User Reviews (54)

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  • Mimzzzz14 January 2023
    I really do not understand some bad reviews here. I mean Ok, you can talk about irresponsability and the son is maybe a little bit annoying, but everyone can happen this anytime. You can find yourself in a miserable situation to lose your dog and ofcourse there is no one to blame but yourself.

    Maybe there were boring moments or some bad actings in the movie but if you think deeper it is not about how he lost his dog it is about dedication, love and strentgh to not give up on finding your pet who became a part of your family!

    If you don't understand the meaning of the movie than do not write bad comments!
  • Did I enjoy it ? Yes . Will I watch it again ? No .

    I love dogs - I am a sucker for a true story , so a true story about a dog I can't resist . You have to go in knowing what you are going to get - and just with the title and trailer you should have a very clear idea . It's cheesy , the script is mediocre , there is basically no cinematic value , and at times the main character is honestly annoying .

    HOWEVER- the story is incredible , the parents are actually pretty great characters , the way the universal love of dogs is portrayed is awesome , the dog was fantastic and the bond between elf and man was shown with great effect .

    If you love dogs and can embrace it for what it is - a family friendly film with a predictable plot and mediocre writing - go for it - if not - skip it .
  • Only really a movie for people who own and love dogs but definitely will make you smile. I didn't think I was particularly invested until the ending when I was suddenly crying so they definitely pull at the heart strings. The acting from the main boy was really good, shame some of the material he had to work with wasn't always great. There was a side story about the son which did seem a bit unnecessary and probably that time could have been put toward some more content of the missing dog on his little adventures which I did think there needed to be more of. Also very distracting that the dog had a weird goofy name but then again it's a true story so they have to honour the original doggo. Enjoyed overall!
  • Decent movie, I mean I cried so of course it's one of those movies that def hit at your heartstrings. If you're up for a cheesy tear jerker and you need a therapeutic cry then watch it. If not then don't. It won't win any Oscar's nor will it awe you with amazing acting. If you've seen enough dog movies you know what you're in for. Also, it's your doggie you can train it and raise it however you want. As long as they're loved and cared for everything else falls into place. My dogs (2 very healthy happy dogs) were never properly trained and they're the happiest dogs. So do and raise your dogs as you wish and give them all the love:)
  • Okay, so it's not the best film I've ever seen, but it was nice and there were some really good sub stories going on. It definitely wasn't awful! My big takeaway was thinking Johnny Berchtold was going to be one to watch out for in the future! He reminded me of Timothee Chalamet in his acting style and he hasn't done too badly! Give him the right role and we'll be seeing a lot more of him I reckon. His perfomance really hit home on a personal level (my own son) and that whole 'lost, trying to find his way' side story really resonated with me. Just a lovely film that isn't claiming to be anything else! Enjoy it :)
  • The hopeless and drifting son aquires a dog and his fractured relationship with his parents takes a turn when he loses the dog because of his thoughtlessness and they band together as a search party.

    The only thing the son proved was that he wasn't mature enough to look after himself or a dog. The parents had to save him from his own stupidity. See, I don't even remember the character names for any of them. Anyway, the parents and the dog saved the movie from being completely unwatchable. The son's actions were exasperating from beginning to end because he didn't seem to have grown from his experience and mistakes. There was no character arc to speak of. I love Rob Lowe and acting, but even he couldn't save the movie.
  • The story is really simple, easy to understand and pretty boring.

    As a dog owner it just hurts watching this movie and the ending is not really deserved. Also the dog setting to a hunt on foxes is just... I can't describe my anger about that.

    As a dog owner you have so much responsibility. In my opinion such an irresponsibility doesn't deserve a movie. It's not a big family story, it's just reckless behavior and a bad story. There are so many ways which could've been better to describe such situations. A lost dog, family drama...

    Hopefully I'm not the one only one with that opinion. And hopefully such a story never find its way to a movie.
  • An emotionally lost young man adopts a puppy while attending college. When he graduates, with no job prospects on the horizon, he returns to his parent's home, dog in tow. His parents bond with this special animal as well, all while frustrated with their son's lack of drive.

    But when Gronk disappears on the Appalachian trail, everything changes.

    First let me say our society has changed. And not in a good way. I read reviews on this movie while i was also watching it. Words like "saccharine sweet" and "waste of time". "Pathetic" "its a dog movie". Comments like "there are no curse words even with the biker gang".

