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  • ...nothing more or less.

    It does its job as light rom-com fare for the purpose of cheery, festive, fuzzy-feeling, seasonal escapism.

    Zooey turns in a convincing performance as always, and the supporting cast ranges from adequate to charming. There is the required chemistry between the two leads to make the romance believable.

    The premise is, yes, schmaltzy, but there is enough real-life complexity in the plot/relationships to make this different from the average paint-by-the-numbers rom-com.

    Not something that will probably leave a lasting impression, but not anything you'll regret spending some time with either, at least if you are aware of what this is...and is not.

    Happy Holidays!
  • SnoopyStyle11 December 2022
    There is a car accident in front of Tiffany. There is a mix up with two blue boxes. There are marriage proposals and non-marriage proposals. It's bad relationships and one budding sweet one. Rachel Meyer (Zoey Deutch) is a New York baker with a bad boyfriend. In Tiffany, Ethan Greene (Kendrick Sampson) is picking a ring with his daughter.

    Reese Witherspoon's production company Hello Sunshine is trying to tap into the Sweet Home Alabama jackpot. This one is more a shot at Hallmark cheese than a rom-com hit. It tries to be more, but it fails at that. For me, the biggest issue is construction. I don't like the love quadrangle. A love triangle functions better. Vanessa's biggest sin for most of the movie seems to be the weather. The story needs to be rewritten into a love triangle. I would reimagine the Vanessa side by adding some tragedy. Ethan could be picking up the custom-made ring after Vanessa's tragic death. That would make the construction into a triangle. There are other issues. For example, the staging of the switch is a bit awkward. I would make the switch first before the accident. This rom-com also needs a better meet-cute. I have no suggestions, but there has to be a million better ones than this. I like Zoey Deutch and Kendrick Sampson's chemistry. They're a sweet couple. Gary is a horrible boyfriend which works well. There are elements here that could work, but the basic construction is flawed.
  • klwalthour13 December 2022
    Fine movie, but anti-climactic and predictable. The last part was fine with me, as it is just a simple holiday movie. Throughout it, nothing made me feel anything-no excitement, no happiness, not even any anger. I feel Shay Mitchell's character bore the brunt of both lead character's development and journeys but alas...Zooey Deutch was fine as usual, quirky and compelling in her own ways. At the end of the day, it's a simple film about nothing that is enjoyable to watch and fun too. The daughter's age is confusing: she looks 18, acts 5 and sometimes 30, but is...13?? That's the only thing that annoyed me.
  • Frankly the trailer gives a bit too much away, but still ... Zoey Deutch (Lea Thompson's daughter) is Executive Producer and also stars as Rachel Meyer. She co-owns a bakery in New York City and has a boyfriend. One evening leading up to Christmas he is shopping at Tiffany's for an appropriate gift, he selects some nice but "affordable" earrings. He leaves the store with the gift in a nice blue Tiffany's bag.

    At the same time a man visiting from Los Angeles, a professor and author, is picking out a nice, expensive ring for his girlfriend flying in, his plan is to propose on Christmas Eve. He and his young daughter leave the store with his gift also in a nice blue Tiffany's bag.

    The first man gets hit by a cab, the second man sees it and rushes to his aid, both blue bags end up on the street surface near each other. They inadvertently get switched.

    So this chance meeting and switching of bags sets all kinds of things in motion, causes lots of confusion, as the four principal characters and their friends and families work to understand what all happened and to sort it out. In the end, as nice pleasant movies always do, things work out for the best for all in the end.

    My wife and I watched it at home, streaming on Amazon Prime. Nothing much novel, just pleasant entertainment.
  • Something from Tiffany's (2022) is a movie my wife and I watched last week on Amazon Prime. The storyline follows a young man with a daughter who plans to get engaged to his girlfriend for Christmas and heads to Tiffany's to get an engagement ring. As he's leaving he bumps into a man buying earrings for his girlfriend for Christmas. The man buying earrings is hit by a car and the guy with the engagement ring rushes to his aid and calls an ambulance. Of course their gifts are swapped in the process and the ability to get the gifts back is more challenging than the guy planning to get married hopes.

