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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Reise nach Agatis" or "Voyage to Agatis" is a German German-language movie from 2010. It got written and directed by Marian Dora and now people who have seen perhaps some of his other stuff know what to expect here. Lots of violence and a rather absurd story and this is also what you will be getting, even if it is not as extreme as in other Dora films, at least in terms of the plot. The violence is sure there when we see people cut off nipples. Anyway, there is a relatively small cast here and all the action takes basically place on a ship. I will not mention the three names of the actors now. You can check the cast list if you want to know. They aren't famous at all. A young woman decides to join a couple on a ship and travel over the seas with them, but it's a voyage that becomes pretty horrific to her. Early on, the humiliations are only seen from the man towards the wife and he is still somewhat of a good host to the girl, but the longer the film goes the more the man is also brutal and damaging towards the girl. All in all, I would not say that this was a good film. But I must say it is also not as bad and terrible and garbage as some other stuff I have seen by Dora. There are actually some thrilling moments here that make the movie occasionally work. It probably also helped that the focus was only on so few characters and not on new character constantly joining the action. And at roughly 75 minutes, it is a movie that is half as long as some other Dora works actually and it also helps the film from dragging too much. Overall, it is only worth checking out for those who really love the filmmaker or the genre and underground/amateur aspect here. I myself do not really and that's why I give it a thumbs-down. Watch something else instead.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm gonna just start off by saying that this is not the first Marian Dora "film" I watched, it's not even the first one that I've heard of, that would all go to his previous cinematic tripe "Melancholie der Engel." Having watched it countless times, all I really have to say is that it was incredibly grotesque, and not in a good way. With that said, this latest one by Dora is, how do I put it, worse in almost every way. Granted it is shorter than said film, it is way more mean-spirited.

    The story, non-existent. Characters, what characters? The acting? Compared to the other film I've mentioned, it's not terrible. The ending? it has to be seen to be believed. The plot itself? Well, to tell you the truth, there really isn't one. The majority of this film is pretty much a couple (mostly the male) torturing a young girl they met earlier, both physically and mentally, purely for their (and/or his) own personal pleasure. I finished watching it on YouTube (big surprise) which had absolutely no subtitles, so couldn't figure out why everything that was happening was happening.

    As for the direction, it is some of the worst that I have ever seen in my entire life. Every single shot either zooms into the actors' faces, is tilted to the side, or is just too darn shaky. On the bright side, the two women were nice to look at, and the effects do look genuine at best. But if I wanted to see either of those things, it would in no way be from this, nor any of the other stuff made by Dora.

    All in all, Marian Dora is a talentless nobody and always has been. And to those who've likely said otherwise, I highly recommend that you seek some serious help.

    My rating, 1.9/10.
  • First off, since this is a Marina Dora film, i was expecting a gorefest, since i know of this man's work. I have seen Melancholy Der Engel and Cannibal. Cannibal was kind of watchable, and Melancholy Der Engel was just a 2-hour shocker, that's only good at that. This movie is mind-bending tame when thinking of the director Marian Dora. Melancholy Der Engel is a top-class film compared to this thing.

    The main problem with this movie is the fact that 50 percent of this movie is water scenes. You could of cut this movie in half, and we'd have a better movie. But no, no for whatever reason we decided to have this movie dragged to 1 hour when it could of been like 20-30 minutes honestly.

    This is another one of these torture films, except this one is the tamest i have ever seen. What torture? They do nothing during the whole film, and then in the ending they let her "free" just to kill her. There's no gore, or shock or anything of value in this movie, except the ending. The last 10 minutes is the only part of this whole movie that's "disturbing", but even that hits late because you had me beg for this movie to end.

    What plot We got a douchebag couple buying a prostitute, and then killing and torturing her in the middle of nowhere. There's a movie that actually kinda has the same idea a murder fest on a boat, and that movie is Triangle, and that thing is 100 times better than this thing ever will be. Why? Because we got characters you can care for, and people actually put an effort into a good story. Here you do not care about anyone. I did not care about the prostitute or the douchebag couple.

    I would repeat the Vomit Gore films and the August Underground films than ever watch this thing ever again. When i saw that the director of this was Marian Dora, i was hoping for it to be in the same boat as Cannibal, but no.

    Want good Torture films? Go watch Martyrs, Hostel, Guinea Pig (Part One), The Butcher, Grotesque, and Her Name Was Torment.
  • Bad script, bad acting, unnecessary zoom-ins, pointless scenes with unrelated music on top(scenes where you watch the sea waves), no depth in the characters... Not worth your time.
  • It is no surprise that this movie was made on a shoestring budget. They clearly did not have to pay for anything. The entire story is detailed in the IMDB write up. How that could take 73 minutes is the real mystery. The acting is awful, the pacing is slower than a snail and the editor and/or director must have thought that very short choppy clips would make the film seem interesting. It just leaves a feeling that this was made by amateurs with no clue how to make a coherent movie. There is zero character development, nor any background as to why the couple does what it does. Many shots have nothing to do with the story that is being portrayed which does nothing but add more dull time to the finished product. There might be 15 minutes of actual story and the rest is filler. I have seen worse low budget movies, but none as boring.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Marian Dora is a name fast becoming one of the most controversial in extreme horror history. With his two previous movies, Cannibal and Melancholie der Engel catching some major attention, I was interested to see what he would come up with next.