    I guess these people didn't grow up on Lassie, or Homeward bound or others.

    Dog Gone is an excellent movie about selflessness, and a coming of age with a relationship between a father and son, all while searching for their beloved family pet. It is also based on a true story, though we don't know how much is true and how much was "poetic license".

    First, since when do movies require curse words to be good? I like adult movies as well but we don't have to ONLY use curse words to show emotion. That is a very limited opinion. And one that worries me. Curse words are used when we are unable to express ourselves properly. It is sad people think we should all curse in order to express ourselves. I also find it telling that several reviewers were wanting to stress the negative rather than the positive. Especially for a movie who's target audience are young disney type viewers. And i mean traditional disney, not MCU (which I love just as well.

    And since when are movies about the human condition in today's world (not some fictional world) considered saccharine or pathetic?

    And about the "biker gang", a group of bikers in a club does not a gang make. If that is the case, I guess that means i have belonged to biker gangs without cursing.

    So if you want a movie set in reality, where the human condition is explored while being interesting an emotional, please watch Dog Gone. Yes, I'm a dog lover, but so are billions of others around the globe.
  • mikesnepvangers17 January 2023
    Movie starts strong with the friendship between dog and the guy, but after 20 minutes it goes down. The dog is gone when they are walking the Appalachian trail (nice) and they start looking for it. So, you have boring one hour of search activities where all scenes look alike, also the scenery. Quite boring! Finally it all ends abrupt, with a rushed scene. They should have taken more time for this. The dog is great! The 'journey' that brings father and son closer too each other.... That could have been worked out better. All and all it is a nice, easy to understand, laid back movie that gives you a fun Sunday afternoon. But not a movie you will remember.
  • I simply am a Sucker for this genre but the problem with Dog Gone is how uninteresting the human characters were. Add to that, it's convenient writing with an entire state joining to help look for the dog. It's based on true story and the dog even has Addison's disease yet there isn't one scene without Gonker that felt relatable. The story moves all over without creating bare minimum tension considering they had to find Gonker before 20 days.

    The father - son relationship needed a better treatment. The opportunity was write there to build up the communication gap between them till their big scene instead the scene that led to the dad understanding his son's predicament felt too preachy. Then, the flashbacks of Oji felt deliberate to dig in some emotion when this is a movie about a dog and it's meant to be naturally emotional as it is.

    This definitely needed a better screenplay to establish the story as a race against time to bring back Gonker home safe but it ends up having one random scene after another without leaving any sort of impact.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We wanted a brief break from bloodthirsty Vikings battling it out so we decided to go for a totally different, feel-good film that leaves you thinking, actually, there are some lovely people in this world.

    Based on a true story, it shows the desperate search of a family to find their strangely-named dog, Gonker, after he disappears while chasing a fox on the Appalachian Trail. This straight away tells you that there'll be some lovely scenery.

