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  • As both leads are Hallmark regulars, I was looking forward to seeing 'You, Me & The Christmas Trees'. Moreover, Hallmark usually does a good job with selecting quality openers for their Countdown to Christmas series. However, I was disappointed with this year's kick-off. Put simply, the movie fell flat. The storyline revolves around Olivia (played by Danica McKellar), Connecticut's evergreen tree specialist. Days before the Christmas holiday, she agrees to help Jack (played by Benjamin Ayres), a fourth-generation evergreen farmer, with a mysterious illness that has befallen his trees, threatening his family's business. Olivia, who is known as the 'tree whisperer', immediately gets to work but is baffled by the illness and ends up extending her stay in the town of Avon. She and Jack begin to spend more time together, sowing the seeds of romance between the two. One element of the story that I did enjoy was the science of saving the trees, which, as others have pointed out, was a new Hallmark twist. That said, the script was rather weak, I am afraid. As other reviewers have suggested, many of the scenes and dialogue seemed forced such as Olivia's problem with her family (and whether to stay or go) and the falling out between the two towards the end of the movie. The latter, especially, felt awkward and artificial. Though I did have a few laughs, the dialogue too was at times not very convincing. The acting, I thought, was pretty good overall; McKellar and Ayres both had solid performances. Ayres had a warm and gentle vibe, which I enjoyed. At times, however, McKellar's performance felt slightly off, as there were some awkward expressions here and there (e.g., the café scene with her parents towards the end). The chemistry between the two was not bad, but given their talents in such roles, I would have expected more from both of them. To be fair, the script didn't help, which might explain some of what I am referring to here. As another reviewer observed, 'it just didn't seem to flow smoothly'. The supporting cast was rather low-key in this one. Yet, I did find Jason Hervey's performance (as Dwayne) to be a shall I put this...odd. Though given his 'villain' status in the story, maybe this was what he was going for. The movie did have a warm Christmas feel to it, which one expects from Hallmark. For example, there was the Christmas Cocktail Competition at the Cider Mill. May I have an 'evergreen cocktail' please? Overall, it is a decent, run-of-the-mill, Hallmark Christmas movie. No doubt, fans of the Christmas movie genre will enjoy it. However, given its opener (kick-off) status, it was a bit of a let-down.
  • Two great leads - Danica McKellar and Benjamin Ayers have decent chemistry. They have plenty of screen time.

    Too many things seemed artificial. Olivia's problem with her family seems forced and suddenly everything changes. Jack's aversion to change is forced especially how it blows up. All the so-called science about the trees seems more like fantasy especially solving that particular problem in a couple days. The solution to the last crisis is way too easy, even if most viewers knew what caused it almost immediately. Even with chemistry, Olivia and Jack fall in love way too quickly. All the way through the movie, it just didn't seem to flow smoothly.

    It's not a bad movie, but it doesn't stand out like the season kickoff should.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was so excited for Countdown to Christmas to kickoff this year. I'm definitely the Christmas 365 kind of girl and couldn't wait for the premiere movie this year. 🎄🍿🎥 Unfortunately, this one fell flat and leaves much to be desired. A little disappointed this is the movie Hallmark chose for the big kickoff. I really hope it's not a sign of things to come for the season.

    You me and the Christmas trees isn't bad but it's certainly not good. It's a long, tedious 2 hours to get through what you kind of suspect from the ending. Danika and Benjamin are great leads but their characters leave much to be desired. Olivia is beyond socially awkward, she's whiny and not really likable. Jack, along with Olivia and her mom all have deep personality flaws that magically change at the end after a few conversations?

    Overall, not planning to watch again and hoping for better things to come with the remaining Countdown to Christmas movies.
  • Sadly, this movie was one of the most disappointing Christmas movies Hallmark has ever put together. The stars are a big draw. One always wants to see Danica McKellar. She is such lovely young woman, and such a fine actress. Her very best recent film was A Crown for Christmas, which one can watch over and over. However, her role in this film was truly a waste of her talent and lovely looks. She is probably in her forties, and deserves a role which casts her as a more mature woman. Her appearance is still that of a younger person, with flowing long hair and flawless makeup. But one can't prolong those looks forever. Her facial expressions seem to range from happy to worried, with very little in between., Benjamin Ayers is an attractive leading man, but he mentions that he got his first Christmas tree ornament when he was born 27 years ago. This was surely a big stretch on the part of the writers since both leading actors must be in their forties by now.

