User Reviews (24)

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  • rezon_b15 January 2019
    Good show, it was finally taking life in the third season but had not a good ending.
  • The show had potential to be a hit more like a lighthearted soulful Entourage. The cast includes four young male actors who work at a New York City magazine. Danny Masterson plays Milo who was just dumped by his girlfriend. There is his coworkers clueless Neal with a girlfriend, ladies man Gibbs and pretty boy Tyler in the cast. Academy Award winner J.K. Simmons played their wealthy boss. There are notable guest appearances like Laura Prepon and Kathy Najimy. It is a basic sitcom with brash language at times. It is entertaining overall. The cast do a formidable job and the writing could be better though at times. It is a likable sitcom with great potential. It aired on TBS for a short run of 31 episodes.
  • Men at work is one of best T.V series out there.It is funny,full of stupid deeds and epic fails ever.The characters are well played by the cast.The story contains everything Love,Friendship,Sadness,Happiness,believe me when i say this there ain't nothing that is not in the show.It shows the epic behavior of friends inside a facility or organization doing their daily deeds in a funny way.Its funny how friends try to support their friends even when they make stupid choices and it is funny indeed.It is all about friends standing up for each other even when their hands are full for themselves.I loved this show
  • I enjoyed Danny Masterson in That 70's Show so I decided to give this one a try. To my pleasant surprise, this is one of the few shows that I actually laugh out loud at. The structure could use improvement and the story lines are predictable But that's not why I watch this show. I watch it to laugh and the thing that is most conducive to that is the chemistry between the characters. If the laugh tracks weren't obnoxious, which I don't mind too much, I would feel like its a funnier version of the relationship the friends in entourage. Needs a little work, but the core which is so important is there so I'm praying for a second season.
  • This is a nice lighthearted summer comedy. It has great one liners and enough to keep you chuckling throughout the show. I'd love it more if it were on at 9 instead of 10 but it's worth staying up to watch. As a matter of fact, I'm watching it on On Demand now to catch episodes that I missed. It would need more substance to make it as a fall/winter sitcom I think but for summer, it's perfect. Danny Masterson and James Lesure make the show and are pleasant on the eyes! It's also nice to see an all male cast and also writers that aren't afraid to push the envelope. There are many times when I have been glad that I wasn't eating while watching the show because I would have had food spewing from my mouth (it actually happened once). I also think there's some reality to the show--they have said things on TV that I have said to my friends--race,sex, relationship, etc. things that seem taboo on standard sitcoms are not off-limits here and that's what makes the show great. I personally hope the show lasts because it is a great way to unwind after a mentally exhausting/draining day.
  • It started off bad but slowly its getting pretty watchable anyways Im sure it will succeed but so far it is only watchable and only like half the episodes have been good at best, But at least its getting better although it just doesn't appeal to me like other sitcoms and it seems like the plot is made in a day! but whatever as for the actors they are decent at best, well if it isn't replaced at least it will improve, what really bothers me is how TBS advertises this show way too much i mean the big bang theory deserves the advertising but this new show which most of the time TBS show's on there ads the first episodes (The bad ones) but overall its still watchable and has a bright future ahead it seems.
  • This show is a hidden gem. The way TBS promotes it is not-so-great, they definitely do not show the funny parts, which is why it took me so long to tune in. They show the characters as extremely corny and promote it as a show only about guys "busting chops". But it is way more than that! Gibbs and Tyler are awesome (not to mention hot- for the ladies ) and all the characters interact so well. They also have great guest stars on this show! I hope this show gets picked up for season 3, because it is extremely funny and entertaining! One of the best episodes yet was the season 1 finale. Very clever! Give it a try- you will not be disappointed, I promise!!!
  • It has been a while since any of these guys have done anything. Danny Masterson plays the same character that he played on "that 70's show". This is one of the main reasons to go watch this show. It almost makes you think that if Steven had moved to New York or was developed with new media this would be the perfect handle. I was especially impressed by the show's ability to be open about the differences in relationship between a group of guys and girls. I have always been a fan of James Lesure. I do agree that he is a bit older to play the role of Gibbs but keep in mind that he does work for a magazine, and just like in "Just Shoot Me". He can pull of a womanizing photographer that gets a lot of action. Hope this show sticks so that he can have a regular gig. The idea is strong and I have yet to be disappointed, hope they can maintain the tempo and not lose it. Most comedies do by the time second seasons comes along.
  • Ever have a friend that thinks they are very funny, constantly spouting the most predictable, tired, played out jokes that were never funny to begin with? That's Men at Work. Danny Masterson does his best to create a non Hyde character, with the tired material he's given. That's the only positive thing I have to say. If you enjoy knowing the punchline of every joke at the set up, you might enjoy this show. It's as if the writers intentionally avoid being creative, or funny, at every turn. Unless the show was radically retooled, I don't see any potential it will get funny or interesting. Either the writers are just plain awful, or someone with no sense of humour has finally say over the script, and changes every line. I would avoid this show completely.
  • this show is awesome. it has made me laugh several, several times and I keep watching episodes over and over. milo and gibbs are great, but i like neal too, he's kind of an x factor, a smart guy who kind of lays low while the others go above and beyond. gibbs and tyler are kind of sexually orientated but they are still very funny because they are kind of desperate in everything that they do, while again while neal lays low, he has the hot girlfriend.

