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  • michaelgannis9 December 2021
    When will they use actors with real English/Irish/Scottish etc accents rather than force an actor to create this awful imitation of a posh English accent. It may be acceptable to US audiences but it is really off putting and a bit condescending. Not a bad wee film though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I agree completely with gfrasmd . It is a fairy tale after all so suspend a demand for reality. I kind of wish that Merritt Patterson didn't have to speak with a British accent because it interfered with the image of the woman I've come to know in earlier Christmas movies, but I eventually got used to it.

    Patterson and Trevor Donovan had good chemistry. And with Sophie as well. I enjoyed the relationships even though the story was very average with no real highs or lows, tension or surprises. It was a very wholesome, upbeat, family safe story.

    The King, Amelia's father, didn't turn out to be as overbearing as Amelia's complaints made him sound.

    The ending would be disappointing, but I really do think there has to be a sequel, probably next Christmas.
  • GAC Family have literally just about been formed, but it's not faring too badly. Sure, there have been misfires, such as 'The Great Christmas Switch'. There have also been winners, primarily 'Much Ado About Christmas'. Also saw 'Jingle Bell Princess' for the leads, have seen both Merritt Patterson and Trevor Donovan in other things and have seen that they can be good with the right material. Was very willing to give it a fair chance, despite the storyline not sounding particularly promising.

    Feelings overall for 'Jingle Bell Princess' were rather mixed. There are quite a lot of things done well, with the best aspects being close to great. There are though some major shortcomings that stop it from being above decent, and it does very little new with an overused formula (an overuse that one does feel). 'Jingle Bell Princess' is a long way from being a disaster and is a superior film to 'The Great Christmas Switch' for instance, but it doesn't have the same amount or kind of spark that 'Much Ado About Christmas' had.

    'Jingle Bell Princess' good things are going to be mentioned first. Donovan is incredibly likeable and charming in his role, never stiff or personality wise even when having an understated acting style. The chemistry between him and Patterson has moments of charm. The supporting cast are solid, even when having cliched characters to work with.

    Production values are attractive to look at, the scenery is beautiful in particular. The music is easy on the ears and doesn't feel too much. There are charming and light hearted moments sprinkled throughout.

    However, Patterson overdoes it in a performance that comes over as over eager. Her character is underdeveloped and her exaggerated flaws stop her from being likeable. Her chemistry with Donovan has moments, but on the whole it's bland and walk through like, indicative of writers that were too indifferent in fleshing out the relationship and a director that had their mind on other things. The writing is too corny and doesn't flow naturally on the whole.

    The story is very predictable, doing nothing new with a type of story that was old long before 'Jingle Bell Princess' was made, and some serious suspension of disbelief is needed for too many situations that don't make sense due to a lot of choppiness and motivations being left vague. The pacing is all over the place, the film is dull due to seeing on screen pretty much exactly what was to be expected, while also having a lot of jumping about, am sure that more parts were filmed that somehow didn't make it into the film. The ending is too neat.

    Overall, some good and some bad, could have been a lot better as well as worse. 5/10.
  • It would appear that this was initially conceived to be Part 1 of The Jingle Bell Princess Franchise. It has merit. OOPs - Merritt Patterson, a charming lass, who has converted to being British, since she and some colleagues have jumped ship from Hallmark to GAC Family.
  • mbiv77718 November 2022
    Always have. I don't care that she can't act. There's just something about her.

    Unfortunately, not long before I watched this movie, and thus contemplated whether or not she had any chemistry with Trevor Donovan, I made the mistake of watching her new movie Heatwave on Prime, where she has a very steamy chemistry with a gorgeous ebony woman (who also makes Hallmark movies).

    So I can be forgiven if it took me a while to buy into the whole angelic princess with a fake accent thing.

    Merritt does look gorgeous throughout.

    The plot about a princess missing her own plane is pure Hallmark. And I did think it took a while to get going, but eventually it did.

    As it turned out, her chemistry with Trevor Donovan was pretty good.

    The scene where she is surprised by a visitor could have been a joke, but she managed to strike a nice tone.

    Donovan is good too, once his character begins to thaw.

    This is not my favorite Hallmark, but it's watchable. From the other reviews, a lot of people liked it, so give it a shot.
  • 6.0/10

    Despite a few sensible things that don't add up in real world logic. This one will still be a cute, warm, and perfect addition to your Christmas movie countdown list.

    Though the lost, or forgotten, Royal at Christmas story has been told many times before. It somehow feels slightly fresh. It's not overbearing, or in your face that Princess Amelia is royalty. The story is told very simply.

    I liked the actors chosen for their roles. Merritt Patterson does a great and consistent job with her accent as I assume she doesn't have one being from British Columbia. Sometimes with these smaller movies the commitment isn't always there, but from her it is. Trevor Donovan, Charlie Boyle, and Marnie McPhail bring great chemistry, and are perfectly chosen as her opposite and supporters.

    Overall, I would watch this one again. There's good chemistry amongst the actors, a down to earth story, and warmth that comes with it all. If you've got Super Channel then I would say check it out.

