User Reviews (7)

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  • niaz_islam27 March 2013
    Actually I did not watch movie with this kind of rating to save my movie time but I watched this one because it has only one review!! Maybe the promotional team was totally failed or their advertisement campaign was a total loss.

    By the way I watched the movie with a poor opinion about the movie so my I kinda enjoyed it. The acting is not so great, plot is not unique, but there was some message in the film. Although they failed to develop message deeply. There is some inconsistency.

    Overall it is an average movie, but do not expect much from the film either. If you have a lot of spare time then go for it :)
  • This is the best Australian, teen drama i've ever seen, although i must admit Iv'e only ever come across two. Some interest in bits and pieces (along the way). Serious issues of rape, school bullying, together with the usual teen issues of being greatly miss-understood.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is Australia's unrealistic approach to the problem of high school bullying. Denise Dixon (Hilary Caitens) returns to high school after a rumor has been spread by her BFFs that she had sex with 30-50 guys. She is bullied and harassed by everyone for the first 20 minutes of the film. Then one by one her closest friends break with the pack mentality to stand by her.

    That is pretty much it. The story is formulaic. Kirsty (Anna Lawrence) is the bad girl in all of this. She is a combination of Miley Cyrus and Fairuza Balk. Linda (Karina Banno) is part of the group and Ryan Harrison plays Aiden, hero of the swim team, Denise's former boyfriend now Kirsty's boyfriend...I think you know where this is headed.

    The action is on the lame side as the film is taken up by dialogue. The bullying in this film is organized harassment that is given a wink and a nod by the adults who are supposed to stop it. The film plot formula appears to be on the level of a young teen, while the topic and language is adult.

    Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex. Magazine nudity. Sex slang.
  • After Enduring this, I was chased with horrible reminders of the wort acting, UNBELIEVABLY UNREALISTIC PLOT and was eventually forced to relocate from Australia. I left my wife and child Steph without a word, all because this film. Now, I live behind a restaurant surviving on rotting scraps of left over beets but finally I can sleep without vividly offensive images attached with every beach. F**K off Denise. You're a super slag.

    I miss my wife. And if anyone happens to be walking around Yemen near the Antio Bistro I've hidden a butter knife under the brick to the left, meet me near the rubbish cans around twelve and cut my eyes out. My only wish is that I'll never have to endure anything even remotely similar.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    like other reviewers here said they had zero expectations from this film but when they saw the whole thing it was surprise same thing happened with me the films poster & title name gave me an idea that this was going to be just some other lame over the top Hollywood teen flick or something but i was wrong this film is unexpectedly good for what it is the title totally fits the theme of this film once the lies starts spreading it becomes a never ending cycle because that's what this film is all about.

    this is an Australian film with cast of unknown actors but the performances by everyone is so good it keeps you hooked i wont name all of them but Anna Lawrence is easily the best part of this film as she is so good in her sexy evil negative character plus her looks,voice & accent adds more charm to her acting.

    the story of this film goes as in somewhere in Australian town some high school students starts bullying a fellow student Denise Dixon by calling her a slut as they believes in the fake stories about Denise sleeping with multiple men at some night party spread by Kirsty.

    now some plot info i have given here is enough but i will not reveal what happens with Denise at the party & why Kirsty is a liar as it will spoil the whole project.

    this is a low budget foreign film with slow pace but good cinematic camera work its shot on cool locations there are some vulgar dialogs,sexual scenes without nudity & some kissing.

    circle of lies is not your usual teen film that will waste your money & time with useless scenes it simply shows why kids around the world behave stupid why they make their certain groups with chosen friends and not considering others their equals.

    this film is filled with anti bullying messages sure no film is without its flaws circle of lies has many unrealistic moments the film talks about a serious topic in a comic manner without ruining the tone.

    Overall Circle Of Lies 2012 is underrated little gem of a film worth checking out my rating is 7/10:Recommended
  • jrhuffman18 March 2013
    Excellent movie. Better than the movie Lincoln but not quite as good as the movie Argo. Very realistic concerning school children in their teens trying to grow up too fast while trusting adults at their word. Also in the film was the typical high school power struggle. The theme of the movie is a little too mature for children to watch alone but with an accompanying parent I see no problems. The movie was a definite surprise since I wasn't expecting much. I would call this movie a diamond in the rough. The movie wraps up nicely and during the movie viewer must try to figure out why the children act as they do. I watch hundreds of films each year and this one was a true delight. In addition the scenery was nice and the directors didn't go all out on hiring famous actors and creating elaborate scenery.
  • I thought Circle of Lies was a very well made movie. I loved the many messages behind this movie. A note to everyone is to read in between the lines as there is a reason behind everything a person does. Although you won't need to analyse it to much scrutiny, it is really an enjoyable movie filled with great drama, intense story lines and a great conclusion. I really felt for each character whom each actor brought to life. This movie has many messages in it which makes it a very educational movie but an inspiring and enjoyable movie. If you like movies such as Mean Girls, Cruel Intentions, this may be the movie for you.