User Reviews (23)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    * This does contains Spoilers, although I'm not sure it matters as it still doesn't make sense even after having watched Basement.

    I love Syfy channel films, I love B-Movies whereby horror films turn into comedy and special effects could be created on Blue Peter. I can enjoy them, what I didn't enjoy was spending £4.99 to watch Basement and come out of the film having not known what I just watched.

    The acting wasn't good by any stretch of the imagination, but taking into consideration not even the best actors could have worked with such an awful script I won't let this influence the rest of my review.

    We are told virtually nothing of the characters, I came to the conclusion they are University students who attend anti-war protests. That's all well and good, but that's it. I didn't care about any of them, and the more or less non-existent character development only lead me to dislike them.

    Films like this are guaranteed to contact the odd cliché, not Basement; their logic and decisions they make throughout the course of the film is unreal that I give it credit for being unique.

    Gary who we know a little more about in that he works for an unknown Company and has to make the 'toughest decision he'll ever have to make'. Little of what he does makes any sense, and although his role does become a little clearer as the film progresses, this only added to my confusion as his motives are entirely unknown. After the initial 15 minutes he served no purpose, although this is an improvement over the others who served no purpose at all.

    The ending of the film was quite fitting to be honest, I waited for something to click and explain everything but the credits started rolling before.

    Maybe I'm being overly critical, there is a story to be found in there even if it doesn't make sense and the first 10 minutes weren't too bad.

    It would be unfair to say this is the worst film I've seen, but I would go as far as saying it's the most pointless.

    Nothing deserves a 0/10, but this comes close.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Until seeing this film this afternoon, I thought the worst film ever made was "The Blair Witch Project". This disjointed effort at horror is far, far worse.

    There is no plot to speak of, the acting is mediocre at best and the dialogue could have been written by a 12 year old. If you are looking for a horror, keep your receipt from renting this and scream every time you realize that you could have flushed that $5.00 down the toilet and had more satisfaction.

    The only thing that you could take away from watching this film is to never stop in the woods for someone to pee.
  • Horrific. I usually enjoy films that are so bad they are funny - or entertaining on some level, but this was truly awful to the point that I felt angry with myself for watching it to the end. I won't even go into an overview of the plot, there isn't one.It makes no sense from start to finish with the worst script ever to be delivered. Harry Enfield and his mockney characters have a lot to answer for - although I'm certain he would have performed 100 times better than these 'actors'. If you are turned on by spending just over an hour watching boring people in a boring location saying pointless and idiotic things to each other for no reason whatsoever then I suggest that you save yourself a fiver and watch Big Brother. This is, without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen. And what the hell is DCI Burnside out of the bill Talking about at the start? Do yourself a favour and spend the fiver on a slightly better takeaway than you had planned.
  • I am a big fan of horror films, and an even bigger one of English horror but this movie puts the British film industry to shame. How any money at all could be invested in such a load of nonsensical rubbish is beyond me. The plot, such as it is, makes absolutely no sense, the acting is atrocious and even though the film only lasts 74 minutes, it seems like four times that due to the boredom. All that really happens is a bunch of totally uninteresting characters walk up and down the same dingy corridors over and over again talking crap and then it ends, leaving you wondering why you wasted your time watching this bilge rather than doing almost anything else you could possibly think of. I have just taken great pleasure in cutting up the DVD and disposing of it just in case someone makes the mistake of ever putting in their DVD player. I would rather gnaw my own legs off than watch this again. Do not watch if you know what's good for you!
  • bakerjp31 August 2010
    Warning: Spoilers
    Five anti-war protesters are on the way home from a demonstration. They stop in the woods for a toilet break, discover a strange hatch and get trapped inside. Gradually, they are picked off one by one, by masked figures, until it is revealed to the sole survivor, and us, what has happened.

    This could have been a good film, and early on there are some moments which have the potential to be scary. The idea of being trapped underground, with no-one knowing you're there, and no way of contacting the outside world, reminded me of the more successfully done film The Hole, the sense of being lost evoked the Blair Witch Project while the idea of being attacked by unknown assailants in darkness harks back to The Descent. The attempt to work a political issue (protesting against the war) into the plot gives the film an almost topical feel which has the potential to lift it above the usual teens in terror B movie.

