User Reviews (3)

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  • I really love movies. As a movie lover it is beyond me why any one would want some cheap knock off version when they can have the real thing for the same price. As it is Shutter is over rated. It's not even in the top ten of the Asian horror boom that was taking place when it was released. The "creators" of this rip off have taken a mediocre story, and did everything humanly possible to make it worse. There is plenty of terrible acting, a very poorly written script, and not one scare. The thieves responsible for making all these movies in the rip off genre are not entirely to blame. The blame goes to the people that continue to see these movies. The filmmakers should be sued until the can no longer afford to make movies, and the audience should be forced to learn what a good movie is. As long as people are going to see these abominations, the "filmakers will continue to steal other people work and ideas. Not one of these rip offs comes remotely close to being as good the original. Not one. So really what is the point of wasting your money? If a knock off of a name brand was the same price as the original, no one would buy the knock off. So don't see the knock off either. If you must then see it for free. Don't give any more money to these thieves. I saw the cover box for the Memento rip off the other day. What a joke.
  • The Inspiration hitch continues in Bollywood with another horror movie taking its entire content from the various sources of World Cinema. And how un-interesting and un-inspiring, it makes to write a review of a movie which is not at all original in the first place. I frankly feel that reviewing a movie like "Click" is just like commenting over a painting which is just a copy of some other master's original work. Still here is the review for all the friends who want to know more about this latest horror flick coming from our dear bollywood.

    The movie makes a shaky start as there is a long song coming with the opening titles followed by another one in the disco. It still remains a mystery to me that even after the evident development in Indian Cinema, why the directors intentionally go on adding so many songs and that too in a horror movie. The opening scenes of the lead pair in the photo shoot and all the friends meeting at the discotheque give you a strong indication of a feebly directed movie coming ahead. And that's rightly proved in the later reels when the viewer is served with very few horrifying sequences accompanied by some unimpressive graphical representation of the haunting spirit. In fact it was quite strange to see the good old Ramsay's white dressed lady back on the screen with a white chalky face and open hair in a movie which had some remarkable sources to copy from.

    The story revolves around a photographer and his girlfriend who have a nasty road accident killing a young girl passing through. In a panic they leave the injured girl lying on the road and forget about the incident. But after a few days, they both start noticing strange things happening in the photographs clicked by the photographer which in turn leads them to the hidden dark secrets of their past. Sadly the real action starts only post intermission when the girl insists on investigating the actual truth behind the photographs. Before that the build-up is not that convincing as it should be which in turn leads to an unsatisfied viewer in the end.

    Moreover if you are die-hard fan of the horror genre then you must have already seen all the spooky scenes of Click in the various other masterpieces. The director Sangeeth Sivan, takes his entire storyline from the Thai Hit "Shutter", adds some references taken from "The Ring" series and then mixes it with the famous dead body plot of Hitchcock's Classic "Psycho". That makes his CLICK ready for the Indian audiences. But that is not a first from the director as his earlier ventures were also all heavily inspired from the Western Hits.

    In the performance department, Shreyas Talpade is fine but also looks a little un-interested in few scenes. Sadaa, on the other hand gives an impressive performance as his girl-friend. Sneha Ullal, playing the ghost has got nothing much to do in the narrative. Chunky Pandey, once again delivers an over the top act and rest of the cast just serves the purpose fine.

    Ideally the movie only required a good background score, which is thankfully there at the right moments. But all those songs using the Urdu words in their hook lines were simply unimpressive and not at all needed in the script. Cinematography also lacked the mysterious feel required by the ghostly subject.

    Summing up, the movie could have been much better as some strong references were there for the director to get inspired from. But he couldn't deliver an equally engrossing flick if compared with all its original sources. The brilliant twist dealing with the neck pain of the photographer in the story will surely make a more horrifying and lasting impact on the viewer if seen in the original Thai masterpiece, SHUTTER. The said movie was also officially remade in English with the same name, but that too failed to generate a similar impact on the viewers as witnessed in the Thai classic.

    In straight words, for all the real horror movie lovers, who must have watched the famous horror classics of the world, there is nothing new in CLICK to enjoy. But in case you love the horror genre but still haven't seen all the foreign classics mentioned above, then I would like to suggest that go for "Shutter" (Thai), "The Ring" and "Psycho" at the earliest, instead of this poor version called CLICK.

    (I still wonder how the Indian Film-makers go on making their INSPIRED Versions so fearlessly, whereas the rest of the world officially takes the rights for it.)
  • The film is just the title I have given for my review.The storyline is not impressive.They have tried to make it scary; Yes,maybe the posters will scare someone,but not the film.

    The main focus in the film is more on jobless women and fashion,which spoils the very essence of a horror film.As a fashion photographer,the only thing Shreyas Talpade photographs in the film is his girlfriend,and in those photos start to appear a lady,reminding him of his dark past with another lady,who now wants to haunt him and his near and dear ones,for reasons which you will know when you see(and if you waste your time watching)the film.

    There are so many scenes and 'thrills' which have been clearly 'inspired' from classic horrors like 'The grudge'.The songs are unremarkable.Can't understand whether this was meant to be a love story or a horror.Either way,it's horrible.

    And the climax?you'll be surprised.

    All in all,I'd say there are better films to watch.And perhaps money and effort should not be put into making such destined disasters.