User Reviews (49)

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  • It is my admiration and fascination with the horror genre that drove me to pick up "Under the Bed" and sit down to watch it, especially since I didn't know what the movie was about or who starred in it. All that I had seen was the movie cover, and it was more than enough to get my attention.

    It turned out that "Under the Bed" had a rather interesting and entertaining storyline. I had initially thought that given the title of the movie that it could be a cheesy horror movie, but I was glad to be proved wrong. The storyline here was rather good, and director Steven C. Miller and writer Eric Stolze had managed to put together a clever storyline and one that kept the audience in the dark - literally.

    The movie was actually genuinely creepy, and director Steven C. Miller did a great job in building up the suspense and the dread throughout the course of the movie. And the climax when the creature was finally revealed was actually quite satisfactory.

    "Under the Bed" had some good acting performances, and Jonny Weston (playing Neal) and Gattlin Griffith (playing Paulie) actually carried the movie quite nicely.

    The creature in this movie was rather interesting, and it was of good design and concept idea. It was a creature that was somewhat frightening and pitiful at the same time. Sure, it was not a creature design that revolutionized the horror genre in any way.

    I found "Under the Bed" to be an entertaining movie and it was a good addition to the horror genre.
  • kosmasp15 October 2012
    This movie makes "The Hole" (3-D) look like "Citizen Kane". What am I trying to say? That for adults this will probably not work at all. While the mixture of the Hole (targeting adults and kids in a Horror movie) might not have worked all the time, it did achieve something. The movie right here has a lot of flaws, some of them being the giant holes in the story itself.

    In Horror movies we are used to characters doing irrational things, but the movie almost seems to have the goal of topping even the most ridiculous of your expectations. What I really liked was the very moody beginning. And I guess if you are in the right age and/or not familiar with Horror movies, this might actually scare you a little. But if that doesn't apply to you, I suggest you use your time for something more satisfying.
  • ericdhall7712 January 2020
    For a rainy night with nothing to do, I guess this creature feature will do. Literally no background.

    ****possible spoilers****

    You have no idea where this "monster" comes from or why. All you know is it wants the older kid but has been tormenting his younger brother while he's been away. The father is completely unlikable and borderline abusive. The stepmother was about the only good thing about the whole, hole filled storyline. The acting is mediocre at best. The ending is very bleh. There's just nothing in this movie that I can give more than a 4 for.
  • wormtheace13 April 2013
    You can tell from the title alone that "Under the Bed" is attempting to pay homage to the host of other child-horror movies that proceeded it in the eighties. You can see there is real love for films like "Gremlins" "Monster Squad" and even "Poltegeist." The story starts out well enough with a teenage boy returning home years after a tragic event took his mother's life. His younger brother is happy to see him back, but old wounds from the past resurface and both boys are put in a position where they must choose to finally confront the monster that has been plaguing their family for years. The major problem with "Under the Bed" is that it really has no idea what kind of movie it wants to be. Moments in the movie have an innocence long lost throughout the years of horror, but at other times it attempts to be too grown up for its own good by using profanity and generous amounts of fake blood. If this was the movies only sin, we could probably give it a pass, but it is not. The script is shaky to say the least, while many parts throughout simply do not make sense. It also does not help that the shoestring budget is very evident up until the last 20 minutes of the movie. I certainly respect the guts of all involved in trying to accomplish this feat on what little they had to work with, but there are much more suitable, and frankly better child horror movies to sit down and watch for ninety minutes.
  • jhr201211 January 2019
    I saw this was added to Prime recently and I thought I would give it a try. I got 20 minutes in and I just gave up. I have no clue who the characters are or what they are up to. I saw what looked like a dysfunctional family and an older son who recently returned home, but that's about it. I don't have time to waste hoping that a movie will be good. You have 20 minutes tops to hold my attention. This movie failed miserably at that. My suggestion? Skip this one.
  • UNDER THE BED is nothing more than an unwelcome attempt to update that classic child-in-danger horror sub-genre of the 1980s. Back then, a wave of good and not-so-good movies along the lines of THE GATE and MONSTER IN THE CLOSET depicted kids battling against the worst nightmares of childhood, fighting off supernatural beings and their disbelieving parents at the same time.

