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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Loved the plot but come on guys the singing??? You took it too far...

    Maybe if you wanted to do a musical episode you shouldn't have exaggerated on the singing, only allow characters to perform who really can sing and do it in a less dramatic episode...

    I know there's some kind of fever with music on TV like Glee or even American Idol but that doesn't mean we wanna watch it in series like yours, cause they are completely different and don't match, i'll give you the hallucination part but why when they where discussing what to do with Callie for example, she wasn't even on the room what's with the singing there? You are not a musical show and we love your show just as it is . I love Glee and it works for me cause that's what I wanna watch in that show but it would be weird if they started operating on someone wouldn't it?

    I still love the show but sorry you ruin for me 2 of my favorites songs!
  • Jude77141 September 2016
    Let me start by saying their voices are SOO phenomenal - who knew so many of these talented actors were also beautiful singers?? They even sung well together which is not always easy or even possible depending on the voices - so I can totally see the producers' temptation to do an episode like this.

    That said, I wish they had showcased them differently. This was a super important and emotional episode, and the singing was simply distracting. I would have preferred the music to have served as a soundtrack to the episode, sung by the cast but in the background during musical montages. Maybe they could have had an accompanying video after the episode so you could see who sung which parts or something.

    But Hunt breaking into song in the middle of Callie's life-saving surgery was just too hard to get past.
  • superfox_88820 April 2020
    Look, I love musicals and I love medical dramas. Together? No.

    The singing completely kills the tension. Badly written, well performed. Musical episodes serve some series excellently. Not this one.
  • sunrise-6225711 November 2022
    Love it
    I know not many people did, but I loved it. Usually, the musical episode of any show is one of my favorites. So many great singers and songs. The utilized the best singers so well. It was the perfect episode to do as a musical. I loved how they only used songs that had already been featured in previous episodes of the show. Sara Ramirez is so talented and so it made sense to have the episode feature Callie. Not all the actors are amazing singers, but they still did great and were great sports for trying. This is one episode I go back and watch again and again. I know it will never happen, but I would be ok if they did another musical episode.
  • I was not at all prepared for what was to come when I started watching this episode. After the first song I thought: well, maybe this was it, let's get on with the rest.

    But then came another song, and another... It wasn't badly sung, and I've always really enjoyed the background music in Grey's, but this was too far-fetched for me. I actually found it challenging to go on watching as each new song made me cringe. I thought it distracted from the dialogue, emotions and suspense in what could've been a great episode. But then again, I've watched every episode up 'til now (including the painful documentary-like one someone mentioned earlier) and I really wanted to know what was going to happen.

    So, I watched the whole thing and though I applaud the cast for doing this as I'm sure a lot of them weren't happy about it, I ask that please, don't EVER do this again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Callie was in a coma, near death. I've been there. Crazy dreams were certainly part of it for me. Sara has a beautiful voice. The rest of the cast did their best. I was impressed with them all. The Story made for an emotional ending when Callie grabbed her own feet and woke up. This is one of my favorite episodes.
  • shaniequajohnson23 April 2018
    Tried skipping the stupid musical parts but it's the entire episode. Trash annoying episode
  • jmcphotomagic31 July 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    I cried though this entire episode. How could anyone not love this? Callie who is my favorite character is dying and her child is dying and everyone is doing everything to save them both and the two characters who love her the most are so frightened that they are fighting with each other instead of supporting each other .... and Sara and Chandra have great voices and well I just can't see why this isn't everyone's favorite episode. I rewatched this again yesterday and if you look on the net you can find interviews with the actors and they talk about their experiences doing this show. I applaud them for trying something different and making it work. And I loved the music selected - If I just lay here ... is one of the best songs around and it is placed just right in the show. So I give it 2 thumbs up and a "10".
  • WORST EPISODE EVER! Not just of Grey's Anatomy, but of any TV show. Have they truly "jumped the shark"? The music in this show was already way too intrusive. I could have done completely without the music throughout the series. Trying to listen to a song while trying to understand the dialog was very difficult and annoying. Then, in this episode, everyone started to sing! Why? There was absolutely no need for it. I had to mute the sound and try to watch the captions to avoid the annoying songs! Please, please, please don't do it again. And, if you want to make this series special again, do away with the vocal songs on the soundtrack. This is a DRAMA series, not a soap opera, not a musical. I tune in to see the acting. The vocal songs get in the way. There were two drama/musical series tried. They both FAILED! I'll give you one guess. No one wants to see singing in a drama series. If I tuned in without knowing what this series was about, I would have tuned out in about 7 seconds. Don't do it again!
  • LoveIsAStateOfMind30 December 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    It wasn't the worst thing I have ever seen but can we not do it again any time soon. I mean I was fine with Callie's out of body experience but every time the character in the scene (e.g. Owen in 'Chasing Cars')'s mouth started moving in sync with the lyrics whilst performing other actions, I just cracked up which obviously detracted from the life-or-death intensity we were meant to be experiencing.

