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  • If you're cynical you could criticise this film for being cliché and predictable, but if you're looking for a film with a bit of heart, hope, and a happy ending, you can't go wrong with this. It's a very simple story that relies on you simply enjoying the ride. A huge chunk of the film is original music; one sequence has 3 songs in a row which was a brave choice but it worked. I'd rather watch something like this than some of the big-budget rubbish Netflix has produced. I'm also surprised at the 15 rating, there were just a couple of swear words but nothing else that would warrant a restriction, so it could be enjoyed by all ages.
  • mak_60020 September 2022
    Nicely acted with solid, if not exceptional, performances all round, in essence this is a simple, human story of friendship, hope and redemption set in and around the wonderfully diverse Peckham, South London. Focusing on the relationship between an ex boy band musician trying to reignite the past and an autistic boy drummer drifting into adulthood, there is a lot of tugging at the heart strings here and it only just about manages to stay on the right side of overdoing the sentimentality. Having said all that, what the story may lack in subtlety and poise, it more than compensates with heart and soul. Rather good.
  • This was a good film, with some nice moments which made you feel good.

    I gave it 7 because every film/TV show at the moment is either just depressing/graphic or has to have an ironic bitter sweet ending for the sake of being "edgy" or "ground breaking".

    This film was different because it dropped the need to avoid any cliche's and instead steer into them and the result is a film you can sit and watch, while laughing at a few digs at 90's boy band groups, before walking away feeling a little happier as a result.

    Netflix produced another gem here and I applaud them for using the UK as the backdrop of this story, In particular London's vibrant music culture which is something that is often overlooked.
  • TheWordYo16 September 2022
    This is 100% the cheesiest movie of 2022 and you will love it.

    Soundtrack is awesome Who really cares about the acting and yes it could be shorter but it's a pooper sad happy movie.

    So many things they could have done to make the movie better and the backstory has too many holes in it to even try and think about.

    You are either in or you're out and I'm sure people will give it a low rating off the back of the above and talk about people with autism however the movie is not based on that, it's really about finding some happiness in friendship.

    Glad we watched it, I hope you do too.

    Did I mention the OST!

  • I've started to enjoy these standalone brit movies with unknown characters and actors more and more and this is a good example. It's clean, well acted, feel good and a nice story even if it is predicable, but that doesn't matter because the pace and dialogue make it real. No flash stuff, just realism and a good story, yes can be a bit cheezy but all for the right reasons. The cast and actor selection is excellent and work well and the straight forward production concise. The Stevie character is fabulous throughout and show how strong and important EVERYONE is. Watch this film - you will be better for it.
  • GalAlba17 September 2022
    This film is a, Sunday afternoon, feet up watch.

    It's not a game changer. You're head isn't going to spin. It's just a nice story & that's fine.

    Obviously doesn't have a massive budget, but, doesn't need it. Everybody does their job with no stand out performances, but, the film, once again, is fine without any.

    It's a nice TV movie. No agenda's are being pushed. There are no victims in Chinese sweatshop sneakers or bedroom martyrs to be found & the movie is better for it.

    Find a free afternoon, cuddle up, into someone else, a cushion or yourself & watch. Have a wee snooze afterwards if you want & then treat yourself to a takeaway & some popcorn popping sci-fi before bed.

    The end.
  • acplc17 September 2022
    A down on his luck former boy band singer is struggling to get even a pub gig or actually finish a song he's writing until when busking one day he his joined by an autistic drummer and they feel an affinity for each other. You might think at this point that it's going to be another twee and condascending film about people wth special needs but the story has depth and deals with the problems both the lead characters face with realism and a believable story structure. I don't want to put any spoilers in so it's difficult to explain the twists in the film without giving too much away. Suffice to say it is a heartwarming film and well worth a watch. The character of Stevie is played by Leo Long who, in real life is a neurodiverse person.
  • Finally a movie that made me feel good and feel hope in the nation otherwise facing such adversity. Everything that is streaming seems to be so negative and aggressive. These are the types of movies we need.

