User Reviews (15)

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  • I do happen to watch this show from time to time and SOMETIMES.. it is very funny.. while other times are terribly irrelevant. What I don't understand is why this show segregates black and white. Are their races supposed to relate to the topics they chose? Anyways, if anyone knows, let me know. Not only do they have terrible humor, but what bugs me the most is every now and then they would throw in the word "bitch" toward a woman. Honestly, is that even necessary... ..... ............... ................... ................... ..................... ........ ............... ............. ........... ................ ......... ........ .......... ................ ............. ......... ....... ...... ........ ....... ..... ....... .... ..... ............ ...... ........(because I need a min length of 10 lines...)
  • Dish Nation is about as bad as it gets. I remember about 6 months ago when the did a "trial" run on Fox 11 here in Los Angeles. It was about as bad as it gets.

    Basically you get a bunch of "morning zoo drivetime" disc jockies making comments that are apparently supposed to be "funny" about various Hollywood stars. It's probably a spin off from the TMZ show. It's not funny and I can't believe they canceled the Simpsons re-runs for this trivial junk show.

    "Horrible" and "Awful" are the only two nice words I can say about this crap show. What moron in Hollywood gave this failure of a project the green light?
  • tmaj4828 July 2011
    What's worse than listening to obnoxious radio hosts screeching witlessly into their mikes? Watching them on TV while they do it. This half-hour waste of viewing time is a selection of clips from wannabe wacky "Morning Zoo"-type radio jocks around the country. Now you can actually see them as they yuck it up, making lame jokes about current events, celebrities in the news, etc. Their weak attempts at humor are even worse when you can actually see them grinning and giggling at their own jokes. This is the kind of stuff that is normally inflicted on listeners during morning drive time hours, where it can be easily tuned out. Why anyone would actually sit down in front of a TV and watch this is unfathomable.

    This show accomplishes one thing: it proves the old saying about some people having "a face for radio." Not to mention any names, but...let's just say the local radio team isn't doing themselves any favors by appearing here.

    Hopefully, this will be canceled very soon, and the local stations that air this can go back to their sitcom reruns. Or infomercials. Or a blank screen; anything would be preferable to this.
  • Down here, it was one of the King of the Hill re-runs that got bumped to make room for this show. Why?!? Why bump a good, funny, entertaining show for this drivel? Dish Nation is awful and unfunny. It consists of a bunch of morning-talk DJ's from around the country giving their take on various pop culture topics. There's a reason I flip radio stations when the DJ's start yapping...they're annoying. Why would I want to watch them? Add in the terrible Todd Pettingill, whom 90's WWF fans will undoubtedly remember (but try very hard to forget) and you have an un-entertaining 30-min of blathering idiots who apparently are the only ones that find themselves funny. Yuck.
  • This show is an insult to itself, it's viewers, and humanity as a whole. Appealing to the lowest-common-denominator, "Dish Nation" combines the most annoying aspects of talk radio, ego-driven banter, and re-hashed celebrity gossip to bring you a half-hour of vomit, headache, and irritable bowels. Combine the worst aspects of morning-drive radio and the despicable behavior of the paparazzi, and you're almost there. Add some graphics and logos to make the show seem like some sort of news program, and even the hosts eventually take themselves seriously. A joke - and a sick one. Dish Nation is the absolute worst show on television, and the surest sign of a culture of depravity.
  • This has to be the worst program ever aired on television. The "Actors" look like Aliens from another planet. The so-called humor is sophomoric and geared to people that pay exorbitant fees for "quick car title loans". None of what they say is funny or even mildly humorous. The groups from "Atlanta" not only look like beings from another planet they are 100% racist with their remarks. This is a total waste of time. This babble would not even be funny if you only had to listen on morning radio. It is 1000 times worse to have to view it "LIVE". My only wish is that this whole concept is sent to file 13 as soon as possible. It is an insult to the public integrity. Rest assured if you watch this dribble it will be time you will never get back.
  • If you love celebrities, pop culture and have a sense of humor, then this show is for you! I've been watching from day 1 and I love all the different personalities and their individual takes on the day's headlines.