    The plot of the film was predictable. The romance seemed to come out of nowhere, with no real development or buildup. The movie felt formulaic, like Hallmark checked off all the boxes that had to be covered in a holiday movie, but neglected to add real feelings, really mature human emotions, and a less predictable story line.

    Let us hope that future holiday films reach for bit of a higher standard and more originality. Loyal Hallmark viewers deserve more and better.
  • dorrcoq23 October 2021
    So so
    I think Jack's character said they had an ornament on the tree for every year, and showed Olivia the one from the year he was born "27 years ago". Come real life he's 44 and she's 46...were we really supposed to think they were in their 20's? And the big tree in the town square sure reverted to green fast!
  • brennancmb1212 November 2021
    Hallmark got lucky w Benjamin Ayres he does look like he's having fun. The movie was a bit goofy at times like how they're literaly coming to tears over Christmas trees and hot cocoa. Over tha top but worth a watch.
  • brisakriner1 November 2021
    The storyline was good, this pair has onscreen chemistry, however, to be such a hyped-up tree specialist it would have been nice for her to find the actual problem vs just figuring out someone else was damaging the trees. It would be nice to see more onscreen chemistry if it's a "Love Story", if it's just friendship let them build on that. Not everything has to end with a kiss.
  • Absolutely adore Christmas and Hallmark have done some above decent and more Christmas films over the years. As well as a fair share of misfires. 2021 was a typically inconsistent year for Hallmark in all their seasonal blockings, but considering the circumstances it turned out quite a lot better than expected. Part of me was expecting all the 2021 films of theirs to be mediocre or below but quite a lot were the opposite. Exactly the same with its 2020 output too.

    'You Me and Christmas Trees' is a not particularly good start to the 2021 Countdown to Christmas block and did make me feel that the Christmas films that year were going to be pretty low in quality. The good news is that not all of them were below average, but as far as Hallmark's 2021 Countdown to Christmas films go, 'You Me and Christmas Trees' is one of the weaker ones. When it comes to the two leads, Benjamin Ayres is dependable in the right role and is one of the better things about the film but Danica McKellar (despite being one of the most popular regulars) shows why not all her typecast performances come off.

    There are good things about 'You Me and Christmas Trees'. Ayres does a good job with what he's given, it is a typical role but one he performs with subtle charisma, easy charm and honesty. Did like his character, no overblown character flaws and not too perfect as well as some growth obvious.

    It is a very nicely filmed film too and has beautiful scenery. The music isn't overused or melodramatic, which is good as that can be a failing with Hallmark. The supporting cast try their best with their material.

    McKellar for my tastes tries too hard, it is a role that she does a lot (hence what is meant by typecasting) with varied success (sometimes charming, at other times bland) and she never looks relaxed and comes over as too manic. Complete with too many awkward moments early on. Didn't care for her somewhat tired character, who is not really fleshed out enough and is too much of one dimension. She and Ayres have moments of decent chemistry, but on the whole it is too subdued and is paced unevenly. Rather aimless for too much of the length and then any progression is unrealistically rushed.

    While the supporting cast do competently but not exceptionally, Jason Hervey is another over-compensator in a role that is written as too much of a cliched cartoon. It is so at odds with the rest of the film and it was like he had walked onto the wrong set. Too much of the dialogue is too cheesy and schmaltzy, and the flow in the first half is not natural. A lot of the story badly drags, and it is also very slight and predictable for most of the length. Some of the later plot developments like the underwritten and forced conflict is rushed and not developed enough. The ending is too easy.

    Concluding, lacklustre start to the 2021 Countdown to Christmas block. 4/10.
  • As I look over the reviews, it seems the weariness and grumpiness from the past 18 months infected many of the reviews, much like the trees in this movie. This movie may not deserve an Oscar, but the typical Hallmark hallmarks, love, family, tradition and friends, are all present. Taken at face value, just enjoy something that try's to share a little joy and hope. To the reviewer that played the ever present diversity card, give it a rest. Love, joy and family knows no color or any other diverse group. It's the same for all of us, regardless of who portrays a character in a movie.