    The two main actors were very good and it's finally good to see new, fresh faces in this industry. I can actually see them going on and acting another films. I'm also very glad to see a young man on the spectrum and a starring role. He did an amazing job and he is a phenomenal musician.

    Thank you for doing this movie, we need more like them. Congrats to the other actors who participated in this movie. They did an amazing job.
  • Went into this because I wanted to have something in the background while working from home, but got invested in the story more than I anticipated.

    Even if the overarching storyline is a little by the book and quite predictable the details and especially backstory of some characters make it work well.

    The acting was at least decent and strong at times in my opinion. The music works quite well and adds to the general vibe rather than take away from it.

    If you are looking for a "feel-good-movie" about second (& first) chances, look no further.

    Would even give a 7,5 if possible.

    ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡and a half.
  • Idle_Hands0819 September 2022
    There is something about these fictional musical stories that seem right at home on the small screen. The last one "Yesterday" was excellent, and this story brings an unlikely due together, but it's the drama that keeps you watching.

    We all struggle at times in our lives, and it's often the what if, or the motivation to keep moving forward like the characters in this story that make life what it is... Persistence and a positive attitude even when it seems like life won't cut you a break, this is what these type of characters are up against. Watching unknown actors also adds to the realism of these type of small stories...

    Decent casual viewing...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a drummer myself, I watched this movie simply because it focused on a drummer. I was surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did. Sure it had some flaws, but Ed Skrein was believable as a washed up pop star looking for that second chance. The kid was an adequate beginner drummer, and their music would never burn up the charts, but they played with feeling and that's worth way more than record sales.

    Spoiler alert ahead. The only real problem I had with the movie was Vince's struggle to go on tour without Stevie. The unfortunate reality of touring is that Stevie's autism would likely prevent the tour from getting insurance and the sensory overload that he would have felt with the crowds, lights and noise would likely have done him real damage. Presenting it as the manager just bouncing Stevie for a better musician was kind of a cop-out but I get it, it was for dramatic effect.

    I'd like to see more movies like this that show the healing and redemptive power of music, especially drums and percussion, drum circles and the human heartbeat. The drum is the most ancient and noble of instruments and this movie, Whiplash and Drumline just aren't enough.

    PS if you don't drop at least one year at the end... you're a monster.
  • jordan_bel13 February 2023
    It's been done before but not exactly this way. Still it's a very good drama/comedy, the actors -every single one of them down to the smallest parts- are amazing.

    Definitely worth watching, you might have wet eyes when Vince watches the tapes of his late brother, you will definitely laugh when he goes door to door to get a gig and meets the strong characters of the Peckham local scene.

    Also quite the eclectic casting with the gorgeous Eleanor Matssura (The Walking Dead), and a strong presence from Kurt Egyiawan and his voice that reminds me of Don Cheadle.

    A solid 7, and I'm a mean rater...
  • Director Sternberg has committed the cardinal sin for a movie about music: he failed to make sure that he had quality songs to carry the film in the first place.

    The music in this movie is so bad it's almost laughable. In scenes where we have an audience listening to the awful songs, the poor quality renders the scenes unworkable because nobody would stay and listen to it; they'd be out the door.

    You can almost feel the extras in the audience fighting to keep a straight face as they endure the 'songs'.

    Young Leo Long's drumming is wonderful and it's a heart-warming tale, but it just lacks any credibility at all because it's let down by the painful music. It even relied on a bad cover of House of the Rising Sun (a great 60s song) to lend some kind of class to the soundtrack.

    Don't get me started on the singing of Ed Skrein ... if you're going to make a film about a singer make sure your leading character can actually hold a tune.

