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  • Still not very good. Having seen all of the trilogy I must say this is the best. It doesn't get any better or any more interesting so if you aren't going to watch these as a trilogy pick this one. Having to wade through piles of vomit isn't exactly fun but having to wade through piles of vomit to discern basic plot points is downright sadistic. I don't think any director is as pointedly cruel to his audience as Mr. Valentine is. Now, I'm okay with gross-out films (otherwise I wouldn't have given this a glance) and I'm okay with gross out art films (Aftermath comes to mind) but when they are good they are very very good and well this is just horrid. The stars awarded are mostly out of pity for the actors because really kudos for having the guts (no pun intended) to make this and the rest is for having the sheer audacity nay, bravery to spend years of life on making three films that are almost completely devoid of redeeming qualities save for an extremely niche audience. Not many directors would have the chutzpah to do this.
  • The only thing in this movie that made me sick was the constant moving, shaking and flickering of the camera.

    Basically, any no-talent hack can make such a film. All you need is a rented camera (don't worry about quality as it will be wildly spinning about non-stop anyways), some redneck pals with a couple of chubby, slutty girlfriends / sisters / cousins, a few gallons of stage blood and a quick trip to the supermarket for some assorted offal. Get everyone tanked up on JD and Budweiser and it's in the can, so to speak.

    I voted 4 out of 10, as I enjoy watching slutty girls slithering around in fake blood. =^.^=
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I will attempt to review the vomit gore trilogy as a whole and save myself and everyone time.

    We must look at Lucifer valentines facade. In interviews he always goes on about how he was in a sexual relationship with his younger sister which he raised single handedly. She was a BLIND catatonic schizophrenic. this diagnosis doesn't even exists as it is now labelled as dissociative identity disorder.keep in mind more than half of clinical psychiatrist agree this disease is 100% caused by childhood trauma meaning it has 0 chances of being biological.

    considering this, how can Lucifer say she drowned herself in the bathtub after recreating a scene from SVD. this is obscured? does anyone see the problem with his statement yet?? how about now? how does a blind girl recreate something she SAW in a film.

    his girlfriends quote above is i would die for you, i would even kill for you.see where i am heading with this.

    something is seriously wrong with this account of his sisters demise.

    this pompous d*ck has the nerve to say his movies reflect quantum theory and higher levels of the human organism and consciousness.

    I'm sorry but saying i got abducted in 1973 and repeating this phrase 30 times while changing the date does not in anyway relate to quantum mechanics or the spiritual realm.

    how about the octopus on head scene in RGS.

    I think it went like this in real life.

    oh damn we forgot to use an octopus in the intestine puke scene. what do we do. LV chugs beers as he ponders. sets beer bottle on table put the octopus on his head walks in front of camera and shoves finger in mouth then pukes! *recycle*

    yeah the fx's are so bad you can tell the girls intestine is an octopus.i guess he never heard of using pig intestines.

    his drawings look like a 12 year old.

    he is too afraid to stand in public which makes me wonder if he is even a real person.

    i must admit the film is disturbing due to it being a scat film. for a horror movie it is very depraved and demented. you can't compare it to real scat films and say they are more disturbing because they are in a different spectrum of film.

    i hate the non stop cutting of film which actually makes the film less shocking. scenes are so fast you never really have time to absorb how messed up they are.

    again another attempt at being non linear or quantum theory w.e....

    just watch the non linear film waking life. This is a surrealist movie about the human condition in altered states and references quantum theory.

    as for his satanic title. please ...... anyone who knows anything about satanism knows its church only accepts the rich and powerful. They teach to destroy psychic vampires that drain your energy. so broken souls and schizophrenic sisters would be killed in a true satanic family.

    this guy is a joke.

    if he was to write a book it would only be pictures.

    i don't know which is easier to attack the films or the man behind them. i tend to think they are one of the same.

    a total fraud.

    i know you killed her! keep listening to burzum you Nazi!!! and stop connecting yourself to sun o))).

    fake intellectualism really makes me angry I'm sorry people.

    still BLIND people who can see.. This is a new one. There is a mystery to be unlocked here, possible more disturbing then the films themselves.
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice (2008)

    ** (out of 4)

    This follow-up to SLAUGHTERED VOMIT DOLLS is pretty much more of the same but as SCREAM 2 explained, a sequel must go much further and that's pretty much what happens here. Normally I'd talk about the plot but there's really no point here. Twins hold a woman hostage and torture her. Various other pits of disgusting horror happens.

