User Reviews (406)

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  • davepolain6422 February 2021
    I found this a very interesting concept and story, ruined by some terrible acting (apart from Ryan Kwanten) and the lead character spending most of the movie blubbering and crying (even more than Burnham on ST: Discovery!!!). Also, the music score is absolutely woeful. So many bad choices for the scenes they were meant to enhance. Bigger budget and a better cast may have helped.
  • I am a fan of what the Mothers of Invention called Cheapness. Science fiction movies, primarily from the 1950s and 1960s, in which you could tell Godzilla was a man in a rubber suit, or see the strings suspending the rocket against the black backdrop of outer space. This film, made in Australia, is a modern version of Cheapness. The time machine at the center of the story appears to be a large piece of concrete piping decorated with blinking lights and plastic tubing. There is absolutely no CGI and only one or two soundstage sets. Paintings are used to depict future cityscapes. The story is disconnected, the script straight-up-corny, and the antagonists predictable. But, if you relax and enjoy, without looking for the lack of continuity, it's entirely enjoyable escapism. I really don't think this movie takes itself too seriously and you shouldn't either.
  • Rob_Taylor7 October 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Artificial oxygen. That was my first clue that this was going to be nonsense. There's no such thing. There is only oxygen. It's an element, not a product. However you obtain it. However you extract it, it is still just oxygen. So the conceit of people being allergic to "artificial oxygen" is just utter nonsense.

    Then there's the crying...

    There isn't one character in this movie that doesn't blub their way through at least one painful dialogue exchange. The main character is practically in a permanent state of distress that is just exhausting to watch. It's just too much.

    Then there's the acting, or rather, lack of it. The two main characters (when not crying like babies) are decent enough, but the rest are B-movie category at best, and amateur dramatics at worst. The evil lady leader is particularly good at scenery chewing. And yes, she tears up at points.

    Then there is the usual time-travel nonsense that is badly thought out and realised, with things happening before they could possibly have occurred and paradoxes galore.

    But the crying is the worst part. It just never ends and overshadows everything else to such an extent as to make the movie unwatchable and tedious.

    Realistically, this is an episode of the Outer Limits, or Twilight Zone, padded out with unnecessary emotion and lack of thought. A trial of the senses to sit through.

    And the ending...

    Having altered time, our hero travels a few hundred yards from the ruins of the time machine building to find a shining city where ruins once stood. So these people, having been saved by his actions, couldn't even be bothered to restore the site of their redemption and restore it to glory? Couldn't be bothered to turn it into a monument of sorts? They just left it as a ruin? Come on! That's pathetic writing!

    SUMMARY: Crying hero. Crying villains. Crying extras. Lots of crying. Overly melodramatic interactions. Nonsense time travel dynamics. Nonsensical basic science. Some truly awful acting. On the same level as After Earth but did I mention there was more crying? Not recommended at all.
  • robertghall1 March 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Thought this film might be good because the trailer look alright. But that was a massive lie. My biggest problem with this film is why is there no oxygen? Plants get CO2 and then produce O2 from that, so why have they all died out and why can those "scientists" not keep them alive in a lab. Yet can make a time machine powered by nuclear fusion. The whole story is flawed from the start. The main character has this stupid little mustache you grow when you first develop facial hair so you don't shave it off to feel like an adult. And his acting wasn't the best, wasn't the worst either. The dialogue was bad, just plain bad. If they main guy isn't crying and screaming for what feels like no reason then he just says brother or Jude. The effects where ok. Back to the story and with spoilers so don't read anymore if you want to avoid them. The main character gets a chunky bracelet forced on him by his dad because it locks his DNA to the time machine. They have a time machine yet the dad still needs this huge hunk of junk to lock his sons DNA? Not just a sample of his blood? After some random crying and screaming on a roof which looked like an attempt to show off some effects the MC goes to the future to find a cure for some disease that isn't explained at all as well as find a way to get more oxygen. After arriving 400 years in the future he picks up a random berry not knowing anything about it, eats it and then dies from poisoning. Only to be saved by his best mate who conveniently got sent to the future to save him from this poison. They wander into the now overgrown city and find his wife's remains at her work. 400 years into the future and her bones that are left out in the elements are still there and intact perfectly. The MC cries because she is dead...400 years into the future?! Of course she is dead she was ill to start off with and it is way in the future what were you expecting, her to magically be alive and waiting for you?! They go back to the time machine fight a bit because it was all a set up by the big boss, who would have thought. He wins, big boss is unhappy in the past and arrested. MC sends plants back in the time machine and everything is fixed. They failed to save plants in a lab but a few randomly shoved into a time machine conveniently saves the world. So many plot holes and unexplained points leaving you feeling annoyed you say through the whole film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was going to get two stars but the very ending of the film is pretty good. The middle, oh my. It consists mostly of a useless main character and his buddy running around. If I genuinely cared for any of the characters in the first place I might go back and figure out exactly what was meant to be going on with them, despite the lack of character development related to communicating their friendship to the audience, which would get us to feel their bond in a deep down way and engage better with them.