    UNDER THE BED is such a film that tells a very similar storyline, but unfortunately the execution is lacking. This is a surprise given the director is Steven C. Miller, who also brought us the excellent home invasion horror flick THE AGGRESSION SCALE. For some reason, he decided to tint UNDER THE BED a deep shade of blue, so everything that happens is blue-tinged. It's a depressingly predictable look and one which saps vitality from the production.

    Not that there's much there to begin with. This film is saddled with a dull backstory, some boring main characters (the angsty teenage character is a walking cliché) and way too much small talk to be much good. Sure, there are a handful of fun moments involving rubber-suited monstrosities, but the tension just isn't there and such moments fall flat. What a pity.
  • But with a little too much gore for the kids. Couldn't explain it any better than that. It was a little corny and ridiculous at times, just like Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of The Dark but no magic shop with "Sardo." I've definitely seen worse high budget movies.
  • Story: 0.50 - Direction & Pace 1.25 & 1.50/4 - Performance: 1.25/2 - Entertainment: 1.00/2

    Total - 5.50/10

    Under the Bed, a 2012 horror flick that promises to keep you on the edge of your seat, or at least hovering somewhere near it, delivers a rollercoaster of scares and head-scratching moments. Let's start with the elephant in the room - the story. Straight away, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but the narrative here is as solid as a house of cards in a wind tunnel. It's not just a plot hole; it's more like a plot crater with floating objects that seem to have detoured from Hogwarts. Was the writer a fan of levitating furniture, or did they positively endure a wizard of a time coming up with something remotely interesting?

    And, speaking of extraordinary noise. Apparently, the entire house is throwing a clandestine rave, with walls shaking and windows rattling. It's like the rest of the family got invited to a silent disco because nobody hears a thing. Maybe they're all hard of hearing or just exceedingly polite. Who knows?

    But let's not dwell on the negatives. The real hero of this horror tale is the director, who managed to turn a questionable script into a visual feast. The camera work deserves a standing ovation, with angles so captivating they could make a documentary about paint drying riveting. The lighting is on point, the panning is a symphony of motion, and close-ups are so intimate you might want to check your personal space afterwards.

    When the effects burst onto the scene, they do so with the subtlety of a sledgehammer - gore-drenched and head-tearing, leaving little to the active imagination. Kudos for opting for wet work over CGI; it's like choosing a quality wine over a fruit punch - way nastier and much more satisfying.

    The pacing, orchestrated by the directorial maestro, deserves a gold medal. It's a delightful blend of sprinting and strolling, hitting the right beats at the right moments. The performances rise above the murky waters of mediocrity despite the wonky characters. The shouty, quarrelsome father might be a cliché, but the actor behind the character delivers his lines with enough ardour to cause you to forget seeing this act many times before.

    In conclusion, if you're in the mood for a horror flick and fortunately possess the unique ability to suspend disbelief like it's on a bungee cord, Under the Bed might be your cup of spooky tea. Sure, the storyline is as holey as Swiss cheese, but the director's considerable prowess and the gory effects generously offer a distraction juicy enough for a wet winter evening. But I'd rather wrestle with a poltergeist armed with a feather duster before revisiting this flick.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    'Under the Bed' opens with dark, moody undertones that establish a sense of foreboding which fade almost unnoticeably into the slightly upbeat homecoming of the teen lead and his reunion with his kid brother under very tense circumstances. With the young ages of the two protagonists the plot leads you into a false sense of security believing that the film is perhaps targeted at a younger audience and will thus treat the viewer with kid gloves. However, such is not the case, and for serious horror fans, the third act will not disappoint.

    The film is well made. Settings are clean and all of the actors give believable life to their respective characters. In particular Peter Holden is convincing as the father of the two boys who plays well a man who seems to want to be a good parent, but who has much road left to travel along the process of healing from a tragic event that took the life of someone very close to him and ripped apart his small family.

