User Reviews (20)

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  • The 1st episode doesn't do justice to the rest of them. The plot and characters change dramatically. It is interesting how the character lives intertwine and who is connected to who, and why. It's almost impossible to predict what happens next, and yet the story makes sense.

    This needs to be binged watched because you need to have everything fresh in your head, in order to follow the story. Most clues are important and you constantly keep guessing who's the bad guy and who shot the girl. So many people, so many motives!

    There are a few flashback scenes, but once you understand them, that wont feel confusing and out of place.

    The main story concludes in the 1st season, but there are enough open threads that I would love to see them answered in the 2nd season.
  • Writing this a day after Apple canceled this show. So naturally I decided to watch it. It's good. Couple of plot holes, but what show doesn't? Decent acting. Surprisingly the writing is ok. Seems like people can't understand why it was canceled. That would be because the story is told. They completely told the story of the book. There isn't anything else to say. So, should you watch it? If you're subscribed to Apple, then yes. You're paying for it. It's not good enough that you should subscribe just to watch it. Just accept it for what it is. An entertaining < 8 hours that could be worse. There's enough garbage out there. Watch this garbage.
  • anyanimeotoho23 June 2023
    This turned out better than I expected it to. "City on Fire" has engaging dialogue, solid character growth, and hardly any plot inconsistencies, which I found quite impressive given the number of things the show tackled story-wise. I can't comprehend that people think the writing is subpar. It's not perfect, but it consistently delivers and certainly has its great moments. Despite a few odd character interactions and representation, the writing is pretty airtight. And it only gets better as the show progresses.

    While the busy plot focuses on multiple storylines simultaneously, the show never sacrifices one for the other. It will sometimes seem like two shows at once, but everything is connected brilliantly. This split focus between storylines is done tastefully to build relationships between certain characters and generally make the story more cohesive in the end. I also love that there are open ends, leaving the possibility of a return, but the main conflict is mostly resolved. It's all crafted very neatly, I'm confident I'm watching a decent adaptation without even having read the book.

    The characters are mostly serviceable, and an amusing one pops up every so often. They serve their purpose in the story well and are played by competent actors. The dynamic between the two main characters is also great. Every scene with Chase Sui Wonders (Sam) is gripping. She breathes life into Oleff's character (Charlie), who comes into his own regarding honouring and defending Sam, which scored his character some points. I didn't think he was boring.

    The production looks good, the cinematography is solid, and the score/soundtrack augments the dated feel of the show, given the setting. It's nothing revolutionary, but I found it very engaging and I might have teared up a few times during the finale. I think it's worth your time.
  • Inarticulate story telling and embarrassing representations of the culture, music and style of the early 2000's era this series sets out to portray is worse than annoying.

    Although some great actors, good cinematography and surface level production values (as are the hallmarks of Apple TV+'s signature big budget screen productions), the biggest takeaway from this series is how the multitude of real talent in filmmaking is mostly lost on the management of Apple's screen management endeavors. Nepotism well and truly alive here.

    City on Fire is to date the most poignant screen production of Apple's endeavors to date that begs the question; are huge budgets and attractive industry prestige enough to create good tv and film, or do the industry executives need to go out of their luxurious comfort zones to find the new best talents in writers, directors and creators?

    Overall, this series is nothing more than a confusing blemish on the Apple brand.

    Could Apple please dig deeper, as there is a serious responsibility to having the some of the most clout in cultural storytelling in todays troubled world.
  • I like many things about City on Fire. The setting, the cinematography, the actors - especially Chase Sui Wonders - who plays the girl, that connects all the parts of the story in a clever way and has many layers to her, which I love to uncover with each episode.

    Other characters are cool too, but I won't be explaining here why and who they are, you should find it out for yourself. The plot, the story is very good and each episode I was watching with a great interest, how it all will come together and what else will happen. You should watch with focus as there is some jumping between timelines, which I personally like, but I know it's not everyone's taste.

    Overall, very good, very solid tv series I can recommend.
  • The only good thing about watching a show with ZERO likable characters is you don't worry about anything bad happening to them.

    In fact, if any of these people were to die, it wouldn't be fair cuz they'd avoid watching the rest of this awful series.