    I enjoyed everybody in this movie no matter how large or small the role was, what color, faith or lifestyle was portrayed.
  • mirvelt5 November 2021
    The main character should have been a single dad because this movie is filled with dad jokes. This movie was entertaining just for the puns. I love Benjamin Ayres in these movies, and have enjoyed some Danica McKeller ones too. I think he did a good job here but this wasn't her best. Still worth watching IMO.
  • I give the films props for not being just a romantic film and there actually being a storyline but boy it was slow. The film dragged on and on and on. There's moments but it's not enough to save the film.
  • Yes it has the cliche themes - spoiler alert haha - town goes overboard for Christmas, there's interrupted kiss, they fall in love in 5 days or less and there's "the best" hot chocolate. But the Christmas tree angle was new. And best of all, I laughed out loud several times. Not the cheesy groan laughs but actual laughing with the dialogue. Don't get me wrong, it's still definitely a Hallmark movie but it's a good one. And I've watched a LOT of them.
  • jjparish26 October 2021
    I know it was kinda formulaic and not much really happens but i am so ready for a bit of christmas cheer after this horrendous 2nd covid year that i really enjoyed this. And yes it is early to kick off the christmas season but who cares. I love danica's movies. She is such a fine actress and woman and i cant believe she is 46! She is so beautiful. Well done hallmark.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm a huge fan of Hallmark movies. Especially the Christmas ones. But what on earth was this movie? Who on the editing team at Hallmark was ok with the final cut of this film? Danica is one of the better Hallmark actresses in my opinion...but this script was not for her. It was awkward, artificial, and uncomfortable. The leading couple had no chemistry, nothing appeared to happen organically, and even the "kisses" were uncomf. I won't blame the actors though...I blame the directing, the screenwriter, and the editing. Do better Hallmark. Do better.

    Oh yeah, and did they ever figure out how to save the the trees permanently? Who knows. I guess the screenwriter couldn't figure it out, so they just went ahead and left us hanging. #itsanoforme.
  • I normally don't review or comment on these movies but, after reading so many negative reviews about Hallmark movies, I just had to offer my opinion.

    Please folks, keep in mind, these movies are not expected to win Oscar's! If you watch them as we do, it's to escape from every day issues, problems, family drama, etc. They may be predictable and we all know how they'll end but, that's the pleasure in watching them!

    I enjoyed this movie. Both stars are two of my favorites and I thought were great together. I give Hallmark credit for at least coming up with some new pre-happy ending story lines instead of the old somebody leaves the small town for the big city and comes back to find love and happiness.

    I look forward to the upcoming holiday flicks!!!
  • Olivia (Danica McKellar) is an arborist. Jack (Benjamin Ayres) is struggling to save his family tree farm. He rear-ends her and it's heat at first bump.

    The chemistry is good. The trees is an interesting idea for a mystery. There is an obvious reveal to be had. Dwayne is being too obvious. The tree mystery could be tightened up to be a real mystery. Otherwise, the Hallmark romance is fine although Jack is too angry with his obsession. This works if it could work a bit better.
  • 7.3 stars.

    Is this the usual type of Christmas, yes. Do I expect anything different, no. Now that's established, I still enjoyed 'You, Me & the Christmas Trees', because the lead actors bring their best to the show. McKellar rarely fails to entertain, not so much exciting, but she is really good at eliciting the feelings that we want to experience when desiring that good old holiday cheer. She has a variety of nuances with her performances that I respect in an actress. In the past I didn't feel so much enamored by her as I do of late. I know I'm a bit tardy getting my ticket punched for this one way ticket on the Danica Train to holidayland. All aboard!
  • lisam10025 October 2021
    I like both actors individually but I found they had little romantic chemistry together. Much better chemistry as friends. I also found the storyline quite boring. I wouldn't watch it again. Sorry!
  • mjpatterson-2008513 November 2021
    Good story. Good actors. Not the best Hallmark movie, but enjoyable. Enjoyed the family situatios. Loved Danica being her typical smart math self. Don't have much else to say. Trying to reach the 150 character limit.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Overall You, Me & The Christmas Trees was a solid start to Hallmark's 2021 Countdown to Christmas lineup. I wasn't quite sure how the Christmas movie season would fare considering how dismal the Fall movie lineup was this year, but I was pleasantly surprised.

