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  • After 30 years of reading about this show on an HBO guide, I finally got to see this on Netflix disc just now. The focus is mainly on Enrico Banducci, the owner of the title nightclub which got various comics and musicians their big break. Bill Cosby, Maya Angelou, and Phyllis Diller provide some anecdotes while Ronnie Schell, Mort Sahl, The Kingston Trio, Jackie Vernon, The Limeliters, Professor Irwin Corey, and Jonathan Winters do their sets on stage. All were pretty entertaining with Winters especially so. Banducci takes us to where his club had once been which was just a gravel yard at the time of this program. This was quite an interesting document, so on that note, Hungry I reunion is recommend. P.S. The extra with Sahl doing a long monologue was long-winded and was angled too from from him most of the time so I urge caution when watching that.