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  • I stumbled across this little gem when browsing for something different to watch. I am gkad I gound it as it really hit the spot. I thought the combo of humour and horror was perfectly balanced. It was very well cast, well acted and kept me intrigued. The ending was unpredictable and shocking although I was a little bewildered about Alex's reasons but I still thougarily enjoyed the series. It left me wanting more and I hope a second season will be commissioned. The kids were great especially. Ollie. I am sure others will agree he was the star of the show. I highly recommend this show to those who like a well acted dark comedy.
  • Nic is in a loveless marriage, surviving on alcohol and the love of her son, her fortune's change when she meets Jen, on a drunken night, Nic reveals her big secret.

    I thought this series was pretty awesome, if you're a lover of black comedy, this should be right up your street, it's clever, funny and definitely a little twisted.

    The writing from Daisy May Cooper and Selin Hizli is the show's best feature, it stands apart from pretty much every recent comedy release, with perhaps the exception of Inside no 9, it's humour in that area.

    Lots of laughs, lots of drama, it's one of those shows that crosses many genres, it's a comedy, it's a thriller, it's a whole lot more.

    Nothing is quite what it seems, so expect the unexpected, more twists and turns than a ride at Alton Towers.

    The acting is excellent, Daisy May Cooper and Selin Hizli are excellent, they share some great scenes together.

    I came away from series one with lots of questions that still need answering, I cannot wait for series 2.

    Superb, 9/10.
  • owen-watts23 July 2023
    Cooper & Hizli's darkly twisted comedy about a toxic friendship, a toxic marriage and toxic secrets is an inconsistent beast and does not always hit the right mark - but a fantastic cast (particularly national-treasure-in-waiting Lenny Rush and the brilliantly unpleasant Dustin Demri-Burns) anchored by the two writer's own magnetic presence and some smart unfolding mysteries keeps it very watchable throughout. Where the series can go from here is an intriguing prospect because it's hard to argue with accusations that it didn't quite tie everything (or, indeed, anything) up by the last episode.
  • Anyone who doesn't get this is just not meant to get it. It is beautifully, weirdly random and is a DARK comedy. It has an ACTUAL plot and back story despite what some may say - there is an unintelligent critics' review - IGNORE THIS - Daisy May is AMAZING as is Lenny Rush, who plays her son. Even the 'cameo' characters are hilarious. The writing is BRILLIANT and is timed well for Hallowe'en. Watch this if you are INTELLIGENT and love random, well written comedy, acted naturally. The set is strangely mellow and somewhat 'League of Gentlemen', with a sinister edge. I was hooked immediately and think anyone who likes clever, unusual writing will too!
  • wfntpih25 September 2022
    At last we see Daisy May Cooper at I believe her best ! Interesting, funny, powerful, moving emotional, and also hilarious! It has a little hidden gems of humour in this, which is what I absolutely love in a BBC programme, especially one star and Daisy May Cooper !

    I am a massive fan of This Country, don't get me wrong this is certainly something very different, but Daisy May Cooper brings her humour to this program which is just brilliant to see and it's something that we wanted and needed from her ! I'll definitely be re-watching this again soon ! And I'm really hoping we get to see a second.
  • emilyklasing25 September 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    This series was supremely watchable and struck a really entertaining balance between funny (genuinely laugh out loud funny at times, too) and ultra dark. The writing was great, and the viewer is taken on a truly wild ride through dramatics of all sorts. We're not quite sure who to believe, or what's actually going on.

    There's a big reveal episode about Jen's character arc that's really good, it answers all the questions about her and I found it to be very satisfying. I quite liked how the plot then shifted again, back to the main points really, about infidelity, the cat, the son, the marriages/partnerships.

    The only part of Am I Being Unreasonable that I felt didn't quite fit was, sadly, the ending. It felt a bit like a "gotcha!" ending that wasn't totally thought-through. I agree with another reviewer that said that the Alex character's arc and many previous, real-life moments don't fit with the final ending. This wild ending could've worked, but it left more questions than answers. Why did the two people on the train not report her to the police, she should've been tried for murder? Why did Alex hate his brother, there should've been more around this.

