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  • I saw the original and then saw this one, this entertaining but flawed sequel has some definite lapses into weirdness, along with the darkman and the cult worshipers.

    Michael receiving orders from him, was an awesome idea, it brought new things to the table, Michael kills the citizens of Haddonfield and has the mission of killing mayor owens and david loomis, the son this time has a bunch of weapons would have wanted he used the katana on him, cause i saw it on the bed of the hotel.

    In this film they make Michael a monster he kills everyone who crosses him.

    Loved the two new characters, along with the others that i already knew from the previous movie.

    I have nothing to say negative about this crazy, ridiculously fun movie with a great score bringing a new life to the series and a dash of classic Michael Myers' horror.
  • This movie should be the real sequel to Halloween the curse of michael myers, and there are so many nice little treats spread throughout the movie.

    It´s tense, violent, atmospheric, dark, well acted.

    I half expected the usual, cheap thrills, jumpy moments, and liberties taken with the legacy of Michael Myers, but a total and utter surprise, this was a quality fan film, better than i was expecting.

    I loved the story, and how it played out.

    Gripping, well acted, exciting, intriguing...what can i say more.

    Is it a perfect movie? Absolutely not, but i totally forgot that i was seeing a fan film.
  • Just watched this incredible fan fim, and it was an amazing journey, the darkman captures Michael, and unleashes him on Haddonfield but with an agenda, to kill Mayor Owens and David Loomis (the son of Dr. Loomis) so Michael is on a rampage on this one, lots of anger and hate within him, as butchers the people of Haddonfield in the most gory ways.

    Michael is terrifying as the unstoppable boogeyman, and with the darkman at the reigns, there´s no stopping him.

    The police force, the mayor and even David Loomis try to kill him, no one can.

    The soundtrack is great, i´ve noticed various remixes from Halloween 2 and 5 on this one.

    The cast did a really good job.

    Ultimately I felt there were enough scary scenes that captured a bit of that frighting Halloween vibe which makes me like this fan film.

    For me it´s an 8.
  • In this sequel we finally get the leader of the thorn cult the Darkman, giving orders to Michael to kill everyone in his way to his objective.

    The cinematography is colourful and slick looking.

    David Loomis is more aware of what he wants on this one, and i liked that a lot, his character knows he somehow needs to kill Michael and tries his best to do it, he even has a sniper rifle on this one. There's some excellent suspense in this exciting movie, the soundtrack is wonderfull, lots of tributes to the various movies of the halloween franchise.

    I´m going to give this one a 9, it´s really a good time and i will watch a second time because is one hell of a fun atmospheric and gory as hell Halloween film.
  • Excellent sequel, I liked the pacing of this movie. I think director did a very solid job, because at running time 1 h 21 min this movie barely dragged and was involving till the end, and i really liked the ending, it was scary.

    It starts to really show the obsession that David Loomis has in killing Michael like is father did on the official movies.

    I love this movie a lot and will watch it every year on Halloween.

    The film moves at an excellent pace, wasn´t this movie a short movie ? The extended tv version is so awesome, i can even explain in words, after that awful halloween ends, only this one, to save my halloween.
  • What i liked about this movie is the way Michael Myers walks, he walks trough the town of Haddonfield, stalking his victims just like the original, it has some gore, but some kills are made without much blood, what an hommage, we see hi, watching his victims like a predator.

    He even kills cops on this one, security guards, everyone dies, it has a great bodycount.

    The performances are very good they convey a lot of emotion and fear. The film ends nicely with a respectful dedication to the halloween franchise.

    I want another one, bring more, bring us fans at least one more.

    Michael is fear on this one.
  • Director Rui Constantino brings us an outstanding sequel to the Prodigal Son, The guy who plays Michael Myers is a real menace, big and scary, just like a boogeyman. This movie also had plenty of gore, which is a horror fan´s dream. The acting was okay, and the first time actors in this movie did well for their first big screen performance.

    The storyline didn't weaken hardly at all. The plot was good and thick, and there was so much going on in this movie helping to tell this story, when we see the beggining we know that another year is coming, and Michael will return once more to kill.

    Better than halloween ends for me, that one was a letdown.

    If you want to see a seriously fun, entertaining, scary, and good horror movie, surely see this one.
  • Michael returns one more time home, to kill mayor Owens and David loomis, but this time they are ready and it´s a mayhem of blood and gore, and inventive death scenes, loved this one more than i did Halloween ends, and this is fan made, i wonder what this director could do on that kind of budget.

    We got more horror, more stalking, more scare jumps, more suspense.

    The only letdown for me is that i wanted to see more of David Loomis tracking him down.

