liberty wearing a necklace on when she didn't enter with one. Well let's face's not moments or minutes after the elevator doors closed but weeks or months later, and what better way to start off together than the same way they met, the elevator..this time it's opening as they are getting married. The one reason I gave this a 8 out of 10 is that I just found it hard to believe he would have been made partner so young..usually it takes ten years to get that far up the ladder..but 26-ish is a little much..but they made a good couple, there was good chemistry, it was plausible, the secretary was a treat, and the situations where he was out of his element,ie..the birthday party were realistic..I do recommend this as a sweet diversion on a late Saturday afternoon. Enjoy the chemistry..