User Reviews (25)

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  • skinzilla20 September 2023
    This was at least a little original and was well acted throughout. It was actually a great watch until the end. It was like the writer couldn't figure out how to end the film. It felt cheap and rushed. Also, considering there was lots of blood, there was nothing horrific or scary about it. It couldn't decide if it wanted to focus on the crime aspect or the supernatural. This is definitely worth a watch, but it could have been sooooo much more than the mediocre offering it became. In the right hands, this movie would be served well with a remake, that focuses more on the supernatural, adds a few more kills, and cleans up that absolutely idiotic ending.
  • Tweetienator9 February 2023
    Director Jaume Balagueró is internationally known mostly for his Rec zombie flicks, and one more time he dwells into the pits of the horror genre - and he delivers: Venus is a well made trip with a solid production and good acting. The story: a dancer girl takes a good load of drugs from a drug lord and then gets some more deep trouble because some elderly women have some devilish plans of their own. Venus is for sure not a new classic or brilliant movie and will not stir as much fuzz as the first Rec movie did, but in the endless ocean of mediocre to bad horror movies that are produced these days, it is an entertaining entry, and that's not the worst thing to say about a movie of that genre.
  • I had not heard about this 2022 Spanish horror movie titled "Venus" before I had the opportunity to sit down and watch it. And seeing that the movie was based on the short story "Dreams in the Witch House" by H. P. Lovecraft, of course I was rather interesting in watching it. Especially so since Lovecraft happens to be my favorite author.

    Writer Fernando Navarro delivered a fair enough script for the movie. However, it wasn't particularly reminiscent of the H. P. Lovecraft atmosphere. Yeah, there was a bit of cosmic dread in the storyline, but saying that "Venus" was based on the "Dreams in the Witch House" short story might be stretching that fact quite a bit. Loosely based, in anything at all.

    "Venus" certainly was a watchable enough movie, though it didn't make for a particularly outstanding or memorable movie experience. Nay, director Jaume Balagueró delivered a movie that you will watch once, then shelf it and never return to watch it a second time.

    The narrative in the movie was somewhat monotonous. While there certainly was a drive forward in the narrative, the story was just lacking that particular spice to make it outstanding and memorable. It wasn't there, and that made "Venus" a somewhat bland horror experience. I was harboring a bit more expectations to the movie than what director Jaume Balagueró delivered, I have to admit that much.

    I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, but then again I am not overly familiar with Spanish cinema. But I will say that the actresses and actors on the cast list did good jobs.

    Visually then "Venus" was okay. It wasn't a movie that was depending on a massive amount of special effects, and whatever effects were in the movie certainly worked well enough in favor of the atmosphere of the movie.

    All in all, "Venus" is a watchable movie, albeit a somewhat forgettable and bland one.

    My rating of "Venus" lands on a five out of ten stars.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This started out really good. Looked like it was leading up to something epic. I for sure thought an epic battle between the Mafia with machine guns and the fat monster lady. It was gonna be epic. DIDN'T HAPPEN. Instead we got no fight and a lazy ending.

    Nothing else to say except we were promised one thing and got another. No battles, no kills, nothing.

    Even the killing of the witches was lazy and wasn't even shown to us.

    This could have been such an amazing movie. Maybe the budget was low or bad writers.

    Also we don't even know if the mom died. They just left her. Didn't even try and rescue her.

    Finally the queen did nothing.
  • corpsevapour4 February 2023
    Venus is a well put together film about a go go dancer making way with a bag of stolen drugs to her estranged sisters apartment only to find out that their is a much more sinister plot within the building.

    The cinematography is absolutely ace, despite there being dark scenes we can clearly make out what is happening so major props to the lighting crew and the colorist ontop of the D. P.

    The acting is pretty damn good all around, nothing pulls you out of the film and it's all believeable.

    The special effects with the blood and gore was pretty awesome too, some of the cgi blood was a bit noticeable but the make-up department definitely helped with the practical to make it blend better.