    He came home for Halloween. Everyone is entitled to one good scare. Trick or treat or die. Let's celebrate the horror. Happy Halloween The soundtrack is awesome,
  • Some great moments, it's very suspenseful, kind of builds on the success of the first movie.

    It's well acted, very well paced, and entertaining from start to finish.

    This is my favorite Halloween sequel because Michael is back and he's scarier than ever. We have some new great actors that were all great additions to the Halloween story.

    A lot of shooting in this, they always try to kill Michael and fail, why ??? Because he´s the boogeyman, that why, and you can´t kill the boogeyman. Just watch it in general, this movie goes back to the basics and is just a great movie.

    8/10 for me because in general the movie made me fear Michael Myers again.
  • The darkman gives Michael an order as he is under his control, to kill everybody in Haddonfield, what comes next is one of the most vicious chapters ever, blood, gore, Michael is unstopabble on this one, this movie made the real halloween tribute this is what every fan wanted from Halloween Ends that was a mistake of a movie.

    Michael comes into the houses of the citizens and kills all of them.

    We get to see children go trick or treat, one of them wears a Sam outfit, another wears Michael´s costume from the first Halloween, lots of easter eggs that this movie has.

    The film is dark and scary, loved every actor in it.
  • What a great Halloween this is! An amazing sequel to last year's Prodigal Son. Contantino outdid himself with this one.

    Michael is a beast, a true killing machine out on a vengeance and nothing and no one can stop him.

    We got do see David Loomis in action and the Mayor's bodyguards (the newest adds to Constantino Filmes team) in a great debut!

    I felt this movie was stronger and more directed than the last one and with better acting and a better mix between action, suspense and terror.

    A true homage to the Halloween franchise and true to it's ideal. A must see for all fans. Truelly made by fans to fans.

    Congrats to all Constantino Filmes/Last Road Studios team for this amazing work!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The cult was not too much in this movie, wich i like, they moved the strings behind the curtain, and Michael was killing everybody on this one.

    This was actually a decent film despite the backstory because it has the creepy feel of the first two films.

    We have many final girls on this one, different from the solo final girl, i liked that too.

    The best part for me was Michael killing the girl in the bathtub.

    As for this film itself, the atmosphere and set design is probably the best since the original, and dare I say, better in certain areas.

    The characters and acting performances in this film are great. No cheesy dialogue, no corny one-liners, nothing to make you cringe and say, "Oh, my God, did they really just say that?" These characters feel real.

    All in all, if you're a fan of Halloween check this one out you will like it for sure.

    The score/soundtrack in this film is stellar.
  • Lets start with what is good first, we got david loomis back, mayor owens, and some new guys in it, along with michael and the guys from the cult, personally i´ve never liked the cult, nor i liked halloween the curse of myers, but this one was an okay fan film, mostly because of the killings and the average stalking by michael and the girls are great.

    Some scenes with the victims are well elaborated, and it show some work at he level of lightning and design, but that not enough for me, i think they could come up with a different story and leave the cult alone.

    From the reviews here, i see i´m the only one thinking this way, but as i said i don´t like the cult.

    But it´s a fair movie, so i´m giving a 5.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After the bad memory of Halloween ends, this one really save the month of halloween, i know many people will say it´s a fan film, but i don´t even care, i like the characters as i´ve waited for this sequel, since it was announced, i believe in the work of the director and his crew to deliver a good halloween movie, and i was right about that.

    We got Michael on hell fury slashing trought town killing cops, man, women, even little children are scared of him, he´s like a demon in this one. The soul of Halloween is simply here, when we see David following the footsteps of his father as he wants to end this curse forever, and kill Michael, but that´s not enough, as we also see two bodyguards this time around with mayor Owens, all of them with guns, shooting Michael has he enters the house of the mayor, love that scene.

    A crazy terrific movie this is.

  • Great movie i just saw on their channel, i was expecting to laugh about it, and come here to give a 1 or 2 rating, but was i wrong, the trailers were satisfying, and after i saw this one i was surprised.

    The movie puts Michael on the protagonist mode, and the other characters are secundary, or characters just to die, there´s ins´t a good plot, only Michael killing people left and right, entering houses, killing entire families, it´s a mayhem of blood and violence, for me i liked a lot, because i love movies like this one.

    The atmosphere of this movie is also good, the cast did an okay job, and Michael does what he has to do, but the main credit goes to the guy that plays Michael we can see here, that he mimics on 100% percent every movement just like the original, and if you want to be precise, be a good Michael Myers or the movie will fail, in here he did it.