    Lois Winstone is from good British actor stock - her father being Ray Winstone, and her sister Lois was one of the standout actors in Kidulthood. So I was looking forward to seeing whether the star quality would rub off here. She has a very small role, however, along with a poor script so it's difficult to comment. Danny Dyer is a reasonably established British actor, although he seems to be sleep-walking through this role. Neither he, nor the other male character is likable, and the minimal development of their characters does little to endear them to us. Dyer's character has a father who died in the war, and through flashbacks it is revealed that he knows more than the others about their predicament. The other male character is a dreary city boy. Both are awful boorish stereotypes - lots of "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you" to the females, along with boring male posturing. Are people still doing that? The three women, on the other hand are even less developed. Their role seems to be to look scared and react.

    Once inside the basement, there is a lot of walking around, some running around, some getting lost, some getting attacked by shadowy figures, some arguing, some more walking around, more arguing... It gets repetitive pretty fast. The characters are so dislikable and stupid: "Let's split up!" that you are willing something bad to happen to them. By the end, when the "awful truth" is revealed, it's difficult to care. If you are a Danny Dyer fan, and simply must see this, wait until this has been discounted and get it for £3. Otherwise, watch The Hole.
  • silver-astronaut24 October 2010
    I've got now 493 on my list of seen movies over the past few years since I started it (around the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008) and I've seen some really bad movies. But none bad enough to get a score of 1 on the site! This one's gotta be THE worst movie I've seen in my entire life!

    I went on to check it because of Danny Dyer and Jimi Mistry, which are both good underrated actors (specially for making some B movies really good and entertaining). On this particular movie, I haven't seen any kind of acting from any of the actors. Seriously, I would do better, and I've only had 1 year of acting classes.

    please, don't do the same as me. DO NOT watch this movie, unless you've got absolutely nothing better to do. and believe me, even burning your house down out of boredom would be something better to do.
  • Last time I saw Danny Dyer was in The Business, which was an entertaining movie, so when I saw he was in a new film called Basement, I thought "Why not?" Had I know what was in front of me, I would say "Why bother?!"

    Anyway, a complete waste of time is putting it mildly. Scooping my eyeballs out with sharpened ice cream scoops and then filling the gaping sockets with rock salt would have been preferable to watching this utter bilge. Dire script - really, REALLY dire, lamentable acting - I'd love to have been there at the auditions - how did the actors keep their faces straight? It was utterly terrible from the word go. Well, not strictly true as it's pretty difficult to screw up a set of film titles. Bizarrely I submitted myself to the ultimate torture and stayed to watch 'til the end, in the faint and getting fainter (like my will to live) by the minute hope that it would get better, or maybe had a killer payoff - which is doesn't.

    I started watching this film sitting upright on the couch, and as the penance wore on, I slumped down to a position that left me looking and feeling like I'd spent 5 hours being sat on by overweight feminists after turning up at a women's lib demonstration with a sigh that read "Iron My Shirts!".

    Seriously though, what was Danny Dyer thinking? Was he behind on the rent when he signed up for this trash? Jimmy Mistry should have known better too. I mean, do they actually read the scripts before signing on the dotted line?

    Actually, scratch that because if you're unfortunate enough to sit through this garbage, then you very quickly come to the conclusion that they were reading the script for the first time on the toilet, on day one of filming!

    A friend of mine's wife says that I always manage to find something positive to say about most movies, even the bad ones, but this is a definite first for me in that I can find nothing positive whatsoever to say about it. It's really, truly awful. Bad (terrible!) acting, laughable script, and very poor direction. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

    What makes it even worse, is that they've had the cheek to release it on the vastly over-priced Blu-Ray as well!!!!

  • I don't know why I do it to myself, I really don't. This is unquestionably the worst film I've seen this, or possibly any, year.

    The acting is appalling, the dialogue is worse (see 'memorable quotes' for some examples I have added), the direction is amateurish (the opening scene between Danny Dyer and his Mum is so badly framed that half her face is missing) and the sets are worse than Dr Who c. 1989. It really has to be seen to be believed - but don't. Take my word for it.

    It kind of sums the film up that they spell the leading lady's name incorrectly in the trailer.
  • claudecarpentieri28 March 2011
    If ZERO had been an option on the voting scale I'd have most certainly selected it. As it happens, ONE was the lowest available.

    "Basement" has one merit and that's that it made me sign up for IMDb so that I could share with the world what an abysmal waste of time and money this film is.

    What is unbelievable is the idea that someone, somewhere, thought that this thing could be viable for production and that nobody along the way was honest enough to tell the director, the producers or whoever that perhaps jacking it in would have been more dignified.

    There's no danger of a spoiler because this film is about nothing. In theory the premises are interesting, not miles away from The Hole. A group of people are lost in the woods and end up in a dark and creepy basement. "Wow" you'd think, "Great!". No it isn't. This is where it all ends. The rest is some sort of tedious, repetitive, shallow, unengaging and inconsequential bilge. It goes nowhere. It says nothing. It's not even dumb. I guess it's the closest a film ever got to representing the concept of nothingness which, in a way, is actually an achievement.

