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  • There are times one feels emotionally lost and unheard like Lucas in the Le Lyceen/Winter Boy by Christophe Honore. The movie is a slow burner yet beautiful, takes us to the world of 17-years old boarding school student struggling through the loss of his father as well as his inner world which seemingly complex and in dire need of guidance and tender. The family is so much focused on the appearances, and thus turns a blind eye to the inner screams of Lucas, played by Paul Kircher who is a real gem of this movie. Vincent Lacoste, Juliette Binoche, and Erwan Kepoa Fale are also excellent. Strongly recommended.
  • jacobojanata11 September 2023
    Christophe Honore captures inevitable journey of self-discovery that Lucas (Paul Kircher) begins after the sudden death of his father. The emotional vacuum right after the accident is quickly substituted with the chaos of emotions - grief, guilt, solitude, desire, hatred.

    To deal with the chaos, especially if you are only as young as the main protagonist, is doomed to be chaotic and unorganised too. The chaotic and contrasting nature of Lucas' actions is most apparent in his first days in Paris, where he experiences both profound religious experience and first making love with an anonymous, insignificant person.

    Cheerfulness and joy burdened with sadness is an unimaginably difficult role to play but Paul Kircher does a wonderful job in conveying the emotional rawness and ambiguity. And so does Juliette Binoche, playing his mother. But it's perhaps this ambiguity that is so confusing for the young heart. What to believe in the world where sorrow is veiled under the scarf of joy?
  • CinemaSerf23 May 2024
    I think Paul Kircher really captures the vulnerability of his "Lucas" character well here. He lives with his parents - Juliet Binoche and Christophe Honoré until an accident robs them of his father. His brother "Quentin" (Vincent Lacoste) returns from his home in Paris and the family start to come to terms with their grief. That manifests itself in many ways amongst the threesome, and causes friction between them too. It's his brother who comes up with the idea of taking the seventeen year old "Lucas" for some time in the big city, and so off they go. He shares his small apartment with "Lilio" (Erwan Kepoa Falé) to whom the young man immediately takes a shine. We already know that he is gay, and his time in the city gives him chance to explore the cultural sites of the city, and to give his Grindr a bit of exercise too. The narrative is peppered with occasional flashbacks as the young man continues to struggle to come to terms with his loss, becomes increasingly more selfish and introspective; reckless and thoughtless and also a little unforgiving of the stress on his family too. A bit of a misdemeanour (for a measly 150 Euros) sees his brother send him back home and that's where things step up a gear and everyone gets a fright. Reality takes the family by the scruff of the neck - but hopefully it will start the young "Lucas" on some sort of path to continue his life more positively. Binoche features sparingly, but her every expression conveys emotion - whether that be sadness, grief, exasperation or love; and there is plenty of love amongst this family. Lacoste also fares well as "Quentin" must reconcile the needs of his own life with those of his family - not an easy task when your teenage brother has the hots for a flatmate ten years older. It's Kircher who steals this, though. There is a confidence about his performance that is engaging to watch. He does elicit sympathy but you do want to just give him a slap at times, too. His behaviour isn't malevolent, but it's not so much of a melodramatic "cry for help", either. It's about his sorrow, his sadness and all of their emptiness, and the bitterness of those feelings. Who knew people still wore turquoise underpants, either! Maybe a little on the long side, but I reckon this actor might be around for a while to come.
  • lbrownfi9210 May 2023
    Rarely do I come across a film that is so emotionally visceral that I genuinely feel the grief and joy, the chaos and peace, and every moment in between. Le Lycéen is one.

    Paul Kircher is truly phenomenal as Lucas, a character with whom you feel grateful to have experienced each moment. His performance is award-worthy, and I look forward to what he'll do next, because I know it will be wonderful. Juliette Binoche plays her role of Lucas' mother with excellence and poise and her performance must be seen to be fully appreciated.

    The story is beautiful in its simplicity. It touches deeply, and though I haven't shared Lucas' experience, the film made me almost believe I had.