    in summary, this show is great, and in my opinion is very appropriate for the family as long as it can be understood by everyone in the family.
  • Maybe I was too hard on this at first. I had a bad day and things weren't going my way; so I ended up watching this show to help me feel better. As the show went on, I felt worse, I watch comedies to forget my day and laugh a bit, the writing was boring, and the performances were flat(canned laughter is a pet peeve of mine and it sealed the deal); all in all it was just uninteresting. This show needs to die as soon as possible. TBS, not funny, NOT FUNNY.

    Just stay away unless you're a masochist. If you like pain (oh this was filmed in front of a live studio audience, but they didn't laugh so the canned laughter was added) then have at it. This is your show. But if your brain still works flee.
  • sterny7731 May 2012
    Despite the stereotypical sitcom-ic nature of the show's storyline, the dynamics of the characters, along with the cast itself, provide a new take on the old stalwart that is the sitcom.

    The four male main cast creates a sort of Sex and the City for men; it appeals particularly to my male sense of brotherhood and humor. Much similar to the award winning "The New Girl", it exhibits perhaps more cheek, and can achieve much more. The male-centric element provides a type of humor that is so much more than what other reviewers are calling "Balls jokes" and "1992 humor". Sure, it may be juvenile, but so is the humor of almost every other sitcom out there, and that's the beauty of it. The way it's carried out by the stellar cast is what completes the picture and makes it more than what I've had the pleasure of seeing before.

    The jokes flow well, are unexpected and had me not being able to remember a time that I enjoyed a sitcom this much; and I've always been a big fan of Seinfeld, Friends, That 70's Show, How I Met Your Mother, Arrested Development, and more recently Two and a Half Men, Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory and the New Girl.

    This show is severely underrated, and shouldn't have the same star rating that "How to be a Gentleman" is receiving; although that's not to say that HTBAG deserves it either.

    I rate it at a 7/10 at least, however I'm giving it a 10/10 on the site to boost it from ridiculous patrons who have put 1 or 2/10 just because they're too close minded on the matter.
  • trploughman21 January 2014
    Just discovered this show and I LOVE it! It's laugh out loud funny. I don't just laugh once or twice an episode but laugh out loud several times every episode. The characters are all really well played (casting is excellent) and the story lines are fun, interesting, sometimes touching, other times outrageous. There's definitely times when I can really relate to situations they're in which makes it all the funnier. There are moments in the show when I wonder if they're still on script cause everyone seems to feed off each other and they're clearing having fun too. Definitely check this one out. I hope to see many, many more seasons of Men at Work!
  • Best show ever put out! My favorite Characters are: Tyler Mitchell and Milo Foster! I just Loved Danny Masterson as Steven Hyde in that 70s show! Michael Cassidy VI plays Tyler, he is so funny n handsome, I personally think Season 3 will be as Great as Seasons 1 & 2! I am ready to see more Milo Foster N Tyler Mitchell! Tyler Mitchell is really smart and great with the ladies! Tyler has a slip up with the women just like all people! Tyler Mitchell is awesome n lovable so hoping he will stay that way for a long time coming! I like this show a lot! I give this show a 10 excellent rating! I hope this show keeps going as long as That 70s Show did or even longer because it has the best actors that are funny, outgoing, caring, great sense of humor!
  • I truly believe any good reviews or high stars are from the cast or family members of the cast. This show is cliché, jokey, sitcom stinky, and plan a waste of life time. I know it, the other reviewers know it and I think the network knows it. I don't understand at why this is on the air. How could precious air time be taken by such overwritten unfunny been there done that mindless yuck? I'm really not getting how this stuff gets to the airwaves. Is Hollywood really that void of talent? I have to say I was really hopeful when I tuned to this show. The title seemed like something I've seen before. I was expecting some mind-less brain candy, but this was like a brain worm sucking the cells out of my brain like an efficient and powerful Dyson vacuum. So sad to me that there aren't fun, new unique shows on. It's like entertainment people just want to do the same things over and over and over again. Truly disappointed.
  • I found this show in the wake of How I Met Your Mother ending, and instantly fell in love with it. Breckin Myer is one of my favourite actors since the days of Can't Hardly Wait and Clueless, and Danny Masterson has been a favourite since That 70s Show. The idea of a show where both were involved was very exciting, and it absolutely lived up to the hype I had, and kept me engaged.