    This show puts TMZ to shame. They make you feel like you're hanging out with some of your funniest relatives and just shooting the SH**! Can't praise loud enough or long enough about how much I adore these folks. I guess my 10 star rating probably says that already.

    If you want to spend a good 30 minutes grinning from ear to ear, start watching this show.
  • Now I Enjoy radio TV shows, but this piece of trash is plain pathetic, there's not one good scene in this, the talk is just awful, the writing is pathetic, the color looks so flat it's tiresome.

    It's about several radio DJ's and they talk about the same old usual shtick over and over and over again, now I Enjoy REAL classic shows like American bandstand and others about the same thing, here this show is a big time misfire and a useless joke and why in the same hell would DJ Laz of all people appear in this mess saddens me? I Agree with this person, I Hope the show gets canceled next season, cause this is nothing but toilet paper, this show stinks.
  • then I give it another 3 stars for content. ITS A FUN GOSSIP SHOW PEOPLE!!! lighten up! Christ!

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  • alekitten126 September 2020
    I really have enjoyed the show for the past couple of years but the addition of Sherri Shepherd brings the show down. It seems to be the Sherri Shepherd show. In my humble opinion she is not a good fit for this type of program.
  • I agree with all the past reviews, this has to be one of the worst programs ever created. I hope it has no connection with Dish Network, b/c it would be a black eye for the satellite provider. I only saw it once (just now) and it was so cheap - it reminded me of another bomb back in the 60's (showing my age!) called 'Hee Haw', and it was equally asinine in format and content. In 'Hee Haw' the actors (who looked like they were recruited from the audience of 'Lets make a Deal') would appear suddenly from a quickly opened shuttered window on a fake wall and make some asinine comment, to be quickly followed by comments from other quickly opened shutters on the wall. This went on several months and the show was finally canceled. It would have seen a much shorter life if the internet had been around back then. 'Dish Nation' needs to go the way of 'Hee Haw' and the dinosaurs post haste.
  • I love Dish but HATE the addition of sheri shepherd!! She talks WAY to much
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am offended and upset by this show. The simulated sex act / rape performed on Portia while she laughed should because to remove them from public viewing. What was the purpose of this vile behavior? As an African American women. I am ashamed of the these individuals who display the absolute worst of who we are. Portia as a woman has no shame. Young girls are watching. What do they see? A man simulating unwanted sex on a female disguised as entertainment. Everyone cheered. Woman are in jeopardy of being groped by future presidents and treated like trash with the consent of society at large. It hurts to know they are being paid for this lascivious behavior. Anything for a laugh. I totally hate this show of low life people. Disgusting! In summary, this show should be taken off the air.
  • genovafibonacci2 February 2017
    They burst out laughing over the stupidest little jokes and points.

    Not enough of the discussion is interesting. Anecdotes corny,, immature,,,

    The show is not good at all.

    Hopefully it gets upgraded as soon as possible.

    Why not reduce the senseless laughing over anything at all and put energy into content?

    Raise the class up a notch or two.

    When going to events maybe dress accordingly. One star commented to the Dish Nation person in way that the attire was not appropriate for the event.

    Could be a good show if some things are changed.
  • harrelldonna3 February 2022
    Sherri Shepherd is a pain in the azz when she makes sexual comments about Da'Brat and her wife Judy!! She is so disrespectful!! Leave Brat alone Sherri, she's a married woman and she don't need to hear your rude comments! She is very happy with her relationship with her wife and she don't need you adding your 2cents about how much you want her! Go somewhere and sit down!! Girl bye!! Also, Tanner you really need to find another shirt to wear instead of that red and black flannel shirt you be wearing way toooo much! Lol! Today is July 26, 2023 and Dish has a couple of new cast members, Jessie Woo and Tamar Braxton! These ladies are great!! HOWEVER.... Jessie, you need to cover your boobs!! You don't look professional at all! Just saying....