User Reviews (30)

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  • 'Parada' was the most popular film in the Berlin Festival this year, bagging both audience awards yet not the LGBT 'Teddy Award'. That illustrates both its strength and weakness as a film: intended to induce a positive image about homosexuals in a non-gay audience, it does an admirable job in combining drama and comedy, tears and laughs. Yet at the same time, the gay characters are so terribly cliché that, in a different setting, they could be also used to narrate a viciously homophobic story.

    That this is not the case is due to the scriptwriting talents of Srdan Dragojevic, who makes every single character, gay or not, a walking cliché of ex-Yugoslavia. The ex-militia gangster, tattooed all over with battle reminders around bullet wounds, resorting to protecting a gay pride march at the behest of his 'slut-with-a-golden-heart' fiancée, is about as credible as the effeminate wedding planner insisting on organizing the pride in spite of organized acts of violence by a group of nationalist skinheads lead by, as it turns out, the gangster's son. Add to this the soft-hearted vet who saves his dog and turns out to be the wedding planner's partner, with whom the gangster embarks on a journey through ex-Yugoslavia to enlist the help of other ex-soldiers, who, for reasons not sufficiently explained, became his friends while being his enemies at the same time... the plot is indeed as convoluted and incredible as this summary sounds like.

    Yet Dragojevic's writing constantly adds jokes and situational comedy, he reveals himself here to be indeed the creator of the beloved classic 'We are no Angels'. The eclectic mix between comedy and drama makes this pretty much a must-see, as does the tremendous success 'Parada' enjoyed at home and in its festival run. Just don't expect any real portrayal of gay life in the Balkans; having been born in Romania, I fully understand that for a homosexual in Belgrade, this film must come rather as an offense than a relief. Yet as one cannot explain quantum theory in primary school, the clichés in this film are probably a necessary evil: you have to work with what people already (believe to) know in order to educate them and change their attitude. If this film succeeds in making cliché gays more acceptable in the mainstream, then maybe this will color off into a broader acceptance of the fact that the public knows very little about homosexuality and therefore has no reason to feel threatened by it; in that case 'Parada' would have done its job of opening minds, aside of being a pretty entertaining experience.
  • This in one of the best movies I've seen recently. It gives a great picture of today's society on the Balkans - a closed-minded, racist community where often people can't express their opinions freely without getting their asses kicked. It's not just the gay thing, there's plenty more in this film. It sends a warm message to all the countries from ex-yu. One of the thing not shown here, but implied, is the other thing I was talking about - it's hard to express your political and even national opinions - if you're a Croat, you're automatically against Serbs, and if you're a Croat in Serbia, boy you're screwed. And vice versa. People are just lining up to kick Serbs in Croatia, I know by what I've seen. Also, expressing a left oriented political opinion makes you a communist - also ass kicking material and other closed minded things. Homophobic problem presented in this movie is merely one tenth of the people's persistent stupidity problems here on Balkans. A good friend of mine is a lesbian, and she wasn't discriminated as much as people in this movie, but she helped me change my opinions. I think we all need that one interaction with the people of LGBT community to see that they're not fags, gays, lesbians, dikes etc. To see that they are just normal people living normal lives, just like you and me. We often don't see that unless we meet someone who's actually gay. This movie breaks the walls of prejudices and helps people see that there's nothing wrong with being gay. It's a very refreshing movie on the Balkan scene, and it will make you laugh your ass out, and burst to tears in the end. It's full of comic situations, especially Lemon's homophobic jokes, and I love that you can really see the transformation of his opinions, in such episodes as Ben Hur's, and you can see how it should be in all of us. The acting is great, the message is great, the humor is great, except one thing - Serbian movies actually have even more raw humor, and I find this humor very gentle compared to some movies I've seen. But still, 10/10 and a must watch!
  • The Parade (i keep forgetting that that's the actual title as the parade itself doesn't even happen til the last 10 or 15 minutes of the movie) is a mostly enjoyable comedic farce that starts out like a guy ritchie film (big tough gang affiliated guy gets his dog shot at and immediately wants! but not before taking the dog to a vet and holding the vet at gunpoint to fix the dog!) you think that that British gangster tone is what's gonna dominate the rest of the film but then the guy ritchie vibe gradually gives way to a variation on The Birdcage--with the vet and his wedding planner boyfriend getting beyond tired of being signaled out for being gay (their little pink car is continually getting spray pained curses and insults on and in fact the wedding planner is part of a lgbt group planning a gay pride march that is in danger of being torn apart by a massive group of skinheads) The vet eventually gets the idea to hire the gang-boss whom he was scared of as a big burly protector for the parade--and in the process maybe, maybe teach him how to be a little more macho, and how to stand up for himself so he's not being picked on by every single person in his life outside his boyfriend (even his own dad is just such a jerk to him in one quick scene) This then turns into an Expendables kind of film as the gang-boss tries to get his old friends to help him protect the group from the raging skinheads(essentially becoming an old gang of aging but still tough as nails gang of ex mercenaries and soldiers getting back together for one last seemingly impossible mission) somehow the film also manages to mix in bits of Analyze This (trying to teach the not very macho guy to act tough to impress the other mercenaries in said gang--which was a lot like when De Niro had to try to toughen up Billy Crystal so that the other mobsters would take him seriously at the end of that movie)

