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  • Check it Out is one of my favorite TV shows and I have seen the dozen episodes (to date) at least 5 times a piece. I have watched many Tim and Eric Awesome Show episodes and don't find them nearly as funny. John C. Reilly has created an even funnier and more ridiculous character than the one he had in Tim and Eric's show. Some of the things he say are so bizarre and off-the-wall that it is nearly impossible not to laugh. His facial expressions and clumsiness just add to the comedy of the show. The guest actors are clearly inexperienced, but still seem realistic in their reactions to Brule's antics. Brule mispronounces nearly every guest's name, yet it still doesn't get old. Parts of the show are disgusting, but also tolerable because I find myself laughing a majority of the time. It is a shame that the episodes are so short and only two seasons exist thus far, because this show is a true gem.
  • With Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!, Tim and Eric created an environment where they could do literally anything and it didn't matter. Beyond a few repeat characters and skits, the episodes didn't link at all and neither did the individual parts of each episode. Whereas with Check it Out, we have a "normal" set up and flow to each episode. Whether or not this is better or worse is up to opinion, but one thing is for sure, it's completely hilarious.

    Steve Brule was never one of my favorite characters from Awesome Show, I preferred the the oddballs like Richard Dunn, David Liebe Hart and James Quall, but this show managed to round him out more and give him more quirks and nuances that are infinitely hysterical. Every guest he has he mispronounces their names, he's always cut off mid-sentence and he has some severe family problems, but miraculously these jokes make me crack up each and every time. Just as in Awesome Show, the comedic timing and editing is spot on, and this time it even further parodies every local access show ever made perfectly. If I didn't know about it, I could easily see it playing on a local channel.

    The new characters more than hold a candle to the old, and are probably some of my favorite parts of every episode. Whether its Doug Prispreed's confusing sport reports, Terry Bruge Hiplo's offpaced movie reviews or Carol Krabit's useless predictions, I'm dying from laughter every time. Where do they get these people!?

    Adding structure to comedy like Tim and Eric's seems like an oxymoron, but it works, maybe not for everyone, but for me. I cant judge which I like more, because for me I consider this just an extension on the Awesome Show. One thing is for sure about both, on first glimpse it looks like it was thrown together sloppily in minutes, but there is actually comedic reasoning and timing for every joke, every bad edit and every cut in and cut out. Tim and Eric create a tedious form of awful quality like no one else, and their shows make me laugh like no one else's.
  • leannekamis21 May 2014
    Dr. Brule has taught me so much about life. We all need the shining beacon of truth that is Dr. Steve Brule in order to survive and thrive. How can anyone muddle through their monotonous, workaday lives without being able to reflect upon the experiences that Dr. Brule has shared? I guess just Hunks. What did we learn? -Dumpsters keep seafood fresh -1 of paper equals 4 of coin -Dr. Brule goes to Church of Santa Claus-who cares? -Wizard finger smells like fried chicken -Hitting your head makes going to the bathroom easy -Some jumbo jrets don't have restaurants -Horse eggs taste like dirty hand -Poison keeps boys in line -Mobin couldn't hack it

    Check it out, Dingus.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    While this show carries the Tim & Eric torch of whacky, surrealist humour in 'late night broadcasting' format, it differs greatly from the rest of their work, and holds the position for the scariest thing they've ever made.

    At the start of the show the tone is fairly bright and upbeat, but as the episodes pass, everything starts going wrong. Brule's brain damage worsens, several dark characters appear seeking to harm Brule, the topic of each 'Check it Out' becomes more sinister, and evil supernatural presences begin to affect the show itself.

    Anyone who enjoyed Tom Goes to The Mayor will like this show, as it has a very similar dark tone, and even similar disgusting products & advertisements.

    If I had to classify Check It Out, I would call it a very funny horror, rather than a very scary comedy. The tone is just too consistently dread-inducing to be called otherwise. But it very much works in its favour, and despite being extremely uncomfortable to watch, it was absolutely worth my time. I'm excited, and a little nervous, to rewatch it again in the near future.
  • Check it out! with Dr. Steve Brule may not be the best thing Tim and Eric have created but honestly, that's a very tough act to follow. The show is still very funny, very well done and also very interesting, for it gives new insight on Steve Brule's personal life and personality. It feels like a real public-access show that could take place in real life, even though a lot of the situations aren't exactly plausible they still feel real. You laugh at Steve Brule's awkwardness but at the same time you can feel really sorry for him as well. Especially since he's not even noticing he's doing anything wrong, much like a child telling jokes at a talent show would.

