User Reviews (10)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am not a person easily moved, and, well, I'm not proud of that. I've always been waiting for something to come along that could make me feel something. But that was until I saw this movie.

    Well, I'm not going to sit here and say that this is the best movie ever made. Nandhalala has a lot of flaws – from poor camera angles to ridiculous acting skills of certain lead actors. So many goofs are there. But there's something in this movie that could leave an aching spot in your heart. If it's the story or screenplay, I could not tell.

    The story line is so damn amazing, I really doubt if Mysskin had written it all by himself. But, no offense, he has managed to pull something spectacular. You would laugh, smile and cry to the earnest – don't tell me you haven't been warned.


    The storyline of the movie is simple – a small boy who had never seen his mother in his life joins hands with a mentally challenged person (who had happened to have escaped from hospital) toward his quest to find her. At some point, the disabled person finds that the boy's mother had left him to marry another man and now has a child to take care of. But he hides this from the boy and pretends to continue to search for his mother. At another point, they join with a prostitute they meet on their way. The movie climaxes – man, that's an odd word – when the boy finds who his real mother is.

    What I like about this movie is that it has three amazingly interesting characters. The human emotions are well captured and delivered so that all class of audience would understand what a human can do. The characters they meet on their way are also deeply pictured.

    There are some people with lot of love and some that don't show it. But there is no one in this world that could possibly live without this amazing quality that makes them who they are. Human mind is an amazing thing that could fall in love within just a second, but at the same time fall into hatred. When something you love, something you think you can't go on even a second without, is lost, you can still go on. And that is an amazing thing. You can love what loves you.

    The boy's journey is not to find what is very far away from him, but toward what had been always within him. The quest might not have gotten back his mother, but had sure put some strength in him to accept and love what he already has. To come back where he started. Every man who had walked this planet had always been on a quest toward something what he thinks is very far away from. Those succeeded were the ones who knew where exactly to find it. Their heart!

    There are so many things this movie could teach you – if you let it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Based on the Japanese movie " Kikujiro" , Mysskin's "Nandhalala" is a travelogue with a brilliant background score by Ilayaraja & excellent cinematography by Mahesh Muthusamy. Mysskin the director takes the third place only though he is the man behind the movie as the whole.

    Ilayaraja is back with his haunting violins which made movies like "Veedu " & "Sandhya Raagam " memorable. He is one musician who knows the value of silence . In many poignant sequences where a customary music director would have tried his level hard to put in some music to fill in the emotion , Raja just makes the silence evocate the emotions in the viewer. Ilayaraja is the foremost person why many would have ventured into the theaters showing this movie & he does satisfy them whole heartedly.

    All the three songs that find a place in the final cut "Melle Oorndhu Oorndhu , "Onnukkonnu."', "Thalaattu Ketka Nanum" are haunting pieces . Hearing Ilayaraja & K.J.Yesudas after a long time in itself brings back the nostalgic memories in you.

    Mahesh Muthusamy is the second most significant person of "Nandhalala" . Movie has lots of long shots & the manner in which he has literally played with the camera in his hand is astonishing. With the aerial shots , low-angle shots which he used to great effect in "Anjathey" in that famous sequence & the number master shots in the movie , Mahesh must have had a ball in showcasing his talents which he has in abundance.

    Mysskin , the director has done a decent job while the screenplay writer must have dozed off a bit while the actor is completely off target. The confusion in which he has conceived & portrayed the mentally ill character is average to put it mildly. Bereft of the sensitivity , poignancy & authenticity Myskkin's mentally ill protagonist is stereotyped , ill-etched & far-fetched from real.

    Except that aberration, rest of the characterization are well-etched and conceived & brilliantly portrayed by the actors , be it Aswath Ram as the other protagonist or Snigtha , the bikers , the shepherd , the lorry driver , the coconut vendor , etc. Nasser , though he comes in for just 20-30 seconds or so , he leaves a mark in your mind . And Mysskin's specialty is the situational humor & the angst which come out effortlessly on screen. Rohini is too young to be Mysskin's mother , at least some make-up would have done some good to hide her youthful demeanor.

    The final 15-20 minutes disturbs you & leave a mark where the director & writer in Mysskin some to the fore but the two reasons why the movie makes a greater impact are one ,Ilayaraja & two , Mahesh Muthusamy.

    On the whole , "Nandhalala" is a journey worth traveling .