    Its The Birdcage Meets The Expendables basically--and you know what? the 2 movies manage to merge their plot lines together a lot smoother then you'd expect such a film that brought those 2 wildly different films to mind. It helps that the film is very well acted and very well written (and directed) Both the gang-boss and the schlubby vet who yearns to be tough emerge as very complex characters both of whom have things in their past they regret, and things in their present they love but would love to be able to appreciate more then they currently do. The interactions between the 2 men really are the heart of this film and i really think the film wouldn't be half as affecting if the 2 actors didn't have as much chemistry playing off each other as they do. They're both well acted and well written leading characters and the fact that you can feel for the both of them helps the film gets its point across that both guys essentially have much much much more in common then either one would care to admit.

    The other supporting characters are pretty good too--the tough as nails fiancée of the gang-boss really steals a good number of her scenes she's in, and you can really understand why the gang-boss would do anything to continue to be engaged to her--even if its not apparent at first, it becomes clear eventually that she is the only person who both understands him and appreciates him for both who he is and who he could be (ie that he's capable of change which not even he believes for most of the movie) If the other mercenaries once they come into the story are not as well defined as the two other men and the fiancée, they at least provide a good counterpoint for the gang-boss and indeed provide a number of humorous moments all their own.

    The only problem i think i had with the film overall is that when the ending hit, it was both a lot sadder then anything in the film prior to that would have made you think was coming, and somehow cements the very realness of what you were just watching. Its precisely that sadness that gives the film an unexpected depth of feeling that the film in its light hearted amusing way made you forget the film had. It really hammers home the point of the entire film we were just watching, and if some people feel that that point was more heavy handed then everything that came before--i feel like those people are overlooking just how harsh some of the insults thrown at and how scary some of the actual physical violence that was threatened at the gay couple throughout the film actually were. Also that skinhead rally and climactic parade truly were both scary, tense, and somehow also funny and heartbreaking as well. This film really does strike an amazing balancing act in terms of tone and emotion, but the film mostly manages to maintain that tone by just being good company. Its not a perfect film by any means-its goes on a little longer then it needs to, the film's other lgbt characters never really emerge as actual people, the subplot involving the gang-boss's son seemingly gets resolved out of nowhere, but you know the film is so jovial that none of that really matters, and the film itself is a rather memorable one, one that even if its mostly comedic somehow manages the neat trick of also making you care about its main two characters which carries the film a lot more then you would even think possible when the film started.
  • nnenok2 January 2012
    I find this movie ground-breaking and beautifully made. I will slightly base this writing on the review of the user "mmajstor", who - as a Serbian - knows the situation in the country best, but I want to share my view on the problems he exposed. I'm a gay from Slovenia, which is the most gay-friendly of the ex-Yugoslavian countries. Pride parades take place regularly for the last 11 years and we always experience sadness when hearing the unpleasant stories of parades in Croatia and Serbia, the latter being one of the most homophobic countries in Europe. Making a movie about homosexuality is already the reason to bow before Dragojevic (the director), who experienced homophobic attacks while making this film. And even more, made a really good one.

