User Reviews (2)

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  • rvf35-121 February 2017
    I watched "Felipe y Letizia" because I like the two actors who play the leads. While Fernando Gil and Amaia Salamanca did the best they could, the mini-series is pretty awful. First, the script, especially the dialogue, is so painfully contrived. Since a Spanish production cannot possibly risk offending the royal family, the script comes off as a really bad Hallmark movie, full of clichés and generalities. Besides a lousy script, the two leads are also handicapped by a weak supporting cast, in particular the actor who plays Juan Carlos, Felipe's father. About the best thing about this production was the car Felipe drives, a gorgeous Aston-Martin. Yuppers, sadly enough, that's about the highest praise I can give this mini-series.
  • jiminasabadu11 November 2018
    It's cheesy, okay but... did Oristrell even had a choice? Anyhow I enjoy (present: I've sen it several times) every minute of it. A love story no one has ever believed. Characters you've known since forever but whose personality you can only glimpse. Come on, it's the best possible tv movie. i am not being Condescent. In fact, you caj recall a previous Oristrell movie: an ambitious woman gets a seat next to the Prince at the end. This woman is Letizia in real life. And Puigcorbe appears in both movies. Forget about Jessica Mc Clure. Along with "Mi gitana", best tv movie in History.