    This movie is directed by Daryl Wein (How it Ends) and stars Zoey Deutch (Zombieland: Double Tap), Kendrick Sampson (Insecure), Ray Nicholson (Licorice Pizza), Shay Mitchell (Pretty Little Liars) and Leah Jeffries (Beast).

    The casting was perfect for this movie and everyone delivered their characters well. The father/daughter chemistry and dynamic portrayals were perfect. The storyline has a modern holiday feel to it and is well paced and unique. There were aspects that were frustrating and felt unrealistic, but you couldn't have the magic of the ending without a few cheesy moments. I did find myself saying over and over again, "you don't know this lady to be this pressed," and "just call the police already." They did go a little over the top on how "bad" the girlfriend and boyfriend were at times. The accidental proposal scene was wild. The conclusion is beautiful and very well done and the soundtrack was perfect.

    Overall, this isn't perfect but it is a worthwhile addition to the holiday genre with a nice modern feel to it. I would score this a 7/10 and recommend seeing it once.
  • That was.. interesting! Like watching a collapsing building. It isn't pretty and you can't help but feel queasy at some of the "ugly" developments.

    Personally, I like a better paced script, like a simmering dish. This one has a VERY rushed and cramped start, leaving almost no room for unexpected developments (felt the movie should have started around minute 14 at the Bakery instead, with a different plot) or time to better know the characters. But even if it rushed out the gate, the actors do a great job at not cheapening the film. Ultimately, I feel like giving a generous score because the production is excellent, and it had some very good lines delivered with the proper tone!

    If you are a fan of Zoey (like me), it doesn't fail at making you fall in love with her.. no matter the circumstances.
  • cody72318 December 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    • beautiful shots of New York City
    • simple but clever storyline
    • the dynamic of the relationship was built out well and felt believable (invested in each other's successes, she inspires him with her wisdom, she's great with his daughter, they get each other, he appreciates her cooking whereas her boyfriend complains about her messes)
    • a few great, emotionally connected scenes (when she bakes bread with his daughter and they have a heart to heart, when they listen to the street performers on their unofficial date, and the end kiss scene and proposal)
    • planting and payoffs: I liked how they used the street performers at the half way point, then used them at the end when he proposes.

    • some of the dialogue was painfully awkward, usually due to awkward pacing / beats
    • the end kiss scene felt cut short emotionally, like we finally reach the climax and it was great, but it felt a bit abrupt for some reason. Perhaps they could have spent a little more time here when they finally meet up. (however, the restaurant scene immediately following makes up for it and helps it feel more fully resolved.)
    • something about it didn't feel fully developed, can't put my finger on it, but the connection you feel to the main characters is only so-so, very surface level.
  • rayres070817 December 2022
    Bleh. What a dumb movie.

    I like romcoms. The Holiday is one of my favorite Christmas movies. I'm not above enjoying the corny. But this movie is AWFUL on so many levels.

    1. They say the word "cornetto" way too much. We get it. They're the Italian version of the croissant. Side note: As an Italian American I can tell you that croissants are objectively better.

    2. The leads have ZERO chemistry.

    3. There were so many moments that were supposed to be cute that made me cringe. Not just roll my eyes... full body uncomfortable cringe.

    4. The supporting lesbian couple just felt completely over the top. The irony of the current trend in movies is that they want to make it seem normal, but they always draw too much attention to it. Stop trying so hard. People don't care.