    I would say the only annoying factor with this film was the cgi planets, this kind of took me out the film as well as the weird piano motif when the sister and daughter have emotional moments together.

    All in all I would say this is a great film to spend your time with alone and with the lights off.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    FIrst off I would NOT call this horror, more a crime film that tries for something more. One scene that did not fit in or even seem real does not make horror. So be warned. I was at the 45 min mark and nothing horror at all happened and was going to turn it off, nope sat threw the next hour. Should of stopped then. You are supposed to feel sorry for a sex worker that tries to rip off some drug dealers, nope sorry I did not! As a woman I am tired of having sex workers that are also criminals depicted as kind, caring women. I missed meals and was homeless due to NOT being a sex worker or criminal so sorry there is never a reason to be of low morals. But on top of that the movie is very man hating also. But the biggest issue I had was simply a dumb pointless plot where nothing is really explained and nothing happens! The building was cursed? There was a solar event meaning what? Some she demon was going to rise? Ok but none of that happens!

    As I said dull and then just gets worse!
  • cyberonaut28 January 2023
    Well shot Spanish mystery horror with elements of a slasher and action movie: drugdealers, ancient witchcraft and mysterious eclipse converge in modern Madrid and create a nice atmospheric mix, a little condensed ending but the matter is rather on a small budget, the actors especially Ester Expósito main character and Magüi Mira played very well but the rest of the cast also tried. Special effects are certainly not outstanding but not the worst of them, interesting finds in the form of interpretation of the magical guardian. The creators gave as much as they could and it turned out very well, I recommend giving a chance.
  • Jaume Balagueró is a filmmaker who loves telling stories about horrors that take place in apartments. REC, REC², Sleep Tight, To Let, Inquilinos (short).. the list goes on. Venus is a genre-bender with heavy inclinations towards cosmic horror (loosely inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's short story "The Dreams in the Witch House"). Venus begins as a crime-drama about stolen drugs, though the film drops early hints about the horrors that await the protagonist Lucía. Things aren't what they seem, and there are mysteries surrounding the building she takes refuge in, i.e. Her sister's residence. Fernando Navarro's writing gives nearly equal footing to both crime and horror angles, but I was obviously more invested in the latter.

    The visual style of Balagueró is still something to watch out for, and when coupled with practical effects, the outcome in certain scenes is a Lovecraftian horror fan's wet dream. That said, the way both stories eventually blend into one isn't really smooth, and as a viewer, you have no choice but to lean into the absurdity of it all. Ester Expósito gets a meaty role and she's the only one in the film to come out looking absolutely badass. The other characters purely exist as victims or villains. The finale will leave some viewers perplexed (like, THAT'S IT?) whereas some may deem it poetic justice.
  • ops-525354 February 2023
    And a mucho mucho dark horror story coming outta the rather bad ridden parts of madrid of spain, a new queen of the kingdom of darkness is to be found, the desperately searching disciples turns the world into turmoil to find the right person...

    at the same time a local drug kingpin is robbed off in his club by one of the clubs dancers. The loot of human demolition aka blue crysalis tablets worth its weight in gold really makes havoc in the gangster community, and a killer squad is sent out to find the thieving magpie...

    a very well made spanish mystery horror flick, not the most elaborated story, but neatly dark and bloodgored to the fingertips, cast well chosen for the acts, and the sleuth ideas of a plot will for sure make even the most squemish viewers shed a tear when the clashes of the titans starts. So a recommend from the grumpy old man.
  • A part of 'The Fear Collection' horror film label (hope it will take off), set by Sony Pictures International Productions in association with Amazon Prime Video (thus the higher quality Hollywood type feel). A memorable Spanish horror experience with vibrant visuals + cinematography, impressive cast (Ester Expósito is a goddess and Inés Fernández is one of the most talented child actors I've seen) with impressive performances, shocking and disturbingly surprising moments filled with blood, dread and fear.

