User Reviews (2)

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  • Psychiatrists say that if adults ever looked into the minds of children they would not recognize themselves.

    Insights into a child's mind: Writer director Sagar Bellary attempts to journey into the heart of an angry and overweight child Shambhu and understand why he is so anguished and lonely.

    Shambhu is the butt of everybody's jokes in his school and outside only because he is fat and clumsy. The only one who really understands him is his mother (Sarika) but Shambhu feels alienated with her after the demise of his biological father when she marries Atul Kulkarni and is now on family way.
  • inanytime14 November 2015
    This film is a sensitive and intimate portrayal of the life of a young teenager in Mumbai who finds it hard to get along with people. It is a slow moving film. The soundtrack is good. Everyone in this film has acted well especially Taher Sutterwala (Shambhu) and Chinmay Kambli (Vitthal), creating some very memorable characters. The writing is good with natural sounding dialogues and a good interplay of languages. The story provides a unique coming of age to the main character. There is a sharp contrast between the life which Shambu took for granted and the life he experiences with Vitthal. The brief adventure they have together is painful for Shambhu yet it gives him a taste of the freedom he was longing for. In the end Shambhu is free from the bondage of his desires for recognition and material possessions and has become a well behaved student and son.