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  • While I am not overly familiar with the work of Russell Howard, I do believe I've seen one or maybe two of his previous shows. So as I stumbled upon "Russell Howard: Lubricant" here in 2022, whilst browsing through the stand-up comedy section on Netflix, of course I opted to sit down and watch it as I do recall him as being a funny comedian.

    And yeah, memory served me well. Russell Howard definitely in a funny comedian, and I just love the energy that he has while he is on the stage.

    The contents of the show is definitely well-written, and it is material that differs greatly in topics and contents. So there is a good chance of there being something for just about anyone in the audience. I was genuinely entertained by "Russell Howard: Lubricant", from beginning to end.

    If you enjoy stand-up comedy, then "Russell Howard: Lubricant" is definitely a show that is worth sitting down and watching. Good comedy, great laughs, and just all-round enjoyable show.

    My rating of "Russell Howard: Lubricant" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
  • daropaz15 January 2022
    Congratz, and thanks for this special that made me laugh a little and forget all tragedy in this dark days we are in, for a good hour. Absolutely funny and smart jokes. The WOKE overdose has done something not good with the humor in the whole world. But Russel did solve that with bravura. See R. H. remenising your memorys.
  • This was a joy to watch, and an incredible advocacy for laughter, empathy and making jokes as a glue for living together.

    Don't pay attention to all the negative reviews. Somehow, they prove Russell Howard's point. They are the ones complaining that they can't say anything anymore and that cancel culture is ruining everything, yet they are the ones who come here trying to cancel someone they didn't like. With fire in their bellies and the righteousness of someone feeling it is all owed to them.

    Instead, go and enjoy this pearl of comedy that, hopefully, will open the valve of exhaustion from having to deal with this long pandemic, as it did for me.

    This is the relief I never knew I needed. And a reminder of what brings us together.
  • This was brilliant and hilarious. Nuff said. Ignore the bad reviews. Its just angry mentally unstable anti-vaccine ramblings. Conspiracy theorist be crazy as always.
  • talese-amer8 January 2022
    I have been watching his political satire recently. I was surprised to find a British person doing the same thing Colbert, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah do on a regular basis.

    My Japanese partner thought this live was funny too. I could see her giggling via the subtitles.

    Just look at the rating, 7.0 and thought it was low then saw all the anti-vaxxers and Yankee Republicans in the reviews going on about the lamestream media and propaganda. Basically Trump supporters that are all pissed off with someone who believes in science. I think he mentions vaccines for 2mins at most, then its onto what idiots we Brits can be, and how to laugh at yourself and laugh with your family.

    From these reviews, people clearly didnt get it and cant laugh at themselves.
  • I have all his old DVDs and I like recalibrate as well, but I'll copy and paste a text I sent to my misses who is also a big fan.

    "Yeah his last one was good he actually told stories, this one it was like he was just after applause, saying things everyone obviously agrees with and bringing his views into it and then being incredibly hypocritical. The first half was shocking and then he told 1 sort of decent story at the end. He's found what makes him money and it's sucking up to 20 year old brain washed students, so unfortunately he's not for me anymore." When he told stories it was actually good and the interaction with the crowd was good, but the preachy stuff was too much for me, not because I don't agree with it, It just doesn't make me laugh, save it for the correct setting where things can be done about it. No matter what you say he isn't the same comedian from years gone by, he was much better back then!

    The only reason this hasn't scored lower is because of the documentary that is included. If it was based on that alone that would of got a 7/8 because I really enjoyed that. I still like him as a person I just don't find his TV show (which at one time was the best thing on BBC Three) or his stand up funny anymore.

    I expect to get hate from those brain washed students, but just remember I was a fan and supporting the fella back when he was on mock the week, you're new to the party , you probably don't have a clue how good he used to be!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This set has Russell's normal physical comedy and constant stories about his mother father and brother, it's gotten stale and played out now because if you've seen him before you heard it all before and it was funnier then.

    He has some material about covid, but it seemed forced and like he's trying a little too hard to be edgy and instead he just come off as unoriginal and like he begging for applause, don't get me wrong I'm not an anti-vaxer, in fact I've had both my shots and my booster jab, I just think it felt like he was desperate for an easy laugh and, for me it feel flat.