    Also, it felt so rushed. I know it was necessary to cram all the songs in there but it was at the expense of the emotion and stuff having the impact they were going for. I feel better if they dragged it out in a two-parter. Like, did Addison actually speak? I know the episode wasn't about her and her return to Seattle has already been explored before but I would have liked for a bigger scene with Mark especially considering their history.

    Alex/Arizona scene <3 <3 "What do you need?" Once again the only times I love Alex are when he's with Meredith or Arizona. They bring out the softer side of him.

    Owen's 'How We Operate'. LOL!. Hilarity! Loved the Meredith/Alex/Cristina scene.

    I liked Callie/Arizona in the car in the clouds and Arizona telling her constantly to put on her seatbelt. Is Callie going to resent Arizona for the crash in future episodes? This episode was all about the realisation that she loves Arizona but perhaps it hasn't all sunk in yet. Yes it is Callie's fault for not wearing a seatbelt but Arizona was driving and she was distracted by proposing marriage at the moment of impact (though in my mind the crash happened because of the idiocy of the other driver not because of Arizona). I like that in this episode everyone didn't kind of blame Arizona and although Mark said some very harsh things he didn't exactly go there either.

    'Running On Sunshine' is the funniest thing EVER. EVER. EVER. Gah Henry/Teddy <3 <3 <3.

    I loved Callie/Arizona 'Universe and U' scene. The duet was really beautiful. I haven't been feeling the Callie/Arizona love at all this season which is sad because I had such an intense love for them this time last year but this moment restored some of my faith. Also when Arizona talked about feeling like their baby's mum that was the first time I actually believed that she had changed her mind about children because up until that point I had been unconvinced.

    I actually really liked the 'How To Save A Life' sequence in the end. I felt really sorry for Teddy as I will always side with Teddy over Cristina. Don't get me wrong, I like Cristina as a character because she is interesting and has a lot of good points but I just know that if I knew her in real life, she would really annoy me whereas Teddy has this endearing way about her that makes me want to give her a hug and defend her, especially since everyone loves Cristina but there isn't a large Teddy fanbase. Basically, yes for Cristina saving Callie's life but Teddy's "I can't teach you any more" was totally justified. However, I can see why Owen gave the surgery to Cristina at that moment because she seemed so confident whilst Teddy was panicking.

    Meredith, I love you. Always have (mostly) and always will. The scene in the elevator was heartbreakingly awesome.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm in awe at how amazingly BAD this episode was. Whoever thought that making a musical out of Grey's Anatomy should be fired and be banned from Hollywood or making any sort of production that anyone in the world might see.

    After I think the 5th song I just couldn't continue. I had to walk away otherwise I think I couldn't watch TV for the rest of my life.