    It's been a long time since I've sat through the credits of a movie in thought, just for the simple purpose of continuing to feel what the film made me feel. I was saddened as the screen finally faded to black, because somehow I had found the hope that it wouldn't end and that we'd continue for just a few moments longer.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film deserves to be widely seen. So far I have not found it with English subtitles so some of the dialogue is guesswork on my part. Following a family tragedy the remaining family members come together where the wake is all about provincial appearances. The central young character, Lucas, is more interested in the truth rather than emotions dictated by convention. He is himself casual in his feelings about his local boyfriend and during a stay in Paris with his brother he begins to explore both mind and body with the help of a priest and a casual pick-up. I was drawn into his complex world helped in a large part by the soliloquies to camera. He remains vulnerable throughout and the possibility of exploitation seems to be ever present. The acting is fine throughout and often understated.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Le lycéen" or "Winter Boy" is a relatively new French movie from 2022 and the newest work by writer and director Christophe Honoré, who also acts in here, plays in fact a really crucial character not one with a lot of screen time, but crucial from the story perspective. The big name from the cast is Oscar winner Juliette Binoche. I like her and I think she is one of the best aspects this film has, but she is also only mediocre and stands out because almost everything else was pretty awful. My rating tells you how much I disliked this movie. But before I go into detail there, let's stay with the basics for a little longer: Another fairly famous actor, at least in France, is Vincent Lacoste. I still think he looks a lot like German actor Frederick Lau. But anyway, Lacoste turns 30 this year and for another movie he finally (after several nominations in previous years) won his first César not too long ago. The protagonist, i.e. The title character, is played by Paul Kircher here and by some this is considered a breakthrough performance and this also includes the Césars, the most important film awards from France. I could not disagree more. I felt he was bad in his weaker moments and forgettable in his best moments and if this film proves anything, then it proves that Kircher is not a (particularly) talented actor. I was actually not sure if I should go and see this film, but I thought why not as French films always get me curious, I adore the language and if I compare them to German films overall, the difference in quality is just overwhelmingly in favor of French films. Not that there are no good movies from my country Germany, but the percentage is low, much lower than it is for France. But I guess this film here proves that not every movie from our neighbor in the west can be a winner. Boy, did this go wrong!

    At slightly over two hours it is a pretty long movie and it felt even longer I would say, sometimes as if it would never end. There was just so much wrong with the outcome that I do not really know where to start. I guess I will just go into brainstorming mode and elaborate wildly on all that comes to mind: In general, you can say that the script here, the screenplay is one gigantic mess and there were so many cringeworthy moments in here and that the film really wanted to shock as much as it could from beginning to end. Subtlety is entirely absent. Always in your face, always exaggerated and over-the-top. And the oh so likable title character's bizarre behavior was justified by the fact that he is emotionally damaged after having lost his dad. You can say that this felt like a Timothée Chalamet movie and I mean that in the worst way imaginable. I am already not much of a fan of the overrated Chalamet, but compared to Kircher, he is a god really. But you can still say in Kircher's favor that no actor on the planet could have made this mess work. Just take the final scenes of the film when his character had stopped talking because of his emotional struggles. There is no introduction to that or elaboration or anything, it is just thrown at us that he is silent and then when we finally accepted it, boom! All of a sudden, he speaks again when he spends some time with his mother (Binoche's character) and it is such a happy revelation, isn't it? I saw it rather the way the Black fella described it right before that, namely that he is making things easy for himself and forces others to do the talking. Of course, he also has a pretty juicy scene before that when he cuts his wrists deep open and I am not gonna lie and admit that during this scene I hoped he would not survive and the film would be finally over then, but nope he does survive.

    Of course, our wonderful hero here is also such a creative and fragile soul as we see during the moments when he makes it obvious that music plays a very big role in his life. The singing was one thing, but he also plays the guitar on another occasion I think. Beautiful, isn't it? Then he is also smart enough to make the connection that his father committed suicide maybe and that it was not an accident and he was also daring enough to tell this theory to his mother. Oh and the protagonist is gay of course and it is not just him, but also his brother, so both boys at the center of the story here. Or I should say "men" perhaps because at least the brother is fully grown up. The story with his brother's boyfriend was also fairly cringeworthy. The moment the brother is gone for a while the boyfriend has another, much older man at his place to have sex. Prostitution galore. Of course, the main character is there to witness this and what does he do? Tell his brother? Nope, he talks to the older man and suggests that he is also ready to have sex with him if he stops seeing the Black guy. So bizarre. Don't tell me about the self-destructive behavior underneath in scenes like this. It is really just a mess and nothing else. It is not realistic, it is not meaningful, it is just for the purpose of shocking people and makes this film as controversial as it gets. At least, the Césars did not fall for any of this mess outside the newcomer category. But yeah, speaking of controversy, the film is only daring when it does not go against the current liberal mainstream, which means that this is in reality a truly cowardly movie. I could not say how many scenes there were in which we see people wearing masks because of the pandemic. The film is set in the now. All the characters were really totally following the rules in this department at least. Then there is the protagonist's brother's boyfriend who is Black of course and while here and there you could not be too sure if he was a good guy, his final meeting with the protagonist makes it very obvious that he is supposed to be seen as likable, how he admitted there that the main character may really be older than him in terms of character. Ridiculous stuff.

