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  • I loved loved LOVED! this when i was much younger, i thought the stories were great and everything! Now, i can see its flaws, one thing, the singing is below average but the songs are pretty catchy, the intro is pretty catchy yet too short. The animation is average but it looks the same as all other CGI pre-schoolers shows such as Mike the Knight and Fireman Sam. However, i do have nostalgia for this although I will not let it influence my opinion on the show, and the composers are pretty good, shame their talent is wasted here...
  • GenFX16 October 2011
    Less of a follow-up to the original series and more of something new and largely awful. Rather than being set in a 1930's "England" the series is set in modern day. Barring a couple of primary characters retaining a British accent (often very poor ones at that) the voice talent speaks in an American accent.

    The plots for episodes are nowhere near as tight and take far more liberties with the source material than the prior series. This is understandable given the books both series are lifted from are limited in number. However there is very little of the spirit for those books brought into Next Steps.

    The animation has shifted from hand drawn to CGI and the look suffers slightly. It is mostly well animated but lacks character and very much like any other cheaply produced show on PBS and other kid outlets.

    Kids will love this none the less, adults who remember the old show might feel it is cloying and dumbed down.
  • krn200616 January 2012
    Is it the horrible acting, the awful fake British accents and excruciating unknown accent of Marco (some idiotic mash-up of Latin American and Indian), or the stories that are flimsy, ridiculous and badly written? Probably all of the above. This is one of the WORST shows for kids out there. I didn't even really love the original Angelina Ballerina but it is a million times better than this piece of garbage. The only decent part of this show is the live-action dancing. The original Angelina had real British people with authentic British accents and relatively decent story lines with characters that weren't one- dimensional, and focused more on Ballet dancing, which was the whole point of the original book. I don't know WHAT this show is doing half the time. Blech.
  • 3d animation is horrible.

    It makes the show look worse than it already was.

    Its about a mouse that dances.

    What can be learned? 3d animation is horrible.

    Verdict: They never learn. They keep on rushing out 3d reboots and hash and they all end up in the can.
  • 2000sbaby9 December 2022
    I loved the original Angelina since childhood. It was charming and enjoyable. This is an insult. When I first saw this, I wanted to cry. The CGI is awful, and Angelina is pink! They also showed Angelina upset that they moved and she couldn't see Alice anymore, yet Alice appears in later episodes and they didn't explain how she got there. The background music can be nice, but not as nice as the original's. The original had a 1930s England feeling to it that made it enjoyable. The CGI series just has a modern feel to it, and I did not like that because the original's setting is what I loved most about it. Ruined everything, don't watch. 1/10.
  • My daughter loves it. Innocent, sweet show that is enjoyable to watch. Characters are good and there's always a nice moral to each story. No agenda pushing. I feel like the people complaining about the accents and cgi are missing the point. Kids don't care. 10/10 from me.
  • I watched both versions of Angelina Ballerina and I admit, I liked the original than The Next Steps but what I like about the show is that it educates kids on dance and music that they're are not familiar with and I really enjoy that. The Next Steps is a cute show and worth watching. The only disappointment in it is that Miss Lily, Angelina's original ballet teacher never had an appearance on the show. Maybe when they revive it, she'll have an appearance. The point is, it's a wonderful show.
  • Wow, my daughter is in love with this show. The singing, dancing, kind characters, and the segments showcasing real dancers and artists, make this show so UNIQUE and special. I can't think of a show like it. My toddler learned to dance a lot from this show and dances during the intro. Everyone loves it. She's so happy watching it. The show is positive and creative, no ulterior agenda rather than bringing fun, the arts, and positivity. I'm a dancer myself so I really enjoy the segments with the live dancers and musicians as it really teaches the children different art forms, everything from Irish step dancing to hip hop. Any negativity about this show is questionable to me because it's just educational and positive.