    The striking thing I found about the series was how believable the characters and their interplay was. The main cast act like the close friends they are, JK Simmons in his recurring role as Neil's boss/girlfriend's father absolutely KILLED IT. The writing on this show was very good, the plot lines were amusing and original (many relating to Milo apparently being based on things that actually happened to one or more of the writers), and I think if it hadn't been cancelled, or had been marketed better (and not been followed by something with the reputation of Big Bang Theory), it may have been the next big one. I rank this show up there with Seinfeld, Friends, That 70s Show and How I Met Your Mother. And after Firefly and Limitless I'd say this is the most upset I ever got about a show cancellation.
  • If the main character is that goof from the 70's show, then I can see why it was canceled. The more you watch him, he will start to grind on your nerves.

    What's up with the terrible hair of his? The hair looks like it needs to be centered on his head and styled.

    In the season 1, the actors seem to be uncomfortable in their roles. I think the person who did the casting missed the mark. Watching a couple of episodes, you will want to jump in front of a moving car.

    The stories are pretty lame, based on old Honeymooners episodes, lame sad stick comedy. The stories bounce all over the place. The plots are so bad, you'll have a tuff time figuring out why it lasted three years. The topping on the cake... A lame laugh track that will drive you crazy.

    If you want to see a witty and funny show, try Marry Me.
  • bahaar1825 December 2014
    Im not sure why was the show canceled 'coz I REALLY want to know what happened after Season 3 ended.. Please please please bring it back :-)

    All 4 characters are so endearing and the actors have played the roles amazingly well.. Its a funny & intelligent comedy and I hope the studio brings it back. The relationship between Jude & Tyler was just beginning to add a spark to the story line and I really wanna know HOW Milo adjusts back in his old work place. Myron moved up and that would have been fun to follow.. Gibbs & Neal were also growing as characters.. Ugh I hope there is a season 4 sometime in 2015.

    Excellent work!!!
  • Men at work is really a great TV show , starring Danny Masterson which was on Thats 70s show and I am a fan of his work , really this show has some great lines and is truly funny! On Thats 70s Show Danny Masterson was great and really funny , now in Men at Work he plays a character named Milo and so far its pretty funny on the stuff that he gets into with his friends. The show so far is pretty funny as TBS has aired two episodes of it and i really cant wait till it comes to the next episode its really great. I suppose this is one of those shows as it gets funnier as the show continues on into further episodes , i'll be watching to see how the show goes , but so far its enjoyable and quite funny.
  • jamie-surface12 December 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    I hate that it ended. It was a great show. I don't really have anything else to say.
  • I had high hopes for this show, but all I could hear was the very bad laugh track that is overused. Why haven't studios dropped this practice? Get a live studio audience! Even if you can't get people to come for free, have the crew and families sit in. The laugh track is ever- present and is so noticeable that you can't pay attention to the show. For a new show in 2012, it doesn't have a very diverse ethnic range....One black man and no gay men. I watched both new episodes, back-to-back and never became interested in the characters, except the one man's, girlfriend's father, the owner of the company. He was fun. The sets ups are dumbed down and transparent, but above all...the worst laugh track ever!
  • It is the serie defind by well crafted characters. A film about relations and choices and embarassement and friendship , with colors of PeterPan syndrome , nice dialogue , good story and old fashion humor. Short, morw than inspired. Or gallery of lovely, seductive, amusing portraits.
  • From time to time i think about this show and i always come back to imdb to see if i haven't forgotten to give them a 10. I wish i can add million 10s to this show, it is so funny!

    Four guys, friends, totally different from each other, they work together, some live together, go out together, storyline is nothing special, but the dialogs, situations they are in... that is gold!

    There are only 3 seasons and they are ALL good! I laughed so much to almost every episode that i cried! It never happens to me since i don't like almost anything. But this show really surprised me and if anyone wants to finally laugh a bit, they can watch this show.

    Acting is pretty basic, i felt like they didn't even try to act, everything kinda of came naturally to them. And nobody annoys me, they are all equally funny.
  • angelorwez12 August 2022
    It's not too shabby...has flaws...deep flaws...

    doesn't feel forced though...seems like a natural story...real...authentic...

    but you know from the's not great stuff...

    it's average at doesn't even doesn't even try to rise above.