    Jonny Weston's performance as 'Neal' brought to mind Jason Patrick's struggling teen role in 'The Lost Boys'. Weston really projects the fear and turmoil and disgust of a young man forced to live for years on the edge an abyss. He's jumpy, outwardly disturbed and exhausted from lack of sleep.

    The film is essentially divided into two acts - the first which runs for around two thirds of its length and the second which makes 'the reveal' and brings resolution. I enjoyed this structure as it provided plenty of time to introduce and develop the characters, and tension was slowly increased along the away, although I was expecting a shock in some form to happen sooner than it did.

    Additionally, while the premise has been used before, normally such stories involve parents who prance around as if completely unaware that something horrible is happening to their children. Here we have a father who cannot ignore the psychological and physical turmoil his sons are experiencing and so he must react and does so in what seem like extreme or last resort parenting efforts. I found this to be refreshing in light of the usually clueless parent characters in similar films.

    I also agree with one other reviewer of this film in that the negative reviews seem misplaced. In 'Under the Bed' we have a film with dark, tense atmosphere populated by characters on the edge of breakdown, harried by a presence which cannot be explained by the laws of what we understand to be the natural order. In other words - a really good journey into horror, which takes us far away from the overpopulated genre of slasher films and into the living nightmares of two children who just want to lead the normal lives they haven't had for years.

    I highly recommend 'Under the Bed' to horror movie buffs searching for their next fright fix. Make some popcorn, turn off the lights and let yourself be drawn in. You'll never see "it" coming.

    Five out of ten stars for overall quality, plus one for character development and capable acting, and one more for no use of CGI to convey horror.
  • Two brothers, the older of which has returned home after setting his house on fire and inadvertently killing his mother, must do battle against a man in a rubber suit who lives under their bed. Okay, so it's actually a monster, but, when you see it, you'll probably think, 'Oh, there's a man in a rubber monster suit.' Yes, that's the tone of the film.

    Naturally, the boys' parents think they're crazy and their dad is a complete idiot at all times (whether they're talking about monsters or asking for a drink of milk, he seems to find it in himself to start shouting and threatening to lock everyone in their rooms forever... or something like that – in short, he's a douche). Then you have your clichéd bullies who think he's crazy and they live next door (do you get the impression this film is lining up plenty of characters who are going to fall foul from the thing under the bed?). But it's not all bad news for the older brother... no sooner has he returned to his home town then he's met the one hot girl who finds surly, reclusive arsonists who ride BMXs really attractive. So there you have your 'love interest.' Yawn.

    The film starts off slow. I'm guessing this is to 'build tension.' But it just involves things moving in the house. Personally, I've never found a washing machine's door shutting by itself that horrific.

    Yeah, there's a climax and some funky coloured lights here and there. They even throw in a chainsaw by this time to try and spice things up, but, by now, do you care? I didn't. It's not terrible, just nothing remotely new enough to warrant me paying it any real attention.
  • Most of the people tearing this movie apart and faulting it seem to base that on the fact the movie has some plot-holes and illogical jumps between sequences. I can agree with them, but a compelling seamless story with lots of character development and deeper meaning does not necessarily make for a good horror flick.

    I enjoyed the movie as a whole, even as a cynical and self-proclaimed Horror Genre veteran. The first hour of the movie may have you wondering "Why is this even rated R?" "Where's the monster?" "Where's the gore" but all those questions are answered in the last 20-30 minutes, so be patient - and it will deliver.

    There are no crazy Asian-ghost-girls and the movie does not rely on CGI at all. There are a handful of bloddy and gory sequences that do unfold towards the movie's end, one-upping the beginning of the movie which may have you wondering if you're watching another "Disturbia" (throws-up) or "My Soul To Take" (the worst wes craven produced movie by far)

    It takes some time to get warmed up but the movie does deliver on the goods towards the end, and of course, any film involving fictitious monsters/demons living under beds is going to come across as silly and illogical on some level. You can tell the director wanted to engage the audience and give them some frights and fun, and it's production quality seems a lot higher than you would expect with a non-theatrical release. I can honestly say this is the most fun watching a new non-Hollywood horror movie in the last year, and that's out of dozens.
  • This movie smells a lot like "Phatasm". Instead of the tall man and the flying spheres you get a smoke machine and a hunchback in a foam-covered wetsuit. There's also an evil dimension with a lot of coloured lamps and sheets. The biggest win however is the angry dad character, whose crowning achievement is the "grow the f.#k up" speech towards the middle of the film. It's hilarious to see him respond to his children in the way that he does. Basically it goes something like this: child: "A demon ate our mommy." Dad: "Get a job." I can't believe the actors went along with dialogue this bad without protesting or at least laughing.