    5. The characters felt completely underdeveloped, as if they were checking off boxes for their characters, but not actually giving them space if that makes sense. Handsome, artistic widower? Check. Quirky, adorable chef? Check. Morally questionable, flaky boyfriend? Check. Supportive, sassy best friend? Check. Just classic tropes.
  • This movie wouldn't have been half as good with our Zoey Deutch. She's so great in rom-coms. She's so charismatic and magnetic. This movie started off iffy. The dialogue is not the best. I was definitely expecting a Hallmark channel type of film. But it picks up after the first act and I ended up really enjoying it. It's not too corny and doesn't fall into an obscene amount of cliches. It was a very tame, safe rom-com that you can definitely watch with the whole family. It's also a movie that just so happens to be set around Christmas but it's barely mentioned at all so you can watch any time of the year.
  • First, this is a very clever way for Tiffany's to advertise their merch. Lol, anyways, A gift from Tiffany's displays a cheesy rom-com story where an accident jewelry gift exchange leads to a romantic love connection.

    If the ring fits Something from Tiffany's felt like an upper-echelon lifetime movie. However, there were many moments where the awkwardness was stretched out. A simple conversation could've easily cut off at least 40 minutes of the movie. It was necessary for the love story. I enjoyed the film, the love was convincing enough, and I wanted Ethan Greene ( Kendrick Sampson) to say something about that damn ring; it had a feel-good ending. A predictable yet compelling love story, and the jokes didn't seem forced.

    A convincing connection over bread brings new meaning to getting to the bread.

    Verdict : If you are looking for a romantic movie, this may be more of an underrated gem streamed by Amazon Prime.

    Score: C, 65%

    Cheesy, lovely cool.
  • astorquiza-8811 December 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Nothing makes sense in this movie. Characters act in the weirdest ways. I found myself making a confused face the whole time because nothing anyone did was reasonable.

    The two main characters talking twice and then acting like they've known each other since forever had me shaking my head.

    The guy is planning to move across the country and doesn't think about talking about it with the woman he's supposed to propose to... He also seems very ready to marry her until he spends about 6 hours with a random woman who tells him to "follow his heart more" and suddenly he's ready to jump into this new relationship.

    At least I got to watch Shay Mitchell be flawless as always.
  • This movie is so adorable. Of course there are always some inconsistencies in rom coms but for the most part it is amazing. The two leads have great chemistry. I love that the cast was very diverse. It just gave me a warm feeling inside. It makes me want to read the book asap. This was exactly what I needed for the holidays. I wish there were more scenes with them together but I guess that's the point since they hardly knew one another. The ending was perfect. I love when movies give you closure for the characters. If you're looking for a cute romantic holiday film definitely check this one out! You won't be disappointed!!
  • Lejink16 December 2022
    This modern-day Amazon Prime Christmas love story will never usurp Audrey in claiming Tiffany's of New York's most famous movie attribution but as a seasonal, light-hearted rom-com it passes an agreeable 90 minutes or so viewing time.

    Zoey Deutch and Kendrick Sampson are the attractive young New Yorkers both on the verge of engagements to the wrong people. They're brought together during the season of impossible coincidences (i.e. Christmas, of course) over a mislaid engagement ring. Both of them do actually get engaged to their current partners but once their star-crossed paths converge, there's little surprise at how this one is eventually going to turn out.

    There are a few entertaining twists and turns in the tale as Sampson and Deutch bond over bread, deceased relatives and a favourite spot by the East River, helped in this by his 13-going-on-33 daughter and her straight-talking gay female business partner. It's all boosted by pretty, Christmassy New York locations, some nice old songs in the soundtrack but most of all by the pleasing chemistry between the leads.

    All in all, as Christmas romances go, this bakery-centred movie buttered up surprisingly well.
  • Even by fluffy romcom standards this one stood out as dismal. The characters were poorly written and clumsily realized, the chemistry between and among them was literally nonexistent and the story lacked coherence, logic and direction. It was impossible to suspend disbelief enough to believe any of it and as bad as the past few films Zoey has chosen to do have been, another one like this and she might find herself forced to do exclusively do Hallmark romances. Just stream "The Setup" if you're having trouble remembering Zoey's once promising potential - it was her last movie worth the price of admission.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Wow...the reviews on this film are all over the place.

    I'll give it a passing grade -- a 7. It was overall pretty enjoyable, if not deep. The plot here is...well, not thin exactly, but predictable. But then again, how many films don't we know the ending for, sometimes even before the film starts?