    Oh, and by the way, the acting is the worst ever. By far. Times ten.

    "Basement" is like a Year-9 project carried out by a group of kids messing about with some recording equipment. Except worse.
  • Basement is one of those horror movies where it uses very little blood and gore and uses the atmosphere and the situation to scare you, unfortunately for this movie, it fails to do it's job. Danny Dyer and Jimi Mistry star in Basement, which is about a group of anti-war protesters driving home after a demo. They decide to use a route through the woods to which Danny Dyer's character, Gary, conveniently needs to go to the toilet and so the group stops. While he goes to do his business, they get out of the car and stretch their legs and walk around the woods only to find an underground chamber. Now the group are trapped in this underground basement with the exit sealed and no way out, what's more is that there's something down there trying to kill them. As much as I really want to say something good about Basement, I just can't do it. The movie started okay and the pacing was good, we're introduced to the main characters of the movie and we learn a little about them (which is hardly anything) and then they find the underground hatch and that's where everything goes wrong. When they locked the characters in the hatch, they also forgot to lock in the story, the plot, the script and everything else. The main problem with Basement is that the plot was very stretched, adding pointless scenes to the movie and actually making the runtime of 95 minutes a problem as it was too long. There were quite a few scenes that were unnecessary, it didn't set the creepy atmosphere that the movie was supposed to do either and you could have easily cut half an hour out of the movie and not miss anything. The acting is quite bad and their performances weren't believable at all except for Danny Dyer, who's the only believable actor in the cast as he plays himself, which is usual in most movies Danny Dyer stars in and his acting is still dire. The rest of the cast had the same problem, there were no performances that really stood out in your mind. The movie is just bad on so many levels.

    The problem with Basement is almost everything. The story was quite confusing, almost non-existent and quite stupid at times and the ending is possibly the most ridiculous thing about the movie. Also, the movie became boring and confusing as the movie went on. The characters had nothing to them, they were uninteresting, boring and they had no personality and definitely could have been written much better. This is supposed to be a horror movie and yet there's absolutely nothing remotely scary or creepy about it. The only thing I do like about Basement is that it doesn't use a lot of blood and gore to scare you but it tries to use that claustrophobic feeling but it's a shame that it didn't work. This movie had loads of potential and it could have been next to the likes of The Descent if the movie was done well but I think Basement would have been a little bit better if it was a short film.

    Basement is the worst UK horror movie I've seen this year, without a doubt. There was literally no plot, no direction, no story, no character development, and no appeal…almost absolutely nothing. There's not even one memorable scene or performance, the whole movie was just bad. Danny Dyer proved that he could be a good actor as he did a very good performance in Malice in Wonderland but he was quite bad in Basement and it's frustrating to see, let's hope he can choose a better movie in the future. Overall, Basement is quite a poor attempt to try and scare you and it's also a poor attempt at making a movie. I'm actually stuck, as I don't know who would like this movie, I can't really see anybody liking this as most people would probably be disappointed. If you want a good suggestion, skip this and watch The Hole, which is basically similar to Basement.

    Read more reviews at:
  • This film, it has to be said, is not one of the best movies I've ever seen. Having said that, there are a hell of a lot out there that are worse in every respect. Danny Dyer's acting skills are on par with his usual ability and are pretty well matched by the acting prowess of the rest of the cast. All suffer with the usual, overused problem of being characters who don't deserve us caring about them. There is one character who is so thoroughly obnoxious that I at least thought his death came way too late. The setting is quite effective in creating a sense of claustrophobia, being one narrow tunnel after another. The mystery of the killings and who is stalking the group is somewhat weak to say the least, as is the manner in which they arrive in the titular Basement. As long as you don't go into watching this film expecting to see something amazing, you wont be disappointed. It will leave you with questions that are not answered but to be honest you wont lose any sleep over it.
  • This movie has to be one of the greatest movies I've ever seen in my time. It truly is something of our time. If this movie doesn't get an Oscar I've lost all fate in humanity.It tickles me pink when I watch this, it gives me a special thrill while watching it. This movie is really a scary one! It makes any other suspense/horror movie you may have scene look plain awful. The acting in this movie is absolutely amazing! This star-filled cast does a great job of portraying a true sense of fear and makes you really Feel like you're actually there. And the storyline, wow. The plot of this movie was completely original and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole thing, if you don't enjoy this movie something has to be wrong with you. Overall this movie is a magnificent and horrifying movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've never written a review on here before, never felt the need to...but this film is so mind- numbingly awful that I felt I must.

