User Reviews (78)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Rapture-Palooza" wasn't as funny as I hoped it would have been but it has its moments...even if most those moments are shown in the trailer.

    There's a lot of performers I really enjoy in this movie. Comedic actors like Thomas Lennon, Rob Corddry, John Michael Higgins, Rob Huebel, Paul Scheer, Craig Robinson, etc. However, the script didn't feel as developed as it should have been and there's only so much these people can do to make it work.

    Craig Robinson jumped back and forth from being entertaining and annoying as the The Anti-Christ. At times his vulgarity was hilarious or mildly amusing and at other times it did little to give me a reaction. Anna Kendrick and John Francis Daley are decent as the couple out to stop The Anti-Christ but they didn't really feel like they were attempting to shine or lead the film in any way. They felt like they were just side characters in their portrayal.

    Don't get me wrong, this film isn't out-right terrible and I didn't feel like I wasted my time watching it. The film has its moments--for example, I loved Thomas Lennon's character of the zombie obsessed with mowing his lawn. The problem is the film felt like there should have been more funny moments and, instead, it just wasted its potential.
  • When I first heard of this movie, I was very intrigued by the idea and the cast. But I wasn't ready for the disappointment, that I was going to meet. The (poorly written) jokes almost never hit, which is the worst thing, that can happen for a comedy of this kind. The cast did, what they could do with the material, but it just wasn't enough. The awkward scenes between Robinson and Kendrick was just that: awkward. Not funny. And that is a shame, because these are actors, who normally make laugh pretty hard. The highpoint of the movie for me, was Rob Cordry and John Michael Higgins, who stood for a couple of laughs each. 2 stars for the cast, and 2 stars for the concept, is all that I can give.
  • Craig Robinson is about the only thing in this film worth seeing IMO, as I have yet to see one of his performances that he is not fully committed to, and just plain funny.


    That's what I expected in this film, however, it fails to deliver.

    With a premise like the "rapture", there is all kinds of room for some serious comedy, but this film wastes that opportunity, and instead seems to make the actors take the irritating / idiotic approach to their roles, and in the delivery of their supposedly "funny" lines.

    The actors deliver their lines, and react to events in the film, in a way that can only be described as "corny", ridiculous, and just plain irritating. Instead of sympathizing with the characters, I found myself hoping they would be "removed" so as to save me from having to watch them any further on the screen.

    The ONLY actor that seems to know how to deliver a comedic line is Craig Robinson, but he is simply overwhelmed by the inferior comedic performances of the rest of the cast.

    This film just didn't work for me, and I highly doubt it will work for you either.


    Don't say you haven't been warned.

    4 of 10 stars.
  • Let me start off by saying there's no need to go see this in the theater. It's Netflix material, for a rainy day or when you want something light and entertaining. The story: the rapture is finally there. Lindsey (Anna Kendrick) and her boyfriend Ben ( John Francis Daley) are non- believers so they remain on earth. The Anti-Christ (Craig Robinson) settles in Seattle (of all places) and wants to have sex with Lindsey. So Ben and Lindsey set up a plan to take him down. In the end God (Ken Jeong) shows up and get's into a fight with the Anti Christ. Owh, will the world survive? Are you enthralled? Probably not. The plot is nothing special. The beginning of the movie is probably the best. Some funny bits. A lot of cursing, vulgar talk, pot smoking sexual remarks etc. Normally I'm all for this, but here it all seemed a bit forced. The end was uncreative, horrible dialogue, uninspired acting. I don't blame the actors, they weren't given much and did the best they could. I love Anna Kendrick and will probably watch anything she's in, but she cannot lift this up to a higher level. She was almost apathetic with the world coming to an end and doing this movie. The white dress looked good on her though... John Francis Daley, well he just gets typecast. Always playing doofy characters, this time is no exception. Robinson making me laugh the most, but the humor isn't sophisticated or anything. I thought the trailer was promising, the setup was promising as if it was going to be like Zombieland or something, which was a great movie. However, I was mildly disappointed. It was entertaining, not hilarious.
  • Just like the predicted Rapture of 2012 (as prophesied by Ronald Weinland of the apocalypticist COG-PKG), end of the world comedy Rapture Palooza proves to be something of a non-event.