    Overall an excellent watch, I couldn't stop watching it really. I loved the injected bits of humour. It's not a particularly believable programme but I don't think it's trying to be.
  • Brilliantly written and observed, the chaos surrounding the lives of Nic (Daisy May Cooper) and Jen (Selin Hizli) are perfectly set against the backdrop of English village life. Great piece of writing by them both, and so well played. It may confuse some as it doesn't fit in the normal simple genre boxes, this is as life is, funny, dark, weird, confusing, heartwarming and it's simply something to enjoy without constraints. Ollie (Lenny Rush) absolutely steals every scene he is in and was perfectly cast. If you liked 'Dead to Me' then you will love this (and if you like this and have not seen 'Dead to Me' give that a watch).
  • So excited to watch this and loved the opening episode. But then... Well. What is it? It's not funny enough to be a comedy. It's not thrilling enough to be a thriller. There are wild tonal shifts where it switches on a dime from soap to comedy to thriller. It feels like the producers said "we want Fleabag meets I Will Destroy You" but it's neither. What it is is an oddly muddled melodrama with two friends having fun playing unlikeable characters doing unrealistic random things, with bits of this show and bits of that thrown in. All in all, it overstays its welcome by at least 3 episodes. A strange show.
  • markharnden25 September 2022
    This Country fans will pile into Daisy May Cooper's most recent offering to meet darker versions of her narcissistic character creations. Credit to co-writer/star Selin Hizli for contributing to this unpredictable and original glance at infidelity, obsession, entitlement and self-delusion. Tinkering with the point of view midway through the series enhances audience understanding and sucks the viewer into enjoying a broader perspective, which works. There are a few 'gross-out' moments that could have been omitted on the basis that they aren't funny or necessary, but overall, a successful exploration of taboos. And booze.
  • vjzphmrs26 September 2022
    I was mega pleased at how well Daisy May Cooper is versatile within her writing and acting and creativity along with her co writer and co star in this new show.

    Clever. Smart. Funny. Awkward. Great show.

    It's easy to see the trailer of this thinking that it should be good as This country but don't think it should be the same as This Country as that is within a class act of it's own agenda. And if you want that. Just watch it on iplayer as I regularly do!

    This is completely different and just as good for entertainment.

    All the cast play their roles well with humour evenly spread. But also serious too which evens out the show with its storyline. I look forward to more from Daisy May Cooper in the future. The gal is very talented.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was definitely worth watching. Its dark humour chills at times but it is genuinely funny. However, I found the story rather laboured and unconvincing. Tonally it felt slightly off. The humour run at a different direction from the story which became over convoluted and yes unreasonable!

    Many structural issues annoyed me. Why did we suddenly change point of view to discover Jen's? Jen's story wasn't fully developed and didn't really go anywhere. There were too many questions unanswered. It was confusing because I expected her to have a more significant role. So she meets Dan, Nic's husband on a tinder date? It wasn't enough. The unravelling of her antics felt too quick and convenient. And then why did she buy the same coat as Nic?

    For me the whole story was too large, without room to develop. For instance Alex, the brother, doesn't ever really appear that interesting. Why would Nic be so captivated by him?

    It felt as if the story was hemmed in, conscious that it was a comedy and not really able to lift itself into the dark realms of the thriller it was trying to be. I think that had the series had an hour for each episode to play with rather than the paltry 30 mins it might well have been better.
  • Well where do you go after starring and writing in the BAFTA award winning comedy This Country? Daisy May Cooper plays a totally different character stuck in a loveless marriage bringing up a disabled son with no friends and a family from hell. And then a new single parent Jen arrives in the town and they immediately strike up a friendship, after a while We discover that Jen has a dark sinister past and is not the person she seams to be. That just scratches the surface there our way to many sub plots to mention. All the cast are terrific but it's little Ollie played by Lenny Rush who steals the show giving one of the best child performances I have seen in years. I promise you will watch all 6 episodes back to back! 8/10.
  • It's well written, mostly clever with some funny jokes. But when all your characters are horrible, selfish and obnoxious it makes for a rather unpleasant viewing experience. One of the rare show where you kind of wish every single character would suffer an horrible death in fact. Every single thing the lead does is painful to watch I swear.