    This is the kind of show that's so self-amused with its indie-rock references and tired clichés you start to wonder, "Is Apple saying no to anything? Or are they just green-lighting anything that comes marching in from NYU daycare with a Tisch degree?"

    It's based on a book that takes place in the 70s, updated to NYC in the early 2000's, and done by the guy who did The O. C. If any of that sounds good to you, you can have my seat.
  • I didnt watch the trailer just saw the description on apple tv plus and started watching. I also searched up reviews before starting and saw metacritic and rotten tomatoes critics gave it a bad score so I was worried i was wasting my time but I kept watching and I finished the first episode and I really enjoyed it. I love the 2000s and the characters are pretty cool except for the socially awkward boy whose leading but hes not terrible terrible.

    I think young people will enjoy especially if you grew up in the 2000s and i think people that didnt read the books would enjoy because i didnt read.

    Update on 6/14: im still liking it! First ep was awesome then it goes downhill for 3-4 episodes but then around ep 5 it picks back up so if you give it a try make ur way to atleast the 6th ep!
  • If it's supposed to have some homage, it's bad, plus bad writing, plus bad acting, plus bad directing, plus bad editing, plus stupid filter, plus plus plus.

    Opening camera/record store scene?? So cliche with bad acting and/or take choice. The two characters have no chemistry together.

    I would avoid this show unless you just need noise on in the background while working or if you want to see what not to do.

    Also, the opening pair go and buy boots and then a second later they're in a record shop and she tells him to buy a record, and he says he doesn't have any money, but like he has no money, instead of saying "I spent all my money" or something... the intonation was weird and just compounded on top of the rest of the terrible situation this show is. Boo. No. Ha.
  • I've never seen an Apple show that was this bad. It all begins with the writing, which is rather poor overall. It's quite predictable, cliche ridden and nothing original or cerebral. The characters aren't very interesting. Considering the showrunners are the team that gave us GOSSIP GIRL and OC, I should have expected a mediocre nighttime soap opera.

    City on Fire was based on a rather large novel. Perhaps it was too large to adapt well. I haven't read the book but I know it was set in the 70's. So you see all sorts of anachronisms, as if the writers didn't know if they were set in the 70's or in the 2000's.

    The acting is a mixed bag. There are a few good performances, a lot of forgettable performances and some very odd casting choices.

    It's like a wannabe Succession meets wannabe Revenge meets a murder mystery - dressed up slightly - as not to seem like the soap opera it is. Bottom line: It's a mess. You won't miss anything if you skip it. I wish I had skipped it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I didn't want to say anything about this show until i had finished it, but now that i have, i gotta say that this show may be the best one i've watched in a while. Every episode is a rollercoaster of emotions and it's worth the watch. I really enjoyed trying to figure out who it was, and the show has really good ways to play with your mind and make you doubt and suspect of everyone all the time. Shoutout to Chase Sui Wonders, who just appearing a few minutes in some episodes can make you feel a lot of emotions, she's just freaking fenomenal. Sam's scene with William was so emotional and was the perfect way for her awakening. Also, the way they gave this show a decent ending but at the same time it still have little things to follow in case of a second season was a wise choice.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Charles reminded me of that kid at school who no matter how hard he tried could not decide on his pronouns. The whole way through out the season Charles who was possibly dropped on his head as a baby takes his first steps out of puberty having zero personality he could not be less stiff.

    Very odd plot that attempts to connect everyone to each other in an attempt to make the script less boring,

