User Reviews (18)

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  • Each of these individual one hour stories are captivating from start to finish. Jimmy McGovern excels in tight scripts which gripped me with their realism and pace. The series is further enhanced by fine English acting.

    Each episode begins with a person in a prison cell awaiting trial. Flashbacks build up to a crescendo as to why the accused is on trial and whether or not they will be found guilty. The concept is great for those who love a whodunnit type scenario, only this time it's did they didn't they. And even if they did, the complexities of the back story provides moral angles which make you the judge too. Lovely armchair stuff.

    In a year when the BBC has had to generally tread carefully in its broadcasting post the faux pas by Ross and Brand on radio which caused thicker red tape to be introduced, this miniseries is one of the few stars in an otherwise cloudy darkness.

    It is one of the few, if only, must see fictional programmes on British television today and I thoroughly recommend it.
  • paul2001sw-121 December 2010
    'Accused', a series of six tough films scripted or co-scripted by Jimmy McGovern, strikes me as vaguely reminiscent of Alan Bleasdale's 'Boys From the Blackstuff'. What we have is a set of (essentially unconnected) intense dramas that effectively reflect the struggle of many ordinary Britons to survive and prosper. Each one ends in a court case; but it's not the gimmick that's important here. Most of these 21st century characters aren't desperately poor, in the way that Bleasdale's were, and McGovern lacks Bleasdale's political edge: these remain six random stories, without connecting narrative or theme. But there is some good writing, and also some great performances, from a portfolio of British character actors who know exactly how to do TV. It's not fun in the conventional sense, but its definitely worth a look.
  • This series is not light, it's heavy, there is pretty much no comic relief... The acting is excellent, the story-lines often gut wrenching reflecting on the real trials of being human, making bad mistakes and the like. It sounds like a downer, and it might be for some. I watched this for the first time on flix a couple of years ago, and basically binged through both seasons. Saw it again this year, and it's still completely riveting. If you are looking for a "cozy BBC mystery" like Miss Marple this isn't it.
  • Majikat7623 March 2019
    I can't believe it took me so long to find this series!!!

    This is what happens when top writers and some of Britain's most impressive actors emotional involve themselves into making great drama.

    What a theme! That on paper, through the courts, there is simply a charge and a decision, without the truth behind the who's, what's, when's and why's.

    One of the best dramas to date!
  • A 10 episode limited anthology UK series. Each 1 hour story starts with someone being taken from a holding cell into a courtroom, where they will stand trial. Then we flashback into the story of what led them there, all building up to a final verdict in court.

    The most consistent strength of the series are the excellent performances. Christopher Eccleston, Sean Bean, Olivia Coleman, Juliet Stevenson are just a few of the top flight actors doing powerful, subtle and complex work.

    The stories themselves are somewhat variable. A couple feel too on the nose, or heavy handed in their themes. But most are at least quite good, and a few are flat out terrific – morally complicated, surprising, tense.

    They are also mostly quite grim. Even the few episodes with 'happy' endings still leave characters dealing with loss, broken families, damaged souls. As in real life, a 'not guilty' verdict doesn't simply put all the broken pieces of a life back together again. Because of that consistently dark, sad tone, this series doesn't cry out for binge watching. That would risk sending one out the window But this is worthwhile, intelligently written, solidly directed television, and well worth a look.
  • Best to watch when your head is in a good place. Well done, Jimmy McGovern. And thank you, Acorn, for the best monthly $5 I've ever spent :-)
  • mrrobyoung12 September 2021
    Excellent show, acting, scripts, excellent.

    Be warned...if your a sensitive soul and allergic to injustice I suggest you don't binge watch this series.
  • Can't recommend this series highly enough. Each episode bar one is a separate story and every one is outstanding and brilliantly acted and scripted.

    Stellar cast under brilliant direction- you can't go wrong. Trust me.
  • Goloh9 December 2020
    It took a long time for this series to reach where I live, thus the late review. The writing, the acting, the settings, the cinematography ... absolutely brilliant. And (not "but") it is sooo hard to watch. Why is that? It's nearly impossible to guess before the very end how any trial will turn out, though you will have spent the previous hour trying. As other reviewers have noted, this is not light viewing, really. But well worth the effort.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Watched the first one, got to the end, pretty unlikely but maybe possible.

    Started the 2nd one. Maybe, perhaps, that sort of hazing etc happens in the modern army, but a lance corporal basically in charge of a base and so little investigation of a death that they can make up a story? Didn't finish.

    Gave the 3rd one a go, it was worse, workplace death, no HSE investigation, left to the police, the CPS say the victims will be charged money for a prosecution, they don't think to get their own lawyer. What planet does the writer live on? Couldn't finish it.