    Overall experience wasn't quite satisfying. I find a lot of inconsistencies and some story gaps. Also the ending was kinda confusing.
  • ocosis14 February 2023
    Whoa! A LOT of blood, violence, gangsters, drugs, twisted witches and enough WTF moments. And lead Ester Expósito is gorgeous.

    Also inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. This was a BLAST. Well directed and shot. Well acted and an interesting watch throughout. I watched it in Spanish and my Spanish is far from good. But Venus was easy enough to follow and has shades of Rosemary's Baby, Hellraiser, and even for some reason reminded me of Troma's Rabid Grannies, even though it is nothing like that. Venus is a solid film and I was glued. This was fun.

    Highly recommended Spanish horror. From the director of REC.

    Venus extraordinarily celebrates terror with a refreshing autonomy and spontaneity that's hard to come by these days. It is frenetic and brutal, and brings together another of the keys to Balagueró's cinema.the metaphor, the psychological and the disquisitions about what rises and what does not impose themselves on the mechanisms of the genre and condition it, Balagueró continues to go free. Its emphasis on the crime aspect puts it closer to a siege thriller than cosmic horror. Its mythology and character beats may be thinly drawn, but it doesn't detract from the propulsive action sequences or gory moments. Exploits demonstrates her horror mettle as a resilient and determined heroine, especially in that breathless climax. Overall, Venus makes for a slick and breezy action-horror movie far more memorable for its gruesome high-octane thrills than its cosmic chills.
  • After so many years of hard work for the Spanish horror cinema to become a high -level cinema, certain films that make everything come to the wind and years of hard work come, unfortunately this feature film but calling it so it is already a compliment there New or interesting, but above all it aims as usual make certain films to irritate the viewer who finds himself for most of the film to listen to long chat that they don't need and they say nothing interesting! Or c finds himself looking at things that are put them only to let some time pass because many things repeat and repeat, the music that accompany the whole film are terrible, the gang of drug dealer only make you laugh every time That I looked at them came to laugh as for how idiots were, but then in feature film there is never something interesting that continues 5 seconds of action and then 5 minutes of chat 10 seconds of action and 10 minutes who chat, the problem is that The whole film is so I want to say at least in the final part where you have to go quickly you cannot stop and undergo it again and for the umpteenth time to the same useless speeches, of this feature film I really can't save anything, someone also had the courage to combine this feature film with H. P. Lovecraft.
  • herimesquida14 April 2024
    An argument that doesn't seem to be where it's going, and in fact it doesn't know where it's going.

    It's the first, bad version of a script that a teenage film student would write in a weekend.

    Of course, the ending is not at all predictable, but if it is not at all it is unfortunately for the wrong reason: It is without a doubt the worst part of the film.

    It's a bad student scenario.

    From the start it doesn't work: a gogo dancer from the "Fabrik" nightclub in Madrid decides to steal pills (the only motive of the film is perhaps to allow the fashionable actress to be sexy while time) in the nightclub where she works and abandoning her car and her cell phone about three meters from the room... to walk to a building from where, inexplicably, she never leaves. Well, after waiting a long time for something exciting to happen, more than three-quarters of the way through the movie, it looks like something is going to happen...

    There's satanic cultism in the air, a full moon looks like it's about to trigger an alien invasion, a goddess of evil approaches, and then finally poops, pretty much nothing.

    Nothing works, nothing is even correct, it's not horror, it's no longer a thriller, the bad guys seem to come from teletubbies, who are surely smarter!

    Ten minutes before the end the heroine, a badass, exclaims: And now we're going to dance; We tell ourselves that at least these last ten minutes will turn into an effective settling of scores against the bad guys, the witches, the monstrous servant, the goddess of evil...

    We are treated to a minimalist fight with one of the bad guys, and a shotgun blast at an old woman!

    And the ending, yes I'll come back to it again, is so stupid that I felt embarrassed for the director. Because it's hard to believe that the director of Rec could have made such an empty film. Sometimes it's better to retire on time. With such a poorly constructed storyline, it's hard to come up with something decent that can't even be described as cheap teen gore. Another great failure of Spanish cinema which pretends to make horror cinema and puts people to shame.