    The previous episode you could tell the car accident was going to happen. It was a perfect lead in to edge of your seat drama and the constantly bad songs ruined both the show and the original songs.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a Broadway nerd , this just warmed my heart. The performances were very very good. The way that they put the music ( the songs that were a part of the series) into the story was well done and the actors did well as singers. My favorites were the rendition of "Chasing Cars" and " Wait" . I loved it. They even made an explanation for the singing. It was in Callie's head because she was had a brain injury. So it wasn't just silly singing, or you have to suspend your belief really. It was a kind of intermittent dream sequence.It was meant to show how your mid could stretch itself when you are in an extreme situation. Again I have to say Bravo and yes I have the soundtrack.
  • iexistasaperson18 January 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    It's not as terrible as these other reviews say. It's better than when most tv shows do musicals. Although the songs are very distracting (considering how the last episode had ended) and almost laughable. It was nice to see Addison again, so I guess we got something good out of it.
  • yoshelynl2 April 2011
    I've been a fan since day one, and never hated an episode, until the last one, I really thought that episode would make me cry until the started singing and I then I felt bad for the show, please don't do it again, if we want good singing we will watch glee. We didn't even have 10 minutes of show without singing, it just takes away the emotion. I bet the producers forced some members of the cast to do this because they seemed really uncomfortable singing, i.e. Meredith, Karev, Mark. The episode could've been the best of the season and the most emotional one, but instead I started asking myself "should I continue watching this show?" Please don't do it again!!!!
  • The constant disasters visited on the characters in this series I guess are what you expect to keep this show with something that's new. This is also something new. I find the unity of heart among the cast to be important, impressive, as an extension of the sense that grows that all the 5 interns and those who join them, all those who live in Meredith's house, become family.

    Contrast this episode with George Malley's death, where there's a huge loss, George alone and dying among his friends with no-one knowing he's there. There is such a disunity that leaves it's scar on the community.

    So, I guess most of the audience need to be informed that the major characters sing as a very intense episode unfolds, and if they think they can't handle that, they should skip this episode and accept the report afterwards.

    While I don't want this every week, it must have been a horrible disappointment for this show's creators to have spent, I'm sure, a lot of extra time and effort to create such a special episode, and to get such an nasty response from the fans.

    I assure the people who created this show, while we may be a small minority of your viewers, there are some who regard this episode magnificent.
  • man, was i not prepared for this one. this episode was suppose to be a HEARTBREAKING and tension high climax of the season, but then it started... my favorite characters starting making fools out of themselves, and it just didn't stop! another song and another song, i literally wanted to die.

    this one was even worse than the episode with the TV reporters that was suppose to be "creative-tv" or something....PLZ GREY'S WRITERS STOP THIS TORTURE! YOU ARE JUST NOT GOOD AT THIS!

    buffy the vampire slayer once did a musical episode, and to my surprise it was actually pretty good, and entertaining. but i guess grey's anatomy should just stick to its originals.

    are the writers of the show THAT bored?....
  • By far my favourite episode. Every cast member that sings is incredibly talented. The best musical episode in a tv show I've ever seen. Buffy? Terrible. Scrubs? Horrific. This was miles above them all. The talent, the acting, the vocals, perfect way to tell this story line.
  • like another reviewer, this is my first ever, because i was Disgusted with this episode, and i can't possibly shut up about it.

    SCRUBS did a musical episode and it was sheer brilliance! they took it all the way, and gave it a medical explanation and it added to the comedy!

    GREYS however failed massively. such a dramatic episode, so much conflict and tension, but it was all covered with a blanket of tepid semi-emotional rock music. the songs were inappropriate, especially the collective love song/scene in the middle.

    there was a brief glimpse where i was interested in what was happening in the big operation, but as soon as another song started i just wanted to fast forward .. and what a waste to bring back Adisson for a measly 5 lines!! such a strong character, so why not use her properly??