    Now I watched this movie without subs so bare with me. We open with a pretty lady walking around a summery area, and shortly after that same pretty lady is stark naked and running for her life! We don't see why she is so terrified, but the blood and scratches on her body, combined with her panic looks as she strains to run as fast as she can, indicates that someone is chasing her. She makes it to the beach, but so does her assailant. We are from their perspective and watch this girls petrified expressions as our killer slices a knife through the skin that is her mouth, to give her a long smile. Oh yes, this is a Marian Dora flick...

    We cut to a man and lady, who I assume are husband and wife. They seem to be travelling for a holiday of sorts and neither seems to be happy with the other. This looks like a well needed holiday. They meet up with another lady and the three of them jump on a boat and sail away. Only, things are not what they seem, and we await some major sadistic cruelty on that boat...

    I gotta say, Mr Dora really isn't a fan of the human body. Or he at least enjoys butchering it. I heard somewhere that he is a surgeon and it shows! Certain shots of this movie made me very aware of the fact that we're all meat. Ready to be hacked up. What a lovely thought! Dora likes to get up close and personal with these shots of butchery. But of course this is typical of him. Still, it's enough to make hardened gore hounds cringe, as I certainly was. This is an uncomfortable movie to watch. You'll be disturbed for sure!

    As a contrast the score was beautiful. Really beautiful actually. In a similar vein to Melancholie der Engel but nicer. Some beautiful shots as well. I'm not sure if there is a deep message in this or if Dora was trying to say something particular, naturally is was probably lost on me since it wasn't in English. Though it's not as arty as Melancholie, and not as long either. Thank goodness! At 74 mins, it doesn't over stay its welcome. The pacing is so much better then it's predecessor, something I was very grateful for.

    There isn't as much animal cruelty in this one, but it does feature a rather unpleasant scene where the guy guts some sort of eel or sea creature. There's also enough sadism, rape and torture to keep most extreme fans disturbed, all the while getting them to listen to pretty music to boot.

    Apparently this movie was shot in less then a week and was only made on a budget of $10,000. Now that's an incredible effort! Well done Mr Dora! Even though I didn't understand a word of this movie, I gotta admit that that's impressive!

    Check it out if you're interested, it's definitely eye opening and disturbing for sure!
  • Warning! A movie with extremely graphic content.

    This movie was shot in a total of 3 days. Yet it delivers a full shocking thriller experience with high artistic value. It's unbelievable! Therefore the director Marian Dora should be called a genius.
  • To review this movie, I would like to break from the typical mundane style, and simply put this into pros and cons.

    Pros: The movie had a decent plot, especially for a M. Dora film, typically his movies focus so strongly on their arthouse style and gore they lack a strong plot. THE GORE, I have worked as a Paramedic for 4 years and NOBDOY gets the gore right like this guy, I am literally convinced there is something more sinister to it. Quite curious who the makeup / effects team is because they do an outstanding job... or well...

    Cons: Movie does feel a bit slow; I feel there were some character holes with behavior clashing with expressions and what the viewer is deliberately led to believe. And that's about all I can find, the movie was overall quite good without any major flaws.

    This is likely my favorite of Dora's films, and it should go without say this movie is a bit on the "extreme" side. Though not nearly as much as some other films by the director (MDE). I would actually recommend this one to a variety of horror film fans without feeling I have led them astray! 7/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Voyage of Agatis" is quite influenced by "Waves of Lust" by Ruggero Deodato and it plays like Dora's own "Carribean Sunrise"(2003)made as full-length feature.Still it's pretty disturbing and transgressive shocker.In the prologue beautiful dark haired tourist is slaughtered on an empty beach.There are also oneiric images of dolls floating in the water.Rafael and Isabel are the pair of sadomasochistic lovers.Their relationship is on-the-rocks.To spice his degenerate erotic life Rafael decides to take a beautiful blonde girl named Lisa on his yacht.Lisa doesn't know that she will be abused,tortured and finally violently killed.Extreme sadism and misanthropy viewed as the form of purification.This is the main theme of "Voyage to Agatis".Still there are some picturesque views of Croatian coasts.7 knives out of 10.
  • mrdonleone13 December 2019
    The Angels melancholy one of the other works of Dora, is much better than voyage to agatis; still it's original enough to contain enough shock... just not as much. And there it is disappointing, to see a movie just for the shock means it has to fail on all other fields in the end. For really... how could anything top the angel's melancholy??? I mean, that one was like the citizen Kane of shock cinema. Voyage to agatis just doesn't qualify; but it was worth the watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is by far the worst MD movie that I've seen. Yes it low budget, yes the gore looks convincing. If you've seen his other films you know what's in store. But this is mindless pointless drivel. Imagine the Neil Breen masterpiece "I Am Here.... Now" on a boat but with the mech-Jesus character being a sadist, rapist and nudist- with two other women. Oh and dolls and doll heads floating in dirty water for no real reason. That's it basically. They take one woman on their boat. Treat her just well enough to stay then violation and eventually murder. There is not artistic value to this movie. Lots of b roll of boat things and water used to pad the run time. If MD combined the concept of Caribbean Sunrise with this film and added... SOMETHING of a story or meaning or anything that's intriguing- then maybe it could be better.

    MD- if you're reading this- I support filmmakers like yourself, but you need to have story and something other than edgy imagery to make yourself better known and better as a filmmaker. Hell, I work in film and would be happy to assist you.