    Outside of the musical element, the film is strictly formulaic all the way. There were absolutely no surprises.
  • "I Used to Be Famous" contains a lot of original music and I feel for it. The synth-driven songs are produced with a deep human touch and you'll be surprised how well the music carries the picture. It's a pretty bold move from Netflix to cast unknown actors and throw them into a delicate story like this one is. The former boy band star Vince feels isolated with his own artistic vision. That's when he runs into the autistic drummer Stevie and they soon team up. It was only by the end of the movie when I realised how much the two characters have in common. Stevie needed a friend to look up to and Vince struggles from the loss of his deceased brother. Stevie kinda reminds him of his brother and all this circumstances makes the two of them bond really tight.

    This British feature feels like an Indie production of higher value but it was the story and the acting that I found captivating for what it's worth. The film has a fantastic finale and you should definitely stick around until the end!
  • Don't like the required 600 characters.... but here's my take that could have been done with less. I really like the message that the film is trying to convey. The film is highly predictable but can be forgiven for that... most films are. The characters are well developed and in most part... somewhat believable. I did feel that there were a few giant leaps made... but once again forgivable. There is a good and enjoyable selection of music. Eleanor Matsuura... who played the mother.... was very good and I wish there would have been flashbacks of when she was a dancer. All in all... even though it's predictable and does make leaps... it leaves you feeling good.
  • This movie was exactly what I needed. Love or hate it I guess but I loved it. A really uplifting story which shows riches don't always make you happy. Really touches the soul. Amazing music, 3 songs in row absolutely brilliant. Love love loved it. Shows do what really makes your soul happy.

    No it doesn't have huge blockbuster storyline, no huge A list celebrities but this stood out straight away to me and I am sure to lots of others on a selection for film to watch.

    Please watch this film it deserves so much more coverage than it has. The actors are phenomenal it.

    Basic sets just made it so much better being just that, real life. Honestly so touching and a film that will stay with me.
  • A recent Netflix original. When a has been boy band member, Ed Skrein, now finds himself in adulthood, he's been regulated to hitting London streets to busk for a living but during one momentous outing he comes across a young lad, Leo Long (a boy on the autistic spectrum), who provides percussive accompaniment to his synth twindles attracting a willing & appreciative audience. Hoping to make a move back into the big time & getting the tentative okay from Long's mom, Eleanor Matsuura (from The Walking Dead), they hit a night club to perform which ends up being a disaster when a drunken patron hassles Long & Skrein comes to his rescue but of course in the modern age of viral videos, their captured interrupted performance has garnered some attention & Skrein's old bandmate (now a solo artist embarking on a new tour) reaches out for the pair to be an opening act. Will it go down as planned or will disappointment be the meal of the day? Nothing new under the sun w/some okay tunes to carry the film along but the performances & story are definitely surface not being especially deep putting this film in the background noise category.
  • Pieceofperu19 September 2022
    What a lovely film. Not what I was expecting - it was a much slower approach with no special effects or massive plot lines. However we did get a gentle film with lots of warmth and feelings, music, relationships, inspiration and development. Great acting from everyone involved and a really diverse and inclusive cast. Fabulous London scenery. The main character despite his own flaws still inspires and changes people he meets on his journey and he develops from meeting them. I felt like the film took a very natural plotline and every decision felt in character and not just a plot tool. It was a gorgeous lovely feel good film which made me sob like a baby.
  • Vinnie is a washed-up, troubled former teen-boy band singer. His band (à La Backstreet Boys) was 20 years ago. Now, he patrols the streets with his keyboard propped up on ironing board, since his stand is broken. He hopes to create a buzz playing new compositions in the street. By chance, he encounters Stevie, a kind but slightly autistic sort, who likes to play along on percussion. The two hit it off and soon, they get a few gigs, despite the non-approval of the kid's protective mom.