    That's all for now. Thank you for taking the time to read my review. Until next time.... Enjoy the show!
  • Both actors seemed to be so much better in other productions. Whoever directed should have noticed how different Ms Pattersens hair was in some of the same scenes at the beginning of the movie and the wearing of the necklace was sometimes on and sometimes off. Very poorly done and I'm not a real visual person. She seemed like she was trying way too hard to be somebody she's not and he just looked bored. The script was OK but pretty boring overall. The riding instructor couple added just a tiny smidge of diversity. It is a film I can watch while doing other things but these actors have come down a peg or two because of poor directing and poor script writing. GAC has a LONG way to go in their production of original films. I've tried to watch some of their movies but so far am unimpressed.
  • Let's concede that the plot is simple and the story totally farfetched. Also, let's accept that Royalties, from whichever, faraway land in the world, must speak with a British accent. Then, let's not wonder that intimidating, powerful people could hide a heart of a lamb. Why not? This is how fairy tales go. The magic rests, precisely, in their innocence and simplicity. Merritt Patterson is just perfect for the role of a beautiful, gentle princess. Trevor Donovan is right into character as man with rough edges and a heart of gold. The entire little Maine town and its people create a comfy, warm background. So, it,s Christmas time! It's allowed to be young-at heart and enjoy the tale. The show will not surprise you, nor shock your senses. Yet, it may leave you feeling good inside. Thank you, GAC, for keeping it simple and kind!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Yet another thrown together Christmas movie from the new GAC (copycat of Hallmark) company.

    None of the writing made sense.

    Why the heck would a wealthy princess suddenly step off of her private jet out into the darkness. Then she meets a man that resembles Santa and his little dog.

    He offers to show her his Christmas tree farm and market.

    Suddenly the scene jumps to the market and the old Santa and the dog are gone.

    The princesses is just standing by herself waiting for the silly predictable moment where the lead male character bumps into her.

    The crashing into each other nonsense or tripping into each other, has been included in every new movie this year.

    Do the writers actually think people just crash into each other on the street or at the market? So silly!

    The scenes jump around a lot, almost as if the editor took the film, cut parts out, and just pasted together what was left, and hoped it would be okay.

    There was no reason for the puppy to suddenly appear in front of their house and then why in the world did he suddenly need a bath?

    And they did the bath in the dining room, kitchen area. Why?

    Again, scenes just pieced together. Who cares if they make sense, right?

    Hallmark and now this GAC seem to have a thing for including "the loss of a loved one" as a key point in every one of their movies.

    You would think with all of the death that people have dealt with in the past two years, that we wouldn't want to remind them of that when they sit down to relax and watch a movie that they expect to make them feel good, but instead reminds them of what they have lost, or who they have recently lost as well.

    Quit with the death and loss of loved one. Just drop it. No one needs those reminders.
  • Merritt Patterson plays a stranded Princess who's taken in by a local family during winter storms. At first she comes off as cold but you quickly realize that in many ways she's lead a very sheltered life and some ordinary things she's doing, she's in fact doing for the first time. Underneath all her insecurities we learn that she is very sweet and sincere with a good heart.

    Trevor Donovan plays a single father of a sweet daughter, who is just an everyday guy who, along with all the family, finds himself very quickly drawn to the Princess.

    It's a good, straight forward Christmas story that is well worth watching (probably more than once) and it's cute ending lends itself to a sequel next Christmas. Enjoy.
  • MoosesWin14 December 2021
    I like Merritt Patterson and Trevor Donovan both have done many movies that I like. Now, the main problem I have with this movie is the God awful fake accent on Ms. Patterson. I guess if I hadn't seen her in so many other films I wouldn't really notice. Other then the accent I found the movie only 2 stars. It's odd to me that there want any awkwardness with the princess wearing his deceased wife's clothes. For me, I'd been a little weirded out. This movie could have been much better. I hope in the future they'll amp it up more!
  • I as well couldn't get past the far fetched way that the princess just hopped off her plane because she heard a bell ringing, ends up at the Christmas market, then just presents herself at the airport "looking for her plane". The accent was distracting as well. Only kept watching because Trevor Donovan is one of my favorite former hallmark actors.
  • skillfulcota6 December 2021
    Sweet story that addresses the emotional hardship of the death of a parent and a wife two years prior amid Christmas season and the missed flight mishaps that happen during winter. Actors and actresses' are top notch, capturing the viewers engagement into the story. A refreshing break from the current culture with a focus on the TRUE MEANING of Christmas and generational traditions that have deep meaning.
  • It's clear GAC at this point is getting Hallmark rejects. This story was beyond dumb - a Princess stranded in a small Maine town when her private plan takes off without her. If something like this really happened, everyone on the plane would have been fired the second the plane touched down without the Princess. Merritt Patterson tried her hardest, but Trevor Donovan seemed to check out halfway through. Hopefully they'll get better material to work with in the future.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We get it, and have seen a few of these fairy tales. However, this was a very enjoyable version of a common RomCom theme. The Princess was great in keeping her secret, and the single parent family that took her in, along with the entire town, gave viewers many warm and fuzzy moments. Sit back with some popcorn and a glass of wine and enjoy!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I had hopes that the GAC network, after hiring away many Hallmark performers, would product movies with some new qualities, some life, and fewer overused plot elements. This movie shows how the management and producers have completely wasted an opportunity. On the positive side, the acting talent and overrall production quality are good. But... wow, are there way too many plausibility gaps, way too much use of traditional and overused Hallmark Romance elements and absolutely no spark. Some of the misses with reality elements include (a) their flying back from Maine to eastern Europe on midday Christmas to get to a dinner in Europe... really? - this is physically impossible. (b) the private jet they use is not remotely large enough to have a private cabin which is the main excuse for this plotline to happen, (c) the airport they use totally would not happen except for an extreme emergency - they would use a larger airport like Bangor, (d) there is no way in heck that both cell and landline service would be down for multiple days... which is another theoretical reason for this storyline to happen. (e) oh, and the thing with the semi-magical dog and his bells which can be heard over great distances -- a cute fantasy element but totally dropped as the movie progressed. And... in case I missed it, this movie is dull. Good talent given a bad set of plot points and poor directing. Shame on this pretend-Hallmark producton.
  • I like the main actors. Merritt is very sweet in this one, although LOTS of things seem less than probable. I'm half English and I thought her accent was fine.