    Despite a potentially very funny premise, and a promising start (the slo-mo credits sequence is surprisingly stylish), the film is extremely hit and miss, with the majority of gags being misses. Much of the humour relies on smut and profanity, which I have no problem with, but when I fail to find a vagina joke funny, we definitely have a problem!

    To make matters worse, the whole production has an air of cheapness about it, particularly the special effects scenes which look like someone knocked them out quickly in After Effects on their iMac (I suspect this may not be far from the truth).

    Overall, this is very much like that other terrible rapture themed comedy of 2013, This Is The End, only none of its stars are anywhere near as obnoxious as Seth Rogen.

    3/10, plus an extra point for getting Anna Kendrick into that white dress (which distracted me slightly from the dire comedy).
  • "The people who went to church and prayed and missed out on a lot of fun stuff got sucked straight to heaven. The rest of us, well we're screwed." While out bowling one night Lindsey (Kendrick) and her boyfriend Ben witness the rapture. When they get home they find out that both their moms have been taken while their fathers are still here. Trying to move on with their lives they start a food cart. When that doesn't work they take a job with the anti-Christ (Robinson), but with a hidden agenda. This is a movie I was excited about mainly because of the cast. I have to say that I thought this was very funny and I laughed throughout the whole movie, but it is my kind of humor. Mainly a lot of random things happening and some really stupid jokes that make me laugh like a man getting killed by a huge flaming rock and the wife mad because he was holding the eggs when he died. If that kind of humor appeals to you then watch this and laugh. If you are into more intelligent humor then you may not like this. Overall, a stupid movie that I thought was very funny and I laughed a lot. I give it a B+.
  • There have been a lot of ensemble comedies as of late with a few working and others struggling to find their place. The latest Rapture Palooza brings together a great cast including Anna Kendrick, John Francis Daley, Ken Jeong, Thomas Lennon, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, and Tyler Labine to tackle the biblical end of the world, but does it have the story and execution to keep it all together or will it feel like the end of the world trying to get through it?

    Rapture Palooza follows a young couple who are forced into a battle with the Antichrist amidst a religious apocalypse with only the help of some pot head teens and an undead neighbor obsessed with mowing his lawn. This movie had everything it needed to work and does entertain for the most part, but somewhere along the way things get a bit cluttered. The first half of the movie is pretty entertaining and fast paced setting up this world, but as it moves forward it goes from clever to almost stupid. Craig Robinson who is normally pretty damn funny seems to be phoning it in at one point and then forcing it the next. He still has some great moments, but just doesn't live up to his normal fun. Anna Kendrick does a great job with her character keeping the goofiness to a minimum while seemingly taking this world seriously. The rest of the cast are hit and miss with a lot of their one-liners somewhat out of place, but a decent amount of them work as well.

    This is one of those films that will probably only entertain a select group which is most likely the only people that will check it out anyway. There are some great funny moments and the film does entertain, just not as much as it could have given a little more polish to the script.
  • OK let me start off with a disclaimer. Being a raunchy comedy fan from Chicago, i am an unabashed Craig Robinson supporter. Dude paid his dues and routinely stole the show in bit parts in various Judd Apatow movies of the last decade. With that in mind, its nice to see Hollywood start to realize the mans considerable talents and start giving him some star vehicles that put them to use. never mind the god awful "Peeples", which was a failure more due to a horrific, unfunny script than Robinsons performance, Rapturepalooza is the movie that allows Robinsons irreverent, thoroughly raunchy comedic style to truly shine. I had tears in my eyes laughing out loud watching this movie. Granted the plot and premise serve as nothing more than a means to allow Robinson to go ape-sh#t with the material, its still not that bad. Anyone vaguely familiar with Revelations will recognize the subversive take on it and the pot addicted wraiths were pretty funny. That being said the main reason to see this movie is Craig Robinson. Hell change your view of what we were taught about the Antichrist..but in a rolling on the floor, tears in your eyes way... See this if your a fan of Pineapple express, Knocked Up and 40 year old virgin..
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There is certainly a way to craft a 'Rapture' comedy. "Rapture-Palooza" is a broad attempt failing miserably in every measurable way. (The incredible Richard, Chris Matheson's writer-Dad, should bury his head in shame and disown this talentless son.)

