User Reviews (2)

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  • Homeland is fresh series that I try to enjoy because I always interesting with this kind of drama and Claire Danes is one of my favorite actress around. Damian Lewis and Morena Baccarin add some stars wattage for this series.

    I knew that there's nothing much to complain about this episode, solid acting, solid story, but something just makes me wonder about how this series depict how to pray according to Muslim.

    I don't know this is because the writer is lazy or simply ignorant. I mean, in this amazing era of connectivity around the world, some writers don't really know how Muslim really do their prayers.
  • As mentioned before by one of the users, this is a quite good series. The actors are performing adequately the intricate characters who each have their own problems (whether psychological, marital, etcetera...). However, it seems that there's still a huge lack of information about the Islamic prayer. It's very simple to research it and/or even ask Muslims to demonstrate how the prayer goes. Because when I know how it is and then I see it this way, it damages the realism of the series. Instead of being intrigued by the guy's prayer, I exclaim and start sarcastically mocking how it's depicted. Such details matter, this series is great, and to be even greater, one has to take care of all the details pertaining to his character and to his plot.

    My vote would be a 7.5