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  • Hallmark fans will not be disappointed with this new installment of Debbie Macomber's Mrs. Miracle Christmas movie series. It is a warm and heartfelt story that touches upon heavier issues, for example, shining a light on adoption and the need for good homes for all children. The film too addresses the heartbreak of loss, and how this impacts relationships/marriage. The story also has a light-hearted side to it with some fun dialogue and scenes, which I enjoyed; I even had a few chuckles here and there. The story revolves around Laurel (played by Kaitlin Doubleday), a teacher who volunteered to bring back this year the school's Christmas pageant, and her family. After taking a financial hit a few years back, Laurel and her husband, Will (played by Steven Lund), moved into Nana and Pap's place (Laurel's grandparents). After the passing of her Pap a few months back, they stayed on to help take care of Nana (Helen, played by Paula Shaw) this holiday season. As Laurel and Will increasingly become concerned with Helen's well-being, Laurel decides to hire a caregiver for her Nana to keep her company during the day. And thus, the adventure begins with the arrival of Mrs. Miracle (Gloria, played by Caroline Rhea), Helen's new caregiver (and friend). As we soon find out, Gloria has everything the family needs this Christmas. By the way, you got to love her bottomless tote. The story is engaging from the start; it pulled me in. The script is well-written. The writers do a wonderful job of synthesizing the heavier drama elements of the story with the more light-hearted and witty ones. The writers also do a very good job of capturing a sense of loss in both Laurel and Helen's characters. These scenes are supplemented by entertaining, even funny at times, dialogue and one-liners, especially between Helen and Gloria. What made all of this work on screen, of course, was the acting. It was excellent, I thought. Doubleday and Lund both had convincing performances, especially, in portraying a family working through loss and emotional turmoil. Rhea, as the new Mrs. Miracle, had some big shoes to fill, taking the role over from the loveable Doris Roberts. With a cheerful, fun, and sort of quirky vibe to her performance, she will no doubt become a fan favorite as Mrs. Miracle. And finally, we can't forget Shaw's performance as Helen. She was brilliant again this year (last year it was Five Star Christmas), fun to watch on screen, especially her back and forth with Gloria. All in all, it is a wonderful new edition to Hallmark's Christmas movie line-up this holiday season.
  • Caroline Rhea plays Gloria Merkle aka Mrs. Miracle, who drops into the lives of a family grieving over two losses. It's the holiday season, but no one is feeling festive, but Mrs. Miracle may have the remedy for their malaise.

    The cast does a nice job of portraying a family transitioning through turbulent emotions. Caroline Rhea likewise portrays a benevolent transformational force, holding the story together and keeping things light. The plot is somewhat predictable, but that's fine. This is a Hallmark dramedy with a story arc that satisfies. The film addresses the heartbreak of loss, and has some words of wisdom for anyone looking for relief.
  • 'A Mrs Miracle Christmas' was watched with mixed expectations. Really liked the idea of the story and Hallmark have done a lot of films with serious themes and mostly very well (the best of them being among their best work). Have liked the cast in other things and the themes were relatable. With a few exceptions, sequels don't have the best of reputations and Hallmark's follow ups are variable. Was not sure as to whether a Mrs Miracle film would work without Doris Roberts and the 2021 Hallmark Christmas output up to this point was very up and down.

    Luckily, 'A Mrs Miracle Christmas' is very much one of the ups. It's not perfect, but as far as Hallmark follow ups go it's in the better half, and of the 2021 Hallmark Christmas films of the ones that had aired up to this point it to me is one of the stronger faring ones. Perhaps second best after 'Christmas in My Heart', another film to tackle a serious subject. Ranking it with the other Mrs Miracle films, they are actually quite close together in quality, with such a major casting change part of me of dreading it would be vastly inferior as is too often the case with films etc that have drastic cast changes (especially with Roberts being so good).

    Is 'A Mrs Miracle Christmas' perfect? No. It is not hard to figure out how it is all going to map out, with what is covered being familiar ground.

    Did think too that it was a little bit of a slow starter in terms of pace and that Kaitlin Doubleday's character was not easy to warm to straightaway.

    However, a lot is great. The acting is very good, with Caroline Rhea being a more than worthy successor to Roberts, bringing the same amount of sincerity and fun and making it her own without straying too far. The other standout is Paula Shaw, who has great comic timing (which never jarred) and warmth. Doubleday and Stve Lund give moving performances and Doubleday's character did become a lot more relatable as the film went on. The chemistry is never awkward or disconnected and it was hard to not connect with the characters in such a difficult scenario that will resonate with anybody who's been through it.