    Of course, the movie is a bit idealistic, that was the point. Gay movies are depressing as it is, there's no point in just showing gay bashing, because in the case of Serbia that could be a simple documentary. This movie was made to give hope to people. I admit that the characters are a bit stereotypical, not all homosexuals are like that, but some of them ARE and they should be allowed to walk freely outside as anybody else. And as mmajstor said "I don't think that gay population would be satisfied with the presented picture of them", in the case of me and my friends, we were laughing the loudest in the cinema because we got the inside jokes. And already like this, the movie was very provocative, so I wouldn't tease the local public with harsher topics for the start, because I think the movie was made mainly to educate. If this was the primary goal, I believe it did well. It showed that gays as well as straights can get beat up for the same reasons, for love. It showed that people can change and that giving a chance to somebody can result in personal growth. It had to show the situation to the locals from the Serbian point of view, because only this way people can relate to it and not think "it's just another one of those American Sodoma-and-Gomorrah movies" - it's something that happens in your country, in your town.

    And finally, the idea of teaming up ex-enemies to protect Serbian gays is pretty far-fetched, but absurdly hilarious and slightly nostalgic.

    Basically, my opinion is that this was a wonderfully made film and I hope it will made people think. Really think.
  • When watching a movie Parade for the first time, you're not quite sure whether to laugh or to cry. Everyone in the hall laughed for a full 80 minutes and then all speechless and filled the room just sounds of the great fight scene, as a culmination of the conflict of two cultural ways of thinking. And after that, some in the audience were crying. I tried not to listen to comments of others because even I could say something bad and good about this movie and I wanted to focus my thoughts of others. Movies of acclaimed director Srdjan Dragojevic someone has to watch more than once if he want to see all the layers of stories and meanings are very important details that director intelligent runs. This movie should not be watched with prejudice on LGBT population in Serbia, because these prejudices really can not not overlook the viewer final attitude on this topic. I think that we should discuss this movie in 10 years from another angle on political and historical situation in Serbia, and than say is it good or bad movie, because it is not so simple in this moment. Complains that the film is full of clichés, and it was too easy in dealing with major problems are stupid. I think that this movie hasn't a philosophical background, the idea is to entertain and warn what can happen if we as society don't find a solution for interpersonal relationships. If this movie was just drama genre, nobody would go to watch it, because people like Dragjevic's style pleasing the audience. Of course not all who oppose the right of gay people to have their parade are hooligans and neo-Nazis as not all gay people are fine and well-meaning and feeble, but this movie does not deal with that environment, but completely opposite sides. So i don't think that this movie is Anti-Serbian, because in every place in this world you will find people like these characters, and if someone abroad will think that Serbs are mean and evil and uncivilized - after this movie, he is idiot, because even if you show the Serbs as a great and funny with many virtues, they will not like it because of the previous 20 years of media's brainwashing. If someone asked me, as the average citizen, I am not for the parade but I'm not in that gay people beating down the street. So thats not the problem with this movie. Main problem with this film is that whole scene of Parade in 2009 is fictional and it had never happen, but when you see documentary shots from Pride in 2010 after that, you can think, if you are not familiar with the events in Serbia, that it really happened too, and that the Serbs killed someone as Mirko in the parade. This film may be missing for another 10 minutes to fill some holes in the illogic of connecting scenes, which is the likely cause of the reduction of the film but it does not matter much follow the story, especially if you watch it for the second time. What bothers me is that the author is supposed to remain objective and to the side at the level of idea, regardless of the story, but the inscriptions on the end of the film chosen for his position. I have to commend the masterfully role of Goran Jevtic (MIRKO) and Hristina Popovic (PEARL), and as always in a handful of great episodic characters in Srdjan's films. Each honor for bravery in playing with themes and I think this movie is a metaphor for 'parade of society' that should be ashamed that we are where we are today.
  • mmajstor1 December 2011
    Movie does not have some needed quality as it is expected. It's a little bit grotesque. Like it has two movies which are not fully complemented, and which are merged into one. First part - about 80% of movie is not very serious, it is relaxed and not to much con-vincible. Gay acting - to bad, for me it would be better that actors were real gays and not strait ones. Gay picture which was presented does not reflect their behavior in real life therefore their acting was plastic and artificial. They are presented as real pussies, like chickens. Story is not realistic at all - like director was trying to force story to be liked for the mass public in former Yugoslavia. All countries have the similar problem with homophobia, but I don't think that it was necessary to force the story into all former republics, just to point that out. And release date is very interesting. Like Dragojevic has the real talent to release movie in right moment when current events would drag audience into cinema. Congratulations on that, but it is commercial compliment, and not artistic. Last 20% of movie has some seriousness and point about things which happened in our society, but as the complete story it is disharmonious and without continuous rhythm. I don't think that gay population would be satisfied with the presented picture of them, and that director and scenarist should have more guts to show the things more provocative and open minded, but for the start it may would be enough for the average consumer. Of course it is much better to make this kind of movies (even in commercial purposes), than those with raw violence, egoistic, and without a point. Congratulations to the main actor, who is always brilliant. Camera and photography are great, but we are used to it in Dragojevic's movies.
  • ivonailic-877-3653029 November 2011
    I think that movie is very helpful, because it deals with all "Serbian problems" with humor. It's emotionally heavy and deep story, but also very comical - which is the only way, in my opinion, that can change someone's beliefs, or at least, make people think about the situation around here. Movie as a movie is very good and interesting, and it awakes emotions of happiness and sadness. Plot is, in the least, hilarious. It is about very serious topics and issues, which we, as a people, created on our own. Prejudice that we create, everyone of us, whether we are Serbs, gay, straight, Albanians, Croats, Bosnians or someone else . Maybe one of the best movies of Srdjan Dragojevic.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If you look at this movie as a comedy (which I think it is) the film is good, but the problem is that the film should have a serious message about the issue of LGBT population in Serbia. I did not like it to appear as things that never happened-as a murder at the end (no gay person has been killed in Serbia), although in this way killed French fan (which came to a football match) in Belgrade, but it has nothing to do with the theme of the film. Also film is about a parade in 2009, which is not held (because organizers did not want to go to site that the police had suggested, they only want the downtown area), and during the parade in 2010 (where they actually shot some of the scenes), no one could approach the participants to more than one kilometer, so that the conflicts were in other parts of the city but between police and people who wanted to break up the parade, not with LGBT people. Also in my opinion this is not the best film by Srdjan Dragojevic (in my opinion are the Pretty Village, Pretty Flame(1996) and Wounds(1998), but like I said if you look at film as a comedy it is quite OK, and I also do not believe the story that the film is financed by gay lobby .
  • atreus_497110 August 2012
    I use the word 'brilliant' in it's truest sense. This film is a masterpiece. My wife is a bosnian serb and I have visited republika srpska many times, and I have great fondness for the place. I have learned a lot about the Balkans so I was able to understand much of this film, although I missed many of the subtleties I am sure. I think it's important to know a little about ex yugoslavia to get the 'point' of this film, but even if you don't this is still an humanitarian movie and as such can be enjoyed purely for what it is. Parada has to be seen. It's as simple as that. All the reviews in the world cannot do this film justice. It is a roller-coaster of humour and tears and it will touch even the hardest heart. I was so moved by this film that it took an entire day just for me to decide on how I felt about it. Parada has power in the way no other film has ever managed to achieve.

