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  • I knew it would be a bad movie, that's what I hoped for... But, any time it appears to be even remotely entertaining, there's a fart noise or burp noise or something equally as idiotic. There is so much of that stupidity that I wonder if the script was written by a four-year old. Being a guy, I appreciate the potential humour in a well-mistimed fart; but seriously, EVERY CHANCE THEY GET?!? I rarely find a bad movie that could not get any worse, but even my 7-year old can make a better movie...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It seems that lousy filmmakers are always trying to cash in on the original NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, for two good reasons: a) it's a perennial horror classic that single-handedly invented the modern zombie movie, and b) it's in the public domain. Thus we've had colourised versions of the movie over the years, remakes, re-imaginings, and even 3D editions.

    NERD OF THE LIVING DEAD is the worst of all these, as it stomps all over the original's classic status by turning it into a dumb slacker comedy. What the film does is create a new, deeply, gratingly unfunny nerd character and insert him into scenes of the Romero classic. Thus the film will play out in the background with the new character standing in front. The "comedy" comes from various puerile jokes, mainly fart gags and associated toilet humour. It's absolutely pitiful, and truly insulting to anyone who appreciates the power and originality of the Romero movie. This is the same reason I dislike all of the dumb Rifftrax/MST3K humour.