User Reviews (9)

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  • Master P Was Bored and so he made a movie, good for him! I personally wish he would stick to music but I love Master P and will give anything he does a fair shot. So as far as story lines go, it was unique, even though you could guess what would happen just at one glance of a finger tip. The story dragged on and on! You wanted to know why he was seeing things, but the journey there was like a never ending path of recuing events! The only cool part was when Mrs. Botox gets smashed over the head with a bottle, that looked SO REAL! If you are looking for a low-budget crime mystery, then this was ok for a one time watch. I will not be watching it again myself. But I am sure it will be good for someone out there.
  • Another made for IFC movie, recommended again by Amazon. What is it with Amazon and IFC movies?

    This is another one of those 'hey im a writer' movies where the 'writer' doesn't know who the heck he is or what the heck he is doing. All in all it's very predictable. Oh and the writer's girlfriend desperately wants to have a baby and start a family, yet even with a couple of 'sex' scenes thrown in there is no real R rating even in this one. Way too mild.

    This is yet another movie that can be thrown in the 5 dollar or less bin at the Walmart.


    And IMDB has now made it so a review has to have 600 characters before it can be entered. I really don't expect that to last very long because people are sure to complain about it. But until that happens I guess we have to expect reviews to be long winded and sometimes about absolutely nothing to do with the show in question.
  • So the lead is battling his addiction (alcohol) with his new wife. He struggles with writing a new novel after great success with his first, written when he drank. Then, he starts to be plagued by intrusive phone calls and the sense of harrassment increases, interfering with their sleep, security in their home, and the lead's mental stability. This brings questions his sanity or maybe it's ghost! This leads to a serial killer! Everything is slow steps with questionable motivations for the lead and his behavior. Acting is passable, but with poor characterization and standard plotting with obvious twists, #unkown needs to remain that way, unknown.
  • Wel I'm not sure how this movie has a rating of 6.3. It was that rating that made me choose to watch it. To be fair it should be a 3.5. More like a b movie. And certainly not anywhere near a six. I'm guessing the last person knows the people that made this middle of the night tv b movie. The acting is ok I guess. I felt like I was waiting for something to happen. It's like the film keeps going like a broken old car engine. Really, it's just not very good. It's a poor attempt at horror. While the acting isn't awful. It isn't good either. I'm still here still waiting for it to get better.

    Honest advice. Don't waste your time. You'll be sorely disappointed. The lady in it reminds me of some comedy film. Her expressions jsut don't go with the scenes. And the guy. Well he just gets angry for no reason. The "jump" scenes are just poor. It's a really bad attempt at a horror movie. Writer has block. Then gets haunted by ghosts of murder victims so he's out to solve the crime because the police closed the case and aren't interested. Oh m geee.

    It just doesn't make sense at all. I was generous giving it a 3.5.

    And I really did try to give it a chance.

    I really don't understand the crazy plot. Maybe you'll do better if you, like me are brain dead and bored enough to sit through it.

    Poor poor poor

    Disappointed in IMDB fir allowing this one to slip through with such a false high rating. It's utter Tosh.
  • Horrible storyline, horrible acting, repulsive glorified cigarette smoking while sitting at a dinner table with a child present, WTF.

    This movie is a prime example of how Hollywood California has fallen face first into a tar pit.

    I'm sure everyone connected to this movie is patting themselves on the back thinking they did a marvelous, fantastic amazing job.

    This is a low budget F rating attempt at a movie.

    I don't know if this movie made it into the movie theaters, but I feel sorry for anyone that had to pay and sit through this piece of garbage at a movie theater.

    There is literally nothing funny suspenseful or entertaining about this movie!
  • Lets just say, I did not like this childlish screen play. Guy writes book, I guess some people buy it. So he is writing book number two about a KNIGHT, first featured in book number one. Really? When were knights in shining armor movies the latest thing? I guess in my 76 years, I forgot. Obviously, writer has drinking issues. When was the last time I saw a movie about a writer with dinking problems? That has been done ad infinitum. It will come to no surprise that I decided to stop watching after the woman said I want to have a baby for the upteen time to a former (yeah, right) drunk writer, with zero imagination. I say more but I may get lucky and guess the right conclusion. (I know of at least three movies with that same name.)
  • Story: 1.00/2 - Direction & Pacing: 2.25/4 - Performances: 1.25/2 - Entertainment 1.25/2

    Total: 5.75/10.

    Lovely ladies and gentile gentlemen, come gather around; I've embarked on a perilous journey into the shadowy realm of "#Unknown," a psychological thriller that made me question my sanity or at least my delicious choice of movie night snacks.

    This flick delves into the eerie realm of a man plagued by ghosts - An enticing premise, but like a GPS with a penchant for detours, it occasionally loses its way. It's like the writer had one too many spirits in the scribe's room, leading to some scenes that felt about as scary as a kitten in a Halloween costume. The twist at the end? Let's say I predicted it with the same ease as forecasting the sun rising in the east. It's a missed opportunity for a mind-bending rollercoaster of a plot.

    But hey, let's not be all gloom and doom. The saving grace is the director's sheer determination to shine a light on this murky tale. They've mastered the art of lighting; we're not squinting at the screen like we're searching for our glasses in the dark. Kudos for faithfully keeping the terrible things visible!

    Now, what about the performances, you respectfully ask? Well, if enthusiasm were currency, Judd Nelson would be bankrupt faster than you can say "Boo!" It's like he's telephoning his dismal performance from a haunted phone booth. On the bright side, we surprisingly have Tom Sizemore, who wisely decided to punch the clock with a bit more zeal. His sparing performance injects some much-needed life into his character. Unexpectedly, Sizemore's portrayal is consistent, unlike the two leads, who suffer from hit-and-miss-itus.

    Considering everything, "#Unknown" might not be a cinematic masterpiece, but it's worth a watch, Especially if you've exhausted all other options and are humbly craving some spooky-ish entertainment. It's like a lukewarm cup of tea on a frosty night - not the best, but it does the trick. So grab your popcorn, turn off the overhead lights, and join me on this mildly hair-raising ride through the spiritual land of the "#Unknown." Who knows, you might find a few thrills in the moral darkness!
  • It was a very interesting and unique kind of horror movie. You won't be disappointed!
  • This movie had so much potential. I can say honestly the acting is decent, but I expect so much more from Judd Nelson. He seemed bored in this movie. I love when he goes full method and kind of over acts. I suppose those days are over. I still love him as an actor. The movie was a good watch and I enjoyed it although I was hoping for more mystery and at least one good jump scare. I got nothing. I wonder was this suppose to be a thriller and not horror? The movie was hardly scary, it was suspenseful and the pacing was well. I wish the plot and storyline were not so predictable. I was able to predict the ending in the first 20 minutes.