    Satan, if he appeared, would probably be profane. (Pacino's erotic take in "The Devil's Advocate" certainly is, but not to the exclusion of everything else.) This iteration, in the guise of Craig Robinson, merely spouts dialogue that's so far over the top it takes the viewer from the cinematic experience. The text is also light years from the Universe of funny. The sum effect is embarrassing. And that's how the wonderful Anna Kendricks (and everyone else) looks - embarrassed. (To be a fly on the wall in the meetings where she was convinced to star in this bomb-palooza.) At 28, she's also long of tooth to be portraying a teen, but she does admirably sleepwalk through this role.

    There are many notable comedy character actors afoot in this minefield of awfulness. They were directed beyond any pale of restraint to yell their expletive-laced lines and, 1) view scenery, 2) chew thoroughly.

    The few mildly funny elements - crows cawing expletive-filled torments at those left on Earth after the Rapture and the nasty, pot smoking wraiths - are not lifesaver enough to save this excrement from a trip to the sewer.

    The story is simple enough: Rapture; Kendricks and boyfriend are left behind; the biblical plagues and the Anti-Christ follow; Anti falls in love with Kendricks and picks her to bear his children; boyfriend leads assault to get her back; poolside battle between God and Satan. Ken Jeong, Mr. Chow of "The Hangover(s)," is the deity. Mr. Jeong is inherently funny; an attribute entirely drained from him here.

    Forewarned is forearmed. Simply meant to upstage "This Is The End," (also featuring Robinson) there should not be any expectation of entertainment value or a laugh to be milked from viewing the nasty and mean-spirited "Rapture-Palooza." The failure is not in the concept, it's in an unfunny script solely using consistently gross humor as the grease to move a poorly directed tale. During this Rapture pray you're one of the lucky ones who leaves to meet the Lord in the air.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This story centers around Lindsey (Anna Kendrick) who has caught the eye of the portly foul-mouthed Anti-Christ (Craig Robinson) who prefers to be called "The Beast." Her complaining mother has returned from heaven, having been kicked out of the rapture.

    The idea was clever, especially how man learns to calmly deal with the various plagues thrown his way. I enjoyed the Maddow joke as well as the "fowl-mouthed" crows. The humor was spotty. The jokes were rather lame and juvenile. The writers came up with a half decent plot but couldn't execute on dialogue, which made the actors look bad. It has the stupidity and language of a teen sex comedy that misses the mark.

    Might make it as a low brow rental.

    Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex or nudity. Sex talk.
  • With a mediocre title like "Rapture-Palooza" the film cannot be accused of false advertising. With the exception of Anna Kendrick, the cast is peopled with comedic actors of "There's-That-Guy-From- That-Thing"-level renown which is about the right level for the material. You get the gist from the title that the plot amounts to it's the end of days and hilarity ensues. Although some of the proceedings are decidedly not funny including John Michael Higgins being crushed by a falling meteorite as the family looks on, drug- addicts pestering survivors for a hit as they leave their house and the deity of about a billion true-believers being burned to death with a laser as he rides a unicorn. Craig Robinson plays the Antichrist borrowing lines and an outrageous skeeviness from dozens of stand-up comedy routines over the last 30 years. Counter- intuitively his recycled slease-oid is by default the most fully realized character among those not played by Kendrick. Rob Coddry, Ken Jeong, John Francis Daly and others in the cast could have rotated around their interchangeable characters during the filming with little loss of coherence. In particular, Daly could have been replaced with a sock puppet on Kendrick's left hand and it would have played very similarly. As the movie meanders towards its anti- religious? ending, Kendrick inc increasingly comes to dominate the screen-time and brings an earnestness that keeps the movie at least watchable if not entertaining. In short, many better apocalypse films exist - watch one of those.
  • The movie does not pretend to be something it is not. Some may feel the ending fell flat and/or the actors seemed bored by the childish humor. I believe it was all very intentional.

    The blatant absence of political correctness was, in my opinion, incredibly refreshing. Every now and then a good punch in the face is needed to wake up from incessant exposure to overly cautious censorship forced on us by societal standards. Words will only offend if they are allowed to do so.