    Furthermore, it is an attractive looking film, nothing rushed or static looking whatsoever about it. The music is pleasant and appropriately festive and the direction accomodates while never stalling. The script is well meaning and avoids over-heavy melodrama, sugar overload and being juvenile. The story may be predictable and could have been tighter, but it is also very poignant and honest and that it tackled a topic like this while still making it accessible and heart-warming is laudable.

    Overall, didn't amaze me but on the whole it left me very pleasantly surprised and impressed. 7/10.
  • Was it really necessary for Hallmark to bring back the character of Mrs. Miracle who was memorably played by the much loved Doris Roberts ?

    After you see this movie, you will probably say yes, it was worth it.

    So many things are done right here. First, the writers took Mrs. Miracle and made her younger, snappier, and more charismatic. Second, the story they wrote grabs your attention from the get go and doesn't let up until the end. Plus, the dialogue is, at times, very funny and, at others, very intelligent. People really do talk and act this way in real life. Third, the entire cast is excellent. Caroline Rhea plays Mrs. Miracle with a little humor and a lot of sincerity that is very enjoyable throughout. A few years ago, Hallmark discovered Paula Shaw and she always adds flair and charm to any movie that she is in. Here, as the Grandma in need of a temporary caregiver, she is given a lot to do and, once again, she is a joy to watch. In particular, the banter between her and Mrs. Miracle at the beginning of the movie is sharp, clever, and the actresses are fun to watch. Kaitlin Doubleday and Steve Lund, as the granddaughter and her husband, are excellent as they struggle with Grandma's care and the other issues that life has dealt them. Some of their scenes are so natural and well-played that they are quite moving. Lastly, the direction by Janet Munro is crafty and professional, with production values that are quite attractive. All in all, this is a fun, but engrossing, story that is extremely well written, acted, and produced, some of the best that Hallmark has to offer. A memorable Christmas movie, with really fine performances, that I could watch again.
  • No one can really replace Doris Roberts, but Caroline Rhea brings her own warmth and humor to the character. This was not the typical Hallmark love story. A family is in crisis and is need of a miracle. Mrs. Miracle! I enjoyed the movie.
  • Better then most hallmark films I actually enjoyed this one. It's just a cute film nothing special about it but that's what works. It's not trying so hard to be a hallmark Christmas movie with over the top acting.
  • I was really nervous for there to be a new Mrs. Miracle in town. Doris Roberts has always been my comfort actress, and while I love Caroline Rhea as well, I know she typically plays cheesy, over-the-top, zany characters.

    I was insanely surprised and impressed!

    The movie starts out with a twist not typically with Hallmark Christmas movies and gets better from there. Caroline's portrayal of Mrs. Miracle was the warm grandma-like hug I was used to with Doris. The plot is engaging, the writing is great, and the acting is nowhere near what you're used to with Hallmark.
  • A childless couple, Will (Steve Lund) and Laurel McCullough (Kaitlin Doubleday), is struggling under various pressures. They live in her beloved grandma Helen Atwater (Paula Shaw)'s home after some financial problems. Helen breaks her wrist. Laurel calls up senior living aide but they don't have any opening. They are surprised the next day with the arrival of Gloria Merkel (Caroline Rhea).

    Apparently, there is a series of book with this Merkel character written by Debbie Macomber. This is a Hallmark movie dealing with some heavier issues which is nice to see. There is only so much of the standard lightness that one should taken. Everyone needs a dash of edginess and this delivers the slightest of dash. I actually thought Caroline Rhea would do some wacky stuff which she does not and I understand why. This sets a semi-serious tone and everybody works within that. This tries to put some heavier substance into the standard empty calories of a Hallmark Christmas.
  • spikeluvr15 November 2021
    Welcome back, Hallmark. It was incredibly nice to once more watch an old fashioned, good feeling Hallmark movie. The chemistry was great between the two young leads and Paula Shaw and Caroline Rhea stole every scene they were in. I loved the older folks and the one male friend who talked to Shaw's character about losing his own wife and how it felt. It all felt organic with diverse characters that didn't seem forced. Sometimes it feels like Hallmark is just checking boxes instead of creating families and relationships.

