User Reviews (9)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    There is a reason Work It was canceled faster than Da Boom Crew (which lasted only four episodes in the US, this lasted 2). This show is beyond insulting to not only women but literally every body. The series is about two unemployed men who are broke (yeah very funny) who have to dress up as women to get a job only women can get. First of all refusal to hire someone over their gender is illegal, it's called Gender Discrimination in the workplace. not only are the main characters complete idiots, all the characters are complete idiots with no redeeming qualities. In the first episode there is a "joke" saying that if you work at Taco Bell (called astro taco or something else in the episode but same thing) you are worthless and have no pride. Do the writers realize how many people work at taco bell to provide for their family?!? All the remaining jokes are based around stereotypes that 10 out of 10 times are untrue and 0 out of 1000000 times are funny. How was this series made? but the more important question is: How did ABC think this would be worth 13 episodes?!? if i could give this series 0 stars i would i hate this series it's unfunny, filled with both misogynistic and misandristic stereotypes, and like it's characters has no redeeming qualities.
  • officefan017 January 2012
    When I first heard about this show, I knew it was going to be garbage. When I saw an ad for the show, I was thinking wouldn't NBC do this, and not ABC? When I watched the pilot, it was nothing but men acting like early 19th century misogynistic men, and women acting like stereotypes that you would see in a male centric movie or TV show. Not to mention that it seems so close to home with all this news about the economy, and do anything to get a job, literally. It was unfunny,offensive, and most of all just plain stupid. The show, I believe is sexist, homophobic and somewhat racist at times. I did not laugh once during the pilot, and I hope you avoid this piece of crap at all costs,and I hope ABC cancels within the next few days. I wish I could give this a lower rating than 1. That's how bad it was.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show, like I Hate My Teenage Daughter and I Don't Know How She Does It, is another idea that could have worked fifteen years ago but really shouldn't have made it into this century. I believe that there is a time where this show would have been okay, but that time was at least twenty years ago. Like Tom Hanks in Bosom Buddies, funny sort of. Cory and Shawn in Boy Meets World putting on skirts to write an article about how what it's like to be a girl on a date, funny. Eric and Jack (why there was so much cross-dressing in Boy Meets World I don't know) stuffing their chests and calling themselves Chantel and Lala... well that was hysterical. But that was also in the 90's. A show in 2012 about two unemployed guys who pretend they're women who gets jobs... all that's gonna do is make people mad. This show is flawed in almost every way possible, not just this premise, but the plot of the show. The plot is that by pretending to be women and being around women all day, these men will become better men. Which might be okay if they were real jerks, but they actually don't seem like bad guys to begin with. Sure the married guy didn't understand at first why his wife didn't want to go out with him and his friends but really, there are a lot worse husbands on TV. And the other guy is a womanizer, but if Barney Stinson and Chuck Bass have taught us anything, it's that that's not always the worst thing either. This show is so bad it actually makes you feel sorry for the men portraying these characters who have this gig because it's quite possible that they, like their characters were in desperate need of a job, otherwise why would they be on this show?! This show could have been a mild hit in another time (Bosom Buddies ran for at least a couple years) but that time is not now, and this show is destined to be off TV faster than How to be a Gentlemen.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The best thing ABC can do for the viewing public and their own reputation is cancel this show immediately. First, it is not funny. Second, it is not funny and has about the worst cast I have seen since the disaster of Hank. Third, it is not funny and the premise, given that this is the 21st Century, is plainly stupid. I gather the Brits still find men in drag hilarious so perhaps we might send them this series as reparations for the Revolutionary War. Then again, maybe not. I can't believe someone saw the pilot for this and still green lit it for a go ahead. If a show can jump the shark on its first episode then we have a winner.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Show starts of kinda slow like most shows do, actors needing to build rapport with their character and each other .... the Show had me & my Spouse laughing at several points in the show, i was apprehensive at first, My Spouse being a bosom buddies fan we gave it a try & I have to say I like it! I mean who has not thought about Drag (Male & Female alike)at one point or another in their career to advance among the ranks? Been looking for more shows please tell me it is still in production and not another (in a long line of many) that I like to be canceled .... I want TV acting back no More Reality TV, PLEASE The show is worth watching!
  • This show is pretty funny, and this is coming from someone who happens to be an out of the closet cross dresser. Sure, the show goes over the top and really over-exaggerates the stereotypes being presented (but what show doesn't), but it does so in a good-natured kind of way.