    Those who have a droll sense of humor, enjoy random comedy and do not have a tendency to take everything seriously, will find this entertaining. Then again, perhaps one must be exposed to copious amounts of idiocy and/or eye-rolling ignorance to fully enjoy such a dry, sarcastic treat. Whatever the case, if you can keep an open mind, I would certainly recommend this for a good laugh.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Rapture-Palooza" is the type of comedy that might not be suitable for just anyone. Especially if you are a devout religious fanatic. "Rapture-Palooza" takes on the rapture and biblical issues with a sarcastic and hilarious glove and just slaps it around.

    The story is about, well, the rapture. All God-fearing men and women are sucked into Heaven and the rest of us are stuck on Earth - tormented by annoying locusts, torrents of blood raining from the sky, burning rocks that hail down from the sky, and then there is The Beast; Mr. Antichrist himself (played by Craig Robinson). Lindsey (played by Anna Kendrick) and her boyfriend Ben (played by John Francis Daley) finds themselves having to confront The Beast in order to thwart his wicked plans.

    Now, I am not a Christian, but I found the things that took place in this movie hilarious and tremendously enjoyable. The kind of religious satire that made up "Rapture-Palooza" is in your face, it is brutal and to the point, but most importantly, it is drop dead hilarious. And I was laughing a lot through most of this movie - this was just simply brilliant comedy. And the scene where Jesus descended from the Heaven upon the winged horse, that just had me laughing myself to tears.

    The people hired for the roles in this movie were doing great jobs. I enjoyed seeing Craig Robinson playing the role of The Beast/the Antichrist, and also the hilarious appearance of Ken Jeong as God. But aside from them, then the cast list was really impressive and had a good amount of talents to it.

    I found it surprising that this movie would make it out of Hollywood, given the seriousness of religion in the USA. Now, I know I am generalizing here, but I think such a movie as this one might stir up a storm in a glass of water. Personally, I enjoyed it for what it is - a comedy about religion. And if you are easily offended by such jabs at your faith in God or your religion, then quite simply don't watch this movie.

    "Rapture-Palooza" gets a 7 out of 10 stars rating from me, because it was hilarious, well acted, had good special effects, and most importantly, had a wonderful comical approach to religion.
  • Rapture-Palooza is the kind of film made for twelve year olds by twelve year olds. It's a film that contains the amount of vulgarity and depravity that will hold me over until the next raunchy comedy due out next year. Faithful readers will note that, usually, the only thing that offends me about a bad film is its badness in fields, rather than specific content or instances. To call myself offended by Rapture-Palooza's inherent immaturity would show nothing for me other than I'm a prude. I simply have a capacity for overwrought dirty-talk - needless, overwrought dirty-talk - and this film knew the buttons to push to make me surpass that quota.

    This is a dirty-minded, lifeless picture combining great talents and sour material into a very bitter batch of cinema. It pairs Anna Kendrick and John Francis Daley as a couple left behind after the Rapture occurs on Earth, literally summoning all of the good religious people and devout Christians into the sky, while leaving non-believers stranded on a less-populated Earth. In the time of destruction and mass-hysteria, the only way to get out of this predicament is to defeat the new world leader, the Anti-Christ, played by Craig Robinson. So, the two try to stage something of a date between Kendrick's Lindsey and Robinson's Anti-Christ in order to hopefully try and make a better tomorrow by riding the world of the evil dictator he has grown to become.

    This is the satirical premise of the year, surely equipping itself with enough fuel to pilot hilarity on religion, science, phenomenons, logic, and biblical characters. The fact that Rapture-Palooza failed to grab headlines and ignite controversy should be your first indication that you're dealing with an inert dud. This is a film so effortless and dry that churches and the religious don't feel the urge or drive to get upset about it; even if more of them knew about it, they likely would be unfazed.

    The cast is unanimously capable but also unanimously bored with the material. Kendrick, whose smile, energy, and charisma fueled the writing and the material behind Pitch Perfect, one of last year's biggest comedy surprises, is directly the opposite from her usual cheery persona. She is bored and completely free of all energy and passion for the material, the direct opposite from what she was in Pitch Perfect. Craig Robinson was already victim to the horribly unfunny Peeples this year and certainly didn't need Rapture-Palooza on his resume. Perhaps he should pack up and wait for 2014 to roll around. Other appearances like Rob Corddry and Ken Jeong didn't drum up their usual spur-of-the-moment excitement. More like a raised eyebrow and look of bewilderment before the next set piece or sight-gagged commenced.