    That´s why my rating is 9.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The story is amazing and it is the best written story from a scriptwriter, and it shows throughout this film.

    This movie has lots of blood and i think they were trying to reach for NC-17, as this was the unrated version that was on their channel, don´t know if they have an extended cut, but if they do, maybe is way more gorier.

    The acting is much better this time around, with Miguel D. Dias who makes David Loomis more menacing than before, Mayor Owens has more lines on this one, along with his bodyguards, like both of them and i hope that if there´s a new movie coming, they can have more action and lines.

    The Darkman was my favourite and I wish he was in the movie more, only 2 scenes, this guy was great, always in the shadows, never for once you see his face, but he is the one telling Michael what to do.

    I hope that Michael can return more in the future, because this movie brings new things and i would like to know more about the thorn cult.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie overall feels better than Halloween ends, picking up a year after the events of the first movie, he returns to Haddonfield again for more killing but this time the authorities are ready to receive Michael in town fully armed, and even David Loomis has a sniper gun to shoot Michael, when i saw that, i was thinking, hell this is a crazy movie, Michael is pursued by a police helicopter, we have lots and lots of cops going around town, in police cars, always on the lookout for Michael, this time he is in a serious problem that´s what i thought (was i wrong), Michael tears the cops apart with his knife, killing entire families, the best kill for me, is when he smashes a massive pumpkin in a guy´s head, that was really awesome.

    I hope they can continue with more halloween movies, i love this, keep them coming mr director, i´ll watch them all.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Now that the franchise finally (we hope) comes to a conclusion with the recent release of 'Halloween Ends' comes a good moment to reflect after over forty years on where the phenomenon first began.

    We got a new fan film, made on such an extreme low budget that it´s incredible what they did here, the same happend with the original classic.

    The movie begins, in the same day the other one ended, and we see a conversation between David Loomis and Mayor Owens, planning what to do for the next halloween, and then it starts, and never stops until the end, a good and fast pace movie filled with action scenes, we get to see Michael on handcuffs, the police in full force at the town with helicopters, cars, patrolling the neighborhood.

    But Michael avoids them very well, and he goes from house to house killing everyone in his way.

    Sometimes it as the feeling of a videogame, but i dig that.

    This is one of the few movies that I can sit and watch at any time.
  • From the moment it started I was glued.

    Brilliant film, great acting, great effects, the music is super cool too I think the atmosphere is like the other halloween films.

    It had some great kill scenes, a different type of story line which I thought was really good.

    The sets utilized add to this creepy environment, helped by solid production and direction that perfectly show what the cult and the darkman planned to do in haddonfield, leading Michael to kill once more, he can anywhere in town and the cops don´t have any clue to where he will strike next, for me it was like a cat and mouse movie, also loved the new David Loomis with a new firepower guns.

    Liked the new coming actors that played the bodyguards.
  • The numerous follow-ups are very hit and miss (leaning towards the miss), with none of them being anywhere near as good and the quality decline generally was pretty drastic. 'Halloween H20: 20 Years Later' was an exception, while the Rob Zombie films and 'Halloween: Resurrection' were abominations.

    Hearing that this director had made two fan films about Michael, i had to check it out.

    Found myself breathing a big sigh of relief has I watched the two movies back to back, and for fan films, they´re not bad at all.

    It succeeds in being fun and creepy, with the atmosphere being riddled with tension and suspense. The deaths are horrifyingly creative.

    But both scripts lack of a profund story, it´s just Michael killing like he´s a machine.

    Concluding 6/10.
  • This sequel certainly doesn't reach the simple artistic mastery of the original, but does truly shock with nerve-wrecking suspense and unexpectedly graphic and gory violence.

    It has more kills, more blood, more Michael and David Loomis.

    The death scenes are really creative and the direction was really good.

    Another great aspect of the film is the soundtrack, that elevates the theme from Carpenter to a all new level, and provides an effective soundtrack and adds to the tension as the masked killer continues to kill trough Haddonfield.

    The combination of all these factors installs a genuine sense of dread as, once again, Myers slowly closes in on his targets, David Loomis and Mayor Owens.
  • Michael looks like a ravage dog on this one, he kills a lot of people here, more than on 2 official halloween movie by blumhouse that´s for sure, never for once was i bored, and it really saved my night, a friend of mine told me about this fan film, and gave me the link to their channel, once there, i could see what he was talking about, a good take on the tale of michael myers killing on the streets of haddonfield.

    The cast did a terrific job, and the sets were very well done, kudos to the director for making a good halloween movie, that not only i was entertained but my wife liked it to.

    I´m giving this one a 7.