  • OK. I can see why people don't like this episode. But, if you love musicals, it's fabulous and very well done. It's emotional and the songs chosen are perfect. "The Story" (sung by SaraR amirez) brings me to tears every time I watch this. Again, if you are not a fan of musical theatre, you won't get this episode. If you are ... this is the episode for you (I wish they'd do more)
  • What should have been a serious and moving episode is completely undermined by all the singing. I thought the first song was pretty good, but looking back it was probably the shock. No one is completely horrible and they certainly take advantage of having several award winning singers in the cast. Almost every song had me laugh out loud by either coming out of nowhere or by how over dramatic it was. The song where Callie and Arizona are singing in a flying car and the one where Callie is singing on the gurney is particularly teeth clinching. My personal favorite (hated) sequence is when Callie is stroking her own face. It's just a little too cheesy. I know they were going for an out of body experience, but it's just way too over dramatic to be taken seriously and this is Grey's Anatomy we're talking about. Patrick Dempsey mentioned several times that he hates this episode and he is not alone.
  • ZegMaarJus14 August 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    This Episode begins with Arizona and Callie, they got into a tragic car accident. Callie is heavily wounded. Callie has been brought to the Seattle Grace Hospital. Addison returned to Seattle Grace to help Callie with her injuries. Callie has a head trauma after the car accident. Callie needs another surgery, or she will bleed to death. Callie her baby was born. Callie wakes up. Callie says that she wants to marry with Arizona. Solid Episode of Grey's Anatomy Season 7, a musical/singing kind of Episode is really what i needed. It was a bit too much musical, but still a solid 7! Callie nearly died, but she and her daughter survived in the end.
  • At the risk of coming across like Jeff Albertson (The Comic Book Guy) from The Simpsons - The short answer to this episode is that it's easily the hardest episode to watch - not because the state of Washington had been the victim of a tsunami, or nuclear fallout, or all the machines suddenly gained a consciousness and are plotting against the staff.

    It's because of the singing. I made an account with IMDb just now for the sole purpose of complaining about this episode. I just can't get over how they could do an episode like this and still consider themselves to be professional and respectful to the show's theme. What's next? Are they going to have a Fear Factor themed episode complete with cockroach eating?

    As I sat here watching this episode I said the EXACT thing another reviewer said before I even came here to read like-minded reviews and formulate my own and put my disgust to paper (so to speak). I said "This isn't Greys Anatomy - This is Glee's Anatomy". The highlight for me was seeing someone else have the same idea. Hivemind.

    I had to mute the last 4 songs because I just couldn't take it anymore.

    I made it through the episode - barely..
  • You can see the divide between those who like musicals and those who don't. It was a fun way to deal with a very emotionally heavy issue for one of their own. I appreciated them doing it this way compared to some of the more recent dark episodes where they lost people.
  • Michael-RGV22 August 2011
    I would have given this a single star, but the plot was a good one. What could have been a really emotional episode was completely destroyed by way too much singing. After the tragic event that occurs at the start of the episode, there was not much more than five minutes of dialog (or so it seemed) in the rest of the episode. It's not that I don't like musicals, my wife and I love musicals. We loved The Sound of Music, Oklahoma, South Pacific, Grease and so many more! Perhaps if they had chosen a different episode that was less dramatic and more upbeat and sang a little less the format would have worked. My complaint isn't about how well they sang, but about the fact there was so little dialog in a story that really needed it! Whenever another song would break out, my wife and I would look at each other and say, "Not again!" As one other reviewer put it (and I agree with their assessment) this episode even fell below the one where they had the TV crew doing interviews with them.

    This episode was not a TV drama, it was a music video! The producers would have done much better to write a music video and release it separately on DVD if they were trying to showcase Sara Ramirez's voice.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As I am binge watching Grey's Anatomy for the first time, I am thoroughly enjoying it! The musical episode was so unexpected as I was unaware of it before hand. This episode was nothing but a superb, artistic, brilliant cohesive story in song! I had goosebumps all through it! Loved seeing our characters singing and so loved the song choices that helped tell the story. I felt for the Characters deeply. Loved the idea of a traumatic brain injury transformed into music as a type of peace for the victim to get through it. It is just brilliant in every way!

    I am more upset about the reaction from others and comparing it to Glee. I am shocked at the disheartening responses. Feels like I watched something completely different from others.

    I shall watch it again!
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