    To see these two manly guys trying to make it in the business world is nothing but funny. Watching two guys act the way that the typical male thinks a woman looks in their mind brings back so many memories of how I once thought women looked and acted. I can't count the number of times I have seen a cross dressed guy on Halloween acting just like these two guys. I can't wait to see the next episode.
  • ddneroxx7 January 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    When I first saw the poster for this series, I thought this could be another "White Chicks". Perhaps for the first two minutes, the series' pilot might be a little lame on the gag. Well, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to watch this, I thought then. However, along the way, I found that this episode gives out so many laughter, I almost cried. Most series these days present a new, educated comedy, which I have no objection to, but it's getting too much and a tiny bit boring with sarcasm gags. So, watching 'Work It' was like a fresh, nostalgic feeling of a classic comedy. For me, this is a real comedy. There are several scenes which I still remember clearly until now and laugh over it when I tell a friend. It's quirky and very classic, plus very supporting background music. And hey, now the classics are back in style! So, for those of you who crave classic comedy, I strongly recommend this series, as I've enjoyed watching it over and over again.
  • Salesman Lee and mechanic Angel are best friends who have been out of work since the St. Louis Pontiac factory closed, so when Lee needs money for medical expenses and hears there are abundant jobs for women as pharmaceutical reps, he dons his wife's dress and *drags* Angel along for the ride. Their new coworkers are relentlessly-chipper single mom Kristin, slutty airhead Kelly, condescending Grace and boss-lady Vanessa, whom Angel instantly falls in love with. In addition to the ladies at work, the guys have to keep their secret identities from Lee's wife Connie, daughter Kat, and redneck brother-in-law Brian.

    No one anticipated that this goofy sitcom would last very long, but it caused an uproar just prior to the premiere when the gay and lesbian organization GLAAD launched a ridiculous attack, claiming it "will harm transgender people." Although it was a silly comedy about macho men in drag (a combination of the well-known flop "Bosom Buddies" and a forgotten 1998 Fox show called "Ask Harriet"), the assertion was that viewers would perceive it as making fun of the plight of transsexuals seeking employment. As if -- the hoopla was merely GLAAD using the show as a springboard to rack focus onto their own issues. Further scandal erupted the day after the pilot aired when the Latino community denounced it and began protests thanks to this stupid one-liner uttered by Angel: "I'm Puerto Rican. I'll be great at selling drugs!" Talk about political-correctness running amok! ABC tried to spin the negative press (on-air ads boasted, "It started last week and people have been talking about it ever since," and "Get ready for an all-new episode of Tuesday's most buzzed about new comedy!") but the damage was done, ratings plummeted and it was canceled after the second episode. A year-and-a-half later, all 13 episodes finally aired in Finland and New Zealand... unsurprisingly, without scandal.

    Admittedly, one must be able to suspend disbelief to swallow the premise and the pilot (which seems to be the only episode anyone reviewed) was not great -- but realistically, how many sitcom pilots are? Hits like "Seinfeld," "The Big Bang Theory" and "Friends" all had pretty weak openers establishing the characters/plots. Granted, "Work It" was never in that league (it probably never would have been and certainly wasn't given the opportunity), but there was some really funny stuff that Americans never had the option to see, as well as some poignant social commentary about the roles that men and women have to play. Koldyke (who looked like Herman Munster in drag) and Nolasco (who's bizarrely attractive as both a man and woman) both appeared to be having a ball trying to hide theirs, and each of their coworkers were a riot (albeit thoroughly one-dimensional). Unfortunately, the writers were never able to effectively utilize Lee's family (and the Brian character was ill-conceived from the start), but they were just beginning to find a balance as the show drew to a close.

    It wasn't the greatest sitcom that ever aired but it was endearingly idiotic -- and it's a real shame that some overzealous people completely wrecked it for those of us willing to embrace such a giddily offbeat show. And as a P.S., major thanks to the Kiwis who leaked the remainder of the episodes online!
  • It not easy to dismantle stereotypes and laughing about them is one of the best ways. You do not always have to be complicated to be funny. Work today has become difficult in many ways, you do put up with a lot to keep on working. Thinking about the impossibility of actually transforming everyday in secret makes the show funny. Nothing new under the sun in TV or at the movies but new laughs be made from old ideas. I like the fact that it is not perfect in a lot of aspects but I see the risk of getting it predictable if you prepare it too much. I think sometimes we do get caught in the little things as if they we the most important gears in our machine and again laughing about them resizes our goals and leads them to the reality of life. I do not believe in a necessary difference between man and woman in life but I love their souls regardless of their sex.