    But take out all the vulgarity and look at Rapture-Palooza as a lighter, more flexible R-rated comedy and this isn't such a bad movie. By no stretch is it a good movie, but it's far more serviceable than some of the mainstream schlock that has been disposed of in theaters this year. Now replace all the vulgarity and senseless four-letter words and you have an indie-comedy that's just about on the same level as The Hangover: Part III and Identity Thief as a humorless, plastic diversion in the field of comedy.

    Rapture-Palooza's title even comes from the realm of desperately uncreative movie titles, and falsely indicates a sense of fun and excitement. It's no "palooza" when talk of "booty-holes," perverse sex acts, and constant depravity is tossed back and forth as if the actors are trying to one-up each other. This isn't just one of the worst films of the year; it's also one of the saddest.

    Starring: Anna Kendrick, John Francis Daley, Craig Robinson, Rob Corrdry, and Ken Jeong. Directed by: Paul Middleditch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie Rapture-Palooza will probably most appeal to those between the ages of 9 and 25 and for those who may not be Christians. Pot heads may also enjoy this movie. Since I don't fall into any of the aforementioned categories, I didn't like the film. If you do fall into any of the aforementioned categories, you might want to have an "end of days" party while watching this movie with a group of friends.The movie presents a different outlook on the Book of Revelation and how the world comes to an end. The movie has slightly a comedic outlook on how the world ends. Yet, in this version, Jesus, God, and Satan all die and the world continues. The movie does have a touch of horror by having Zombies and wraiths -- but even these are presented in a comedic fashion. This movie could easily leave one more depressed than when the movie started. Stupid movie. Doesn't go anywhere with me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Story: We start by following our heroes standing over a hot tub explaining how they saved the world, before flashing us back to the very beginning and how half the world just vanished taken to heaven. This leaves the non-believers stuck living through the plagues before we meet the Beast the Anti-Christ himself, taking over the world making everyone do what he wants. When our young couple are looking for a job they end up getting one working for The Beast where he takes a shine to our young heroine and wants to make her his wife. The couple have to come up with a plan to stop The Beast's plan.

    What tries too hard to be funny ends up being a pretty plain story that offers nothing original and most of the time it just ends up being awkward comedy. The source material of a rapture hadn't been used much but thanks to 'This Is The End' this comes off like a weak attempt at it. I was left very disappointed with this because with this which failed to offer anything to work with. (3/10)

    Actor Review

    Craig Robinson: The Beast the Anti-Christ who takes over the world after the rapture. He wants to make Lindsey his wife and will kill everyone she knows if she doesn't. Craig gives the type of performance you expect from him but he struggles with the lead role. (5/10)

    Anna Kendrick: Lindsey Lewis our heroine telling us the story of what happened in the typical teenage/young adult style. She also happens to know the only person rejected by the rapture and the only dead person to come back to life. Anna gives a solid performance but it is hard to believe she is the age she is playing. (5/10)

    John Francis Daley: Ben House boyfriend of Lindsey who along with her takes a very laidback comical look at the apocalypse. John does well with what little he has to work with but in the end get pushed aside by the stronger comedic actors. (5/10)

    Support Cast: The supporting cast mainly end up being the attempted comedy be it the stoner demons or the dead neighbour. In the end they all just take up screen time the leads needed to evolve their characters.

    Director Review: Paul Middleditch – Fails to create any laughs in this comedy along with a dull story and poorly created characters. (4/10)

    Comedy: I didn't laugh at all during the film. (1/10)

    Chemistry: The chemistry between Anna and John feels awkward from start to finish. (3/10)

    Settings: They don't offer anything to the story. (3/10) Special Effects: Poor CGI effects used through the film. (2/10)

    Suggestion: This is one to avoid. (Miss It)

    Best Part: The dead neighbour is the highlight.

    Worst Part: Poor Story.

    What Could Have Been Better? – Built the characters up more, make the characters ages more apparent, have better laughs. This list could be long.

    Lessons Learned: Craig Robinson is a supporting actor, Anna Kendrick can't be a teenager anymore.

