User Reviews (10)

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  • Okay, I watched this late the other night not expecting much but sometimes these low budget films deliver and I was so glad I watched it.

    Firstly Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones) absolutely steals this film, his delivery of his character is acting gold! His character (again called Aiden) is one of life's lovable downtrodden people who refuse to give in and feel sorry for themselves, no matter what. Aiden sees the good in everyone and continually smiles at the daily difficulties that's thrown at him and you'll immediately warm to him, this is the immense power of his incredible acting abilities. The film shows Tom who has left his life behind cross paths with Aiden and how they sort of 'mend' each other.

    If you love a film that doesn't conform to the usual stories or just want a masterclass in character acting then this film is a total joy.

    Loved loved loved this little treasure.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Jamie Thraves' haunting film about personality breakdown tells the story of Tom (Tom Fisher) and his descent into a profound confusion which challenges his comfortable everday life as a suburban husband and father. He is led in a somnambulant state to central London where, he is proptly robbed while sleeping rough.

    He is briended, confused and (for the time being) penniless, by eternal optimist Aidan (Aidan Gillen).

    Though just as challenged emotionally, Aidan shows Tom - by example - how to ride out the storm that is raging inside him. Aidan is shacked up with fellow-sufferer Linda (Riann Steele) an emotionally-damaged prostitute whose unimaginable history comes out in her violent outbursts.

    But the real stars are stunt-cat Treacle and her younger replacement, eponymous stunt-kitten Treacle Junior.

    This deeply moving portrait of a man's descent into and recovery from a bewildering identity crisis depicts the restorative effect and support given almost instinctually by Aidan, Treacle, and Treacle Junior - whose hapless lives are the catalyst to his recovery.

    A great film with a much happier ending than hope alone would predict. Thank you, Eternal Otimists everywhere.
  • I am a great admirer of Jamie Thraves's rather unique approach to drama, and his delightfully quirky, but far from syrupy character study 'Treacle Jr.' proved to be yet another earnest, vividly realised, socially conscious, idiosyncratic celluloid wonder from this talented auteur of homespun, left-of-centre drama. Sad-faced six-footer Tom (Tom Fisher) for reasons obscure suddenly leaves his wife and young child, exchanging his cosy, middle-class suburban life for the altogether more precarious milieu of South London where a violent altercation with a tree swiftly sends an increasingly dazed Tom into a busy A&E, and he is fractiously drawn into the histrionic jibber-jabbering vortex of an appealingly unfiltered, effusively enigmatic Aiden (Aiden Gillen), whose singular personality traits and consistently chaotic personal life is further complicated by the purchase of the adorable kitten Treacle Jr. Dynamic film-maker Jamie Thraves's edifying 'Treacle Jr.' is an exhilarating tonic that deftly blends gritty, melancholic drama, and lustrous comedy to truly magical effect! And if the scrumptious, honey-centred ending doesn't hit you right in the Gulliver, then it's pretty much all over, mayte!
  • franglaisreview27 February 2012
    This is a top UK independent film which really shows what the genre is capable of. Quality performances and an excellent script make Treacle of the most memorable and interesting films I've seen for a good while. Its characters are good as on fire, there is an energy on the screen that leaves a knot in your stomach, an engaging sincerity that is neither overdone nor leadened over by any sort of hipster-esque apathy. This is what independent film in the UK is capable of doing, and what it should be doing. It can be proud of this kind of talent and I hope it will reflect this in its support of UK cinema in all its diversity.
  • mark-whait27 January 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    Treacle Jr is an astounding film from writer / director Jamie Thraves. It tells the story of upstanding family man Tom (Tom Fisher) who walks out on his wife and young child in Birmingham and takes a train to London to begin a new life. It's an interesting exploration of what makes a person finally break - Tom can't handle the rat race anymore and walks away in a kind of neurotic trance. He's bordering on a breakdown. Once in London, he reflects on religion and tries to find answers to reconcile his actions. But most of the time he just wants peace and mental shelter from the life he has left behind. After an unfortunate incident in a park, Tom finds himself in A&E where he is befriended by Aidan (Aidan Gillen), a mentally backward Irishman who nevertheless is a sheer force of nature by his personality. He talks constantly, cannot sit still and seems to enjoy every minute of his life, even if he is being beaten up by foreign cafe owners or being punched and sworn at by Linda (Riann Steele) with whom he shares a flat. As the two men forge an unlikely friendship, their chemistry blossoms and rarely does a movie so effectively bond a partnership like this one. We've probably all been approached by the strange-man-at-the-bus-stop character like Aidan - a bit backward, machine gun chatty and irritably jolly, and, like Tom, we've probably all backed away and tried to shake them off. But we learn to see behind the obvious external barriers and Gillen's performance is utterly astonishing. Riotously funny and heartbreakingly naive in turns, its what pins the whole movie together, and the acute observations by Thraves of innocent people with their own personal problems getting swallowed up and spat out by a cold, cruel, vicious and callous world is riveting. Fisher plays his part with expert subtlety, and the strength of the script and direction is also apparent with Riann Steele's Linda - a street wise whore who mercilessly exploits Aidan's personality, there is more than a hint of the troubles she too has faced in life, to go some way to explaining the person she has become. The central theme around the three main characters is that circumstances dictate people's lives and shape them, and this is a masterly crafted piece of motion picture gold. Funny, warm and feelgood mixed with hard hitting, terrifying drama, Treacle Jr is highly recommended, with Gillen at the centre of three towering lead performances.
  • TREACLE JR. is an odd little independent film, filmed on the cheap in London and with an on-the-street vibe. It's a character study of two men, the principle of whom remains a mystery from beginning to end: he's a family man who one day abandons his family, flees to London, and ends up sleeping rough on the streets. He's clearly having some kind of mid life crisis, but that's about all we ever find out.