    Don't waste your time on this.
  • A disco dancer , Lucía (Ester Expósito), steals a cache of pills and begins to be chased by gangsters , the film centers its action on the Venus Building , located on the outskirts of Madrid, where a badly injured woman flees to take refuge . Once there , she will discover that her true nightmare has only just begun. As Gogó girl at a disco, she flees after hitting the club where he works . Lucia taking refuge in an apartment block with her sister Rocío (Ángela Cremonte) and her niece Alba (Inés Fernández) .Along the way, the three discover that malevolent supernatural forces possess the building.

    Creepy and eerie horror movie with thrills , chills , terrifying scenes invading the concrete corridors of a cursed apartment complex , strange rituals , twists and turns . This is a surprising , gory film starts with a noisy discoteque and follows to surprising us at a ghastly building by means of scary happenings and lots of plot twists . Including an interesting and mysterious script with plenty of superstition, witchery , ritualistic killings , shocking scenes and supernatural elements . It is a pity that the outcome does not live up to what has been stated up to that moment, destroying many of the findings , even with its convincing criminal part , which undoubtedly deserved that the marked line not depart so abruptly, and even ridiculously from the path . Second film of 'The Fear Collection', after the premiere of 'Veneciafrenia' in 2021, 'Venus' is also produced by Alex de la Iglesia , something that is noticeable in some aspects of the story , which , as happened in 'La Community' (2000) , surely his best film as a director , and which basically focuses on its peculiar inhabitants , all female , of a sinister and practically abandoned building . The trick of the unique setting also allows Balagueró himself to exploit, curiously on the fifteenth anniversary of REC , many of his genuine terrors , located in that abandoned building , where the traditional and the ancestral come together with a gloomy as well dark production design and achieving the best moments of the film . Regarding the leading role of Ester Expósito as a go-go girl , the main sufferer , and at the same time the heroine of the film , it should be noted that she succeeds physically , in a job that requires great involvement and effort , unfortunately this girl needs to vocalize better, an endemic disease that is spreading by several of the interpreters of the film, which exalts the true queen of 'Venus', a really sinister Magüi Mira, a veteran stage actress who gives a lesson in restlessness and restraint.

    It displays an atmospheric and shading cinematography with full of lights and shades by cameraman Pablo Rosso . As well as a chilling and bizarre musical score by Vanessa Garde . The motion picture was professionally directed by Jaume Balagueró and in his usual style . Balagueró takes as reference a story by H. P. Lovecraft , 'Los sueños de la casa de la Bruja' or 'Witch house dreams' and based on his own script , written together with Fernando Navarro . After a dozen films , as many short films , and several works for television , Balaguero forged an unquestionable talent over the last three decades, the Catalan Jaume Balagueró no longer needs to confirm his interest as a filmmaker , while at the same time representing one of the few filmographies of great interest , within the generally barren national outlook . This Spanish director Balagueró is a good craftsman who has written/directed various succesful horror films , such as : Rec 2 , Rec 4 , Fragiles, Sleep Tight , Darkness , Los Sin Nombre, among others . Finally, Jaume Balagueró has perpetrated this nocturnal and bloody job, which is sadly spoiled in its ending part , that results to be absurd and some ridiculous and not precisely because of the Lovecraftian excesses, which are in the right measure , rather because of not having been able to finish off with originality enough such as contain his best films : 'The Nameless' (1999), the aforementioned 'REC' (2007), or 'While you sleep' (2011) , true examples of how to brilliantly close a plot .
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Spanish horror film produced in 2022. I don't know what to say about the movie. I am torn between good and bad. But at times it was exciting and I enjoyed it. But it has a lot of implausible scenes. The character's being stuck between two events makes the audience wonder. Then the strange conversations of his nephew and the sudden disappearance of his sister constantly increase the tension.

