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  • Lloyd the Conqueror takes three slacker students forced to compete in a local LAPRing tournament. This comedy may poke fun at LARPing but it most certainly laughs with (not at) the LARPing community.

    By no means a high budget film it works well with the resources it had and put together a decent film of good quality, that even boasts some recognizable faces. The acting was decent and the dialogue was enjoyable.

    I give this film a 6 out of 10 because it should in no way be compared to films like LOTR or the Godfather... but for a lower budget (Canadian; cough cough) comedy they did well. Give this film a shot and you will enjoy yourselves.
  • Okay, first things first: do you hate movies that do not take themselves seriously? Do very silly situations make you cringe and walk away looking for the next WWII documentary?

    If you answered yes to either of these questions walk away now and choose another film.

    If however you enjoy tongue in cheek humour, larger than life caricatures and truly funny over the top situations, then this movie will not disappoint. I laughed out loud through much of this film.

    This is an excellent first movie from Michael Peterson and features a very strong cast.
  • kosmasp13 May 2020
    Lloyd and rough princess? Well of course not, but it would also be fitting. If you are not into the world of roleplaying (not that kind, although ... that works too I reckon), you might have issues liking this in the first place. You don't have to do that yourself, but at least have a soft spot for it. It is obvious that the makers here, really love that world and dive deep into it.

    Having said that, it is flawed and places and it is hit and miss (no pun intended). But the heart is in the right place and while some jokes may be offensive to some and unnecessary, it still is funny overall. Maybe not to you individually, but to others. Not everyones cup of tea or world to play in, but those who feel at home in it, will really like it.
  • I'm sure not everyone will have fun watching Lloyd The Conqueror. Some people have no clue about LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) and won't get the humor of this movie. But even if you're not into larping, which I'm absolutely not by the way, and you have a good sense of humor you still will have fun with this movie. Some wrote they are not ridiculing larping but if we're quite honest they do a little bit. And there's nothing wrong with that. Watching grown men and women acting like that is just fun to watch. I'm pretty sure that even the geeks and nerds will see the humor in it. The story is ridicule but in a funny way then. The acting is good, they never will win Oscars or other awards but that's not the purpose. I had some very good laughs and that's what it's all about when watching a comedy.
  • Goddess_gwen0725 April 2012
    One of the best comedy's I have seen in a long while. I hope to see more from these guys soon! I really enjoyed the costumes especially of the Danes so original, how do people come up with these things? The writing was really witty, I laughed so much at the creative use of nerd culture. I found it to be very respectful of a less known part of geek culture. The acting was pretty good, there were some that could have been better but it didn't take away from the movie. Overall I say if you can see this movie do, you will not regret it. I really hope that this movie gets seen by many people all over and not just at festivals. I really look forward to being able to see this again.
  • I love a good comedy and I was lucky enough to catch Lloyd at the Calgary Film Fest. I laughed throughout the whole movie. Brian Posehn and Mike Scott are excellent as the White Wizard (Posehn) and Derek(Scott). You would never realize that "Derek" and Bubbles are one and the same. Harland Williams scene is hilarious too and a funny twist/addition to LARPing. The sound track is great. The band (can't remember their name) that covers Rush's Anthem is excellent. Plus, any movie that has a battle between a man dressed as a unicorn and a centaur has to be brilliant. I can't wait for this to be released so I can bring some of my buddies to it.
  • Lloyd the Conqueror is a good-natured, light-hearted comedy that pokes fun at the world of LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) without being mean-spirited or disrespectful to the real community of Larpers. Three underachieving college friends, Lloyd, Oswald and Patrick, (the well cast Evan Williams, Scott Patey and Jesse Reid) are forced into the world of LARPing to battle the evil and very experienced Derek (played to unlikeable perfection by Mike "Bubbles" Smith). To even the odds against them, the three young men enlist the aid of nerdy but lovable Andy (Brian Posehn) and strong-willed Cassandra (Tegan Moss). Throw in a rag-tag band of hardcore Larpers, both good and evil, a Centaur and a Unicorn and hilarity ensues! Kudos to writer Andrew Herman, writer, director and producer, Calgarian Mike Peterson and his producing partners, Robert Peterson, Rob Ohlson, Matt Kelly and Brendan Hunter (aka Klaus, one of the Larping Danes) who made this low budget independent film into "The little movie that could!". Lloyd the Conqueror is a feel good, laugh out loud film which I highly recommend. Go see it; you won't be disappointed!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I loved the respectful way that the culture of LARPing has been portrayed, funny and witty.

    For an Independent film, this really does take you on a magic ride, and looses you into the world of the LARP.

    It is very easy to forget that you are not in the game quite quickly into the show.

    Loved Harland, Evan, Brian & Mikes performances, they were "friggin awesome", in my mind anyway! Brendan & Scott had epic performances and as mentioned before, who couldn't love a Unicorn & Centaur battle scene.

    But, my favorite scene is of the Vulcan & Karate Lady falling in love! I was ROFL at this point of the movie!

    Great film guy's & girls!
  • There's something really amazing about watching a movie like this come out of a place like Texas North - it works, just like SLC Punk worked.

    This movie is a funny, slightly uncomfortable look at the weekend warriors that hide their secret magical identities under a business suit five days a week. You may find that the LARPing rules used in the movie aren't accurate to your own experiences, but in making their own rules, they avoid poking fun at specific groups and make their own game truly unique. Frankly, I find their game rules much more fun. Don't let your inner pedant ruin the experience of this movie for you - just take it as a love song to the bizarre realm of LARPing.

    If you've ever spent your weekend in the basement when you should have been outside, or been mocked by your friends for reading Dragonlance well into your late teens, you will relate. If you're a geek - any geek - give this film a watch. The humour is so honest and so down-to-earth that it's really enjoyable for anybody who loves a little fake magic in their lives.
  • nogodnomasters17 January 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Three college students are coerced by their dark mage professor (Mike Smith) into joining a role playing group similar to Dungeons and Dragons. The fake fighting becomes intense as they battle for the title. The girl on the cover licking the sword was not in the film.

    The film makes fun of the game and the type of people who play those games by creating stereo-types.Very fun film.

    Guide: F-bomb, implied sex. No nudity.