    Believability: No (0/10)

    Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

    Chances of Sequel: No

    Post Credits Scene: No

    Similar Too: Dogma

    Oscar Chances: No

    Runtime: 1 Hour 25 Minutes

    Overall: Not Good Enough, Poor Man's Dogma

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  • 'RAPTURE-PALOOZA': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

    The second religious apocalypse film, in the same summer, co-starring Craig Robinson (after 'THIS IS THE END')! This one has basically the same exact premise as the other; it tells the tale of the apocalypse happening in modern day, just as it's foreseen in the bible, and revolves around a small group of survivors left behind after the good are raptured. Robinson plays the 'Anti-Christ' in this movie and Anna Kendrick and John Francis Daley play the film's central two survivors. The film also co-stars Rob Corddry, Ron Huebel, John Michael Higgins, Ana Gasteyer, Thomas Lennon, Paul Scheer, Tyler Labine and Ken Jeong as God. It was written by Chris Matheson (who co-wrote both 'BILL & TED' movies) and directed by Paul Middleditch (who's previous directing experience is only in serious dramas). The film is pretty hit-and-miss but when it hits it really hits!

    The film centers on Lindsey (Kendrick) and her boyfriend Ben (Daley), two teenagers still living with their parents. When the apocalypse happens all the religious people are sucked up into Heaven, including both Ben's mother and Lindsey's. Then Lindsey's mom (Gasteyer) is returned to Earth for being annoying. The survivors must live with cursing locusts, showers of raining blood and wraiths who are addicted to weed. They also must deal with the Anti-Christ (Robinson), who moves into Lindsey's neighborhood in suburban Seattle. Ben's father (Corddry) goes to work for him and when Lindsey and Ben are down on their luck he gets them jobs working for the Anti-Christ as well. This is when the Anti-Christ falls for Lindsey and threatens to kill everyone she knows if she doesn't marry him and bear his children. Lindsey and Ben then must come up with an idea to save Lindsey from such a horrible fate and the rest of the world in the process.

    The movie seems really low budget with cheap production values and extremely corny visuals and music. This kind of ruined the movie for me at first. That and the fact that it wasn't that funny; the premise was great but for the first 15 minutes or so I wasn't digging the jokes or the movie. Then Corddry and Robinson and Huebel and Scheer came on screen and things really started to pick up. The jokes got a lot better; I think due to the actors' improve mainly. I don't know if it's Matheson's script that wasn't working before that but the movie got a lot funnier once all these great comedic actors entered it. The directing was pretty weak as well but watching all these comedic pros chewing up the scenery and working the crap out of that crazy premise just made the movie so much better. It's definitely hit-and-miss but when it does work it's hilarious!

    Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at:
  • Long time IMDb user, have created an account just to rate this with a scarcely deserved 1 little, shineless star and to let everybody know how bad this movie is. PEOPLE, if you're bored and have nothing else to do and you consider watching this, DON'T ! You'll waste precious moments of your life, so DON'T ! (Incredible bad script, incredible bad acting, incredible bad fx, incredibly how this made to screen!!!) (Incredible bad script, incredible bad acting, incredible bad fx, incredibly how this made to screen!!!) (Incredible bad script, incredible bad acting, incredible bad fx, incredibly how this made to screen!!!)
  • I am not even sure what to think with this movie. It actually is very funny and entertaining even though it has no real point. It's a very clever take on the whole apocalypse idea and revels in it's own stupidity and sarcastic humour. The comedy style is so incredibly obvious and it doesn't pretend to be something it's not. I think that's why it works. The actors know they have made something completely ridiculous but it is a form of art that they are all willing participants of. So I'm OK with the ludicrousness of it all and enjoyed the darkness of it. There are a couple of uncomfortable moments in the movie that are awkward and unnecessary but thankfully they are few and far between.

    Overall Rapture-Palooza was a pretty good movie and was much better than I expected.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The rapture has happened and Lindsey, her boyfriend Ben, and their families have been left behind, doomed to torture on Earth.

    A former politician, now known as The Beast, is the Anti-Christ.

    But when The Beast decides he wants to take Lindsey as his wife, Lindsey and Ben come up with a plan to defeat the Anti-Christ....

