User Reviews (2)

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  • An episode where you fairly know what's about to go down still is a good end to this show. This was the episode where they had absolutely no chance of screwing over simply because of the amount of set up prior to this and where they end of in the episodes after white.

    So the heist itself was obviously the staple of this show but it was how they were gonna pull it off that was the big question I had going into this. I think with the twists they had, it kept it interesting to watch but in terms of the implications it had to the story of these characters, I wasn't quite on board with.

    If it wasn't for the pink episode, I would have said this was a great episode but unfortunately that episode failed because of how poor of a job they did with trying to conclude everyone's stories.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The White episode is intended to be viewed last as the colours of the Kaleidoscope combine to clarify the story. Unfortunately, this apparently wasn't communicated well by the production team because many people seem to have watched this before completing the rest of the series.


    If you watched this last, you basically know exactly what's going to happen. It's obvious the Triplets are in on the heist from the Pink episode so the only thing there is to guess is how they executed it. Did they dupe Salas and the bonds were fake all along? Did roger make a last minute deal with them after the hiest? No, for some reason, Hannah decides to betray her dad, losing his trust and almost certainly causing the deaths of the entire crew and possibly herself (so the Triplets can keep their secret) and Ray just seems to accept it? Why? I know all he cared about was revenge againt Graham, but Ava? Stan? They both had their neck on the line and saved him multiple times, I don't believe he would leave them for dead, just how Graham left Lily (in the Violet episode). Each story beat felt like one plot contrivance after the other and ultimately was a very dissatisfying conclusion to an otherwise very good show. I think if this episode was changed a bit and the double-cross wasnt so boring and lackluster then this could have easily brought the show from a 5/10 to a 7/10 but because of how predictable and boring the episode was, it brings it down to a 5/10 overall and a 3/10 for this episode. This episode doesn't even compare to absolute stellar pieces of TV like Violet and Green.

    P. S. Captain Boomerang giving himself a makehift tracheotomy was epic though.