    Let me just say that I like the odd bad B-movie horror film, I can suspend my rational brain for occasional bad scripts, poor acting, terrible CGI, stupid characters & unrealistic plots, but this...well this is just an abomination of a film.

    The thing about Basement is, well, every single thing is badly done. I'll go through it bit by bit;

    Story: Virtually non-existent & at times it was just plain head-scratchingly stupid. The odd cliché is fine in horror films but this was like a lesson in how not to do things. The big 'reveal' just makes you say 'eh?', which I'm sure is not what they were aiming to achieve.

    Characters: Zero depth & no time was spent on development of any character, not a single one was likable & in horror films you really need to have at least one person you want to live (not just because one is pregnant either, that was a cheap & lazy move in this film). The men were loutish & hateful & the girls were just pathetic.

    Script: Sounded like it children wrote it with crayons on fancy coloured paper. People shouting, babbling & talking in riddles most of the time. Jimi Mistry's mockney stereotype was the worst, I felt, when he confronted a stranger with something along the lines of "what, you & your friends having a p**sy, p**sy row with us now?", not a sentence I'd ever confront anyone with after they'd just attacked me (& that censored word is about urine. Not, a lady's parts...for anyone wondering).

    Acting: To be fair, Marlon Brando would have struggled with this script/story but, it was dreadful anyway. As I have mentioned, Jimi Mistry's terrible 'fake hard-nut cockney' complete with Colin Farrell accent is the worst. That said, all the girls give him a decent run for his money with their confusing mimsy withering & shrieking. Danny Dyer, well he is just Danny Dyer. Every character he ever plays should be called Danny, it'd just be easier.

    Production: This whole film has a kind of quarter finished if this was the product of a trial run of the cameras/sound equipment/lighting etc. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that this was filmed in an afternoon.

    All in all, there is literally nothing to this film at all. You would gain nothing from watching it. Being bored is more fun.

    Earlier, I used the word 'horror' I might as well mention that it's not in any way scary & I assume they were hoping that it would have a claustrophobic feel to it, but it really doesn't.

    The ending is probably the worst part of all. After this ending, all you can do is shrug. Which is probably a fitting tribute to this film. A massive shrug.

    If I could give it zero I would, it is most certainly the biggest waste of time I've ever spent staring at a rectangular flashing box.
  • ian_powell21 January 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    I found this quite creepy in places and i quite liked the final twist .Although the set design was good enough, this could have been shot on a real location probably more cheaply which would have added to its atmosphere, which i think is what was missing. more could also be made of the aggressors.

    the performances are OK, but the film does illustrate how difficult it is to keep our attention for 70 plus minutes without a more intriguing premise and more satisfying twists as it progresses.

    i think if the stalking creatures were more like the ones in "The Descent" or "Creep" there wouldn't be so many bad reviews, but of course the story (without wishing to add a spoiler) precludes this.

    i have watched big budget movies that have wasted my time far more than this does
  • Sometimes you just got to take heed of a low rating of a movie here on IMDb. I didn't, and decided to sit down and watch the 2010 "Basement" movie despite the low rating it had scored. Well, who knows, it might actually have some appeal to me, hence I gave it a chance.

    I managed to get somewhere around 30 to 45 minutes into the movie, give or take, before I gave up out of sheer and utter boredom. Nothing, absolutely nothing of any interest or worth had happened all that time, and there was no reason for continuing on with the snoozefest that is "Basement".

    The premise of the movie is adequate. I mean, a group of people are lured into a basement and trapped therein, where they are subjected to a sinister experiment.

    Sure, it did sound sort of interesting. It sounded so, but it wasn't so in reality. The story was unfathomably boring to witness on the screen. And I am not sure whether or not it was the fault of the script and the screen writers, or if it was because of director Asham Kamboj.

    The acting in the movie was adequate, although you shouldn't set your hopes up for anything particularly memorable or impressive here. But fair is fair, and people did actually perform quite adequately with their given roles. Just a shame that they had nothing, absolutely nothing to work with in terms of a proper script and storyline.

    I am not sure whether this movie is setting up to build up some kind of suspense or just be a blunt trauma to the face of the audience. But regardless, it failed on both accounts.

    I gave up on the movie, and I can in all honesty say that I am not going to give the movie a second chance and continue from where I gave up. The movie just didn't have any kind of appeal to me, and I would be lying if I say that I wasn't using my mobile phone throughout the 30-45 minutes that I managed to suffer through.