    The kid is an amazing actor though and the whole cast is very good but this is a frustrating program. The first couple of episodes reminded me of Fleabag without the forth wall trick and I was excited for this well acted black comedy. Unfortunately the story gets so dark it's almost stomach churning. You need balance and you need light when you deal with such difficult issues.

    It's a shame because there is definitely a lot of talent involved.
  • Wow this was great. Idk what I was expecting but this was even better. Daisy Mae Cooper is a great writer, this was nothing like 'This Country' but just as good, full of twists and turns. The editing was superb and really elevated the storytelling. Funny and gripping, I binged it all in an evening, a great blend of comedy and thriller. The story progressed at the perfect pace, without feeling too over the top or unnatural. Kid was amazing, his comedic performance felt very mature and he had great chemistry with Daisy, they literally felt like a real mother and son. Similarly was the realationship between the female leads.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Stellar performances all round, and a genuinely gripping story that will keep you guessing to the last.

    The first 5 and 3/4 episodes are outstanding. Every assumption you make at what's going on, who is who, what people's agendas are etc. Is batted back at you right up until the final episode.

    Then the last 10 minutes of the final reveal makes no sense.

    Stop reading here if you don't want spoilers...

    Why is Alex having a SECRET affair with his brother's wife for 7 YEARS just as a way to get back at his brother who he doesn't like? That's a long time to do something to piss someone off that they don't know anything about. Alex's turn from a seemingly loving brother/partner in previous scenes to arguably the worst person in a series of characters who reveal themselves to be unlikeable (and then sporadically redeemable) is a stark contrast to the person we see not only in Nicola's (presumably) rose-tinted subjective memories of their affair, but also the seemingly loving brother we see in objective footage of the wedding videos. The logical jump was just bit too big for me.

    An honestly great series that is let down by its final twist in the final minutes of the final episode. Otherwise excellent throughout.
  • Wasn't sure what to expect with this, but quickly warmed to it. Daisy May Cooper was on top form. Ended up binge watching all 6 episodes in one hit as I wanted to see what happened next, I literally laughed out loud in every episode at various points. Special mention must go to child actor Lenny Rush as little Ollie, right from the get go he shone with his quick retorts and rapport with Daisy. Future star in the making. Dustin Burns was brilliant as the dad. Comedy and drama is a tricky thing to get right, I rated this 10 out of 10. Lots of nice little twists and some top notch comedy. Love it.
  • Discovered Daisy May Cooper rather late, at the recommendation of someone else watched This Country and it quickly became a favourite of mine. With so much British television set in cities and towns I love the fact that Daisy actively pushed for village life to be heard and seen. The witchfinder was an absolute mess of a show, and absolutely squandered her talents so am glad to see her back on TV working on such an enjoyably unique comedy/thriller/noir. Daisy and her co-writer Selin have concocted a truly bonkers and somewhat hellish universe here, occasionally comfy and cosy and then quickly sledgehammered with a queasy darkness. Some great performances and a unique journey.
  • booscottjones17 October 2022
    Such an incredible show with strong female leads, centering around a very realistic and beautiful female friendship, which is so rare and amazing to see. All the characters were well fleshed out and consistently written, and I found the main characters to be very likeable - I was always either rooting for them or wanting to watch further to understand their actions. I couldn't guess what was going to happen next, the twists really impressed me and tugged at my heart strings! It deals with dark themes very well and was incredibly entertaining and insightful while doing so. All the performances were brilliant! Worth watching especially if you like a bit of mystery!
  • A dark comedy with some spooky elements, it felt fitting that I watched this show around Halloween. Am I Being Unreasonable? Is an odd one with a lot of tonal shifts. The humour doesn't always land for me so while I enjoyed watching it, I wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for easy laughs as it's plot-heavy and there's quite a bit of drama. But when it works, it really works.