    Bottomline : Thalaatu..!
  • sunilaas3 February 2020
    Surely this is one of the most UNDERRATED movie... everyone must watch & support these kind of movies..... special credits goes to ilayaraja
  • Its amazing to see this movie excelled in every aspects of filmmaking, be it a Director( Hats Off to Myskin),Acting Performance, Editing ,Cinematography and not to forget Illayaraja's lovely music and BGM. some people say this movie is slowly paced and melodramatic, but they couldn't understand this is not just a movie, its more like a beautiful experience where you could sympathize with those two Characters( Myskin and Ashwath Ram)

    The Movie is about a Journey of a Young boy and a Mentally disturbed man who goes on for a search of their respective mothers, as one want to kiss his mother on her cheeks and another one to slap on her. and along the way they were happen upon some interesting people, who helps them to reach their destination. Snigitha who portrayed as a sex worker in the movie, gave a very good performance.Mahesh Muthuswamy Camera work is commendable, Illayaraja's Music is pleasant. overall Myskin's successfully crafted a gem of a movie. both as a actor and as a Director he was astounding. Kudos to entire Nanadalala Team.
  • Mysskin has given one of the best films in Tamil. The film runs around two main characters Bhaskar Mani and Akhilesh. Bhasker Mani spent most part of his life at mental asylum and Akhilesh,a schoolboy,was separated from his mother. The both meet at a situation and start their journey in searching their mothers. What happens is the climax. Firstly,Nandalala is just not a movie. It's a journey that shows humanity in every scene. Mysskin as a director has just excelled in holding the viewers' attention. He makes the audience feel the pain of the characters, generate empathy and is even able to make one's eyes go moist. The emotions and happenings on screen look so genuine and endearing.Mysskin has lived the role of Bhaskar Mani and proved himself as a great actor. Ashwath Ram as a school-boy searching his mother has justified the role! Snigitha surprise in the film. But the hero of the film is Illaiyaraja-the music director of the film. His music expresses the feelings than the words by characters. He is the ultimate genius when it comes to creating soulful music that enhances the viewing experience. The music album had 6 songs each one a treat for ear. The camera handled by Mahesh Muthuswamy is so real and natural. And what a poetic title!!!

    You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Mohandas Gandhi!!! The same Nandhalala conveys. Don't miss this epic film.
  • Myskkin, This review is written mainly for you. Well, I'm a big fan of all your movies. Once when I read the news that you have promoted yourself as a hero, I decided not to watch this movie. You know that director turned actors have not done really well and I don't really like this trend. So did I decided.

    It was one Friday evening when I was working on my laptop keeping the TV on n mute. There was some visuals going on Kalaignar TV which was excellent and increased the volume to see some scenes. I was glued to that movie and only during the next break, did I find that it was nandalala and the actor was none other than myskkin.

    Watched the movie fully and I was amazed. It was one of the very best movie of Indian cinema. You know, there is a scene where the lorry driver beats myskkin and seeing msykkin's innocence and child-like nature, the lorry himself feels sorry for beating him. I was also completely melted by seeing myskkin in that particular scene.

    What an acting! Everyone MUST WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! Myskin, don't give up acting just because of few failures. People will understand you, just keep supplying us the kind of movies you are passionate about.

    (Note: I liked mugamoodi too though many made of fun of that movie. What I liked about mugamoodi is you kept the movie subtle knowing the boundaries of tamil cinema and what I laughed at that was when the granny's helped the hero. Otherwise, movie was really nice. Brave attempt and succeeded to some extent!)
  • nanipubg-7446813 September 2021
    One the finest movie it's emotionally connect with us.mysskin sir acting another level.
  • ramkrish202027 December 2014
    Any person who watches this movie definitely has some values to take with them.

    Some places in the film which inspired me..

    • Ilayaraja - All 3 songs used from the album and pleasant BGM • Baskar Mani Intro - Sudden break of TV and the way he moves scratching the wall • Camera work when he tries to peep out the gate and inquire security guard • Explaining about his daily routine in hospital • Baskar trying cooling glasses from Agi • "Neenga endha jaadhi saami?" - "Mental" • Physically challenged doctor - It is all in will power • Helping the hurt girl • Intro for "Onnukonnu" song - such a value based lyrics • Intreval .. "Thayai Thedi..." • The lady's story and Nassar driving- depicting reality • Baskar Mani finds his mom - "Thalattu ketka naanum..." • Climax & Many more..Watch and Enjoy!!
  • I was shell shocked by the thesis and performance of the never dies.myskkin proved it for again and again with his artistic performance and story telling perspective.the way he has been handled the story quite simple and damn realistic.there are several elements I need to point out in this movie as a glimpse of this film but that should be spoils the story.sorry this is not a movie this is a life journey of every human being.

    Only a few director made a film as at its original form without any commercial elements.myskkin is surely one among them.i would say this should be must watch film for every human being before they die.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all I thank Mysskin, at least for selecting Ilayaraja for the music division and the camera guy. The plot is very similar to Kikujiro. Its almost 70% the same.

    This film is the story of two kids. One a real kid of school going age and the other is a mentally challenged 25 around aged kid. Both are in a travel of fining their mothers. First one want to kiss her and the later wanna slap her. What happened to their adventure is the remaining quest.

    The moment film starts with a peacock feather's close-up.. its all the camera man Mahesh Muthuswamy and the Music maestro Ilayaraja. Who can feel music and pain can watch this movie. Not even an evident of commercial is in this movie. Just Mysskin, Muthu and Ilayaraja are the three equal pillars of this film.

    It really pains (for the composer and even me too..) for not including all the songs in the album in the film, as all the songs were very pleasant to hear...

    Although I enjoyed the film, I couldn't stop thinking about Kikujiro. That is the biggest disadvantage of this film. Its Muthu and Ilayaraja are the duo who are unique...