    The main emphasis of the film is on Aidan Gillen, who has gone on to receive fame and recognition for his role as Littlefinger in GAME OF THRONES. Gillen plays a character called Aidan (yeah, I know) who is about as far from Littlefinger as you can get: he's a man with the mind of a child, delightfully uninhibited, and taking a natural joy in the world and in his surroundings. Gillen's character is loud, brash, and invariably annoying, but nonetheless it's an acting tour-de-force and he never fails to convince in his part.

    The rest of the film is a mixed bag. It's plodding in places although the running time is very short. Some of it feels repetitive too. I found the main character a little annoying in the way he acts sometimes, although it's fair to say that Gillen makes the movie. There's some high drama when a third character, played by Riann Steele, gets involved in the story, which is all very good. In the end, TREACLE JR. is a slight piece of filmmaking, one which is well shot and made by people with talent, but it never lifted me the way something comparable like ADAM & PAUL lifted me.
  • I sought Treacle Jr out at the London Film Festival, on the strength of The Low Down.

    What stands out is the intensity of the two lead performances. Gillen shows some very impressive range. Going 180 % from from playing the Mayor of Baltimore to a desperate and guileless character like this. While Tom Fisher plays off him very effectively as a credible and fairly sympathetic man, who is clearly out of his depth and dealing with major emotional problems of his own.

    The early scenes, where Tom tries to gently deflect Aiden's advances, without being unkind, came off as very well judged and authentic. Tom's growing connection to Aiden, which develops into instincts of protectiveness, was very believably handled and well paced.

    The film's low-key visual approach and use of gentle observational humour help carry it along smoothly. In summary, Treacle Jr is a very engaging watch if you like performance driven films.
  • No one does slice-of-life drama and acerbic humor like the Brits, and the curiously named "Treacle Jr." showcases this, as well as some damned good acting from the cast, particularly Aidan Gillen ("Queer As Folk," "Game Of Thrones,") as Aidan (it seems kind of cheap when the screenwriters can't come up with their own names, anyone agree?"

    Treacle Jr., as it so happens, is a kitten, Aidan is a childlike man in an unhealthy relationship, and Tom (Tom Fisher) steps quite by accident into the situation, in the process of getting out of another.

    Unable to bear for another minute the responsibilities of parenthood and Family life, Tom (Fisher) walks out on his wife and baby and, after running out of cash, seeks new means of livelihood on the streets of London.

    Inexplicably, he is attacked and injured by a gang of thugs, and while at the police station, he meets Aidan, who is comparing the woman at the front desk's hair to an Irish Setter's in an attempt at flirtation.

