User Reviews (1)

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  • This is a very slow and drawn out movie. The first half is really good; you get this slow burn and build up, you get into the mood of the scenery and the characters. Very well done and was expecting things to continue going well.

    Unfortunately the movie ends half way in, just as we are about to start getting into the bulk of the plot synopsis. Around this point things go horribly wrong and the movie takes a straight edged turn into nothing. It derails itself and it reminds me of a very pointless 6 hour long turkish drama, without the 6 hour run time that is, or even the drama. They just abandon the first half, and start piecing together random scenes with bizarre and scant dialogue that make no real sense up until credits.

    It plays like a monologue of things they wanted to make a movie about but never did; instead we get this really weird sequence of pointless scenes that serve no purpose but to allow run time so some random words can be spoken. I am not going to get into details (spoilers) about what is said but it went from a good movie to somebody's diary being read in prose. It is not even a reflective movie, although this is what they wanted to show but butchered it so bad it cannot be considered such. The delivery is just horrible and has 0 effect on the viewer; it is also extremely boring and disjointed further ensuring whatever points they wanted to say, were properly ignored by any audience!

    The ending.... What is that even supposed to signify. We are missing a scene (or 500), clearly, because it jumps around to be incomprehensible on purpose. Then fades into narration of things that are contradictory to what was said 20 minutes ago. I understand he went rogue against the wishes of the village elders, but it is never actually said why, what exactly occurred and where it is happening..

    How is one supposed to interpret that... the final location was perhaps the last chance they had at some cohesion here and they threw that out into imaginationland. Tt does not match places from earlier in the movie so as you go through theories about the ending, you have to discard them because they do not work.

    Unless of course it is just an omission and what we are shown is just filler content and we have to go by the narration, which leaves one of two possible outcomes. Both of which are absolutely stupid and irrational.

    Very unfortunate it went like this... it had a lot going for it but they spliced another script half way in and just forgot what they were doing.

    4\10 it will make you think, but only as far as you trying to fill in the blanks of the script.