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  • Ok so is this the story but this show almost killed me and I'm still upset over it.

    So when I was little, I was watching this show. Why? I don't know considering how horrifying the animation looks. However, I was watching it and the show said that, "Corn was just over grown grass." I believe they should have specified more on this because 5 year old me decided to go out into the backyard and eat fist fulls of grass. After eating the grass, I wondered what other things in the backyard would taste like. Now you may be wondering, "But wouldn't it just taste bad? Why would you eat it if it tastes bad?" At age 5 I had over grown adenoids, which are glands in the roof of the mouth. However, since mine were over grown it blocked a significant part of my nose, which made it hard to breath through my nose and smell. Taste is 80% smell, therefor I had a limited sense of taste and could not sense well if whatever I was eating tasted bad if the taste was not strong enough. Most of the things I ended up eating, which were rocks, bark, mulch, and leaves, do not have a very strong taste.

    After eating what I could in the backyard, I went out into the front yard to see what else I could eat. I saw the typical grass, rocks, and leaves in the front yard, but then I saw several shiny things in the grass. Naturally, I picked up one of the shiny objects and popped it into my mouth. After biting into the object, I spat it out because it is the most bitter thing I have ever tasted. The taste was so strong no matter how bad my sense of taste was it took 5 minutes to wash out the taste of the shiny object.

    After eating the worst thing I've ever tasted, I asked my dad what was in the grass. My dad told me it was a deadly pesticide that if it was eaten, the person who ate it could die. I told my dad what I had done and he called poison control and asked me why I would ever eat something I had found on the ground. Little 5 year old me responded with, "Well, I was watching this show and it told me that corn was over grown grass..."
  • There's plenty to admire in this show, unusual animation (combining real- life elements), it's core themes of living a healthy lifestyle by planting vegetables etc, which is refreshingly original and it's songs, which are the shows strengths (particularly love the chicken song).

    However the characters can be annoying at times, particularly 'Grubby' which has to be the most grating character ever created for a children's program. Whether its the actual actress or how the producers wanted her to perform, is so ludicrously over the top that whenever she appears, I have to change channels. (Kids TV makers forget who controls the remote).

    Even dirtgirl's voice can be irritating at times. I would have liked to seen more of Scrapboy, but you can't fault it for the great songs and imaginative production. A real hit and miss affair.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ugh This Show Is to Disturbing! and It Gives People Nightmares! Seriously What Kind of Drugs are creators on?
  • Seriously who thought this was a good idea, it is horrifying, the girl in it is pure evil she not only seems to be on drugs but she seems demented and out to kill everything, the way she animates talks and acts shows that she is not sane, the bug guy has the worst voice ever and idk if we are meant to think he can sing well or not, but considering they think this is what is considered good they probably think that singing is good too, never show this to your kids your siblings your grandkids your nephew your niece your dad your mom your grandma anyone in your family, anyone on your planet, no one in the universe should ever have to see this monstrosity.
  • This Show is too nightmare Fuelish And What Drugs Are Creators On?
  • bertdwobble8 March 2022
    This is really one of the worst pieces of crud I've ever come across. What is wrong with the people behind this. Plenty...plenty is wrong with them. Just like plenty is very wrong about the show. Especially the theme song. WTF!?!?
  • I grew up with this show on Sprout and it was my favorite show on that channel. For starters, I love animals and nature so I always liked shows like this. Dirtgirl was a good role model who would talk all about nature facts. It made me want to go outside and do the same things (like gardening, taking care of bugs etc) that she did in the show. Plus, in my opinion, the art style is cute in its own way, especially Scrapboy. I know that some people thought the animation style was a little weird or close to The Annoying Orange, but I thought it was cute and unique. As long as you give it a chance past the art style, you will probably like this show, because it's really charming.
  • I watched a little bit (or a lot) of Sprout every day when I was younger. I would watch all the shows they played at the time, including this. I still have a soft spot for Sprout and most of its shows, but not this one. It boggles my mind that I used to like this abomination.

    I'm aware that a number of people find the character designs hideous, creepy, and unsettling, and I couldn't agree more. I've seen little to no creepier character designs in all my life. I heard somewhere that the character's faces are real life people's faces edited to look cartoony, and they have giant heads and small bodies, but it appears to me that their bodies are animated, which makes them as creepy as they are. Dirtgirl has realistic looking eyes and oversized teeth, even though she's supposed to be a little girl. Little girls have gaps in between their teeth, not teeth that big. Something about combining realistic and cartoony designs doesn't work. I've never seen any other cartoon quite like that before. I read in an article that Sprout quit playing Dirtgirlworld because it scared a lot of kids. Amen to that! Also, Grubby the worm looks like a rip-off of Grubby from Teddy Ruxpin, who is much better!

    Dirtgirl doesn't know how to garden correctly. To make matters worse, she is briefly shown jumping on her bed during the theme song, which looks dangerous. I assume she has never heard the song "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed." The show encourages some inaccurate "facts" and bad lessons about gardening, plants, and those kinds of things, like "corn is overgrown grass" and "always stay dirty."

    Whatever you do, don't watch Dirtgirlworld. It will likely give you nightmares or scar you for life.
  • This show is fantastic. The music is wonderful, the characters are adorable. What's not to love?
  • One of the best new "kids" (I'm 55) shows in a while. The inventive style takes an episode or two to get use to because it is so different. But Cate McQuillen's expressiveness makes it work.

    Each episode center's on a "green" activity. The moral of the show it to rethink our wasteful and waste producing materialistic ways in lieu of a simpler and grubbier way of life. It promotes reuse, do-it-yourself, grow-it-yourself and encourages you to not be afraid to get in the dirt and have some fun. The show provides tangibles ways to do it too; whether teaching how to grow your own mushrooms or how to turn a junked bathtub into a useful and artistic carrot garden.

    Each episode includes an original and entertaining song. The songs themselves, and Cate McQuillen's singing is reason enough to watch.