    I guess the human drama is done OK and the casts are good, but it's too jarringly detached from the real world to be watchable.
  • Jimmy McGovern is undoubtably the Master of portraying the human psyche in its rawest realistic and most believable way! He has the ability to tell a story that draws you in and exposes every human emotion to the point you feel a part of it pure genius! Add to that top class actors and you have the bomb! Each episode is a different story regarding a persons journey to being in the dock accused and the final outcome. Sadly only 2 seasons but so good are they that this is my second time of watching them and they are as equally as good as the first time. And if you enjoyed this then search out his "Boys from the Blackstuff" another classic genius from Alan Bleasdale Gizzz us a job"
  • Guanche483 September 2019
    I discovered this series last month. And I start watching without expectations. Just life like it is....great acting!! Heavy staff to think about! And we can learn a lot by some situations.. just awesome.!! My heart was beating by some situations because it is so exciting!! Lots of good and bad emotions.
  • Phil-15113 November 2020
    I'm not one to usually write reviews, but this show is excellent. Each episode is a separate storyline and each is riveting.
  • This is a very well done show and at times difficult to watch because of how real it seems. The performances are incredible as is the writing. You understand these characters in a way which is rare and sometimes disturbing. As I said, this is not easy viewing but it's certainly worthwhile.
  • Very hard to watch but absolutely riveting. A must watch. McGovern has written or been responsible for the best stories ever written. I dearly wish they had made more series of Cracker, one that really stands out, with an excellent cast.
  • Headturner110 August 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    My highest rating is an 8-9. This is strictly on the Graham, Bean episode brilliant! I watched a few episodes of season 1 a while back and came back to this last night. First episode I forwarded thru second was very good then this!!! I like Shaun Bean but after this ( I've got to say this was probably his best acting) SPOILERS:When they started showing him teaching and then going home and turning into Tracy this made the episode. How Graham walks right by him and has no idea who he is. How he goes and gets his make up done by the wife! Wow! I was watching him do his make up( better than me btw) and thinking he's good he must of watched a ton of tutorials. Was he a convincing woman? No, but that doesn't matter because it was true to real life. Graham has got to be the best male actor crier. Lol. That man can cry like no other and so convincing ( he must of cried a lot as a kid). Lol. The end scene the way they look at each other.. Priceless. I went to bed and said I need to make a review just for this episode. I can't even remember what the other ones were about. This should have been the last episode because you can't imrove from here and the last one was a 6. Any ways loved this! I need to edit to add" to the reviewer who said tansgenders aren't gay is untrue. His character identified as a gay man whom liked to dress as a woman. And it was answered that YES they had sex. To what extent etc wasn't explained / showed. It's a drama not a documentary! sheesh!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The acting in this opening episode of the new series of The Accused was superb, but the whole premise of the story was seriously flawed. Jimmy McGovern appears to have little knowledge of the subject he is writing about. Most transvestites are straight and enjoy the experience of cross dressing with their female partners, and not just for sexual gratification. Cross dressers do frequent gay bars but only because it enables them to drink in a non- threatening environment. The idea that a man like Simon/Tracie (Sean Bean) would drink in a city-centre bar dressed like a cross between Mae West and Madonna is totally ludicrous. What planet is Mr McGovern living on? It was not made clear exactly what Tony (Stephen Graham) was doing when he visited Tracie. Were they having sex, if yes then why not show it (perhaps McGovern didn't know what they would do to each other). But why would Tracie start a relationship with what was obviously a married man without discussing it and laying down some ground rules? It just lacks credibility. But perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this whole charade was the fact that Tracie was having a relationship with a psychopath who would rather violently stab his wife to death than tell her than he is gay - and not just an ordinary gay man but one who likes older men in unconvincing drag. Add to this ridiculous courtroom scene when Tracie addressed the court in full drag and you have all the makings of a really bad drama.

    There were so many embarrassing moments in this grubby little play: The scene where Tony tells Tracie he will only be seen out with her if she looks more convincing as a woman, the scene where Tracie visits Tony's wife for a makeover and stares at her breasts and the fact that Tracie agreed to go away with Tony after he publicly humiliated him. What does it all mean? It means that Jimmy McGovern is a lazy writer and should do his research properly. I feels sorry for the actors who are no doubt proud of their performances but should really have looked at the bigger picture.

    The problem with a lot of McGovern's scripts is that he can't make up his mind what he is writing about. In this case Transvestism or murder. He takes a controversial subject or story (no doubt lifted from the pages of a Sunday newspaper, in this from 1978 judging by the out-of-date concept) and twists it to suit his limited experience. If he seriously wanted to write about cross-dressing then why not talk to some real cross-dressers and use their experience to tell the story. That would certainly be a lot more realistic that this tosh.
  • salpemagarian13 January 2021
    I absolutely love this show. Sometimes they are innocent and sometimes they are guilty, it's up to you to decide. The stories keep you guessing and are very intriguing.