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  • I like the new reboot way more than the old toon. Writing is alright, I love the new music and love the new animation style! Check it out!
  • After watching 2 seasons of this show on Netflix with double episodes back to back here's my spoiler-free review of Johnny Test: The Netflix Series! As usual, I'll be talking about my thoughts, what I enjoyed most about watching this series and my conclusion/rating! Most of the original cast from the first show is back! James Arnold Taylor as Johnny Test & many more voices! There are some easter eggs and references to movies and TV that you'll pick up straight away! Some episodes had ratings on them, I also thought that there were more in seasons 1 or 2 but nope turns out that they're missing & I can't watch them! Sometimes if the episodes have no rating I just watch them for entertainment! Overall this series was fun to watch and entertaining for me that's why I'm giving this show a 6/10! I'm sure kids will enjoy this just as much as I did! ;-)
  • Please, stop! Enough already of Johnny test, we had so many episodes and comebacks, this series is already very repetitive and saturated. The series should have ended a long time ago but they insist on continuing the series and it ends with the same generic stories, characters that already nauseate, no longer works back.
  • kadensodiq26 July 2021
    When I Clicked On Johnny test Reboot I Expected It to be AMAZING And it Is The Animation is incredible and Episodes like Johnny Mazed And Confused Are Amazing picking up From The Last Season Which is Incredible and He's Action Packed And Sister Charged A Dukey Dog For Living Large Triple Cloning T-Rexing And Royal Troning And Johnny Exing You'll Never Know What's Coming Next Cause It's JJJ Johnny Test!
  • Episode one is a fortnite parody and doesn't do that great a job reintroducing everyone. I couldn't bring myself to watch any more of it. I'm sure it's fun for younger kids just not for me.
  • thankstonos31 July 2021
    The show isn't as good as Seasons 1 and 2 if the 2005 version but still is better than Seasons 3 - 6 of the former series. So overall good reboot to a pretty good series...
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the first 4 seasons of Johnny Test, so all the revival needed to do was improve on seasons 5 and 6 (which isn't hard to do). And I'm glad to say that they did this revival so well to the point where I think this is slightly better than the original Johnny Test.

    I would rate the OG somewhere in the high 7's to low 8's, but this new Netflix revival I would rate somewhere in the mid 8's.

    The animation's got an upgrade, the characters aren't flanderized to oblivion, the jokes are even funnier, the whip cracks rarely show up (they even made fun of the whip cracks), and the show maintained the silly charm it had during the good seasons of the original.

    I highly recommend you got out of your way and watch the new Johnny Test. It's such an easy watch and it can distract you from the stressful things going on in your life.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's truly baffling how this revival even exists. What exactly did Netflix see in Johnny Test that they decided to revive it? Maybe the idea was that like a lot of other networks they wanted to cash in on reboots and revivals. However, Johnny Test is neither nostalgic nor was it ever a popular show to begin with. It was an awful ripoff of Dexter's Laboratory and had abysmal ratings during its run. Seriously, how did Netflix see this show as a good idea for a revival?

    Now to be fair, revivals and reboots usually tend to fix issues that the original show had. A great example being Webby from Ducktales who was annoying and irritating. The revival updated her to be much better. So, you'd expect there to be some of those improvements here, right?

    Not this revival though.

    While there are a few minor improvements such as removing some of the obnoxious sound effects and the plots are not as repetitive, pretty much all the same problems Johnny Test had during its run are still present. Johnny is still as much of a jerk as he was in the original series. Many of the jokes are still not funny and are either predictable or try too hard. The villains are still as a lame as ever and terrible. This revival just seems to pick up where the original series ended without trying to do anything to make any major improvements.

    The sound effects are still as bad as before. While the imfamous whip crack sound effect isn't used as much, at times it still does go off. Whenever somebody freaks out, there's some goofy over the top sound effect that's irritating. They do, thankfully, cut down on the of sound effects, but they're still as terrible as before.

    The animation in the original show was already bad. Somehow, the show's animation is even worse. The coloring seems overblown most of the time making everything look very bright. The characters still move stiffly like they got arthritis. I didn't think it was possible to somehow make bad animation even worse, but this revival did the job.

    The plots aren't as repetitive as before, but they're still boring and nothing to write home about. Many of them are predictable and are utterly boring. I'll give it some credit and say that at least they aren't constantly recycling the same plots as before, but that's not saying a whole lot.

    There's really nothing else to say about this revival at all. If you've seen the original Johnny Test at all, then congratulations you've already seen this revival. Nothing major has been improved to make the show better at all. Instead, the show is still as bad as before with its lousy jokes, an unlikable main character, even worse animation, and plots that are boring. There's nothing to this show at all and it shows. While there are a few minor improvements, it can't save this show at all.

    Johnny Test wasn't a good show to begin with. It was terrible all around and had abysmal ratings during its run. It wasn't popular at all and was constantly criticized for being a Dexter's Laboratory wannabe. So why did Netflix decide to revive this? It feels like they just chose this show to cash in on nostalgia and chose the cheapest show to produce it and make no major improvements.

    Don't waste your time on this thing, okay? There are far better revivals and reboots out there worth your time. If you want a good reboot, go see Ducktales or wait for the Darkwing Duck reboot to drop. If you want a good revival, go see something like the Hey Arnold jungle movie or the Invader Zim movie. Let this thing fall into obscurity and hope this show is buried once and for all.

    If I ever run into any of the people who thought of and green lit this revival, I will take that same whip they used to make that terrible sound effect and chase them down with it.
  • immanuelrodriguez2 December 2021
    The show is amazing it better than season 4 5 and 6 and theres no whip cracks when i saw the trailer i thought it would sucked but i was wrong it the best show ever.