    The dog was unnecessary. Didn't quite get it; probably fine in the book, but was an extra here.

    The movie was a bit boring, to be honest. Maybe a lot boring.

    Trevor is such a sweetie, but his movies are hit or miss. This was a miss.

    The Cutler family did not behave respectfully to their foreign guest. They seemed to look down on her because she was wealthy. A lot of people do. She had a very kind and gentle demeanor. And classy. They were anything but.

    One very small but funny thing I found amusing. The main couple has coffee in mugs and neither use the handle to hold the cup. The cultured and refined princess would definitely hold it correctly. And she likely WOULD eat cold pizza with a fork and knife. Nothing wrong with that; I know people who would. No reason for Sam to be rude and snarky in that scene.

    Watched and deleted.
  • The story was so simple but goes to your heart. Merritt played her role perfectly including her accent. She is becoming one of my favorite. Trevor was likable on this movie as well.

    Thank you GAC for creating wholesome, family oriented movies. For giving Hallmark a run for their money.
  • Royalty from mysterious foreign land ends up in small town America. Falls in love with widower and his daughter. Bla bla bla. Sure it's easy on the eyes as far as Hallmark goes but I can never get past the horrible attempt at British accents. The least they could do is access the giant pool of British actors to fill the role. My expectations aren't high, really. It's easy to overlook other things, but you're listening to this voice for 90 minutes. Please make it a voice I can actually listen to.
  • Where to start......daughter is so annoying and over acting. Phones are out and yet when they come back Princess discovers it. How are they finding out airport is still closed? Where did she get clothes? So painful to watch. Had I known it was a GAC or whatever wannabe I would have never watched it. Dog was cute. I have seen better mistaken identity Princess movies than this garbage. A high school student could have written a better movie. Waste of time. Honestly I fast forward through 90% of it. Fake accents to boot. Pass on this please! Totally unbelievable. The end of my review has come now.
  • The acting minus the fact that Eastern Europe doesn't speak Western European English accent. She stayed on point as did the other characters. It was a fun light hearted well acted movie. I thought Merritt was really good as was Trevor.

    I would watch again and that's the bar on a Christmas movie. I would give it about a 7.5 but either 8 or 7.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I guess I'm lucky that on our cable, GAC Family isn't on in HD. It made this slog of a movie easier to swallow.

    Merritt Patterson has been on the other side of many Christmas movies about royalty, and some were very entertaining. This time, she is the royal from some never heard of foreign country. And she uses the worst English accent ever.

    This movie is flat, the acting is tragically bad, and I never want to watch anything on this network again.
  • I couldn't get passed the horrible accent and boring story line. This movie was a dud. I was shocked to see the good reviews on here. I couldn't even finish it this film. Hallmark has really upped their game this year and I'm so sad at this GAC family movie bore fest. Find a British actor instead of casting Americans with horrible accents.
  • It was such a good movie with true values of kindness hospitality, friendship and love. I like the tradition with a ribbon. It is such a good idea to follow it during the Christmas time.

    GAC movies are so warm and cosy, with a beautiful Christmas atmosphere!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I too am surprised at the good reviews of this movie. This Princess in a strange land plot did not have a happy ending! The trust has been broken! Everyone knows that there is an unwritten contract between Christmas Movie makers and viewers that Christmas Movies have to have a happy ending. This would never happen on Hallmark, Ion, Up, Bet, or Hallmark Movies and Mysteries! To spell it out, The princess came back, not to renounce her crown or find another way to Marry the commoner and be a mother to his little girl, but to invite him to a party in her country. That. Is. It. They will not have a future together! Unless there is a sequel.
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