    This show goes beyond just plain old weird, this show is flat out disturbing. Though the show isn't constantly unsettling, that's pretty much why it's disturbing. In the middle of the show there's usually something that's so disturbing that it taints the rest of the show and maybe the rest of the series. Steve Brule is also so naive about the incredibly disturbing stuff happening around him that you feel extremely sorry for him...and then you realize he somehow got a TV show on a public channel and you start laughing your ass off. This show is definitely hilarious and makes me laugh just as hard as I do watching Awesome Show, and because of its short running time it doesn't get stale. This show is definitely not for everyone (as is pretty much everything Tim and Eric) but if you can stand some comedy that's unbelievably not pretty definitely watch it.
  • I am very surprised that the rating on this show is so high. It is probably due to the ones reviewing are weirdos, like me. I like a simple show. It doesn't need a weekly budget of 1.7 million dollars to be entertaining. Or a cast of 12 highly paid actors/actresses. But this show seems to have a weekly budget of around $173.00 and a cast of a very few, little known people. And most of the budget goes to the catering staff! And the people in charge of the cutting room should be fired! (Yes, I know it is made that way too feel cheap!) No, really, this show is really entertaining to the Tim and Eric crowd. T&E had Dr Brule on one of their shows. If you do not like T&E, you won't like this. BTW...We need to get some new T&E shows! PLEASE!!!
  • This show is so dumb it's absolute genius. If you give one of paper you may be able to get four of coin.
  • This show has grown to become one of my favorite shows on adult swim, and in general. It's got a Tim and Eric vibe, while developing the character of Steve Brule into a hilarious and lovable host. This spinoff brings the low budget magic of 80s public access TV full circle, while adding its own brand of comedy. Tim and Eric fully utilize John C. Reilly's talents to create one of the the goofiest, most off kilter shows ever conceived. The only complaint I have is that it ended too soon.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    John C. Reilly really creates a fun, interesting, creepy and very disturbing character in Steve Brule. Some is laugh out loud funny and some is just plain sad. Great stuff with Tim and Eric as well. About 7 episodes are laugh out loud funny. About 3 are half funny and half not. And then about 2 are not funny at all. Overall though, I give this one an 8. You can't stop watching it. You will love this one if you love the Tim and Eric humor. If you do not love their humor, you may not appreciate this type of comedy.

    I always like seeing John C. Reilly though no matter what, but I really did enjoy this one. Worth the watch very much so in my opinion. You'll also get a good kick out of the phrases Steve Brule uses as well as how he pronounces peoples last names.
  • Most people can't hack this dang show like Mobin. But if you can sing all notes or not be a Dang Hunk you should be fine. Just watch out for Sunshine Brule and Check It Out!
  • Pukeonthestreet11 February 2020
    His character was already a highlight of tim and eric so for him to get his own show was obvious.
  • Awkward and stupid.. but not obnoxious or annoying. Turn yourself off and enjoy :) JCR is funny
  • trolliyama23 July 2019
    John C. Reilly is a great actor and all that, but this show is awful trash.

    I think a lot of those awful Adult Swim comedies confuse being annoying with being funny (And sometimes I wonder if the viewers share this perception, hence the inflated score)

    It doesn't deserve a 8.6 score.
  • Oh John you totally had my head spinning, my guts so sore and I just can't stop clicking on the next video and the next I must STOP to keep these videos NEW! I definitely beg for more but I know this was your era! Anyways LOL the Cessna Airplane incident where you call your HOST an AIRHOG! OMG LOL lol lol....
  • isaiahsalas-19918 November 2021
    A show that will be 100% slept on and not appreciated for its genius. This is a show I rewatch regularly I'll have it on the background while I sleep, when I wake up ill watch it again and again and everything that happens is just sprinkled with subltey that makes me wonder who can possibly appreciate such an epic work. The delivery is just insane and makes you wonder how and why they made the creative choices they did. John C Reilly at his best here he has become one of my favorite people on earth for giving us this gift.
  • I've watched every episode from Season 1-4 and just about every one of them has made me literally laugh out loud. My coworkers and I frequently quote the show or speak in "Brule" talk at least daily. Today one of my colleges said he had "A burger, name of Cheese" for lunch (that would be a cheeseburger). Even my mom liked it. She liked Carol Krabbit's "Your fortune" the most. "You now belong to a demon family. Sorry!". There are definitely some disturbing and totally awkward parts of the show, but that only adds to the overall weirdness and humor. The ability to make a show that appears so poorly edited and produced probably takes a lot of work. From what I've read, they actually use a VHS player to insert some of the editing effects which make it appear cheaply made.

    Overall a total win. But be advised, it may not be your kind of humor. If not, just move on. It's certainly not for everyone.
  • I used to see the promos in between my usual adult swim shows and never gave it a second thought.

    Years later, I caught up on everything I've wanted to see and saw this on demand. I've genuinely never laughed so hard. There's intentional laughing but then, there's genuine laughing, and it brought out that goofy, uncontrollable laugh within me. I like the premise of the show, while each episode is different than the last.

    John C. Reilly delivers the most refreshing amount of stupidity, innocent, and flat out borderline narcissism with Dr. Steve. The show is quick, delivers, and gets to the punchline with the perfect amount of timing.
  • John. C Reilly has proved to be one of the most versatile and interesting actors to grace our screens in recent years, appearing in blockbusters Boogie Nights & Gangs of New York - alongside Daniel Day Lewis who is arguably the finest actor of our time. And who could forget his performance in Magnolia. He has recently leaned towards the sort of slap-stick gross out comedy characterised by the work of Peter and Bobby Farrelly - which brings us to his latest incarnation as hapless buffoon ''Dr. Steve Brule''.

    Quite what Reilly is trying to achieve here is hard to put your finger on. Part moron part innocent, Brule appears in situations ranging from the massage table to the health-food shop offering advice on health and lifestyle to any one who will listen. Low-fi editing and production values add to the odd charm of this deeply grotesque character, who has one of the most odd speech impediments I have ever experienced. David I am really not sure what to think about this - but I can't look away.

    Im giving it 3 and a half stars.
  • Screw your show and go to hell with this offensive, no comedy waste of time, garbage people!
  • Whoever is giving this show a 10 rating needs a cat scan. Warranted every one is entitled to vote their way but a 10/10 for this garbage. John Reilly is the most irritating actor because he thinks hes funny when hes not. If anything he looks like he's on something half the time. The show is vulgar, not funny and irritatingly nails on a chalkboard. With stupid promo commercials of his gross eating habits ,complete with a close up of his mouth . Disgusting, I think Adult Swim has got some of the worst stuff on , like that hospital show and the equally abysmal The Heart She Holler. I wish they would come up with something that's not a total piece of crap.