    Danica McKellar and Benjamin Ayres were fantastic in their lead roles and seemed so comfortable on screen together. They had an online presence that sold the movie for me. Their chemistry was apparent right from the beginning of the movie which was carried all the way through to the ending. Danica McKellar had a nervous awkwardness to her character which was relevant and made the character of Olivia more relatable.

    I admit I had a couple of laugh out loud moments as this movie did offer some elements of good humour. Without giving up too much of the movie, when Olivia and Jack were out cutting down one of the trees for future observation and they run into the local law enforcement and offer an excuse of being out there for "scientific research," the comment of " is that what they are calling it nowadays" did provide me with some enjoyment. Not to mention when Olivia and Jack get excited after they realize that her compound may have solved the tree problem and they hug each other...the awkwardness of Danica McKellar's character and then the awkward high ten was absolutely hilarious.

    The supporting cast was primarily good however I did find the character played by Jason Hervey to be a bit over the top. I understand that his role was to be the town jerk however I found the delivery of his lines and mannerisms to be a bit too over acted. I didn't really buy into his character at all. His character seemed out of place in the quaint little town.

    This movie is definitely a good start to the season and I am excited to see what is next in store for Hallmark. Would I watch this movie again? You bet. It was certainly entertaining, believable and offered a different type of story line to your typical Hallmark movie. Yes it did have the regular Hallmark plot lines -- strong woman comes to save the day, falls in love with the town eligible bachelor, enter some last minute issue to break them apart, only to resolve and get together with a couple of mins left in the movie. Regardless of the typical plot line, the idea that she was there to find out what happened to the trees I found particularly interesting and unique. It wasn't your standard movie star, baker, long lost loves plot and this was a refreshing change.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Such an infuriating movie. So she's an arborist but doesn't do anything related to the profession at all? She's an "evergreen expert"? Seriously, didn't realize that was a profession. If she's a scientist, what an insult to be called a tree expert.

    He's a farmer that only grows Christmas trees? How does he make enough to cover the year? Also he said it's because it brings joy? What about growing local crops for people in the town.

    Now the little things. In the beginning he hits her car so bad that the tailpipe falls off, yet there's no noticeable damage and that tow driver says the engine would stall? What? Seriously so many things in this movie that just make zero sense. I know it's a hallmark movie but come on, put some effort into selling the idea of the world. She comes for work but spends the time doing so little actual work and when she does work it's clipping a few pines or setting up some ridiculous beaker and lab desk from a high-school class room.

    I usually like hallmark movies because they are cheesy and fun. This is just poor writing. The jokes aren't funny or clever, the characters are wooden like the brother or the typical bad guy tree seller.

    Oh and I almost forgot to mention the cop in this movie who looks like he's 20 years old, like really?

    I'd skip this one for sure.
  • cpalell26 October 2021
    I was very pleasantly surprised! I have to admit, I wasn't really looking forward to it. Danica McKellar just doesn't do it for me... I find that she over acts, especially with her "nervous and unsure looks", but in this movie, there were less of those looks. I thought the romance between Danica and Benjamin was believable and yay...thankfully, it was a different story line than most Hallmark Christmas movies!!!!!
  • 5/10 - if you're willing to suspend your disbelief like you never have before and can embrace Danica McKellar's near constant overacting, you should enjoy this fairly pleasant Christmas offering.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm a Hallmark Christmas junkie. This is just bad. The acting is atrocious (neither are my favorites in the first place but it's pathetic. At one point she yawns and I started to laugh). It's a silly premise. No super likable side characters. I like that she is a smart scientist. And I can't tell if the acting was good at portraying a socially awkward person or it it was really just so bad. I don't even know what the stars are for- maybe just the cheesy formula I love since I'm a sap.

    I can't believe this is the one they choose to kick off countdown to Christmas. I hope that isn't a sign of what's to come.

    Oh and did he say "this is the year I was born, 27 years ago?! Please tell me I heard that wrong. He is 44 years old. She is what 46. They definitely aren't late 20s.

    It's not even over and I just had to write this it's just. Bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Favorite scene with

    Olivia Arden (Danica McKellar) - Discovering what Dwayne had done to the Town's Christmas Tree when she runs into his 2 Henchmen and making sure that he pays dearly for it in front of the Town. BTW #1, I Loved this movie! BTW #2, I Loved the Danica McKellar and Jason Hervey Reunion!
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