    Take heed of the low rating of the movie and don't go into that basement. Give this movie a wide berth, because there are far better horror/thrillers of this kind available.
  • I'm no intelligent film student but I need to say that this is the worst film i've ever seen. Really bad acting, no real plot or character back story, a set reused over and over, cheap badly done costume design and special effects.

    Dyer on the cover should have been a clue as to how bad it was, a film student who failed their final year would be livid to see something so terrible released, especially on blue ray.

    Sorry for no more detail but I really can't think of anything worth writing on this, so to summarise- avoid this film, even if found in the bargain DVD section for 10p second hand- There IS better things you can do with your time than this total waste.
  • If I could give a minus number for this film I would.

    It's not even bad enough to be good so don't watching it thinking you're going to be enjoying a bad movie it's just bad with no redeeming qualities.
  • I read the reviews of this film prior to watching it and needless to say I wasn't expecting much. The reviews are pretty much spot on, this is a strange film which is badly filmed and badly acted. Very little happens the plot doesn't make much sense and the editing is appalling.

    Danny Dyer gets a lot of bad press but I happen to quite like him unfortunately this is by far the worst performance i've seen him put in. It's almost as if he realised this was rubbish and couldn't be bothered. Jimmi Mistry is terrible, the girls are more convincing but no more than adequate.

    For all it's many flaws however at least the film kept me watching and therefore I can't say it's anywhere near the worst film i've ever seen. There are one or two decent moments and I quite liked the ending. I probably wouldn't watch it again but on the basis I got to the end without being too bored i'll give it a probably generous 6.
  • Oh, the irony! I enjoy watching Danny Dyer movies, simply because they're so laughably bad, but this one is so bad it's dreadful. The script is terrible, the story nonsensical, the music is bizarre, the acting reminds me of secondary school drama class and for the most part, relatively little happens. There is a storyline and some action does occur eventually, but by the time it happens you'll probably either have stopped watching or nodded off. I've given it 3 out of 10 and the only reason it wasn't a 1 was because Danny made me laugh so much. From his "I want to be somebody" line to his comical run, Danny brings some (no doubt unintentional) humour to proceedings. There is also a great moment where Danny says: "I've done something terrible, and I've got to live with it for the rest of my life". He delivers the line so well that one can only assume that he was thinking about this movie.
  • Leofwine_draca24 April 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    BASEMENT is yet another terrible movie in Danny Dyer's resume. It was made on a budget of nothing by an inexperienced director and boy, does it show. The story sees Dyer and a group of friends (including Jimi Mistry and INTO THE BADLANDS actress Emily Beecham) heading into a random deserted basement where they are bumped off one by one by person(s) unknown. Some weak political context and padding in the form of flashbacks are supposed to elucidate the story. Christopher Ellison has a random cameo as a university lecturer. It doesn't get much worse than this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Excrement on hand scene followed by face touch scene, sandwiched between people pretending the same bit of corridor is a different bit of corridor.

    I was really angry that my boyfriend insisted we watched it all the way through. When it ended he was also angry at himself. I imagine most people who make it to the end of this film feel cross and/or time burgled.
  • So, the writeup that IMBD states is that is that there are six friends lured to a basement for a sinister experiment. Six? Where from? In the car there are only five (the sixth appears much later). And lured? You mean the bit about when they find an open hatch, peer down, and on their own choice, climb down.

    And its not a basement. The largest basement I ever had, had some old tools, a bag of cement that was split so was solid, and a few spiders. Oh, and you could bang your head on the beams.

    The bunker (not basement) is pretty large, but as usual, dark as anything. But even though there is no light down there, we can still see very well. If only it was like that in other abandoned places, we'll all be there, have a nosy.

    The storyline didn't make any sense (the ending I mean), and overall the acting was pretty standard. And yes, once again, the old 'my ankle, its hurt, leave me be....waaahh' sprang up again. How about once they fall and break their hip, or maybe a rib.

    Still, the person managed to run pretty well afterwards. Amazing that, just think if we could all do that. A&E would be empty on a Saturday night.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Right from the beginning this film was confusing and disjointed. The characters had no back story or even mild explanation as to who they are, anywhere in the story. There weren't likable, to the point where you were wishing something awful would happen to them. After repeatedly running and getting lost, when we finally find out what the deal is, you still really don't come to any realisations. When eventually someone makes it's to the white room, you're told "Genetically Modified Twins"!!!! Give me a break!!! By putting contact lenses in a persons eyes, do not a monster make! You'd get more entertainment watching re-runs of "I Dream of Genie".