    Rob Lowe is charming as the Dad learning to understand his son as they travel together to search for the dog, helped by the Mum at hom and increasing public interest and publicity, plus the kindness of strangers. Will they find Gonker before his next vital injection for his illness is needed? I did say it was a feel-good film! One for the family to watch together.
  • zaltman_bleros18 January 2023
    It's an enjoyable film that is lacking in the dog department. The dog is lost on the Apalachen (something) Trail and the film focuses on the search for the dog, the relationship with the father and son and the people they meet along the way that help them with flyers and spreading the word about the lost dog. I would have wanted to also see the ordeals of the dog Gronker but alas it was not to be. I also hate it that the trailer was misleading us, thinking the father was not fan of the dog the son brought home when in fact he loved that dog as much as the son. Why do they do that with trailers. Anyway whoopie, I reached the minimum character limit. Dog Gone is a good old feel good family movie. It's fine, just wished to see more dog in it.
  • vin-one11 February 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I couldn't finish this movie. I actually wanted to like the movie. But the son character was so annoying that he ruined the entire movie for me. They showed how lost of an individual he was and had no sense of direction in his life compared to his friends. They portrayed him as this kid who graduated from college who clearly had no idea how the real world works, and even missed his own graduation because he overslept! Overslept!!! (His parents and sister had to drive for several hours just to see him graduate). Such a moron and irresponsible kid. The only redeeming character he has is his love for his dog.
  • This is more of a personality... family and relationships story than about a dog. In a way... the dog is a backdrop. I am a dog lover and have lost one that was very close to me... so I am a ready made sucker. BUT this film covers about 4 stories... it has good acting... has very good production quality... and good character development. This was an easy film for Rob Lowe... but I think he did a great job. It does pull at the heart strings... and it did get to me a couple of times.... but I don't think it was over done. Most definitely an all family film... rare these days... but I'm a grown man and I enjoyed it. I don't think it's more than a 6... but I gave it a 7 to counterbalance those with a grievance or just a bad heart. And a good 6 is not bad.
  • Jimduffy-5141022 January 2023
    So I wasn't expecting much from this as it's a Netflix dog movie. I did not know it was a true story until I watched the movie and I really enjoyed this film. You've got some really relatable stuff in there for me when it comes to Fielding not knowing what he wants to do with his life and his relationship with his Dad. The film got me really emotional at times when I wasn't expecting that at all. I thought it would be some cheesy dog movie with bad dialogue. But it was way more fun and heart warming than that. It won't end up being my favourite of the year or anything but it's still fun 7.5/10.
  • I normally don't write reviews but felt like this one could be helpful. I didn't like it but my family did and I was showing them a series of Oscar worthy movies, which bored them senseless. Not this movie everyone managed to stay awake and that says a lot. The dog is great, but the script isn't the best. Acting was mostly good. Rob Lowe was good. The story was great just not executed well which comes back to a bad script. They spent too much time setting the stage and didn't hit the plot points on time. The first half of the movie was boring but the second half picked up. Overall okay movie and the only reason I'm rating it so highly is that it's not anywhere Oscar worthy but the average person will probably love it.
  • The storyline is an interesting one--and apparently true. But the acting is clunky and the script even worse. And I love Rob Lowe! He seems at times to be a bit embarrassed at even being in this movie.

    I agree with most of the negative reviews here. It is indeed boring and the back stories just muddled things up. On the other hand, I'm not sure how helpful the reviews here about dog training are. It's a movie, for Pete's sake.

    This is probably one of those classic "love-it-or-hate-it" films. Apparently some of the folks who love it like to cry when they watch a movie. That's okay. But if it is such an engaging story--and I believe it is--then it certainly deserved a better script.
  • I first thought that this was gonna be real silly with campy like acting, the trailer on Netflix made it seem like it was gonna seem that way, but has I watched the film, it started to grow on me, for anybody who every has loved a dog, I believe will find this movie enjoyable.

    The dog scenes are quite effective, showing a great bond between an owner and his pet. Actors Rob Lowe and Kimberly Williams Paisley are good, has the parents, in which they don't like the dog at first, but quickly grows on them. Also search scenes are also good, showing detemination that shows the greatness of the human spirit.
  • I recently watched "Rescued by Ruby" on Netflix, and I was recommended to watch "Dog Gone" next. It's a delightful family movie that revolves around a family's search for their lost dog. The movie introduces the family and their beloved pet Gonker. Although the plot was somewhat predictable, the charming cast and adorable canine characters made the movie engaging and enjoyable. However, I feel that the underlying message of the story, which is about how the situation brought the parent and child closer, could have been portrayed more strongly. Despite this minor drawback, I would still highly recommend "Dog Gone" to anyone who loves family movies with a touch of adventure and heartwarming moments.
  • tommy567714 January 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    The only reason this review got a 5 is because of Rob Lowe. That's it. Even at the ripe age of 58, this man continues to pack a handsome punch and it's obvious in this movie that he's hitting the gym on a regular basis.

    If there's one thing that will turn me against a movie more than anything, it's an unlikable MC. This guy was unlikable, to be sure. He was irresponsible, was not worthy of being a dog guardian, and had no apparent reason to ignore his health challenges, an autoimmune disorder that could have, and almost did, take him out.

    Many of us can relate to being more attached to an animal than a human and with good reason. A part of me felt for him while the other part resented his refusal to grow up.

    In the end in a feel good movie all has to be well. Happy endings are essential though it took us awhile to get there. It took a crisis to do it but boy and dog are reunited.

    Ugh. Though it jerked a year now and then, was the journey really worth it? I personally don't think so but you will have to form your own opinion.
  • First off, I must say, Rob Lowe has gotten better looking with age. I do not understand the reviews talking about the son being annoying. What reality do you live in? I thought the character reflected many young people who graduate from college and feel lost. The love for his dog was heartwarming. I really enjoyed this movie. Knowing that it is a true story, it restores my faith in humanity. So many good people helped the family.

