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  • Jordan pushes Charlie into an impossible situation, forcing him to comply to his plan, Conrad is pushed into a drastic action in Prison, and Raymond desperately continues in his bid to bring Charlie down.

    After the first few episodes, I really felt the big and bold title, 'A man in full' would focus the whole story on this wonderfully big character, Charlie, its so disappointing that he's quite literally been squeezed out.

    With the switch in focus, comes the best episode so far, Conrad has now become the central figure, and it's his story that's causing the stress and tension, and now it's The Judge who's playing the villain.

    This one's pretty good, I just can't help but feel disappointed by the way that it has gone.

    Once again, it's very well acted.

  • Hitchcoc7 June 2024
    Peepgrass is raving. He sensed he had more power than he really had. He has created a new life for himself because he is full of possibilities in his own head. But for some reason, the rug is pulled out from under him. Charlie gets a reprieve. Meanwhile the guy in prison, in order to save himself, breaks the arm of the man who threatened him. Of course, all the judge sees is the retaliation. There is no sound of the threats the poor guy received. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end. But it would appear the our boy is getting a "get out of jail, free" card. So after five episode we head for the finale.