    The plot is about taking 1 bag of drugs belonging to a girl boss who is a dance club dancer and runs away. She goes to her sister's house because she was injured while escaping. Meanwhile, her older sister is preparing to run away from home with her daughter. When the woman sees her brother injured, she takes him home. He's treating it. But she suddenly disappears in the morning. The dancing girl is alone with the little girl. But the little girl talks about a strange friend. There are strange secrets in the apartment.

    --- 'spoilers' ---

    I seriously thought the girl was dead. Turns out she was the expected goddess. It is quite nice that the solar eclipse is slowly forming, the mass is progressing, the men are coming and the rebirth takes place accompanied by music.

    --- 'spoilers' ---

    There is no sex or nudity in the movie.
  • Do you want to watch something sad and bleak, a shattering horror movie which will you tear you in pieces? Then watch something else, for there is no doom and gloom here.

    This is a fun ride. A combination of horror and a crime drama movie. To be precise, first 40 minutes are more "serious", i would even call it realistic. At first, this looks like a crime drama. It's intense, well acted and well directed. Jaume Balagueró is a good director. From "Películas para no dormir: Para entrar a vivir" up until REC franchise and "Mientras duermes", he doesn't disappoint. At worst, his movies are watchable. At best, he will deliver masterpieces like the first two REC.

    This is like an early 00's horror movie. Entertaining, a bit of naive, don't always make much sense but also never boring neither artsy. Many people will hate the ending, i liked it though. It's insane and fun, i would hate it otherwise. This is not Aster neither Eggers. This is pure entertainment and the last 15-20 minutes are satisfying. If you want to get scared and watch something bone-chilling, this is not your movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In an old rundown apartment building we find a much more satisfying conclusion to Argento's Three Mothers Trilogy ... Forget +The Third Mother" ... This has none of the silly ideas, but obviously none of the cast of earlier characters from Argento's cannon ... Instead we get a surreal much more gritty, but just as far out there conclusion that I'm sure Argento will himself admire ... Don't misunderstand me ... There is no mention of Argento's world ... But its all there ... And is miles ahead of that dreadful and unforgivable reimagining of Suspiria that flopped out of somebodies misguided and over privileged imagination a couple of years ago ... See this ... Its good.
  • El_Ingeniero3 March 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Venus is part of a series of films produced by the label The Fear Connection. I applaud Alex de la Iglesia's effort to help Spanish horror/thriller directors get their films out there. This one in particular is a fun ride: some scenes and characters are very effective, as well as the FX and the use of music. What I do not understand is how an independent label still has to abide by certain clichés and tropes that feel really tired by now: over-the-top thugs whose behaviour ends up being laughable, the plot whose twist we see coming a mile away or certain shock moments that look good but don't really serve any purpose, such as the final or scene or the role of 'The Servant', who looks amazing but... what was up with her?? It's all the more odd in that Jaume Balaguero is a very experienced director.

    I also have to pick on this trend to "empower" female heroines which ends up doing exactly the opposite. It was hard enough to believe that 6-foot tall action heroes with military training would single-handedly beat a whole of gang of equally-muscular baddies, and on occasion it took you out of the story because all tension was lost. Suspension of disbelief is very difficult in these scenes, but it becomes nearly impossible when a weaked, wounded, twice-stabbed 55kg slim female dancer faces a bulky thug wielding a machete and takes him down with one kick. Some films manage to make this work in their own particular ways (Ripley, Pam Grier or the girl in the recent 'Revenge') but most fail at this IMHO.

    However, I definitely recommend this film. It's fun, short and sweet and it packs enough of a punch to keep you interested.
  • Gogo dancer Lucia, on the run from the mob after stealing a duffel bag of pills, hides out in the Edificio Venus, a derelict apartment block that is perhaps cursed, perhaps home to a witch. Her preadolescent niece tags along for the ride.

    Venus segues seamlessly from supernatural horror to action flick and then back again, a refreshing mix of genres that spares us the doldrums of either. Our protagonists are enjoyable, easily likable, worth cheering on, all the way through to the end.

    Acting is high quality, there is no apparent lack of budget-- absolutely nothing to complain about in the way of production values. I watched in Spanish with English subs.

