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  • gaylewheeldon23 April 2019
    Remake of Sleeping with the Emeny!! Its ok but originals are mostly better.
  • Also,noticed this being another movie that Lochlyn Munro is in with Josie Davis but it makes three along this story line. There is a new one on Lifetime and he plays the co worker to a female and helps her with idea on how to deal with/take out her abusive husband .

    What I do not see here is the fact no one has picked up on the fact this is the same story line as the Julia Roberts movie " Sleeping with the Enemy "...same exact story line

    From the fact she planned her getaway, stored certain things away in the house , in the bathroom, hubby getting the call that prompted him to suspect she was still alive,..does anyone remember the fallen apples in the Julia Roberts movie where the neighbor wants to charge her for the apples so she dumps them ? In this movie, she is doing a sketch and he wants to charge her half since she is standing on his property. So many subtle nuances in this newer version of "Sleeping With the Enemy"

    Is this not plagiarism ?
  • skarylarry-9340027 February 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    The owner of the restaurant would never have given that creep Shane's address, knowing her situation! And people giving this one or two stars are crazy! Not that terrible! Shane's husband is so freaking ugly! YUK!
  • What could have been a great movie turned out to be a dud.

    After viewing continuous previews on LMN the last 2-3 weeks, I couldn't wait to see Past Obsessions.

    I thought Past Obsessions was a sequel to Seduced by Lies, since Josie Davis and Lochlyn Munro starred in both movies, and previews led one to believe so, in an 'round-about' way.

    I gave PO two-stars because I enjoy most, if not all Josie Davis movies & various roles she plays, but this movie in a whole deserves 1-star.

    Problem: 'Dialogue.' Way too much hesitation between actors talking to one another. A huge gap. Seemed actors were trying to remember their lines. lol.

    PO isn't the worse movie I've seen, but certainly not the best. Not even close to a good movie.

    A second problem I had w/this movie is nobody, 'no matter what the circumstance,' used a phone to call police or an ambulance. If I was in her situation, I'd have phoned the Marines. lol.

    One other issue which may or may not concern others. Very few actors were in PO. Where were the towns people? Cars? A restaurant with one customer, and he's one of the main stars. lol.

    Watch if your a Davis fan or bored..not worth buying the CD/BR.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is almost the same story as sleeping with the enemy but with terrible acting. Don't waste your time
  • nightroses1 August 2020
    This title Past Obsession is a non-original story with almost a carbon copy of "Sleeping with the Enemy" except "Past Obsession" is inferior in many ways. It was very plain and looked as if college students made this! The ONLY things that I liked in this dull movie was the scenery and the log cabin where our damsel in distress hides in. Too many weird flashbacks, are they implying that the characters are psychic? No. It was just a silly film trying to be arty.
  • rj-stone713 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I haven't written a review in a while so I decided to write one for this.

    I texted my sister and told her how this reminds me of "Sleeping With the Enemy." Sad that I, and I'm sure other viewers were able to tell instantly! It was only a few mins and I noticed all the similarities! Also, "A Stranger in My Bed" with Jamie Luner came out in 2005. Same storyline.

    I haven't seen many movies IF any where Josie plays the victim! I'm only halfway in but I'm leaving a review anyway based on what I've seen so far and others reviews. Unlike in SWTE, Shane didn't cut her hair or dye it. She looks exactly the same! The husband actor didn't seem to fit the part as a threat to me. Maybe if they chose a different actor....I did like the beginning as it immediately shows how Shane's suffering from verbal and emotional abuse. Josie acted those parts beautifully.

    I give it 3 starts for that. If so much wasn't EXACTLY like Sleeping With the Enemy, it would've been a whole lot better.
  • This is a total ripoff of Sleeping With the Enemy...but not as good. If there is nothing else on TV and you just need some background noise, then go for it. If you really want to sit down and watch a suspenseful movie about a wife escaping her abusive spouse, watch the real deal with Julia Roberts.
  • lavatch26 November 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    One of our favorite actresses, Josie "Lifetime" Davis, stars as an abused wife in "Past Obsessions." Josie brings depth and nuance to her character, who courageously fakes her death and flees a monster of a husband in order to start a new life.