    The main character is difficult to root for because he is sniveling much of the time and not able to work anything out... until the very end, which as stated, is excellent.

    The young boy in this was the most believable performer. The adults... hmm. Better direction and casting are needed here.

    The creators could have done a bit of chemistry research. In the film we have 'artificial' oxygen which is somehow toxic compared to 'regular' oxygen. Guys, Oxygen is Oxygen however the heck it is made. Mix it with the right ratio of gasses, you have air. Did the people in 2067 forget there are three forms of oxygen or the like? If toxic, it's no big feat with the tech we have right now to work out why. Then extract the toxin, pathogen or non-diatomic molecules and presto, the air will be good for all. Why was this not done, or tried? Also, it's air we breathe, not just oxygen. Breathing Oxygen only will kill you.
  • madsyy2 October 2020
    Never ever came across a sci-fi with people shedding tears almost in every other scene. A bit over the top 'emotional weight' quotient I'd say! You'll know when you see it.

    A bit interesting in parts. Visuals of apocalyptic+future earth are definitely super good. A one time watch on a lazy afternoon
  • I see that movie as a failed chance. The basic story is solid good from the beginning on, the acting is not bad. I like the effects and the ending, but in-between it has serious logical errors, get's too cheesy at a few moments and the music is sometimes over the top. The message is ok, but at some points it seems to be constructed with a common set of story elements, which are used in other movies. That happens especially when it comes close to the end. For me as a movie dude it feels like I saw those in another version earlier with other actors. I think if they would have spent a little more money for a better script, it could have been more delightful. The idea of this movie is good.

    I would recommend it for people who like environmental scifi movies and who didn't see many of them.
  • Don't really want to slate this as it tries really hard. Kept me up til 1am and I still rated it a 6. Low budget (tried a bit hard to be higher budget) sci-fi with just enough to make you want to see it through. Music was a bit over the top in places, the actor that played the little kid (although small part) is going places, watch this space. Trailer made it look much better than it was unfortunately. 6/10 seems fair.
  • What could have been brilliant was spoiled by a huge inexplicable plot fail. Poor acting generally and I'll conceived casting. Except for Ryan who added some well needed substance. Good plot except for the massive hole in it. Hard to believe someone would sign off on this prior to release, or at some point say... hey... hang on a minute, this doesn't actually add up!
  • It's a pretty solid story. There's no huge twists or turns, it just tells itself. There's some sci-fi paradoxy stuff, but nothing too big.

    The best part: since it's Australian there's no need for "we the best ever so we will save everyone hooraa!" stuff. And it's much better because of it.

    Just one person's journey and choice in a dying world.
  • Scientists can't keep trees alive in the laboratory but they can invent a time machine? This movie is a joke. Don't even want to go into low budget, low quality acting
  • I really liked the twists and turns this movie goes trough. i'm glad i didn't read the reviews beforehand. otherwise i wouldn't have watched it...

    the CGI is pretty nice too. the acting could be better (although maybe more dialog writing based?) but is not bad. the plot twists though... very nice!
  • Almost missed this one because of the rating, but two reviews helped me to finally decide to watch it. The movie has a solid story line and the actors were playing without any major hickup. I liked the atmosphere in the movie. There was something positive shining through all the time. Bad days but it's gonna be fine. No messing with our "logic" of time, so nothing new in this case. It sticks to the rules and doesn't try to make any stupid new advancements into that direction.

    Well, for a Sunday evening to relax and just let it flow it's a solid movie. Low budget, yes, but personally I don't care, some movies don't need all that FX that is thrown at us all the time. Plain, solid, good.

    If you need constant action and fighting and people jumping from houses and land on their feet, this is not for you.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this with high hopes. An Australian sci fi film. Dystopia, futuristic, time travel. It ticked a lot of boxes. The premise is set well. The earth is dying, suffocating, all the trees and Oman the life are dead and one man can save it all. Cliche? Absolutely, but not one that hasn't been successful in the past.

    The issue with the film is that it uses these cliches but there are so many layered over what is at times a confusing and contradictory story line. (He's the only one that can save the world but his best friend arrives a few hours later to save him?). They've only been in the future a day to save humanity but then they're talking about going back straight away? The main characters incessant emotional outbursts take its toll. It doesn't stop all the way through the film and it makes it hard to watch. This is accompanied by, at times, an overly dramatic loud score that, like the tears, does not stop. Silence is a fantastic element to use in Sci-Fi scoring. (Just watch Ridley Scott's Alien and listen to Jerry Goldsmith's score.) If not silence then at least some dynamic contrast to aid the building of the story and the tension.