    Venus is maybe a little derivative-- it's true, it riffs on Argento's mythos the way that other films riff on Lovecraft, and run-from-the-mob is a well-worn trope-- and it'd be hard to call it high art or anything, but it's a seriously fun flick.
  • Venus is directed by one of the directors of the REC films, Jaume Balagueró... It's an intense epic supernatural action horror film with crime, buckets of blood, cheesy scenes, witches, gangsters, an innocent little girl and just a whole lot of fun... This movie cannot be taken seriously... There are scenes that made me go WTF... But then again it's just a film and again it's not meant to be taken seriously... Just go with the flow and enjoy one hell of an intense ride... Hell of a performance by Ester Expósito as Lucía! I really enjoyed this film so much and I would love to see more movies like Venus from Jaume Balagueró!
  • brahmix5 October 2023
    I am so impressed with this movie!

    We start of with fun which immediately takes a dark turn, and you are sure you are in a crime drama.

    The it drops down into the lows of dysfunctional family dynamics, and becomes rather depressing.

    And that, coupled with the crime elements spinning up, you are introduced as a mere background effect: the sinister Lovecraftian Horror, on a TV set as if it is not even worth a mention.

    The human drama then gets revved up like an old '57 V8, grumbling and mumbling words of Cthulhu!

    The story escalates into absolute insanity! Blood, gore, and evil manifest! And while the darkness of eternity boils over, the crime elements explodes in full force, and during all of this, the family drama takes a darkest turn.

    I would recommend this to those who appreciate rather hectic movies, but who are willing to join on the human drama.

    The visuals are great! The experience is authentic without resorting to stupid 'found footage' tricks.

    The audio is good.

    But! The mixing of different genre story lines make this an absolute gem.
  • Honestly, thousands upon thousands of horror movies shot in the dark for a creepy atmosphere where it's dark on black on what the hell am I even looking at? Venus throws that idiotic nonsense in the trash. There are many scenes taking place in the dark, for the usual horror feel... but this movie uses lighting to make sure that even in the darkest scenes you can always see exactly what is going on. Save for some few moments that are set up for some awesome silhouettes, all the scenes in the dark still have just the right amount of lighting to highlight the scene. To make sure what's important is clearly shown. There's no looking at a black screen and wondering if that dark shadow is a monster or a reflection on your monitor. Excellently done. A shame more movies won't learn from this masterpiece of lighting.

    Now, on to the movie itself.

    It's pretty damn good. It's a rather unique twist on a theme that's been done time and again, poorly. Venus however pulls it off with flair. The storyline is well done, and wonderfully paced. The characters are wonderfully written. The twists and turns in the story are well paced. And the horror, while subdued, is fitting and never quite lets you know what to expect.

    Definitely a must watch. One can only hope that Hollywood can take a lesson from this work of art.
  • If you've watched enough horror, you've seen this kind of story a number of times, and many of its features will be familiar. However, other films would have told this story with fewer beats, and it's those extra pieces of attention which set this version apart.

    There are some great performances, especially from Ester Expósito as the lead, Lucía, and Inés Fernández as her niece, Alba. The two of them play off each other in a completely believable way, and their relationship is the core this movie needed to support the wilder elements.

    I appreciate a slower movie and I tend to value slow, fantastical horror over ones that simply fling blood everywhere. Venus is an unusually well-balanced patchwork of slow-burn horror with occasional sprints into something bloodier: fairytale-esque horror weaving into crime drama.
  • jp_9111 May 2023
    "Venus" is a film heavily influenced by "Rosemary's Baby", its script adds modern elements to escape being totally compared to the aforementioned Roman Polanski classic, resulting in a good script. The work of director Jaume Balagueró is notorious, the performances of the entire cast are very good, the cinematography achieves a gloomy atmosphere together with the filming locations, mainly in the apartment building. The sound design, the editing and the soundtrack go unnoticed but manage to fit perfectly. The special effects are well done in most of the scenes that use them. A recommendable good horror movie with a great development and that could have had a better ending.