    To be brief: watch this film, it's a once in a lifetime experience.

  • The movie is actually not that bad as the last movies of Dragojevic, but still far away from the movies such as "Lepa sela lepo gore", "Rane", etc. I like the motivation, the subject is well chosen, it is intriguing, a kind of provocative. However, after the initial part, the movie starts to go in very bad direction. There are so many things that could be said about the gay activism, the gays could be finally presented as a very normal part of the society. Anyway, Dragojevic kept it as a light comedy that is also not too funny.

    There are some nice moments. I really liked to see Limun singing the old partisan songs, or the jokes between him and his war "friends". However, I really didn't like to see that all the best jokes are already chosen for the commercials.

    The movie is pretty unconvincing, especially the monologue of Goran Jevtic, which is supposed to be the pick point of the movie. It sounds almost pathetic. The same could be said for the preparation for the fight, or the most of the "gay roles". I think it is not enough to chose socially correct story. You need either to have something novel or to see something from a new perspective. At least, to be funny. All of this missed in the movie
  • Encouraged by enthusiastic reviews and impressively large audiences who had rushed into theatres to see the film before me, I was hoping for another of those gems that Serbian cinema has always had a knack for producing, such as "Who Sings Over There", "The Marathon Family", and, in more recent history, "Cabaret Balkan". No such luck. "The Parade" provides a few good laughs, though most of its biggest laughs were inevitably tapped from its steady undercurrent of toilet humour.

    The film contains no characters, just caricatures, whether they are gay, macho, rabid hooligans, or weird mixtures of nationalistic stereotypes. The finesse is unknown territory in this film: put a menacing tattoo on his neck - there, a perfect skinhead! Tell him to move his hand in a funny way - there, a perfect gay! Cut! Fortunately, a few actors such as Nikola Kojo and Hristina Popovic manage to at least seem believable, Lord praise their acting skills; others just slouch around the set, looking very uncomfortable in the clichés they are wearing.