    Yes it's a low budget film but that really isn't an excuse for poor dialogue and storyline. The effects go from being really well shot - the abandoned cities - to poorly executed - the nuclear reactor looks like a school holiday art project. The problem overall is that it looks like a big sci fi film on a low budget and suffers from an unclear, and at times, incomprehensible narrative delivered poorly.
  • alex-volk-15 October 2020
    Bad acting. Stupid dialogue. Protaganist has one setting: panic with emotional blubbering.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As an Aussie this has to be the most boring movie and we make some serious snooze feast in the past!! the main character Ethan is the most weakest human alive to save the earth. pfft utter rubbish. plot: kid has daddy issues and has to go to the future to find out why. ok you can move on to the next movie now
  • Not a bad flick, but not noteworthy either. The effects were decent and gave it a proper sci-fi setting. The Dialogue was wanting, and to be honest, too much crying going on, far too much! It is one of those sci-fis were you have to ignore the science, just accept the plot holes the inaccuracies make. The acting was pretty stiff. It tried hard and probably the effects were the best feature of the film - which is a bit worrying. All in all though, still gets a 5 for a Sunday afternoon which is a pass and not a complete fail
  • iantapley9 October 2020
    For a low budget sci-fi, this is about as good as it can get. And it is a unique take on the 'send someone to the future to save the world' trope. With some better dialogue and more cohesive storytelling, this could have been great.
  • johodges23 February 2021
    There was so much potential that was lost in ridiculous science and poor directing of actors.
  • sanaipatel10 October 2020
    I don't understand why people gave this movie bad reviews. Their acting is great. Have you Americans watched your Hallmark movies? Jeez. The plot was really interesting. On a better budget this would have been amazing.
  • emcg-3644819 April 2022
    Wtf! Acting skills level trash. 80s Asian movies got better acting 😱. So sad they wasted such a good idea for a good movie on trash actors and the idiot directing it.
  • Gordon-112 October 2020
    It is good sci fi story with suspense, making you guess what will happen in the end. The visuals are good, and the emotional subplot is engaging. I enjoyed it.
  • ipg-755869 October 2020
    I wasn't expecting much from this with a 4.7 rating and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie. The best Australian movie I've seen.

    Sure, the acting could have been better, but it was a hell of a lot better than I thought it would be. This movie is definitely worth watching.
  • For those complaining about all the "emotions"... I'm quite positive that faced with the prospect of being catapulted some 400 years into an uncertain future world, via a big sizzling Dyson vacuum cleaner controlled by a super computer that still uses a blinking cursor and a keyboard, leaving behind your dying significant other, with no return ticket and the fate of all humanity resting on your very narrow shoulders... one would shed significantly more bodily fluids than a few blubbering tears. I mean honestly people... 2067 is currently rated somewhere between Super Mario Brothers and Tank Girl... Obviously "fair" is not a grown-up word.

    So here is an honest review... I watched this movie with very low expectations having seen its score and read a few reviews. I was pleasantly surprised that it held my attention to the very end. I was impressed with the visuals and special effects. The "science" and storyline do require a modicum of suspension of disbelief, but remember why most of us watch movies... To escape from our miserable realities for a couple hours... So we can forgive ourselves for putting our Underoos on and just enjoying a movie every once-in-a-while without screaming for a full refund on the last 2 hours of our banal lives. As relatively unknowns, I feel the cast earned their paychecks, as I'm certain none of them raked it in, and I found myself actually caring about these characters whom I'd only met mere minutes earlier. Lastly I was happy I was eventually able to wrap my head around the plot without suffering an Inception-like brain freeze.

    Have faith peeps, you can make it through this movie... And if you're not too careful... You just might enjoy it.
  • This was obviously cheap scripting and dodgy direction because it made even the normally good actors sound and look like they were overacting.At times Deborah mailman looked like she was horribly uncomfortable I think this was poor casting it didn't suit her. The poor acting made me cringe so bad I stopped watching a few times but I wanted to see it through so I watched it over 3 nights to 'get through it'. The main actor who plays Ethan was painful to watch, they picked the wrong guy. His overacting end inconsistency was annoying the forced character arc was very visible. They wasted Ryan Quanton on a rubbish character that made no sense. They should have made him the lead, at least he can act but you could tell even he struggled with the rubbish script. Next time they want to put their time into a movie they should spend more time on the script. With a story like this the script makes it or breaks it unfortunately. It could have been a great movie but instead it was frustrating to watch and I feel bad for the actors who signed up for it. The young Ethan was probably the best actor out of all the unknowns. But it was very hard to believe that he was the same character because the actors presented so so different it was incongruent.
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