    If there ever was an example of a missed opportunity of a high concept movie, then this is the baby. After such a promising opening, the film just goes from bad to worse, as the script gets more inane, and the narrative becomes more desperate.

    Robinson is also a huge problem here. He obviously comes from the school of 'shouting and swearing makes a poor script more funnier', and even though he supposed to be bad, the makers didn't mean literally, he's truly awful.

    And what makes it worse is that whilst your watching this unfunny man try to channel comedians of a much higher calibre, you cannot help but wonder how someone like Eddie Murphy would have been in the role.

    The rest of the cast all appear to force every last drop of sincerity from the script, but it can't be saved, its a real pig of a film.

    Stick that on the DVD cover..
  • weav-124 October 2018
    It's a goofy. It's raunchy. I thought it was fun. Good for a some chuckles.
  • This movie is supposed to be some sort of parody about the American Christian concept of rapture. The "serious" rapture movies are pretty dumb themselves, but this comedy takes the oddity and boredom to completely another level.

    This movie was recommended to me as a "extremely funny and provocative comedy mocking the concept of rapture". Well, it seems to try to mock and to make some fun, however absolutely unsuccessfully.

    Pathetic and extremely stupid "heroes" with zero chemistry, lots of dirty talks and almost no action... meh. Watch Dogma or Little Nicky instead.
  • 8.5 of 10. Films mocking the biblical end of the world are in short supply, so short that I can't even think of anything similar outside of some Web cartoons. This has a little of everything, including zombies, animated talking grasshoppers (locusts), and speaking crows that insult everybody. Great film to relax and laugh to.

    That's not to say it can't and, hopefully, will be done better. It does seem sky-breakingly original in a Hollywood controlled market that seems to fear openly satirizing Christian/Jewish/Muslim beliefs beyond the people who don't question them in any way or use them to get power and wealth.

    The actors clearly have a lot of fun with this and get into their parts without any fear of becoming toys of the antichrist or Satan. It's something like a much less cartoonish Team America World Police set in the present.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    Man, but I enjoyed this movie. I doubt it was intended to be anything special. Just some good, irreverent fun.

    Even the irreverence isn't overwhelming - but be warned that if you consider yourself a fundamentalist Christian or otherwise believe in the reality of The Rapture - you will almost certainly be offended.

    I enjoyed Anna Kendrick's mostly deadpan acting. I think it worked well with the hipsterish, ironic tone the movie. It's obviously not a serious movie, so why should any actor bust a gut?

    The various methods of suffering with which God punishes the world are also met with a kind of detached ironic demeanor by the actors. Rain of blood, talking locusts, foul-mouthed crows, meteors - they are all part of the left-behind world. People get used to them.

    The character of The Beast is a lot of fun as well. And there are some really cool bits and memorably funny lines.

    One of my favorite bits - that lasted just a few seconds - involved a TV show called "Most Embarrassing Rapture Fails." Stupid? Sure. Funny? YEAH!

    So... it's not an example of great filmmaking. It doesn't have a great script. The humor doesn't always work. But I think it's entertaining as... well... as Hell. (I didn't mean that the way it sounds. It's entertaining. Seriously.)
  • zetes29 March 2015
    The summer of 2013 saw two big Rapture-themed comedies released, This Is the End and The World's End. Well, apparently, Rapture-Palooza was a third, but you probably never heard of it. It was actually released a few days before This Is the End in a few theaters, but it disappeared with little note and ended up on Netflix (is it even on video?). No surprise, really, as it isn't very good. It's not awful, though. Anna Kendrick stars, so it probably couldn't be really terrible. She and John Francis Daley (who played Sam Weir on Freaks and Geeks) star as a dorky young couple who stayed on Earth after the Rapture. Craig Robinson (who also co-starred in This Is the End) plays the Antichrist. When he catches sight of Kendrick, he falls for her, so she and Daley decide to put an end to him. There are actually a good handful of big laughs here, but for every joke that works there are at least two that don't. It seems to fall back on random swearing when things start to slow down (Craig Robinson is particularly disappointing here, since that seems to be his whole schtick). That said, my favorite gag in the movie is probably the foul-mouthed crows. Rob Corddry, Rob Huebel, Paul Scheer, Tyler Labine, Ana Gasteyer, Thomas Lennon, Ken Jeong and John Michael Higgins co-star.
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