    The actors here are interesting...though I have to admit that I was not familiar with any of them. Zoey Deutch as the female lead does nicely...just the right amount of "perky". Kendrick Sampson seems very likable; I'd like to see him other things; however, I really think he could benefit from a voice coach. Ray Nicholson is forgettable as the third wheel of what develops into a triangle. Shay Mitchell...okay. Leah Jeffries as the daughter is quite remarkable. Jojo T. Gibbs as the best friend...sort of okay.

    The film has a nice "look" to it. Very Christmassy.

    I don't think I'd watch it again next year, but it was a pleasant diversion.
  • ant890025 December 2023
    Unlike when H*llmark asks you to follow along as they paint by numbers, Amazon actually uses color in their palette. The mix of characters and diversity bought about a sincere sense of reality. It still does manage to give you that romantic Christmas feeling. The main characters are attractive and seem very sincere. This movie manages to make me want to revisit New York while simultaneously making me glad I don't live there. All in all it was a decent Christmas movie that doesn't attribute all the good things that happen to the magic of Christmas. Not that there's anything wrong with that. All o have to say about the end is...Hallmark would never.
  • I liked all the actors in the movie, especially the ever sweet and charming Zoey Deutch (daughter of Lea Thompson), but the biggest flaw was that there was no real chemistry between the two main actors. It is predictable as most rom-com movies are. You can figure out the entire plot in the first few minutes. But that connective piece missing between the two mains sort of ruins it for me as I couldn't get behind the developing love story. I kept waiting for moments of chemistry and they did not appear. That being said, this movie is clean, charming, it's good to watch while you are folding laundry or completing other household chores. It's sort of a Christmas movie, but not really, as the first part of it takes place during Christmas, but the majority is afterward. Sadly, though, it's not overly memorable.
  • Tiffany's should sue the people behind this crazy lazily written movie. It's so predictable, it hurts. Apparently it's based on a book. I find it hard to believe. Either the book is good and the movie people just took the title only and not the story. Or maybe the book is as bad as the movie, it got published by some sheer miracle.

    The male lead knew he was in a bad movie. He didn't even bother to create any chemistry with the female lead, Zoey Deutsch.

    And Zoey Deutsch should fire her agent, manager, or whoever her team is made up of. One mediocre movie after another.

    She's lovely to watch. She actually reminds me of Sharon Stone (Sharon's late 80's early 90's era). I would love to see her play something tough. Actiony...
  • Streets ahead of the typical Hallmark romance, this has an artfully constructed script that wrings (pun intended) several surprises from its premise. The two.leads have great chemistry and her sidekick is a delightful comic character.

    While the end is never in doubt, its a very pleasant way to pass 90 minutes - light and sweet like a fine tea and a creamy Cornetto.

    Didn't know Ms Deutsch is Leah Thomson's daughter till after, but this apple has not fallen far from the tree and she brings the same warmth, naturalness and credibility to the performance which makes her mother one of my favourite actresses.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Enjoyed this romcom! Some cheesy moments but overall just an enjoyable if predictable sweet romance. Appreciated Daisy and the bf relationship.

    I watched in the backgroud after being given some teasers via my algorithm of reels. I loved the sweetness of the protaganist and the casting for the girlfreind was great - mildly vapid and beautiful, seemingly ticks boxes etc. Love a baker enthusiast.

    It was a little unbelievable someone as stunning as the guy main character would be fumbling aroud being an author etc and it's a bit hopeless to be proposing when you really want to be in NY and write etc.