    The very end she will find out Charles is her son and thank her lucky stars that she adopted him. What a way that to kick off Season 2. Charles finds out he has 2 Mummies and Sam's Dad no doubt will order a restraining order on the weird dork.
  • sxowyee26 May 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Im on episode 5 and this is a good story i can tell. Please watch this series patiently cause it's getting better from episode 3. It's kind of chaotic and all characters are related so it's quite troublesome but I like this. I feel bad for Charlie cause he's lost and i hate the way Sam treats people. She's with Nicky first then Keith and now Charlie. I can say that Sam is the reason why Charlie took the bad turn. I like William. He's a smart guy (hope William won't die). Amory is quite mysterious cause I can't guess whether he was involved in everything or not. Btw I've been waiting every week to see city on fire.
  • I've tried 4 new series this week and none were good at all, everything is political agenda driven & all cast members are from every ethnic group and every single romantic relationship is multiracial, I don't know anyone who has a bunch of friends , who are all from different countries, one Asian, one black one mixed, one gay ect ect..its unrealistic, it would be mildly ok, if these actors could act, but they cant, so I was under the impression that this was set in the 70s, teens hanging out in a record store by themselves in 2000s, not likely, plus the girl is dressed how someone from that time Era would dress, she meets the boy and they go out and have a wonderful day together, they have zero chemistry & she is real annoying & he's has little to no personality. The acting is bad and it's sad cause the premise sounded interesting, I give up, gonna continue to binge watch bar rescue and shark tank. Series are garbage now! Hollywood is dead!
  • cheryllauer16 June 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really like this series. Can't believe some people gave it such negative reviews. Especially love the redemption of Will's character. That was the best part about it. Lots of twists and turns, but really loved how everything came together in episode 7. I wasn't crazy about Sam or Charlie's characters, but the rest of them made up for it. Also, some great casting! Just wish picture was not so dark. I noticed this on almostvakl of Apple's programming. Episode 6 particularly was very difficult to watch for this reason. Thankfully I had a Pixel phone that I could turn the brightness up on because my fairly new Samsung TV was almost impossible to watch.
  • If you're interested in showing your support for Wyatt Oleff and want to see Chase Sui Wonders' beautiful face, this is the movie for you. However, if you're not particularly interested in them, it may not be worth your time as some of the other actors tend to overact, while those who don't are not very skilled at it. Additionally, although the plot feels unique, the rest of the series seems as though it was written by an artificial intelligence. The twists and turns are predictable and delivered poorly. The series spoils who the villain is by giving him the Gary Oldman's Fifth Element treatment.
  • I'm only at the beginning of Episode 2 so I can't say much else but... as of right I'm intrigued! Take a peek for yourself and don't let our reviews always lead you away! What some like others will hate! This isn't one of them though. Once again I would say it's worth the watch this far! Since I have to continue writing lol. There's a lot of things going on in all the characters lives however I don't see myself being confused I understood immediately and I appreciate that! Oh yea it's set in New York after 9/11. Saying what I can without saying much lol! Just give it a watch I went straight into the next episode maybe you will too!!!
  • After watching the whole series in just a few days I must say: I really liked the show and the characters. I love good thrillers with plot twists and mystery. And there were plot twists all the time. The ending was also SO unexpected and left me wanting to know more. It doesn't end with a typical cliffhanger but there could be a possible second season because a few stories lines are left open. That the whole show is taking part in New York City is also a great bonus :) the cast was amazing and loved how the characters developed during the story. Definitely hoping for another season. City on Fire season 2 please?
  • There does need to be a little bit of plausible deniability here but if you can get past that it's a great show! I thought it was well acted and the characters were well developed. I feel like there was a good amount of suspense and twists through the series. I have a hard time paying attention to most shows and turn them off after the first 1 or 2 episodes. This one kept me intrigued and kept me pushing play. You root for the good guys and hate the bad guys and you are left hanging on until the very end. Not sure why the low rating, I thought this was a winner and better than more higher rated shows. Give it a chance.
  • k_shimosawa1 September 2023
    Having watched after reading negative riviews, I am surprise lots. This is an unique well crafted show. This is my genuine opinion. Not bad at all. Stories are not linier that interconnect each other. Each character has connected slightly. I can understand the connection as an episode proceeds. Music is also effective foreshadowing the each characters emotion and setting. Each actor shows quite good acting and persuasive. Why the negative opinions ?I presume that how the story is conved is preferrable. If you don't mind non linier way of story telling, you can like this one. Especially, if you like stories set on New York city. You can enjoy, I hope.
  • This show is amazing. The storyline makes sense, it's beautifully told over multiple storylines that all come together in a very cohesive way. The artistic element is great, the characters are well developed and fun and you get to watch them develop further over the series. The pace isn't too fast and it isn't too slow, my attention was immediately grabbed wanting to know more. I know everything isn't for everyone, but I genuinely have a hard time understanding the bad reviews; I didn't notice any of what they mentioned and I definitely say give this a shot if you like mysteries - especially if you also enjoy art and rebellion.