    He has some stuff about women being great and clever and amazing and strong and men being useless dolts, which, predictability was met with whoops, cheers and applause but no laughter because it simply wasn't funny.

    He had some 'jokes' about how women shouldn't listen to people who tell them what to do with their bodies while telling women what not to do with their bodies, the irony of which escaped him completely.

    There was the revelation that he fingers himself in the arse while he's asleep, that didn't really surprise me or illicit any laughter from me.

    He had a bit about his brother nearly dying during an epileptic fit after which his brother started sleeping in the same bed as him, Russell was shocked to learn later in life that his brother only started sleeping in the same bed as him because he was afraid of dying in his sleep, apparently Russell is not all that smart and couldn't put that particular puzzle together on his own.

    I think the audience reaction said it all for me, people cheered and clapped constantly but laughed rarely, in the end it felt more like a rally than a comedy special. His older stuff is definitely better, hopefully he finds his feet again in his next tour.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    These are not spoilers for obvious reasons that you will read. But I ticked the spoiler box anyway.

    The opening 10 mins were jokes about Mom telling you not to run with scissors, hoping people who are hesitant about vaccines die from covid, tampax ads about women roller skating and how useless men are and washing your hands. Also just saying the words Boris Johnson gets an laugh break and saying women are strong gets an applause break (maybe edited)...None of this is even nearly original or funny and ive seen it done to death by loads of other comedians. Its pretty stale now.

    I like Russel Howard but hes started going so far left recently its becoming silly. I watch all his stuff but this really isnt funny. I did turn it off so it may get better.

    Maybe only for hardcore howard fans..And for those who will call me right wing etc, im vaccinated and do not care for BOJO..Its still not funny.
  • I didnt actually find him to have much comedic merit, it was like an akward slapstic trying to force ideas on the crowd. Was extremely detatched, poor storey telling made it feel like a drag.
  • matthumz20 December 2021
    Nothing wrong will being political in your set, it becomes problematic when the truth your trying to convey behind your satire/joke isn't actually true.

    This is virtually indistinguishable from the lame talking points you would hear on CNN, combined with the same inaccurate jokes of most of the major late night shows.

    Leftists will love it, those who value truth and reason will find it lacking.
  • I was really excited to see this, but sadly all his jokes and even the delivery was exactly the same as he had done when they were said on his Russell Howard hour tv show. If you've seen the tv series, then don't bother with this, as you already heard it all.
  • The guy beat a dead horse with 30 mins of talking about vac, BLM, Facebook. I couldn't think of more obvious low hanging fruit for a comedian. He said it was not British to be offended by a joke. They legally are not to have political satire on TV. It's super British to be offended at a joke. This guy just seems unwise and uneducated and he's spouting the first funny that comes to his head.
  • Such a poor show from a top performer. Tried to appease the minority's rather than just entertain people. Just felt like we were watching a political rally from the bbc. A lot of cheering from the crowd but not many laughs at all. Gutted because we really enjoyed his older standup routines.
  • samueljamesdow20 December 2021
    Used to find Russel entertaining but the guy has become one of those people he jokes about, basically a Facebook mum who acts in a certain way to get people to think they are an amazing human.

    So cringe and preachy I had to fast forward most parts.

    I did find it funny when he joked about his lazy eye...again. Just incase you haven't heard the other 200 jokes he's made around that over the years...classic

    He should sack in being a comedian and focus on being a full time activist in, well everything apparently.
  • Have always been a fan of Russell and own/have watched all his DVD/streaming releases numerous times, also seen him live twice.

    This show though, was an instant no from me. Opens up on the covid vaccination debate, ok understandable, its a relevant topic. 10 mins in, he's still going on about it. At this point I decided to pass, as I come to light hearted comedy to escape the heavy reality and vicious political debates, not continue them.

    Some time later a family member recommended the show, so I thought 'hey, maybe I was too harsh; I'll give it another shot'

    This time I skipped to 30 mins into the show....any guesses on what he was saying? If you guessed 'Still banging on about the vaccination debate which is people's personal and private medical business' You guessed right.

    If I want political debate I'll re-join facebook, follow news channels and willingly participate. I didn't click on a comedy show by Russell Howard to have political views forced down my throat for 30 mins plus

    Very disappointing.