    I think all of the actors did an excellent job. I am totally in love with Gonk. It saddens me that some people are so jaded they could not find the beauty of this story.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    2023's Dog Gone has a pretty fitting title. I mean that's what the movie is about. A dog is um, gone, missing, arrivederci!

    Anyway I remember when I lost my canine pet at age 8. It was a rough experience yet I never went the lengths that the characters in this movie do. Just call Dog Gone the ultimate "dog search" pic. Animal shelter lookouts and worldwide publications and Twitter oh my! This film is based on a true story and it is told in a light and breezy way, all spruced up for the "gather-around-the-couch-and-chairs family" crowd.

    So yeah, Dog Gone is not too schmaltzy and it doesn't quite wring out the tear ducts like say, The Art of Racing in the Rain (another vehicle about pooches). It does however get the job done for all things PG-rated. There's a few tense moments, there's predictability (come on, you know the outcome), and the actors play up to the feathery material (Rob Lowe, Johnny Berchtold, and Kimberly Williams Paisley star).

    Taking place in the Appalachian trail (yet shot in Atlanta) and directed by a guy known for commercialized fluff (Stephen Herek), Dog Gone is well-plotted with its dog persona (named Gonker) giving the standard, hound performance. Basically Dog Gone has no reservations about what it really is. Just call it the equivalent of a Netflix, Afterschool Special with all the necessary trimmings.

    Now am I inclined to recommend Dog Gone? Sure. I mean any avid dog lover would deem it passable. And did I unfortunately find one of the characters a little off-putting? I did, sorry. Fielding Marshall (played by Johnny Berchtold mentioned earlier) is the dude who loses Gonkers and is on a stout mission to bring him back. What Fielding lacks is a sense of direction and respect for his parents who take him (and Gonkers) in rent-free after he graduates college. Fielding is defensive, a little selfish, and aloof towards many and it's only after he gets sick that we the viewer feel any real sympathy for him. It's a glaring miscalculation and it keeps Dog Gone from being something a bit more compelling.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The relationship between Gonker and his irresponsible, uninformed human is a love beautiful to see. Unfortunately for Gonker letting a dog off leash in the woods with a strong prey drive and no strong recall response is a horrible and tragic thing to do. His parents thinking a shock collar is a responsible choice instead of positive dog training is horrible and stupidity at its worst. Making a movie like this sends the wrong message to dog parents. I get its a true story with a happy ending BUT There should have been a clear message at the end of the movie saying "We do not advocate this uninformed treatment of any canine. Please find a good canine trainer to avoid losing your treasured fur member of your family and traumatizing your lost dog having to fend for themselves and barely surviving in the human world."
  • Dog Gone is a heartwarming and inspiring film that is sure to tug at the heartstrings of anyone who loves dogs.

    The film does an excellent job of capturing the bond between humans and their furry companions, and it is sure to resonate with anyone who has ever loved a dog. The acting is solid throughout, with the cast bringing plenty of emotion and heart to their roles.

    Overall, Dog Gone is a very good film that is well worth a watch for anyone who loves dogs. It is a touching and inspiring story that will leave you feeling uplifted and moved. So grab some tissues, cuddle up with your furry friend, and get ready for a movie that is sure to warm your heart.
  • It tells the true story of Gonker, a goofy but beloved dog with Addison's disease who got lost on the Appalachian trail in October 1998. Missing pet is a heart wrenching experience. One you never get over and will for the rest of your life wonder what happened to your fur baby. Did some kind person rescue it and gave it food and a warm bed? Feel more for Mum Ginny Marshall who never got over losing her dog and helped run a search rescue for Gonker till he was found. Rob Lowe is as charismatic as ever.

    Could have got a better actor dog and should have shown more bonding and pet play initially to make it more heartbreaking a search later on in the movie.

    Some missing dogs and cats have been known to walk a hundred miles to find their way back home.. Best hope is to have your pet micro chipped and start a search a.s.a.p. Vet saved our Cocoa's life when he got hit by a car on the tail some years ago as he went to the KFC burger joint on the high streer by himself, and called us as they got his details on microchip. (We have both cat and dog, and now live in a quieter countryside area).
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