    Aidan's the kind of guy most people stay away from. He's earnest, hyper, and completely free of any social graces. Aidan's naive and enthusiastic to a fault, but Tom soon discovers he has problems too- namely Linda (Riann Steele,) his 'girlfriend,' a volatile bag of nuts who beats on Aidan, dubs him a 'retard,' and in one painful scene, tries to rape him. She's a barrel of laughs.

    People who find this situation unlikely need only think again. What does society think of men who hit women? If Aidan were to so much as take a swing at Linda in self-defense, she'd need only pull a pouty face to the police and Aidan would be sent up to the big house. Maybe it's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's something to think about.

    The story chronicles the meeting and eventual friendship between the two men, despite Tom's initial urgent attempts to get away from Aidan, who has the boundless enthusiasm of a horny beagle. Now Aidan, he's an interesting character. Devoid of the marketability of endearing innocents like Forrest Gump, he is good-hearted but entirely oblivious to his effect on people. He was not written to be liked. I liked him.

    If this was to be remade in America, there would be some adjustments mad. Linda's race would be changed (she is African-American,) because a cruel black person is against the politically correct agenda we are spoonfed nowadays. The gender roles would be switched, and the movie would become a feminist power flick. But it will not be remade because it was not highly successful, and a good thing, too. "Treacle Jr." intrigues and challenges, doing what British films do the best.
  • What a fantastic film. Treacle Jr is quite unlike any film I have seen! Hats off to Jamie Thraves and to the incredible cast for creating a real gem. Despite such an evident contrast between the two lead actors, the realism portrayed by both Aidan Gillen and Tom Fisher is unmatched. Firstly, you have Aidan's character of Aidan (perfectly suited), who is a kind, unknowingly funny, child-like adult whose mind seems to always be in overdrive. Despite having almost nothing, his character remains wonderfully optimistic. Then we have Tom's character of Tom (very fitting); a sullen and inhibited man whose views are seemingly pessimistic. Such a stark contrast between the pair makes for a very unlikely friendship... but as the film goes on, the audience realise that the impact they have on one another's lives is exactly what each needs in order to move on with their own lives; their desires are also incomparably different. Aidan's acting was mesmerising; absolutely flawless. There was such a helpless naivety about his character that really intrigued me. A man who has such an optimistic view on a world that's so unkind to him.... His joy in such little things and his willingness to prevail. Yet there is an underlying sadness that comes with his character; the harsh truth that his dreams are very much but a dream. It made me overwhelmingly sad as the audience realise this, and Tom realises this, but he does not... Or perhaps he does realise, nevertheless his hope shines through. Either way, this aspect of Aidan's character made the ending so much more bittersweet. I was smiling yet balling my eyes out at the same time. Tom was also fantastic. His character was played so well that I'd forgotten the pair were actors. I really felt like I was watching a man who was constantly on the verge of breaking point. Both characters' endings left me feeling fulfilled yet empty... perhaps if you've seen it, you'll understand. If not, watch it! Kudos to the two tremendously captivating performances and massive kudos to Jamie Thraves for creating such a beautifully moving film. I was sent on a real rollercoaster of emotions. Not to mention, the film certainly follows its element of "black comedy" with its extremely funny moments in particularly dark, tense scenes. This might just be my new favourite film. Also, as I'm writing this in 2020, Aidan's character has taught me to cherish the positives. I aspire to have optimism and joy for the little things in life. This film is one of them.
  • coogan829 April 2014
    What Can I Add to All The Great Comments From Other Contributors Other Than Simply an Excellent Piece of Work from All Concerned.It Made Other Dramas of The Same Ilk Fade in Comparison! The Actors/Actresses Made The Storyline "Flow" and Seem So Contempory and Lifelike in a Casual but Effective Way.Aiden Gillen Played a Challenging Role as a Person with Obvious Autistic Traits That Came Across Beautifully.Sometimes Sad Sometimes Very Funny ("Tom,Tom!! Am I Annoying Ya Tom?") :-) Overall a Very Enjoyable Film That Depicts The "Care in The Community" Aspect of The 21st Century Very Questionable Indeed!! Nevertheless,My Wife and I Were Transfixed from Start to Finish in a Film That Has All The Hallmarks of Quality and with a Good Ending! GREAT STUFF!!!!