    This has been by far my favorite holiday movie this year.
  • jewelch10 November 2021
    I Thought it to be a very entertaining movie and even though Carolina Rhea does a outstanding job I really missed seeing Doris Roberts from the series, Yes I will recommend it. James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 11/10/2021.
  • Mrs. Miracle is brought to life again by Caroline Rhea. At first I thought I wouldn't appreciate Rhea's take on Mrs. Miracle, but she won me over from the start. She is quick, funny, and delightfully encouraging.

    "I'd like to see her smiling again. It sure does look good on you."-Will

    The cast was great but "nana" really stole the show, Paula Shaw. I also really appreciated Steve Lund's performance.

    The wife Laurel was the hardest character to warm to, but she is the grieving mother...not ready to try again. This is about a young couple who have loved and lost and would desperately like to be is ready to try again and one is not, bring in Mrs. Miracle!

    Filled with love and holiday cheer, this was kind of a middle of the road Hallmark Holiday film.
  • The Mrs. Miracle Christmas movies, based on books by mainstream novelist Debbie Macomber, were a cut above typical Hallmark Christmas fare. I was very happy to see a new one in the series with Caroline Rhea taking over the eponymous character. I was not at all surprised that she brought her own comedic talents, warmth and energy to the role. I am certain that this will be a yearly event now that they have their new Mrs. Miracle. And we got an extra bonus with the appearance of her daughter, "Mercy," charmingly played by Jordan Ashley Olsen.

    In this one, Mrs. Miracle, comes to the rescue of a school teacher and her husband and the young woman's "Nana" who are all finding it difficult to move forward from grief. Lauren and Will from the loss of their foster child, and Nana from the death of her husband. Lauren also harbors hurt and abandonment issues because of a dead mother and an absent father. Although certain aspects are as predictable as usual, it does avoid some usual Hallmark conventions. For one thing, money is an issue. Lauren and Will started living with Nana because of financial problems. Loss of religious faith is touched on. The big 20-minutes-to-go-in-the-movie conflict over a new foster child is in no danger of escalating because the couple are married and love each other. So they communicate.

    Once she settled into the roll, Lauren is ably played by Kaitlin Doubleday who is a dead ringer for a young Kelly Ripa. Steve Lund who is usually in lighter fare, is effective as her husband who is trying to get his wife to look forward and try again. It was not surprising that he was great in this more dramatic roll and they couldn't have cast anyone better than Paula Shaw as the funny, feisty Nana. All three are caught up in the force of nature that is Mrs. Miracle who is a firm believer that "Sometimes we don't know what we need until it is placed right in front of us." It is all capped off with a very satisfying "3 years later" epilogue.
  • novagirl1120 December 2021
    I thought Caroline Rhea did a good job of honoring Doris Robert's legacy but also adding/shifting some elements and she's very funny! It was nice that this plot was not about romance, but family struggles and relationships instead. Of course, I also really liked the Mary Poppins bag!
  • I liked the previous Mrs. Miracle movie a lot better. I found the writing in this one totally cliche, dull, and certainly nothing original. It's as if they are writing by the numbers as many of these films are. The directing was sloppy at times and very pedestrian. No interesting directing style at all. Why can't Hallmark do something different for a change?
  • Is this going to win an Oscar? No, but did it touch my heart, provide miracles, love, family, and pure kindness? YES!!!! First off, love Mrs miracle!!! I've always loved her and so glad she's the replacement!! Just full of magic and heart!!!

    I've been disappointed this season in hallmark, with the exception of maybe 5 movies, but this was just perfect hallmark!!!!!!!!!!
  • 7/10 - I am one of the biggest fans of the Mrs. Miracle series and while this one was filled with plenty of holiday joy (and a major improvement over Mr. Miracle), the story is not nearly as good as the ones starring Doris Roberts.
  • anchor-924 November 2021
    This Mrs. Miracle episode is just the right mix of Christmas, optimism, and the bittersweet of life. A great treat for this season... for that matter, any season. Caroline Rhea is excellent as the "new Mrs. Merkle" as is all of the rest of the cast.

    Miracles don't happen in a flash. They work their way into lives.
  • 6.8 stars.

    The primary dilemma of this movie is a husband's ongoing sacrifice for his second most sought after desire - to have children. He must give up this dream of children in order to respect his wife's wishes. After a loss they suffered, she cannot bear to try adopting again. In her enormous grief, she tries to preserve some false sense of security. He must watch as his wife clutches onto this "security" with all the energy she can muster, and has no idea it is insidiously destroying them both. When should he say enough is enough, and stop compromising? Where do you draw the line?