    And then there is the element of homosexuality. I already mentioned this. I am all for including this subject if you manage to build a convincing story around it, but sadly this is not even remotely the case here. On the contrary, scenes like the one where the boy has sex with another young male are really graphic, but only feel for the sake of it. I don't think they were artistic or made an impact from any perspective. Only intention was that this can be called a gay-themed movie and people will watch it because of this and this genre or subgenre struggles enough already quality-wise because apparently gay-themed is for many an attribute which means that it is automatically a good film or a daring film, which could not be any falser at all. This film here is the best example. The part with the older guy coming to visit them was bad enough already, but don't get me started either on scenes like the one where the main character all of a sudden tries to seduce his brother's boyfriend. Or moments in which the protagonist is accidentally informed of his father's death. Or the scene in which Binoche's character encourages her younger son to give a hug to her older son. So much from this film feels highly pretentious. This once again includes some of the music inclusions here and with that I mean also the very ending when Binoche's character watches her son let it all out music-wise. Even if it is just on a screen. Or take the pretentious scene in which the screen turns all red. Oh wait, I am sure people who feel obliged to like the film can come up with a brilliant artistic explanation there. I am not buying any of it. All for the sake of it. Zero authenticity in the outcome here. Of course, moments like the boy screaming in agony because of his loss are not unrealistic in the context of the loss he is facing, but even those felt false. This also had to do with the actor there not hitting the right notes gently-speaking. So, no matter which approach you take here, it is all just a mess.

    The voiceovers are not helping either. Or the family eating together towards the end when we see one character joke around with his sundae and he shoots some of the cream into his brother's face and I don't have to tell you what it looked like and this was definitely not an absurd metaphor in my mind only. 100% planned. Cringe is real. The talking here is not any better and with this I am referring not only to the idea of voiceovers, but also to what the characters had to say, how unrealistically poetic, deep and meaningful their lines were. No offense, but people do not talk like this. Especially people that age. Maybe occasionally they do, but in this film here they do it all the time or at least the protagonist does, but yeah I elaborated on his beautiful soul already. I could only shake my head at some of the inclusions here. What is truly shocking is that my screening had many viewers, more than I expected because I don't think this is much of a mainstream film and it is not totally new either and will probably disappear from movie theaters soon. I am not sure what the others thought of it. At the very end, before the credits roll in, there is a dedication by the director and seems as if Honoré dedicated the movie to his own father. I am not sure if the latter is still alive, but I almost wish he isn't because having an atrocious film like this dedicated to you is just as absurd as it gets and it could make the old man very depressed. It probably would make me very depressed. I have now mentioned many inclusions here that I did not like and not just minor aspects, but really twists at the center of it all, but I could go on and on and find another dozen woeful inclusions here. I believe this was the worst film I have seen in a movie theater in a long time. Now I know again why I kinder prefer retro movie screenings these days because honestly films like this should never have made it to the big screen in the first place. I highly recommend to stay far, far away from this one. It is unwatchably bad.
  • laduqesa22 March 2024
    This film was dialogue-heavy and action-light. The problem was that the dialogue was so inconsequential that it bored the socks off one.

    As for the "plot", I don't like whiffs of mysticism such as a near accident presaging a real one.

    I stuck with this for fifty five dreadful minutes while watching the sort of conversations I could hear in a local café in a francophone country. This was during a wake! It was so untrue to life that I was staggered. With a further seventy five minutes to go, I just couldn't bear the thought of putting myself through any more and clicked out.

    What on earth was Binoche doing here? Hadn't she read the script before accepting? She was the one point of light in the film acting properly and competently alongside a cast of nonentities. She's the reason why this got two stars instead of one.

    It's always a matter of regret leaving a film halfway through. Did it get better towards the end? However, no one should be subjected to trite trivia to get there and an hour's worth of it to boot.