    Wouldn't watch again but it was the perfect tone for my last few days :)
  • This movie has such a glaring plot hole its un-watchable. The entire movie could have ended 7 minutes in if the lead character just showed Zooey Deutsch the receipt for the ring that he bought for his fiance on his credit card. Apparently this movie takes place in a world where no one gets a credit card bill. He bought a diamond engagement ring vs the cheap earrings the other guy bought. Pretty simple solution ends this stupid movie. Instead, we're supposed to believe that he never considers this option. He apparently lives in a Universe where he is forced to try to convince the other guy to admit he took his gift or convince Zooey Deutsch that the other guy is lying. Um, receipt much! Show the credit card statement and this movie ends like it should've-- 5 minutes in. Add the terrible acting by the romantic lead male and everyone's dialogue and this movie is painfully amateur and non-sensical.
  • I'm a sucker for Rom-coms and this one was simply adorable. I loved the plot even though it's basically been done before but this version was very entertaining. I love the fact that it is PG rated, it was very clean and kid friendly. There aren't many Rom-coms that you can watch with your kids that aren't super corny or ridiculous like Hallmark Rom-coms and this one isn't like that at all, it's perfect. And for those saying there was zero chemistry, that is definitely not true, they may not have been passionately in love but there was sweet & subtle chemistry there. I mean this was a PG rom-com so what did really you expect lol ? I really like Zoey Deutch as an actress, she was amazing in The Outfit and she did not disappoint in this. And I have never seen Kendrick in anything before, he was very impressive and entertaining. I thought all the acting was very well done, scenery was nice and I overall really enjoyed this movie and definitely would watch it again with my daughters.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Something From Tiffany's is a 2022 romantic comedy starring Zoey Deutch,Ray Nicholson,Kendrick Sampson and Shay Mitchell.

    Produced by Reese Witherspoon(from her company Hello Sunshine),the story follows Rachel Meyers(Deutch)who finds a Tiffany&Co box at her boyfriend Gary's(Nicholson) flat.

    What she doesn't know is that her boyfriend got knocked over while crossing over from Tiffany's and another guy named Ethan(Sampson)was also there buying an engagement ring for his long term girlfriend Vanessa(Mitchell). Somehow Gary's gift(earrings) and Ethan's gift(engagement ring) get swapped and now Rachel thinks that Gary is going to propose.

    But is Gary the right guy for Rachel or Ethan who is already in a committed relationship ?

    Overall it was a decent flick with two nepotism babies(Zoey Deutch's mom is Lea Thompson from Back To The Future, while Ray Nicholson's dad is no other than Jack Nicholson from Tim Burton's Batman).
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Something from Tiffany's" - a movie that should have been a heartwarming holiday rom-com, but ended up being a hot mess of infidelity and questionable morals. Seriously, what were Rachel and Ethan thinking? They both had perfectly fine relationships with Gary and Vanessa, but decided to throw it all away for a cheap fling? And don't even get me started on Rachel's painfully cookie-cutter manic pixie dream girl persona. Ugh.

    But the real victim here is Gary. He didn't deserve to be treated like that by Rachel. The poor guy is hit by a car and becomes unconscious when Ethan switches their bags from Tiffany's. This act of theft leads to Gary being treated unfairly by Rachel. She begins to swoon over Ethan behind Gary's back while he games her up, ultimately leading to betrayal and deceit. And let's not forget about poor Vanessa, who was just trying to enjoy her vacation with Ethan. Instead, she gets the shock of her life when she finds out about the betrayal.

    In short, "Something from Tiffany's" was a complete disappointment. If you want to watch a movie that glorifies cheating and features two-dimensional characters, then go ahead and give it a watch. But if you value loyalty and complex character development, you might want to skip this one.
  • Zoey Deutch CAN be great, but also mediocre, as well sadly as crap... and in blah Christmas rom-com "Something From Tiffany's" she's the over-cooked latter. When her modest Tiffany's Xmas gift from douche bf Ray Nicholson gets switched with the stellar diamond ring Kendrick Sampson (in what was supposed to be his break-out role) got for his mismatched intended-fiancée Shay Mitchell, a slew of superficial, dumb, predictable slush ensues - with obnoxious over-confident child (Leah Jeffries) thrown in for bad measure. Whoever hired writer Tamara Chestna & director Daryl Wein hopefully kept their receipt, cos this Xmas turkey should DEF'LY be returned.
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