User Reviews (10)

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  • The movie is just so very well done. It is truly excellent. It's about what happens at conception. I am a prude and I went to see this movie at the Newport Beach Film Festival because Alan Tudyk is in this movie. In my opinion Alan usually steals every scene. In this movie everyone did a great job. I really loved Jonathan Silverman and Jennifer Finnigan all the couples had different situations and it was well balanced. There are many different situations in which people conceive. There were moments when I looked away during certain parts. I enjoyed all the stories because of the honesty that came through. The way this movie was edited was really well done. Alan Tudyk was great as always.

    I left the theater very happy to have been able to see this movie. This is one of those little gems that is precious and hard to find. If you want to watch a hilariously funny, sexy romantic comedy this is the movie for you.
  • Jumping persistently between so many couples throughout the entire movie is a technique I've never really seen before, especially in how it so effectively sucks you in AND breaks most Hollywood conventions while still being relatable. Conception earns its R rating through edgy adult dialogue and sparse nudity without jumping onto the "shock value" bandwagon of tastelessness and pointless crudity.

    This is a sweet movie at heart, and Stolberg's ability to navigate through a wide variety of characters that you quickly grow to love and understand without the slightest bit of confusion makes it quite a rare gem.

    And, for any of us who know filmmaking- shooting it in ten days (at least that's what I read somewhere) with roughly ten locations (I think), one for each couple, is flat out remarkable- and it certainly doesn't hurt to have such an experienced, likable, recognizable cast filling out every single scene: it's not often (or ever) that every single face in a low-budget movie with so many characters can actually be recognized, let alone have been pulled from some of the most groundbreaking television (and some movies) of the last few years- though half of those cast are actually working on hot shows right now.

    This isn't a cliché-ridden, formulaic romantic comedy where characters are forced to figure out how much they really love each other, then lose each other, then get back together in the end- it's hanging out with real people who subtly (if not sneakily) grow on you, straight through to a culmination that ties everything together in a very charming way.
  • This is a great date night movie to either inspire baby-making or discourage it, depending on your place in life ;)

    It is really funny, the characters were all really human, and I could relate to the situations.

    The film touches on all the ways in which babies are conceived, for better and for worse, but handles it all with levity and humor.

    The performances are all excellent and it's directed and shot with a light touch.

    Gregory Smith, one of my favorite young actors, is a adorable and very sexy.

    This film should have had a theatrical release, but I was lucky enough to be able to see it on demand.

    Cute, refreshing, and a little bit of raunch!
  • drewmca1921 February 2012
    Saw this film with some friends at a film festival in Newport Beach, a few months ago. It was a pretty packed house and it was an adorable movie. The thing that stands out most is the chemistry between each of the couples, it was so real and believable - I loved that. That's always important to me as a viewer is if I can believe these two would be together? It was not exactly what I expected, as I was thinking it was going to be a bit of a raunchy film. It was adorable, genuine and very heart-felt. I will definitely be watching it again and cannot wait to check it out on DVD to catch some behind the scenes stuff. Luckily for me, I was able to check it out with the filmmakers and cast in attendance - which, for me, always makes the experience more enjoyable. In most cases, it doesn't necessarily mean you are going to enjoy the film more. For me, it did... I especially liked hearing how each of the "couples" scenes were shot in a day, on a tiny budget. It gives one hope that a budding filmmaker will be able to cast some big names in their tiny project... if the scripts right. And, luckily for this film, the script was right, I cannot stress how much I enjoyed it. Am I gushing? Whatever! Do yourself a favor and check it out, and make sure you check it out with a cuddle-buddy, as there will be some "ooh's and ahh's" within!
  • I saw Conception last spring at the Boston film festival. We picked it because the story seemed different, sweet and funny. I thought I would be able to relate even if I hadn't been down that road, and I was looking for a good laugh, with a little romance and hopefully something more than the average romantic comedy. We were familiar with and loved a lot of the cast members. I had seen them in different movies and shows and thought they would work really well together.

