User Reviews (7)

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  • justin-s-benn25 November 2022
    Just watched this episode (we're ahead of you in New Zealand). I had begun to wonder if the last episode (6) was showing signs of the narrative flagging and the writing following suit. Glad I was wrong. Very wrong. I thought this was a good show. In fact, it's a becoming a great show.

    The story begins to reward here, with satisfying character development all over the place. You could argue that it simply follows type and throws in stylish but predictable elements to the story. But it remains satisfyingly truthful to the characters we've seen emerge and doesn't pull any emotional punches for the sake of either effect or overly neat efficiency. You'll be rooting for people by the end of the episode, I assure you.

    Don't know if this has a second season I'm hand - but I want one.
  • ahmadz83925 November 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    "Doodad," the next-to-last episode, was impressive, despite its slight flaws. At last, we have an explanation for what happened to the data. As it turns out, Aelita intended to transfer the information to Burton's haptics via a data download, but with Flynn piloting the peripheral, the data instead transformed into DNA and embedded itself within Flynn. That's hardly the most intelligent idea the creators could have come up with, but I can buy into it. My other concerns were also addressed, particularly the lack of world-building. We were given some background on the stub and a further glimpse into the power dynamics of the "future" society.

    Tommy isn't a bystander anymore; he's taken the initiative, and the road ahead for him seems exciting. I worry, though, that his decision not to inspect the dead corpse may come back to haunt him. It looks like some of the writing in this episode was a bit overblown, like when Bob slit his arm near a major artery to create a distraction, knowing full well that he's battling a more than-capable guy. It felt forced and without any sort of insight. Wilf's character has been slowly written off to being completely inconsequential, and it would be a pity if the authors didn't find a way to keep him involved in the story, as both the role and the actor's performance are rather solid. Connor's journey is great, and his future in the Peripheral promises to be exciting; this, coupled with his developing "relationship" with Beatrice, he'll likely come to play a significant role down the line.

    I find the show's premise intriguing, but so far, I feel like "The Peripheral" hasn't been able to entirely do it justice. I haven't read the book, so I can't say whether or not it's better, but I can say that "The Peripheral" has promise; all that's needed is satisfactory execution. Ultimately, it was a good episode, and the season has been good thus far. I'm crossing my fingers that they can pull off the season finale and have the kinks ironed out for the next season.

    Rating: 7.8/10 (Impressive)
  • bobcobb30114 December 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I see a lot of criticism about some of the dialogue, and it would be hard to argue that, but this show remains simple and complicated sci-fun fun. Of course not every zinger is going to land, but that is part of the appeal of these shows.

    I want to see how it all wraps because they're taking the training wheels off and finally giving us some action. I know that there are some that will be critical of that and want a more futuristic story to be told and to not rely on gunshots and chases and fighting, but I am not in that group. You need those elements to hook viewers in and keep them engaged each week.
  • alexanderb0425 November 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Sometimes you watch an episode that is truly a masterpiece. The dialogs are brilliant. Fightscenes are fantastic. And the droids' talking in mysterious(?) langauages. The crippled man's smile when he gets to fight fiends in an eight floor nano-constructed building is priceless. Alexandra Billings' character, Ainsley Lowbeer, is outstanding. To portrait a third gender like that takes strenght. The future tech makes you think about what will come. And also the so called "Jackpot" is a horryfying name of our future apocalypse. One disaster leads to an another disaster. Making humanity to restart.
  • In any drama series the challenge for the writers has always been reconciling the long arc to the short (immediate) arc. It is generally recognized (and taught in film class) that Joss Whedon perfected the balance. The production team here (Nolan/Joy) are top of their class. And this episode is one of the best in the history of television. While perfectly working the long arc for most of the runtime, the wrapup returned back to the short arc with an ending viewers will never forget. This is also about trust, something many drama producers do not understand. To be entertained by a show, you first have to trust the writers not to betray the trust you place in them. This is the dirty little secret behind so many streaming series imploding after s01. Because the writers are out of ideas and invariably betray that trust in their desperate attempts to hold interest. This episode was the perfect mix. Textbook! ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've been hooked on this series since the start of it and that says a lot because I never watch tv normally apart from the news or documentaries.

    It is very well directed and has a brilliant story even though there are loads of unanswered questions and unsolved mysteries. Or are we getting another season for those questions to be answered? Who knows. However, as it only has 8 episodes it would seem it ran out of either audience numbers or funding for the project which is a shame for such a brilliant series.

    For instance, what is or who is behind those transparent cars and why are they transparent? Plus where did the 'doodad' come from and why did Bob want to kill Flynne?

    Plus, in episode 7, why did Flynne's mum suddenly become blind again? And why are Flynne's brother and his fellow veterans all connected electronically?

    I hope we get more.....
  • This episode failed to adhere to the previous declaration of the tech. Whoops.

    So angry haptic blacked out and killed a guy.

    Threat appears and haptic doesn't react.

    Uh. Continuity gap?

    Major plot hole opens and the whole story falls into it. What a waste.

    Chloe grace moretz still can't get past kickass which is a shame. She needs to fire her agent and take on a role that involves no stunts or fighting if she wants a career which apparently she does.

    This show had potential but feels like a call of duty bro send up instead of something with poignancy.

    Amazon seems to have thrown in the towel in regards to decent original content.