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  • The show is not bad but not a marvel either. The real problem is this show doesn't have enough to be a widespread audience favorite. For latin people it works but numbers are out there: it's not as well accepted as Disney wanted. The show doesn't pay in viewers. The decision to cancel the show after just one season is the result of this. Bob Iger is a man whose main priority in life is to make things profitable, and if the cost of anything is not justified, he makes the necessary adjustments without thinking twice.

    As to the performances, Scarlett Estevez is fine as Ultra Violet but the others are not remarkable. Actually, the best thing miss Estevez could do is to return to Lucifer, if renewed.
  • We found our new favorite show and our new halloween costumes!!! This is just so stinking cute! And the girl is my daughters celeb look alike. So we are in heaven.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Los Angeles has a lot of crime, but there is a Lucha LIbre style wrestling figure in a mask called The Black Scorpion (J. R. Villarreal) on the scene to slam the bad guys.

    Violet (Scarlett Estevez) follows the exploits of this Hispanic hero, and, while attending a street fair, finds herself attracted to a purple mask, which comes to her. As she puts it on, she suddenly transforms into Ultra Violet, a pink haired, purple suited speed machine!

    Of course Violet doesn't really know what she's doing but still knows to document her actions on social media because she did it for the likes! When she turns up at the same crime scene as Black Scorpion, she wants to find out about him, and when she races behind to follow, she discovers he is her own Uncle Cruz!

    Black Scorpion didn't have any help to become the hero he is, but was willing to teach and train Violet in the ways of handling crime. But Violet also wants to keep up her fan base and show them exciting adventures on her livestream. That certainly creates fails.

    The tightrope that Violet has to walk, between her basic family home life and school work, her training in heroism and catering to her growing audience of viewers is a balancing act worthy of the Luchador she is becoming. And Violet's charming, caring and genuinely funny approach to everything she's working on makes this an entertaining watch.

    Props to Violet's best friend Maya (Zelia Ankrum) who tags along to get some primo footage of Ultra Violet in action, Violet's mom (Marianna Burelli) who offers some genuinely useful advice and some appropriately motherly comfort, and the two title performers, who have a chemistry that is both genuinely funny and provides some life lessons without it turning into some kind of lecture. There are a lot of areas to explore, and with the Mexican family life, featuring the food, flavor and fun that all implies, it offers more substance than just a standard sitcom.

    Between the wrestling training, the crime fighting and the social media, this might be the most action packed Disney series, ever!
  • My kids loved this show! My daughter was worried that this show may be scary, as many typical superhero shows are, but this was not scary at all. In fact, it is very humorous! It is nice to see a healthy family dynamic and female super heroes! Great show and Violet's purple hair is amazing. We can't wait for more episodes to be released!
  • I wish this show existed when I was a kid and a young teen. It really makes me emotional that Latino households are being represented in a kids show on Disney.
  • Honestly, this show is well worth a watch. The characters and overall writing are great and while not funny, it's the character dynamics that make up for most of the comedic moments which does not go unappreciated by me. I've watched all 10 episodes and I enjoy where they're going with this show. This is kme of the best shows I've seen on disney in years.
  • The way disney released this show is upsetting. They should of treated this show like thier other show The Villains of Valley View. Instead they released season 1A all at once. And it sad that Disney did not renew for more seasons. Instead they prefer to renew other shows that have been past thier time. Here was a new series casted with multiple hispanic actors/actresses and it created a show that was neither offensive or krass. Yet disney would rather renew shows that promote division and push a agenda. This show should of been renewed, I guess Disney would rather have Hispanics as labor than role models.
  • I watched this by leaving the channel on accidentally and I found it charming, funny and very sweet. Ultra Violet and Black Scorpion's banter was funny and the stories were very thought out and heartfelt. Some of the action was really well done also. It's probably the best show on Disney I've seen, and I'm not kidding, since Gravity Falls. Big City Greens is pretty good too, but this is definitely their best live action show in a long while. Especially in comparison to the new villains show, which is a very bland sitcom.
  • shadowflareon23 June 2022
    This show is unique and charming

    Stop hating and start supporting original content.

    Why is this world so cynical

    And so allergic to pure joy and whimsy you all gotta lighten up learn to have fun it's so wholesome and has good representation a mix of a lot of different things.
  • JapanMovies7 August 2022
    I dont like most of these young girl genre superhero tv shows. But the chemistry between the lead male act and female actress good. Bathers between to the them is good, the young girl seems to be one of the better young actress to be coming now.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ultra Violet and Black Scorpion is an excellent new show! Merging culture and crime fighting, this series gives us two new characters to love. This series will leave you wanting to become a superhero yourself.

    Ultra Violet and Black Scorpion follows Violet (Scarlet Estevez), a teenaged girl who is gifted with the power of super speed. She finds a luchador mask, and it chooses her to become a superhero by giving her powers. When Violet takes on the alter ego of Ultra Violet, soon she finds out that her Uncle Cruz (J. R. Villarreal) is a famous superhero, as well, named Black Scorpion. They team up and soon they're family by day and crime fighters by night.