    The script could have been written by a pre-school student. Ooh there's like a monster under the bed and you have to sleep on cupboards. You can't touch the floor. And sometimes like the washing machines kind of wobble when it's mad. If you could judge this movie by normal standards I would say one out of ten, but how can you apply a normal scaling when a movie has become so bad it's good? Also to be fair the crew did a good job with the low budget they had for the monster scenes. Especially the heads getting ripped off.
  • well, that happened. it wasn't supposed to be funny, but it did. i laughed my ass off so hard i fell from my chair.

    this movie is ridiculous and not in a good way. this movie turned out to be a big fat joke. the story line beyond boredom, unnecessary scenes, sound effects that "supposedly" scared the viewers just so not right. i had to fast forward just to get through the end of the movie.

    bottom line, if you're thinking of watching it, just save your time and watch other good movies. i rarely agree with other people's comments but even i had to agree that this movie is just plain suck. i bet my 10 year old sister wouldn't made it past 30 minutes watching this movie due to boredom.
  • If I could put zero stars I would.

    Dear Mr Director, What you just made, is the most insanely idiotic thing I've ever seen, at no point in your rambling coherent movie even close to anything that would be considered a rational thought everyone that watch this movie is now dumber for watching it... I award you no points and God have mercy on your soul. Don't do drugs. I like turtles
  • I so badly wanted to like this film, as I thought it would finally convince children there could indeed be a monster under the bed! Unfortunately it was not the case. At first, the film only gives us bits and pieces to chew on, keeping you guessing. Then, all of a sudden, everything happens at once during the film's final moments. The film was not scary at all, and suffers from a lot of plot flaws. Where did the demon come from and why is it haunting the brothers? Why would they still sleep on the bed if the know the monster is indeed under the bed? Why is the demon so utterly passive for the first three quarters of the film? The demon haunted them years ago, as well, and their mother died attempting to save them? What happened to the demon thereafter and why is it back now? How can the father still not believe them? The father is also the most annoying character with the most deja vu attitude and dialogue I've seen. Nope, there are better films out there.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    UNDER THE BED (2012)

    This film was all very 80's-family movie at the start and came over like a cross between The Goonies and E.T (hey, that older brother was also the older brother in The Goonies and E.T wasn't he?). But then imagine a film where the young cast of The Goonies get sliced and diced by the ugly pirate at the end or where E.T isn't cute and cuddly but evil and cruel, and eats Elliott instead of asking to help him phone home - this is that movie!

    It worked, I felt, as an entry in the domestic stitch-up horror genre. The film had a subversive wisecracking feel. There was some genuine relationship developed between the older brother and the frankly (at times) hilarious kid brother (Gattlin Griffith), who was outstanding in his role. The cast played the film dead straight, which I liked. There were a few cute girls on the scene for the older brother (returning from a period of recovery after a breakdown) but this direction wasn't especially pursued as it would have been in many an 80's horror, I like to think this was another act of deliberate subversion. If it's just hasty plotting, I apologise.

    The next door neighbour and his doopy kids were fun. I liked what happened to some of this family at the end of the film. In fact, I cheered the horror on. Out of all the cast, I half-hoped the stepmom would survive, I'm not sure if that's because she walks around the garden braless and seems like she actually cares about the kids, or because she's the only one in the family without 'issues', in fact - she's outrageously normal in a suburban garden of barking. At the end of the movie, she's the one holding the rope for the kids as they try to escape from hell, while the real mother is in ashes in the garage - if that's not subversion of the all-American family, I don't know what is.

