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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this right after seeing another movie with the same-but-different "weird town" premise. That one was god-awful even though it had three pretty big name stars in it, so when Welcome to Redville started out, it seemed to me that it had great promise--the lighting and filming were "on" and seemed to be done by someone who had the skills for the job (a thousand times better than the other movie I'd just seen). The two main characters were young and cute-ish and I was ready for a hip sort of flick. It all went downhill from there.

    I think this movie wanted to be a cult classic, but it just wasn't. The storyline and rest of the cast just seemed to be done and done again, and the main guy started to really get on my nerves for some reason and didn't even seem cute anymore. I probably would've given this one star if I hadn't just watched one that was worse.
  • I am a huge fan of small films. I seek out these titles and support them (paying viewer.) I also watched the director's previous feature Shadow Hours. That film stuck with me if only for its unusual themes.

    Welcome to Redville is a difficult film to digest. I found myself wanting to turn off the television in frustration, but desiring to see the movie to its conclusion anyway. There are several reasons for this.

    The film seems more concerned with immersing the viewer in its' odd small-town setting more than committing to an actual story. IT does succeed at this, though. The actors all do their job adequately, but the script does no one any favors. The soundtrack of the film often counteracts the specific tone of a scene, with strange circus-style tunes playing when serious emotional exchanges occur. The implausible story ultimately implodes on itself at the end, with the "twist" frustratingly arriving in the films final moments.

    I will watch the director's next feature. I am sure the lead actors in the film all have great careers ahead of them. I am not rating this lower because it is clear that effort was put into this production.

    I would recommend skipping this one unless you cannot find anything else streaming, or you want to play a drinking game with friends.
  • This is one of the worst movies I've ever wasted my time watching. Because of the reviews, I stuck it out...for nothing. Why would IMBD allow these manipulative people to write these reviews? AND why was it given a 7.0? It's a 3 at best. One of those children's "scary" shows like Goosebumps could possibly use this but I would even doubt that. It's just not creative enough. After the first 5 minutes, you've figured the entire movie out. As unimaginable as you can possibly get. A high school first time writer could do better than this drool.

    There's no twist. There's no surprise. There's no story. There's no characters. There's no hero's. There's nothing to this film.

    Shame on all those who wrote positive reviews. You've wasted everyone's time. No one with an IQ above that of a monkey could enjoy this movie.
  • There is a disturbing trend in these movie reviews. It's not like they are just a little off from being correct. They are the polar opposite from reality. It's as if people are being paid to say the exact opposite of what a normal person would say about the movie. This movie was completely boring, there was not a high-octane moment in it, it has the special effects of a movie created by grade schoolers and a predictable overused plot that will end in disgust and anger for any sensible person. If you paid 5 dollars for this movie you are the victim of a sex crime. I need a counselor, I'm scarred emotionally from this horrendous waste of my time and money. There really is nothing interesting, funny or good in this movie, it's a bucket of nothing. Read the positive reviews, watch this horrible movie and then read this review again and you tell me who was really telling the truth about it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Dished as an American road-movie type of crime-comedy, we get another story about a criminal couple acting in the dumbest possible ways, and the BS story turning out to be their delusions due to their death-throes. The end of denial!

    "After a diamond robbery, a couple of young adults is on the run from the police. They seemingly make it out of town, rushing through the desert in their car, when they reach a small town named Redville. People there are simple, and somehow weird or odd. Protagonist looking like the son of Leonardo diCaprio gone viking gets paranoid about it, while his girlfriend wants to play it safe. Still, to prove himself a complete moron, he gets into a bar, falls for the daughter of Margot Robbie style Blonde therein TWICE, after the first heist idea made her already betray him and his GF. Coincidence it is, that Blonde is also the daughter of the local Sheriff, so our super-pro diamond-robber on the run can make even more mistakes a real criminal would avoid. Closure cheap-shots it into the weird BS was the aneurism in the brain, as our protagonist couple in truth was dying in the car, which had not made the escape, but crashed in the desert. Redville vanishing, as it was just the delusion of a dying brain. Done."