    That's pretty much all you need to know about this film from director Lucifer Valentine. He basically made the "vomit/gore" genre, which is exactly what it sounds like. This film clocks in at just 65-minutes but there's no question that the director succeeded in what he was trying to do and that was to repulse people.

    The first film featured a lot of women making themselves puke and that happens here too, although it is taken to a different level. Pretty much women puke on each other, there's a woman who drinks her pee and then pukes it up and there are more brutal horror elements as well. This includes one woman who is ripped apart with some realistic gore effects.

    REGOREGITATED SACRIFICE is impossible to recommend to anyone since it's really only going to appeal to a very limited number of people. I personally found it to be repulsive but then again I don't get any entertaining out of watching people puke.
  • First ever review and unfortunately it has to be about this abomination. Let me start by saying I'm no stranger to extreme cinema and horror but this was neither. I'm also aware that the horror genre as a whole can be argued to be a teeny misogynistic but this takes the cake. This guy must really hate women and yes I know these were consenting adults but that does nothing to mitigate that. If you can glean a story from this than you're a better person than I. Now if you like to see naked women degraded every which way possible than this movie is for you. Think I'll skip the other 2.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Have you ever seen a movie so terrible you just think to yourself "this is the kind of thing burzum fanboys would watch", that's basically it.

    Even the title sounds like a bad brutal death metal or goregrind song. I can't believe I sat through that whole thing, it wasn't only disgusting, but just like the rest of the vomit gore trilogy, it was terribly made.

    I can't even give it points for creativity, I've learned from awful grind and death metal bands that any misogynist with a disgusting mind can come up with ideas like making somebody gag on their own intestines.
  • No plot, no character development, no story....just a bad excuse for a wack-job to put his depraved fantasy on film. If film making is regarded as an art-form, then this can be best described as a steaming pile of dog poo laid on the floor in the middle of a room in a modern "art gallery".... I'd be surprised if the person who made this didn't grow up sniffing his mom/sister's dirty underwear...,avoid this schlock like the plague. It's obvious the film maker hates women and has no other avenue of conveying this message then by paying "actors" to degrade themselves in ways even Caligula couldn't have imagined.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Unless you're really into underground horror or you like very bad amateur pornography, you probably don't know about the 2 edgy 5 u "movies" of Canadian edgelord Lucifer Valentine. What we have here is a sequel to a movie that had no sense of plot continuity, story, or characters to go off of. As such, this movie is basically just a rambling mess of auditory and visual diarrhea being played and reversed throughout its all too long 70 something minute long runtime. Like all of Lucifer Valentine's movies, there's never an explanation as to why his movies feel like loud, humorless YouTube Poops, or why he feels a need to line them up with sex, urine, vomit, and a fat guy with an octopus on his head? I've been told by film fanatics that the best way to become a film auteur is to brand your insanity. Lucifer Valentine thinks he's doing this but he's literally just having semi attractive women and uglier women barfing on each other while the camera and editing software has a stroke. Sir, if you want to make porn, just say you're making porn. Don't be weird about it.
  • If you're reading this, then you've obviously watched the first installment of the series (or at least have a feel for what these "films" are about) so I won't try to explain them.

    If you've watched the first one and think it was too sick and twisted, you might as well just forget about this one. It's much more sinister than the first and definitely more graphic. Along with all the obvious gore and vomit (the series is called "Vomit Gore") there's a certain level of eroticism with the absolutely gorgeous twins. That aspect of the film was not lost on me at all and a definite plus for the second installment.

    Many people will say this is an art piece, still more will say it's nothing more than a fetish film but there are a small segment of the viewing audience that simply want an unpleasant film in their collection that's only there to cause controversy. I fall into this small category of cinephiles that simply love the strange and far out techniques used to make this film and ones like it. There's nothing to this film that gives it a social commentary (at least in my eyes). This is simply a film that pushes the boundary of viewing distaste and visceral torture.

    If you wish to be pushed to the edge of what's considered cinema, these films are for you. If you can't stomach the vomit, gore, sex, violence, and almost intolerable sound, don't bother watching any of these films.

    Thanks again Lucifer Valentine, you've given me a great time with your trilogy.
  • BA_Harrison10 September 2011
    Of all the objectionable imagery I have subjected myself to over the years, a bearded guy in scary face paint, smeared all over with blood, wearing a dead octopus on his noggin, and repeatedly puking into the skull cavity of a decapitated head has got to be a contender for 'most nauseating'. The amazing thing is, this scene from Lucifer Valentine's ReGOREgitated Sacrifice is just one of many in this film that could easily qualify for a place in my 'Top Ten Most Repulsive Moments in Movies' list!!