    The bed itself wasn't especially scary, but the plot, about the monster that lives under the mattress so you have to sleep on top of cupboards and things (but surely after all those years living with a monster in your house, that dumb dad would have spotted something odd going on, I mean,at the dinner table wouldn't you be asking your kid why he looks so traumatised every night?) was suitably creepy and weird, like a bad nightmare after too much Stilton and crackers.

    The monster was decent enough but the scenes in the demon's world were wonderfully surreal and full of energy and realisation, as good as the underwater sequences in Argento's Inferno. It looked like these scenes were originally intended for 3D - if they weren't, they should have been.

    This was a horror film with a subversive touch - The 'Burbs meets The Beast in the Cellar and Disney's Don't Look Under The Bed (imaginary X-rated version), with some outrageously yucky special effects and squished heads at the end (hey - this was a family-friendly horror movie waiting to stab you in the neck just before the end credits rolled, mid-popcorn and cherry pop finishing off). Most of all, my God - I had fun!

    mark gordon palmer
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was garbage. I gave it 1 star cause it won't allow 0. The premise was old and overdone, the acting was cheesy at best (especially by the father who reminded me of Russell Crowe too much) and the movie had no explanation of why the monster was under their bed or where it came from. The worst was the ending though, killing the monster with their dead mom's ashes GROAN!
  • The writer and director clearly need more practice. Audio selection is lacking and sometimes painful. Too many scenes are poorly set up, with the end quite poorly done. I wanted to like it, but I just has too many issues.
  • Not much to say here, this is a teen horror movie aimed at tweens. The central actors were all earnest in their roles gotta give them that. Reminds me of movies in the eighties I would have watched so if you're about 13 you may enjoy this. Otherwise this is cliché driven, competently filmed but lacking in verve of any type in the script the only thing more ridiculous than the titular horror was the Dad who despite recent deaths due to a domestic fire insists locking people in bedrooms is a good idea never mind health and safety precaution. Fortunately for this film night terrors exist but Child Services don't. Nonetheless some tweens may enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is way under-rated.

    The monster in this movie is awesome, first off, it's one of the better (if not best) original monster creations in recent horror movies. What's more is this movie remembers a time when a monster could be set up, through darkness and shadow play. Teased at, only to be revealed in the climax of the film. It's an art that has been forgotten by most in the genre. And this movie knows how to use gore without overusing it, another balancing act long forgotten.

    There were a few things that didn't make sense, the biggest being what the dad is so mad about through the whole movie. The only reason for this (plot-wise) being that he pushes the children into confronting the monster.

    We don't really get any sense of the motivation of the monster, but what are you gonna do? Sit down and try to ask him why he wants to eat you? We all know the tropes that are widely used to explain back-story in these films, but this movie sidesteps those, and I don't find it that detrimental to the film as a whole.

    Overall, this movie isn't a masterpiece, but it's worth watching with a bag of popcorn.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film was alright truth be told, if you have read other reviews on IMDb then you'll see a lot of criticism towards plot holes, continuity issues and a sometimes jumbled jumping story. Two brothers who are menaced by a monster under the bed during the night and have to endure their constantly angry dad during the day. Unable to prove the monsters existence everyone doubts them as crazies until the two worlds meet. This wasn't a spectacular movie by any accounts but it was okay, you did get a sense of something lurking in the shadows constantly but you also got the feel good 'us VS the world' feel as you follow the two brothers throughout their plight. All the action came in the last half an hour of the film. The monster manages to escape and wreak havoc and boys have fight it. While the acting is a bit wooden at times (not all the time, don't get me wrong) I liked that there was no CGI in this film, just old-school effects and man in monster suit.

    Give it a go but expect a slow burner which feels creepy at times. It's not 100% original but does offer some nice twists to keep it from being the same old boring 'monster under the bed' story as other titles.
  • siderite9 January 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    Under the Bed is not your average horror movie. Instead it has the feel of good old films like Fright Night or Lost Boys. The story is that of two young brothers battling a demon that lives under their bed. They have a choleric and frustrated father who is always angry and doesn't believe them and then there is his wife, who is replacing the boys' mother, dead in suspicious circumstances.