    At 120% playback speed the movie was still lame, and it did not reach the quality older movies offered on the topic of robbers & getaways either. Still, the constant fame-phishing from more successful actors, actresses, and movies made it a bit funny, as I had Shutter Island, Suicide Squad, and my ideas about how to write that screenplay better.

    The movie MAY be 10 stars to spoof-fans, parody fans, low IQ people, very simple people, and medical-weed-overdose people. Alcohol alone does not seem to make it bearable, though. ;-)
  • jskins447 September 2023
    I thoroughly enjoyed this film! It's a high octane thrill ride with plenty of unexpected twists and turns from start to finish. The storyline is unexpected and keeps you interested throughout. The cinematography is top notch! I thought the characters were interesting and the acting was well done from the leads to the increasingly eccentric townspeople. Chris Elliott is always great for some comic relief. The two leads, Jake Manley and Highdee Kuan and good chemistry and played well off each other. It was well directed as well. I would feel very comfortable recommending Welcome to Redville to friends and family. Enjoy the Ride!!!
  • Highdee Kuan and Jake Manley star in this robbery turned dadaesque odyssey into the town of Redville. The screenplay accomplishes an earnest, though brief, exploration of the tension between commitment and desire, while also delivering a sort of cabinet of curiosities provided by the quirky residents of Redville. Manley delivers a solid performance as an archetypal bad boy with a rough past, while the absurdity of the plot keeps this portrayal from being overbearing. Kuan portrays a more low-key and down-to-earth Bonny to Manley's Clyde, which functions well in the more rooted first act, though she is somewhat left behind by the rapid succession of events in the second. Overall, Welcome to Redville sets out to present the set piece of a weird small town propelling a story about a relationship entering a new phase of its growth. Director Isaac Eaton hits the mark in this campy film on a small budget.
  • "Welcome to Redville" tells the story of a young couple on the run, after a violent robbery, who end up in a small town. There are unexpected twists and turns that keep the plot moving forward in director Isaac H. Eaton indie movie. He puts a quirky spin on this dramatic thriller combining surprises, humor and a cast of eccentric characters. The lead, Jack Manley (The Order), has a strong star presence, and the quirky Chris Elliott (Grounding Day, Schitt's Creek.) plays Redville's small town sheriff. The seductive Sheriff's daughter Lila is played by the beautiful newcomer Sabrina Haskett. Eaton's movies always had a unique quality, associated with indie productions, and this new release from director Eaton is no different. One of his earlier movies Shadow Hours, starring Balthazar Getty and Peter Weller, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and was a Grand Jury Selection Nominee in the dramatic category. As the WGA and SAG strikes still looms in Hollywood, we could and probably should be exposed to more unique nonmainstream productions. Welcome to indie movies, enjoy the ride....
  • This is one of those movies that seems to have a simple plot with simple dialog but has a lot happening throughout the show. A high strung diamond thief, Leo, and his girlfriend, Toni, rob a jewelry store which does not go well. They end up running from the cops in a chase through the desert out side of town. They end up stopped at the edge of a cliff with a 30 foot drop with the police blocking their exit behind them. Leo decides to take the car and make the jump which they make without issue. They drive away in a cloud of dust leaving the police standing back frustrated. They end up lost in the desert with no cell service and a damaged radiator when they happen upon a sign, "Welcome to Redville". They notice that Redville is not on their map and Leo sees this as an opportunity to lay low from the authorities. This is when the movie gets even more entertaining as things become quite strange. The town folk in Redville are different and strange. You sense a small town vibe and all of the characters are introduced as Leo and Toni try to figure out where they are. Sabrina Haskett plays Lila, the daughter of the town sheriff and a temptress to Leo. Along with the other twists and turns you have references to clowns and the circus (part of Leo's past), a crazy homeless man, a rare blue diamond, all seasoned well with dashes of humor. I watched the movie twice before writing this review because there was so much going on between Lila, Leo, Toni and the other characters I was sure I missed some of the dialog. The ending of the movie leaves you wondering if Leo and Toni will ever leave Redville or if they will be there forever with "No Way Out". I polished off plenty of popcorn watching this movie and enjoyed it very much!