    Where the film truly strikes the rock bottom is its storyline. Transformations that certain characters undergo in a short span of time are too sudden to be plausible, but then again, there is no pretense of telling a plausible human story. When the grim finale arrives, it feels like an entirely different film, which does not really help. Suddenly, instead of lowbrow jokes aimed at homophobic and nationalistic hatred, and, yes, excrement, there is a dizzying turn under supervision of High Moral Authority, accompanied by stern messages of Peace, Love and Universal Brotherhood. Well, perhaps it might have worked at the end of a completely different film... Here, though... If I were gay, I would feel offended.

    Still, there may lie the only absolving quality of "The Parade". Many people have seen this film, if only for the laughs. If some of them feel less homophobic after seeing it, it has done some good. That's where I'm investing at least two of my four stars for the film.
  • armin-durakovic27 March 2012
    I think it is really a great movie. I watched it with my girlfriend in the theater and we were both pretty excited and under great impressions even the day after. The story had a nice, smooth humorous way to steel into the auditions collective consciousness and to make them all laugh out loud. Despite the funny dialogues and the scenes, the story has a deep metaphor which is quite serious and initiates you to think about. The movie characters are each of them from a different ex-Yugoslav republic. Mostly of them were in war against each other, but built friendships after the wars were over (despite the nationalism, opposite politics and ethnic diversity - they united to fight together). Now they built a team to fight for the gays (which represent metaphorically the emotional and peaceful character in humans) in their gay parade in Belgrade which should be organized in close future. Everybody is against them, skinheads are sharpening their knives, while preparing for the final fight (they are representing the brutal, aggressive nature in human). The fight for peace and freedom begins, bringing some adrenalin and rage to audition to fight back against the distorted society.
  • I saw this film as part of the Berlinale 2012 film festival. The venue with some 1,750 seats was fully booked. The screening received a standing ovation. Many (13) crew members were called on stage and named one by one, and the audience thanked them all with extra applause. I, however, was left with mixed feelings about the clichés that were thrown on us. I fully understand the controversial reviews on IMDb written before. Some are very happy and applaud every minute, while others hate it from start to finish. I'm somewhere between these extremes.

    How far can you go with enlarging gay stereotypes, yet without overstepping the bounds of satire? Although the film incorporates a few nice ideas, offering several good laughs, I cannot escape from the idea that some uncomfortable moments were better avoided. Every broad minded viewer, straight or gay or bi, ought to be aware that these stereotypes do not reflect the real world. In that case we see this film doing its best to paraphrase on what we assume that others (less broad minded people) think.

    Take for instance the soon-to-be-married couple. He is a collector of guns and hunting trophies, and he owns a security company. She wants a "special" wedding, and has hired a designer with very revolutionary ideas. You guessed it already: this designer is gay (how stereotype can you get?), living together with a veterinarian who rescued (at gunpoint!) the to-be-husband's dog from death after a shooting incident. The security company in question is hired to protect a gay parade (hence the film title) from hooligans, who have announced to disturb a gay parade. The police offers no help, hence the guards as a second best alternative. Alas, all employees of the security company flatly refuse their task in this particular assignment, leaving the owner empty-handed, very eager to find other guards to protect the parade. And that is where the developments start, with very unexpected turns of events as the result.

    Above paragraphs outlined the role and position of the four main characters. I see no purpose in summarizing the rest of the story line, other than a heads up to expect the unexpected, especially on the hunt for free lance security personnel. The mixed bag of some good laughs and some awkward moments made me score this film just a bit better than unsatisfactory.
  • ralemeh2 November 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    As I am a gay man in Serbia I feel very competent of giving criticism about this movie. I must admit that I laughed a lot and that is the main problem. The movie is about 85% comedy. The main gay characters are very stereotypical. The transformation of Nikola Kojo's character Limun from partly homophobic to tolerable person feels very forced. This should had been heavy drama. That is why I didn't feel the message reaching out to public. The sad ending is the best part of the movie. However it felt out of place since the rest of the movie felt like commercialized comedy. Srdjan Dragojvic, I am very disappointed with you.
  • ofratko10 April 2012
    Was waiting to see the movie for a long time and it was worth the wait. It's very funny but also delivers strong message about prejudice and hate. The acting is superb. Hristina Popovic and Nikola Kojo gave excellent performance. I loved the soundtrack( some songs just stuck in my head) I believe this movie showed in humorous way what needs to be changed and what is definitely wrong in the society. And that they used some clichés. Well it's not the end of the world.