    This show is super exciting. The creators of the show merge Mexican culture and super heroes perfectly. Both heroes don their own luchador masks, and their costumes resemble those of professional luchadores. Throughout the show there's so much representation for Mexican families, not only in their foods and customs, but in their familial values as well. Scarlet struggles to shine in her own family and often feels like she can't do anything right. She represents so many teens who don't know how to find their place in the world. She grows into her own and learns how to fight villains, take control of her new powers, and how to take control of her own life. One of the spectacular things about this show is the relationship between Uncle Cruz and Violet. He cares for her and tries to keep her out of the superhero world, but she's determined to be her own hero. As they train together, they remind so many of us of our own family members and relationships with our uncles or nieces. Both actors make it seem as though they really are family.

    The message of Ultra Violet and Black Scorpion is demonstrated through its themes. Throughout the course of the show Violet not only proves to her family but also to herself that she's capable of being a superhero. She learns to be more confident and also learns that when you stumble you pick yourself up and move on. She realizes the power of family and what it truly means to be a hero responsible for saving lives.

    I give Ultra Violet and Black Scorpion 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 9 to 13. It premieres on Disney Channel June 3, 2022 and on Disney+ June 22. By Heather S., KIDS FIRST!
  • I'm a Spanish teacher of elementary and middle school students and I had my students watch this show for vocabulary and a bit of culture. They loved it so much and it piqued their interest to learn more about lucha libre and Mexican culture. It was great being able to assign a show that was appropriate, on topic, and I didn't have to worry about content. They actually loved it so much, they were trying to skip ahead and watch episodes early. I told them Disney canceled it and they're bummed. It sucks that we finally get a show about a Mexican family and they scrap it. We needed to know how the story ends!
  • Even though I'm a film buff, I don't care for much television. News, reality, sports, stuff like that doesn't appeal to me. For the most part, I watch Disney Channel shows.

    In December 2021, I fell in love with a DCOM (Disney Channel Original Movie) called Christmas Again, and particularly enjoyed Scarlett Estevez's performance as Rowena. Imagine my excitement to find out that she would have a whole series that summer, called Ultra Violet and Black Scorpion.

    I also found out that she did Season 4 of Bunk'd and an episode of Season 5 (see my review from 8-22-22), so I watched all of her episodes. Then UVBS finally premiered on June 5th, 2022.

    In it, Scarlett Estevez plays Violet Rodrieguez, a 13-year-old teenager who thinks that she has no talents. Then she discovers a magic mask that turns her into a superhero with super speed when she puts it on, whom she names Ultra Violet.

    To her surprise, her absent Uncle Cruz (J. R. Villarreal) also has a mask, which turns him into the town's superhero Black Scorpion. They team up and train together, while struggling to keep the secret from family and classmates.

    All the actors do fine in their parts- not just Scarlett and J. R. My favorites would be the kid actors. Brandon Rossel, who turns 19 today, plays Violet's brother Tiago. He's a smart kid who succeeds in everything that he tries.

    Zelia Ankrum plays Maya, Violet's best friend who is also very intelligent and always on Violet's side. (They have a big fight near the end of Season 1, but they never lose friendship.)

    Finally, Bryan Blanco- introduced in episode 4, plays Luis Leon, a safety patrol kid who obsesses over finding out who Ultra Violet really is.

    Each episode is entertaining, and some episodes have cliffhanger endings. There are also some jokes that have made me laugh out loud, more than once when hearing them.

    In one episode, Violet is struggling to sleep at night because she stays out too late fighting crime. Cruz tells Violet that she has to keep her superhero identity a secret to protect her family, so she often lies to her family about why she is sleepy or leaving the house at night. (The lying aspect is my only minor complaint with the show.)

    Anyways, in this episode, she tells her family at breakfast that she is sleepy because she worked out at her uncle's gym and she was reading. Tiago, instantly not believing her, asks: "Really? What was the book?" Violet instantly responds sarcastically: "The History of Mind Your Own Business!"

    Her mom then instantly goes: "Oh, isn't that by... Don't Talk To Your Brother Like That?" This line never fails to make me laugh!

    Also, while I love all the episodes, my favorite is Sleepover Showdown, with Luis Leon Won't Go Home and Ultra Violet Unmasked in 2nd and 3rd place. I find these to be the most enjoyable.

    I've really loved this series, or should I say, season. Sadly, on November 18th, 2022, it was announced that the series would be discontinued.

    I'm bummed that the series has ended so soon, but I am very grateful for the 16 episodes that have aired. With the show's excellent plots, actors, and suspenseful moments, Ultra Violet Is Ultra Entertaining.

    Note: I posted this past 9pm on 1/24/23. Happy 19th birthday to Brandon Rossel! :)

    PS: I would love to see either an Ultra Violet DVD box set release, or even a Scarlett on Disney Channel DVD box set.