    However, conflicts and shortcomings arise, and Vinnie must navigate through these minefields to find his way in life. Eventually, he gets some breaks career-wise and must choose between a big comeback for himself or something less for his partnership with Stevie. The story dwells on the down side of things a bit too much, but overall, this is a feel-good movie.
  • I did not start watching this with great expectations, just a simple feelgood movie. At the end I came out a little disappointed but also just plain annoyed. The characters are one-dimensional as can be, especially Stevie and his mom Amber. It is your cliché talented autistic boy who is extremely sheltered by an overprotective mom. Guess what happens next? You're right, because it's as predictable as can be. It's really nice to see however that they're actually casting an autistic person, and not faking their way through like some movies sadly still do. Though again the portrayal of Stevie's experiences seem very surface-level. This does improve a little throughout the movie, but only after you're already more than halfway. They did not get me to care about the characters, therefore I did not feel any warmth, care, sadness - all it does try to evoke. The emotional scenes too are just like, 'okay I guess, seems sad or something'. The cast is diverse, the acting itself honestly isn't bad at all. The drum class is a very nice aspect as well. I think it would've helped this movie to not take itself so seriously. They try too hard to be heartwarming and I feel they forcefully make the main character too special and unique.
  • jonodanmatt17 September 2022
    Good message from this film A bit cheesey But the filming was great Struggle to success style film Very original well done director.

    The struggle of making music is very hard and a lot of people do not appreciate it Ed is a good actor but typically plays a bad guy or an alpha male type I'm sure he will get praise from this movie Ironing board for a stand in the beginning was very well thought of Just a shame this is bit more famous The kid was on point and it's shows a few things that most people would miss The autistic demonstration was very good and the young actor will get praise from this.
  • If you are looking for a film with simple yet heartwarming story, you can't go wrong with this. This film is about friendship, music, and togetherness...and also becoming a famous duo called "The Tin Men". The story is uplifting, cheering, and also this piece has a good lesson. Everything about it is quite obvious, right down to Vince giving Stevie his never-stop-dreaming-and-believing vibe and saying the expected phrases and lines.

    People should stream this film, even though it's very simple, and pretty predictable, but it's kind of "feel-good" story that truly inspires every musician there.
  • Sometimes I don't know what viewers interpret into a film or what their previous viewing habits are. Although I often like British films because they are raw and real, with I Used to Be Famous I wondered how many times I had seen this story before. And as is often the case, some kind of underdog with heart has to step up and work small miracles. Ultimately, there's nothing to be said against that, if the result weren't so half-hearted and TV-movie-like. Ed Skrein is Vince, the former teen idol, now washed up and jobless. You can hear where he's coming from in his speech, and you don't really know where he's going, even though he keeps emphasizing that he wants success. Success eludes him until he meets the autistic Stevie, who lives in his own rhythmic world and can spice up Vince's dull synth sounds with a self-made percussion apparatus. Sounds likeable and it kind of is, but unfortunately it's very half-heartedly acted and the music is just plain awful. When Vince sings, my cat runs out of the room and whatever possibilities arise for him here in the course of the film are pure dramaturgical assertions and would not be possible in real life, just as this whole film eludes reality rather than trying to depict it. Thus, what remains is a bumpy and nice attempt to tell a heartfelt story, but for me it falls by the wayside on all levels.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    An example of that are the songs which are quite accessible and feel almost too simple, but they are not produced to perfection they sound a little undercooked. But its these sort of details that make it seem a little bit more real than others. Kind of like silver linings playbook, but not quite hitting that mark.

    It is a very enjoyable watch though, and has some beautiful delicate moments. It is the sort of movie you could recommend or watch with anyone and they will like it.

    I liked it and I think its a worth, quite well rounded and relatively easy watch, that you might take a little something away from. And for this particular story I like that the film itself isn't perfect, it suits itself.
  • The lead actor, Vince, is sensational as a faded pop star looking for a comeback, and latches on to an autistic drumming progidy. It's fairly formulaic from there, bordering on Richard Curtis soppiness and photography. It manages to maintain a bit of an edge but is sadly let down by a poor supporting cast and script. There was so much scope to explore many of the backstories - particularly of the absent fathers of both protoganists, and the lost dreams of Amber. The split of the band was too easy and lacked any tension, especially with Vinnie's mum so downtrodden. This was a missed opportunity.

    Worth a watch but lower your expectations.
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