    The second film in Valentine's 'Vomit Gore' trilogy, ReGOREgitated Sacrifice is a relentless assault on the senses, an intense barrage of horrific avant garde imagery and sound designed to offend and disgust, and, unlike his first attempt, Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, it didn't bore the hell out of me with its repetitiveness and dreary pace. Although elements from the first film are re utilised (most notably, forced vomiting), ReGOREgitated Sacrifice isn't just the same thing over and over again ad nauseum: Valentine ups the ante with each outrageous scene, daring the viewer to stay with him to the bitter end.

    It's a far from pleasant journey (with plenty of very impressively bloody prosthetics work to make matters all the more uncomfortable) and I haven't a clue what message Valentine is trying to convey (I had fun trying to understand, but any intended 'depth' was ultimately wasted on me), but it is a strangely compelling ride, a gruelling test for anyone who claims to have seen it all.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Now, I'm no prude, because I've seen my share of flicks that some people would view as "going too far" Perhaps films such as I Spit On Your Grave and Cannibal Holocaust get s little carried away. Then again, maybe they don't. I suppose it's a matter of opinion. However, there's this flick I seen called ReGOREgitated Sacrifice. If you've seen it, and you think this film went too far, you're just plain right. Opinions have nothing to do with it.

    If not. If you actually consider this film to be perfectly reasonable entertainment, well, then you most likely worship Satan. So, to be realistic, I would assume the story wouldn't mean a helluva lot, at this point. And honestly, I'm not sure how to go about explaining it without spoiling the original. Not that you should ever watch the original for any reason, but nobody likes spoilers. Plus, I doubt IMDb would want anyone getting too specific while reviewing a Lucifer Valentine epic. Just know ReGOREgitated Sacrifice is by far the most evil, disgusting, flat out wrong film I've ever had the pleasure of viewing. Compared to parts 1 and 3 of the vomit gore trilogy, this one actually comes off kinda interesting in a morbid/artsy kinda way, in my opinion. And don't judge me! Now that this vomit gore trilogy is out of the way, what's next for this alleged satanist, "Lucifer Valentine"? Peronally, I don't care. Or at least that's what I'm gonna tell people. Not that people know who the hell this guy is. But I'm sure that guy will get me curious again, sooner or later. For those who are into the most extreme side of modern exploitation, but aren't completely insane, you may just want to go with something a little tamer like The August Underground Trilogy, or or Guinea Pig series. Then again, if ReGOREgitated Sacrifice really is your cup o' tea, and you seek something more extreme, you're just plain out of luck. That is, if you're completely against snuff films.
  • Me and my friends had a crazy movie night where we first watched this movie and then August Underground's Mordum!

    The editing and sound design of this movie makes you feel like you're having a panic attack. It's a very dark mood throughout. The lead actress is very convincing, it's hard to know if she's acting or if it's reality. The gore and makeup FX are top notch. The only thing that bothers me is all the nudity. But it's part of the story and helps with the disturbance and unsettling feeling.

    The movie has a pretty artsy feel to it. I could absolutely see this movie being shown in some modern art museum.

    I give this movie a 7/10 because of how it succeeded to take both me and my friends to a different place. It really makes you feel both anxious and nauseous, and there's not many movies that makes me feel anything at all. We all agreed that this movie was a lot better than the latest Blade Runner!! :D
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice; I really like this title. It must be said that, for me, this is the film that really established the standards of the VomitGore genre. It offers a lot of pukes, and a lot of gore, but not only that.

    In 1 hour, I enjoyed discovering perverse scenes, an intriguing psychedelic story, and fantasy moments, with a lot of bodily fluids.

    The camera is quite unique in Lucifer Valentine's films: it's a kind of little voyeuristic being that gallops towards the scenes that attract it.

    I liked the characters, some are a little repulsive or horny. The gore is awesome. To tell the truth, I would have liked there to be even more, but fortunately there is the sequel. There are some surprises that I don't want to reveal, but one scene combines vomit, gore and [...]. I won't spoil it, but it's not something you see every day, and I appreciated it.

    It's the second in the trilogy, but I highly recommend starting with this one (even if it means consulting a summary of the events that occurred in the first).