    Living in the country were homosexuals have equal rights it's odd to see that there are countries where they are subjected to abuse and beating. But I do believe that this movie shows hope that this will change. Everybody deserves his/hers happiness and it's wrong to define person according to his sexual orientation. This was the main aim of the movie If even one person changed his opinion after watching this movie it served it purpose.
  • peglakanta8 December 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie positively surprised me, it's comic, but not in a way we're used to here, like many other slapstick-y movies seen in recent years. It revolves around a former criminal and war veteran Limun, a slightly homophobic patriot and a group of LGBT activists trying to organize a pride parade in Belgrade, the not so gay friendly environment. Their paths cross when, in despair, the activists turn to Limun for help, having nobody to protect them during the parade. The movie is greatly filled with hilarious moments and funny dialogue, and standard Balkanian prejudices and clichés, not used for cheap comedy, but in an attempt to depict a society that is based on those clichés and fed with it through politics, mass media manipulation, and ignorance. Some might not like the fact that the movie is all comedy, and gets serious about LGBT rights and awareness only at the end, but I think that is exactly why it made such an impact on me; since I was laughing the whole time, I didn't expect such ending, and it caught me off guard, making the final scenes even more intense, serious, and moving.
  • How to tell a serious subject with a brilliant humor. At the Balkans, the Guy and Lesbian Movement's are not seen kindly, they are considered worst the Gypsies or even a pour animal in surfer. This film report a true history fact that occurred during 2001, after the military conflict in Yugoslavia and its disintegration as a country. I sincerely recommend this film, you will crying out loud on laughing over the brilliant sense of humor of the director and understand the real problem in the Balkans on homophobia. Watch during the Festróia 2012 and won the Golden Dolphin of Beast Picture and the People Choose Prize.
  • snoopy_pr26 May 2013
    Parada is undoubtedly a fantastic and insightful movie. Dealing with a very important issue, it is as current as ever. This movie, while focusing on the negative actions and views on homosexuality, is applicable to many minority groups. The movie unfolds within a nice, pleasant, and enjoyable movie the importance of looking beyond a cliché or a facade. It also highlights the importance of being conscious of open as well as subtle attempts of certain small groups to terrorize others for their beliefs, races, or any other form of demographic.

    The movie is funny and enjoyable for its most part, but takes a dramatic and shocking turn towards the end. If it was only an over-dramatization, one might dismiss it as an awkward twist. However, the issues and the violence as portrayed in the movie are daily occurrences, as can currently be seen not only in Serbia, but also in France and any other nation in the civilized world. I hope that many more people are going to watch it for it being a great piece.
  • I can't believe that this movie got so many ovations,great reviews,etc..., because it is not average, it is a total fiasco, which is multidimensional, it can't be said that it is entertaining,deep,that the topic was really greatly covered,or that it keeps our attention.

    The first half of the movie is a very tempting: it is very easy to fell asleep. Nothing happens. Nothing is spoken or done, to be worth to be remembered. Entertaining value: 0. The point of view at our civil war is more than comic and it was everything, but not comic. Value: -1. The topic about gay rights: nothing new, co cliché. As the worst political Hollywood movie. Predictable. Shallow. Value: 2.

    What to say? Dragojevic made a movie to please masses, the trend is continuing: the content of the movie is worthless, but it hits the point, it follows the trend: the talk about so-called human rights, while millions of people have no job and suffer for hunger, all around the world.

    And, God bless advertising: the movie can be a total disaster, if you have a great publicity, it will be a great hit. SO SAD. This movie should be forgotten as soon as possible. It is totally worthless.
  • I don't care if you think the movie is "cliche riddled". It represents an idea, a society, a culture, a philosophy... You can't do all that with super original characters. It's not about these specific characters, what counts here is the message to us as a society and our choice for our roles in it.

    I rarely find movies, which can make me laugh hard and cry my face wet with tears - often at the same time. This one succeeds! I rarely find gay movies which are worth watching - this is not the 10000th drama about the doomed love of two young men. It is so much more than that. I'm saying it as a gay man - I'm sick of boring dramas. Also, this is a movie that is for everyone - not just gays, or heterosexuals, or Serbs/Croatians/Albanians/etc. EVERYONE should see this.