    After watching I can't say enough about how much I enjoyed it... It was hilarious! The touching moments were authentic. And with each accurate, awkward and emotion filled scene you can picture the situation happening yourself or someone you know too well. I loved it and I couldn't stop laughing- it's definitely a must see!!
  • lisalisa081223 February 2012
    Saw this at Palm Beach!!! Outstanding! So well written and executed.One of my absolute favorites of the PB Film Festival. Cast is so diverse and all the couples stories flow so well. Several of my favorite actors are in this movie. I went to high school with the writer/director, Josh Stolberg and I am SOO proud of him. His amazing talent truly shines in this film. For anyone who has had a baby, is trying to make a baby, has kids, etc - you will totally get this movie. Just found out it is being released on Video on Demand Friday, February 24th!! I will be watching it again. I strongly urge anyone who likes sexy, romantic comedies to put this at the top of your Must See list!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw this film tonight (April 2011 Newport Beach Film Fest), and was able to take part in the Q & A with some of the cast and the writer/director. As I told Josh, "I'm basically a prude...". I told him quite truthfully that my friend and I came because we are fans of Alan Tudyk and both of us were not sure if we'd be comfortable with the movie. But, even though Alan did not attend, and yes, it is an adult movie, with realistic/graphic sexual content, the story telling/writing/editing, all aspects of production were so very honest and real that I was able to just look down at my little program booklet during some scenes, and not be too embarrassed or shocked. The nicest thing about the evening was the cast and director answering questions, and being so open about the extremely small budget they worked with the incredibly short shooting schedule they's totally amazing that they made this high quality film under those conditions, a real testament to the talent of all involved. Later, as we were leaving the party, Josh's wife (I am so sorry that I cannot remember her name, I left my program in my friend's car), stopped me and thanked me for my question and kind comments. That really made my night! I told her I could actually say much more, but I'd keep her too long. The one thing I wish I'd said to them both, was I absolutely LOVED the Pro-Life aspect of this movie. Even with the couples that were not planning to conceive, and especially for those who did not WANT to, we see the product of each conception in the most charming of scenes! The joke was made about 'never make a movie with kids or animals'...and the lesson is, they absolutely can steal the show. I told this very talented duo that I told my friend, "I really need grandkids!", after seeing the adorable tykes in very natural settings. As for rating, this movie will have to be "R" rated, it is very 'realistic' in some of the 'sex' scenes, the language is peppered with very graphic and blunt content and words. There is some nudity, and of course, just by the very nature of the subject, it is 'adult themed'. But even with my 'prude' meter running at full throttle, I was charmed, touched, amused and had quite a few laugh out loud moments. We see such a wide range of personalities, partners, individuals...each play so true to life that I noted to my friend, 'they actually played it more 'real' that I thought Hollywood could be'. There were some very serious issues touched on without being overly mellow-dramatic, it didn't try to 'preach' to the audience with big neon signs saying, 'see how bad this is'...just the dialog and in one scene with Alan Tudyk, the hilarious look on his face told volumes. Unlike me, this movie was not long winded in it's story telling, it seemed to be so perfectly delivered, so tightly written that we get a full 'novel' of a film in the most perfect way. Props to everyone. I was blown away!!
  • cfduffy1622 February 2012
    Caught this terrific little movie at a film festival and wondered why can't Hollywood, with its huge budgets, manage to turn out something half this good.

    Conception tackles a tricky subject with humor and warmth. In our baby obsessed culture, trying to conceive is on many people's minds. The script managed to find the humor in it and reveled in the small moments.

    The cast was terrific. Great to see some television actors get to flex different muscles. The interactions felt genuine and real and touching. It's nice to watch a movie that manages to walk the line between comedy and being heartfelt without feeling overdone and treacly. Conception does this with style and grace.

    I wonder why there aren't more smart, charming romantic comedies like Conception.
  • sjsalter1 March 2012
    Some truly memorable lines. I would like to quote a few, but it might distract others. Excellent ensemble cast. Parts of the film hit so close to home that it could be uncomfortable in a good way. Rent it on Apple's website. Sounds cliché, but there is something for everyone. The age range of the characters and both sexes are (almost) equally represented is a plus. Some big names in the film. Check it out. The film is easy to relate to. Some interesting scenarios and circumstances. A good date movie. I learned a lot about the details of conception and childbirth that I didn't previously know. Both actresses form Modern Family were excellent.
  • Andy-36225 February 2012
    "Conception" is charming, cute, and sincere. The situations are realistic and relatable, and the characters are true ... and it hits every note perfectly. I won't summarize it here (it's pretty clear what the storyline is!), I'll give the filmmakers credit for finding new ways to surprise us, to keep the stories engaging, and to make the relationships, whether they're brand-new or established, realistic and sweet. And although you might think it's going to end in a very predictable way, it doesn't. The ending is more poignant than you might expect. It's certainly not a movie for kids, but certainly a good movie for a date (maybe not a first date!), or if you and the Mrs. (or Mr.) have a night without the kids. It's easy to understand why this was a festival success.