    Lenny Rush is unbelievable as Nic's son, Ollie. I actually had to Google to make sure the boy isn't an adult because his facial acting and the deadpan way he delivers his lines is incredibly impressive for a kid. The chemistry between him and Daisy May Cooper (Nic) is lovely and definitely helps hold the show together. I also really liked Juliet Cowan as Viv, Nic's neurotic cleaner.

    In terms of the show's shortcomings, it would benefit from tighter editing. Some of the comedic scenes just aren't funny enough for their inclusion to be merited, and while Nic's flashbacks were successful in putting me in her shoes, they felt overdone at times.

    In any case, I'll definitely be tuning in to Season 2.
  • nevittlee7 October 2022
    #amibeingunreasonable watched /binged this with er in doors on BBC iplayer... Well that blew my mind, totally didn't expect this...its a comedy/thriller...but not like anything I have seen in a while.. hadn't planned on watching it all but it had us hooked.. episodes are 30mins long and there are 6 of them.. I can't really give too much away about the plot.. its cleverly written, funny, twisty and unpredictable. Sold 9 definitely a MUST WATCH !!!..daisy and Co writter gives us something here that we didn't know we needed.. this does work because of her though and her character in it aomam not sure if if someone else had been cast the series would have been as watchable.
  • Loved this country, i went into this series trying not to compare, and i didn't. Its such a shame that the humour was injected into this series, it didn't need it to be honest. It would have stood alone as a thriller. Sometimes its best not to carry on the humour from different series to series as an actor. The toilet Part wasnt needed and cringy. As a positive, the premise of the series worked, really quite good. Daisy's serious role can be applauded, please do more, we dont expect this country again nor the humour, leave it at the door. Believable storyline, good acting. Not a bad rating of 6-7.
  • NO SPOILERS...THAT WOULD BE MEAN Daisy Mae Cooper and Lenny Rush are brilliant playing off each other. So cheeky they could actually be mother and son. The rest of the lot are solid but show would be rubbish without those two leading.

    At the start I thought her character was nutters, but all the normies around her have lost the plot too. I have no spoilers to share. You'll want to savor every Sambuca-shot-soaked word yourself.

    ...or wine, or the port from Christmas four years ago.

    All in all a fun, drunken, mystery with bloody great acting and a pretty solid story to back it up.

    Give it a goooo...
  • deepfrieddodo22 October 2022
    Something a little bit different from Cooper, which ultimately doesn't entirely satisfy but at least does intrigue (/confuse) for its duration. Quirky in its comedy, the best scenes come in the odd mother-son chemistry between Cooper and Rush, who has a brilliant performance and takes the whole show to the next level.

    Seemingly complex in its plot, things don't quite piece themselves together at the best pace, with a lot of jumping around and a few irrelevant red herrings. However, that does instil the mystery from episode to episode. The whole cast play their parts very well and are believabily real people, which is a major asset.
  • paulmacky29 May 2023
    Well if this is the product we get from two "lauded" writers then beam me up Scotty!

    This is an utter mess from start to finish. Implausibility heaped upon implausibility, meanness, mental illness, disability and cruelty passed off as 'dark' comedy. An utterly fraudulent storyline - to justify an utterly absurd 'shock' ending.

    The direction was the one shining light, maximizing the impact and mood and extracting passable performances form the mediocre acting talent. But direction can only take you so far when the script is incoherent, dishonest and simply silly.

    You might want to watch this after some of the glowing reviews. But you have been warned.
  • emilylemons7 November 2022
    This is pure genius. I am quite a critical person but I can't fault it. I have just finished binging the whole series (I just had to keep watching) and already I cannot wait to rewatch this and see all the details you miss first time around. The characters are incredibly intricate and well rounded. The story is a rollercoaster of a ride that left my mouth hanging open nearly every episode - the twists and turns are just spectacular. The direction, the writing, the cinematography, the casting, EVERYTHING about this is unbelievable. We need more content like this from the incredibly talented Daisy May Cooper!! My favourite series of the year by far. I don't know if a second series has been planned or whether this is a standalone series - either way, the world needs more stories like this. The writing is inspired and I am now a big fan of the creators behind this. Excellent. Brilliant. Synonyms. Just amazing! Go watch it!
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