User Reviews (4)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    After a month and a little more, 30 Rock came back. And it was great. This season has been better than the last one, with episodes like "When it rains, it pours" and "College" among the funniest. The humor it's still quick, and fresh, and sometimes you get scared of missing part of the dialogue because you haven't finished laughing. And this week's episode lived up to the expectations that come with the weeks when no new episodes are on the air.

    The relationship between Liz and Jack will be remembered as one of the best in any comedy series. "Mrs. Donaghy" makes you laugh out loud, and at the same time manages to take you, in a few minutes, through the four and a half years this two characters have lived with each other in their lives.

    One of the best episodes of the series.
  • safenoe30 September 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Thanks to a clerical error Jack is married to Liz! Awkward for sure, but perhaps it's a subconscious thing as part of Liz Lemon's adventures. Liz is hilarious as Mrs Donaghy, playing the role to the hilt.

    I loved Kenneth's line to Danny, "We forgot you worked here!" which is a nod to Danny's decreasing appearances on 30 Rock.

    Meng Ai has a key role as the Technician.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Jack has a wedding with Avery but through a mistake he ends up getting married to Liz. The writers come up with the idea for Liz to use this to bribe Jack into giving them what they want in order to get a divorce. Jenna has to share a dressing room with Danny and they end up having married couple bickering while Kenneth takes up the role off their child who makes them try to be nice to each other for him.

    A pretty good episode. Hilarious marriage associations. And the whole idea of how Liz ended up married to Jack is incredibly funny.Besides that we again see the wonderful relationship that Jack and Liz have during their meeting at the end.
  • Most of this episode is hilarious. But it's ruined, like all episodes she's in, by Sherri as Tracy's wife.

    Maybe she's a great actor playing a terrible character, but every time she's on screen I cringe. I have to skip her episodes on Netflix. She (or the character) is that unlikable.