    Matt Walsh is the slimebag of a husband who had sent his wife Shane to the hospital on three occasions. Shane's thoughtful planning in making it appear as if she died while on a mountain trek was not enough to thwart the devious husband from locating her.

    There was a nice romantic connection made between Shane and the vintner Thomas Brisano, after she had arrived in Bodega Bay to reside with her cousin, Estelle. The filmmakers found some intriguing locations for filming, including the quaint café and the cottage where Shane resided.

    A shortcoming of the film was the excessive violence, including the acts of the repellent Matt Walsh perpetrated on Shane and the completely unnecessary death of the kind Estelle. The drama could have been sustained without so many unpleasant and even sadistic scenes.

    The film's best moments were those of the courtship of Thomas and Shane. There was a sensitive approach to the evolution of the relationship, as well as some clever dialogue when Thomas lays on the charm. But with the death of Estelle, the ending was bittersweet and ultimately very depressing.
  • Basically like watching a seriously crap spoof of Sleeping with the Enemy but without the interest, tension or intelligence. Worst acting I've ever seen. How this was ever allowed to be made I have no idea.
  • This is the sort of film me wive watch when she home all day. She can watch lots of films in a row while she eat chocolate and wine and popcorns lot...

    Anyone who says the acting is rubbish give your head a wobble. Lets see u do better or look better?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie wanna be Sleeping with the enemy soooooo bad lol. I love that movie so much its actually in my top five.... but anways yeah I didn't really like it. It's not horrible just not good. The acting was good I guess.... well except for the husband. He's so weird and violent for no reason. Like it over the top violence. I don't really know how to explain it and I know he's abusive and so he's gonna be violent but no he was being very extreme like there was no reason for him to kill her cousin and shoot that guy who did the zipline thing. He's literally angry for no reason and there was no reason for him not to believe her cousin because she was drugged up she could have literally been speaking the truth and yet he still killed her. Makes no sense. Also, the way Thomas instantly fell for shane was unrealistic. I can go on and on but I know ya'll probably think I complain a lot (which i don't, I promise haha) so I'll stop.
  • Within a few mins of watching this movie I couldn't help but notice the similarity in story lines from "sleeping with the enemy" starring Julia Roberts, with a few minor differences. To be quite honest, I like the Julia Roberts version more....
  • I actually don't know how movie makers get away with doing this type of thing. They basically stole every move from "Sleeping with the Enemy" The acting is horrendous although Josie Davis who started on "Charles in Charge" is absolutely gorgeous and did the best she could with such flimsy writing, direction and cinematography.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Any film featuring Josie Davis is usually a guarantee of 'box office gold' and a cinematic pleasing experience and this film is no exception.

    Without giving too much away, Ms Davis plays the part of a young wife whose husband (played by the excellent David Milbern) likes nothing better than giving her a good hiding. As a result, she decides to fake her own death, run off and start a new life in a small town. Whilst there, she meets a thoroughly nice chap (who doesn't show tendencies of wife beating) who also owns a vineyard. Unfortunately for the pair of them and other characters besides, the nasty piece of work (the husband) turns up and much murderous mayhem ensues!

    What makes the film so enjoyable is that the plot is entirely believable and the acting is first class. Whilst not quite reaching the dizzying heights of 'The Perfect Assistant', Ms Davis is on top form as Shane and it was also nice to see Ms Davis being able to show off her artistic and culinary abilities in addition to her acting skills.

    David Milbern is entirely convincing as the husband who likes to slap his missus around and the viewer is left with the burning question of why on earth his lovely young wife would marry such a brute in the first place? The chap who plays the vineyard owner shows great acting prowess and one can only assume he will be offered similarly theatrically demanding roles in the future. Mention must be given to the excellent Adrian Holmes as Dr Wells whose presence on screen is far too short to exhibit his undoubted acting skills.

    Overall, the film is a cautionary tale for attractive young ladies to check the wife beating tendencies of their future spouses and for vineyard owning nice chaps to check the background of attractive young ladies who turn up on their doorstep wielding pencils and sketchpads.

    Having read other reviews which drew comparisons with 'Sleeping with the enemy', I watched said film and found it to be inferior in all aspects and not a patch on this original classic.

    Highly recommended!