    What would you do with this dilemma? If you are successful in life, in love, marriage, all things, and you can say to yourself WITHOUT A DOUBT that you are happy, then I bet you've figured it out, and you are a wiser person than I.
  • I loved Doris Roberts as Mrs. Miracle and wasn't sure about Caroline, but she did a great job. She is a different kind of Mrs. Miracle who is kind of sassy and fun. This movie was such a treat and I have watched it twice this year.
  • bookandcandle10 November 2021
    No one can replace Doris Roberts as Mrs. Miracle. Caroline Rhea comes across too flamboyant, ostentatious and flighty. Who walks into someone's home, doesn't stop smiling and takes over instantly like that? Not the classic Mrs. Miracle I loved.
  • gfrasmd7 November 2021
    Not the usual Christmas romance. One may wonder why Mrs. Miracle always looks so exceedingly jolly or whether there was a a real need for angels to assist a couple and a grandma already supported by strong love among them. Maybe, the message is that even wonderful people have their griefs and deserve a little attention from Heaven, no less than those dejected o hardened. The story is gentle, sentiments are kind and the message uplifting, as it should be in a family Christmas movie. Perhaps it should have stopped before the last few sequences. That would have left more to the imagination and retained the magic.
  • toncincin20 November 2021
    I am not a huge fan of Caroline Rhea ... but I was pleasantly surprised at how well she played the role of Mrs Merkel (a/k/a Mrs Miracle). She was upbeat, funny, and kind of quirky. It's got to be hard walking into a role originally played by the legendary Doris Roberts - but I thoroughly enjoyed her portrayal of the mysterious helpful character. AND the addition of her daughter, Mercy, was nice. The chemistry with all of the cast was great. Kaitlyn Doubleday plays the bereaved mom - having lost an almost adopted foster child - very well. (As a bereaved mother, I felt her pain.) She's played pretty much unlikable characters in a couple of previous Hallmark movies. She was good in this one. Paula Shaw (Nana) - who has been great in a few other Hallmark movies) was hilarious. AND WHO DOESN'T NEED STEVE LUND IN OUR LIVES?

    My negative observation comment - Laurel's hair keeps changing - and all in ONE night. When she's on a date with Will, her hair is nicely styled in a straight smooth page boy. When they get home, it's styled in a modified straight flip. Later on the same night, it's wavy. Hallmark really needs to pay more attention LOL. Obviously, it doesn't take away from the story - but it was a little distracting.

    All-in-all - it was a pleasant movie - predictable ending - but I'll watch it again!
  • Angels' intervention we all desperately need!

    Angels in this movie such as Ms Mircle, mercy or Gabe did a good job but I do plea with the real ones to help out in the real world too.

    Somehow the angels intervening theme in otherwise maybe contrived Hallmark movies is guaranteed recipe for success no matter what.

    I cannot have enough of this kind of movies.
  • I still watch the past Mrs Miracle Hallmark movies every Christmas season. My husband even watches with me. I purposely did not watch the new one last year. I couldn't imagine anyone other than Doris Roberts as Mrs Miracle. I just watch and loved it. Caroline Rhea did a wonderful job! She gave the part not only a smart and compassionate feeling to the character but her humor was also a gift to watch. The entire cast was good and I loved the story. Also let me say I always enjoy Helen Shaw in the Hallmark movies. She's always that lovable elder family member everyone would love to have. I truly hope Hallmark and Caroline Rhea will continue giving us Mrs Miracle movies.
  • I wondered how they'd ever be able to replace Doris Roberts as Mrs Merkle. Doris was so PERFECT. I miss her and missed that kind of movie.

    WELL THEY FOUND A WONDERFUL NEW MERKLE. Caroline Rhea is spectacular as Gloria Merkle ! It was heartwarming and Caroline was fabulous. Paula Shaw as the Grandmother was perfect. (I love her in all of her Hallmark Movies).

    I had started out with the Hallmark Christmas 2022 Season with a couple of Duds. BUT! Each of the last few (I am good for at least 20 movies per season) have been excellent.

    A lot of the Hallmark Fave Actors jumped to GAC which was tough but they kept a few of my faves.

    I rate my Hallmark Movies by whether or not they make me cry with joy at the end! This is a 10 for happiness and joy factor. A MUST WATCH.
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