    I liked in this movie that they didn't go into the usual recipe of people who don't really believe something is going on, but something is always behind them or in a mirror. Well, there is some of that, but not excessively so. The brothers both know the demon is real and they have to battle on two fronts: the demon at night and their asshole father during the day. All in all a very beautiful premise and well played by all actors.

    What I didn't like was the end. Suddenly, after years of subtle activity, the monster emerges and starts killing everything that moves. They don't really explain the demon world that the brothers explore for a brief moment, nor the monster's fascination with the older brother. However, even if I didn't enjoy the end as much as the rest of the movie, it doesn't mean it is a bad ending and overall I liked the movie and its feel very much.

    Bottom line: it felt like an old school horror movie, that contains good acting as well as a captivating story. They didn't even use CGI, as the monster was a guy in a suit and all the other effects were done with smoke, lightning and rubber props. I thought it was a small distance away from a cult classic and only the rather abrupt and kind of pointless ending spoiled it. I do hope they make a sequel, preferably with the demon returning and saying "Boyyy!" :)
  • donkey_dick14 December 2018
    Above average low budget horror film. It relies on classic horror scares instead of cheesy CGI. I was really happy to not see any CGI in it. The actions and dialog of the characters are weird and unrealistic but that's how a lot of old horror films are so I kinda liked it. Recommended for old school horror fans not for gore hounds or millennials.
  • Well what can I say? This was one of those movies that left me questioning the universe as to what the hell just happened in the last hour and a half of my life.

    I'm going to come out and say it - this is a bad movie. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't watch it. It left me feeling confused because for a great deal there's some interesting character development and a story that I really wanted to see come into its own. I found myself questioning many aspects of the unfolding storyline, hoping that they would soon be answered. Alas this was not the case and my questions merely exposed some serious plot holes that are skimmed over by taking us straight into the action.

    The next confusing thing about this movie is that while the plot drew me in then let me down, the monster in this movie is actually really cool. It genuinely looks fantastic when it comes out to play, albeit its motives and methods are somewhat lacking in any coherent explanation.

    All in all this movie starts off feeling like it has some solid emotional substance but ends up throwing it away in favor of becoming a monster flick. The acting is a little rigid and be prepared in the last 20 minutes or so to say goodbye to anything you got out of the bulk of the movie.

    This earns a WTF? from me and while the plot is disjointed and unsatisfying it's worth watching just for the sweet monster. 3/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am not a fan of horror movies. With a few notable exceptions, I have found them to mostly be poorly acted, poorly scripted, predictable and not all that horrific. That being said, I recognise that there are a lot of people who love the genre and are willing to suspend credulity and settle for third rate acting and plotting in the hope of getting being scared. Go figure. Anyway, you definitely have to be one of the latter group to get any sort of enjoyment out of 'Under the Bed'. It is full of clichéd characters and familiar, overused horror movie tropes and boasts a predictable plot. Horror movie fans will probably forgive these failings and even enjoy this. The rest of us, not so much.

    The plot centres on a young man of indeterminate age who has been forced to move away from home under mysterious circumstances following the death of his mother. He returns home to his adoring younger brother, new step-mother and unsympathetic father. Following a familiar trope, the family's circle of friends think the returning son is dangerously disturbed and walk round him on eggshells. The father has no sympathy whatsoever for either of his sons and their dilemma with a strange entity which lives under the bed - hence the title. Exactly what this being is, why it lives under the bed and why it is interested in the boys is never adequately explained. Of course, no one believes that there is anything under the bed anyway, except for the two brothers. Certainly the adults don't believe the kids - another familiar trope. The dad in this case takes it a step further than most, locking the boys in the bedroom where the monster lurks and even, at one point, removing the light bulb so it will be really, really dark. Seems to me that the real nut job in this movie is the over reacting Dad. Anyway, as is to be expected, there is a lot of screaming, frightened expressions, moody music and somber performances before the situation with the creature is resolved - and is resolved in one of the corniest plot twists I have seen in a long time.

    The good thing about this movie is that it only lasts 86 minutes. I guess the writers ran out of ideas. That's probably an ideal length however. I did well to last that long. Honestly, I didn't hate this movie but I certainly couldn't recommend it.
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