    I rarely like movies from the Balkans. Being a Bulgarian, I've seen plenty which are just a waste of time. This is not. This is among the brightest gems that our countries here (we may be different nationalities, but we are the same in the end, as the movie shows) have ever produced.

    Of course, the plot is not 100% realistic - the ex-war-enemies come together too easy, they are made too open-minded and accepting, which is not the case. But as I said, here the message counts and it's great and it's given in a splendid way.

    I can only home that some day someone from my country produces a movie as good and meaningful as this one. If you are from Eastern Europe - watch this. You already know this world, the movie will simply expand your mind a little more. If you are not from this part of the world - watch it anyway and see how our people think and live and how they deal with gay themes. The characters are clichéd for a purpose - to represent how different ordinary people from the society think and react. In that it succeeds brilliantly.

    If not for the meaningful message, watch it for the comedy and the amazing actors. Kudos to everyone involved for acting so well, so humanly and so different from what the communist acting schools have taught us :)
  • sekoj111 July 2013
    Superficially about Belgrad,Serbia gays and their struggles to hold a gay pride parade, the stereotypes that the movie uses for Serbs, Croats, Kosavars, American armed forces, and police officials are way over the top, or far under. An American studio could never make a movie like this in which everyone is blatantly stereotyped as a result. Since the stereotypes are played as fools, even gay ones, the humor in the film comes out of that. The scenes of rural, Adriatic Croatia are especially breathe taking. Other rural areas in the region are also starkly beautiful, if only too quickly seen and gone. The ending provides the requisite tear inducing scenes. There are many Serbian filmmakers that produce hilarious films. This is not one of them. Neither is it a gay pride film by any means. Just throwing stereotypes at each other for laughs.
  • tadejchika2 January 2013
    "Parada" is a wonderful example of a movie which begins as just another meaningless comedy, but than develops to a drama with a deeper story.

    It shows wonderful the paradox to which the gay people are exposed to. Love is considered as the highest value in almost every society, as the foundation of the mankind, but obviously just certain people are allowed to show it and just certain people are allowed to receive it. The conservatives or better the extremists consider gay people as the worst kind of people just because they love the "wrong" people.

    But this movie is also so much more than just a movie about gay people, its a movie about tolerance, understanding and friendship which can grow between all kind of people.

    It is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I would recommend to show it in all high schools, so that our young ones would see, how unnecessary it is to be rude or violent to people just because they come from different backgrounds, belong to other religions and prefer homosexual relationships.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of the best movies I have seen in my life. I was happy with everything. The story, directing and specially the actors.

    Saw this movie with my friend, we both loved it. Next day I told my parents that they have to go to the cinema to watch it. They were so impressed that my father actually dreamed he was fighting skinheads during the Parade.

    I really recommend this movie to everybody. Specially the homophobes. They are very well portrayed for what they really are. A bunch of intolerant boys with very ignorant minds.

    The movie is taking on a controversial story in the land, ravaged by war not all that long ago. Old enemies come together to helps "new enemies" and in the end those "new enemies" become "new friends". If only that happened in real life..
  • Having won several festival awards, among others the audience award at Berlin International Film Festival, "The Parade" (2011) is the sixth feature film by Serbian writer- director Srdjan Dragojevic. It's a well-working blend of drama and hilarious comedy.

    //Mårten Larsson. Facebook page: 7thArtShortReviews (@7thArtShortRevs).
  • udoricht28 June 2012
    Yes, this was one of the movies with great expectations and like many others it failed. The script was so naive, childish, amateurish with many flaws and full of clichés about usual problems of society in transition and post war period. We've already seen it before so many times from Balkan area. The characters are so dull, uninteresting, unfunny and actors without any sense for good acting maybe because the script was bad and hadn't chance to show more themselves. The second bad issue about this movie is that director tried to make it in typical Hollywood style. Where is that kind of humor and originality we expected to see watching his previous movies? There is no any. And in the end what was the whole point? The gay activists got what they wanted but not without casualties. This was the most stupid point in this rubbish I've ever seen 'cause it's so pathetic. I rate it more than one because of director's previous works and maybe one scene gave me a laugh and nothing else. This movie made me puke. Avoid it in any cost.
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