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  • I love Katt Williams. But this just didn't deliver. He has a lot of great ideas, but didn't bring them home effectively. I think his jokes, especially about religion and the Bible, we're just lost on people. I appreciated that he was intentionally not taking sides politically or culturally, but it was lacking.
  • ChrisaRafa17 May 2022
    Katt, Kevin, Trevor and Dave are my favorite comedians.

    So I was waites for his new work.

    Although he says some truths, is lacking humor like his previous specials.

    Still love him, still support him, but I'm dissapointed with this special.
  • I love, love, love Katt but this was a disappointment.

    I sat down ready to be rolling on the floor but instead, I felt like I was waiting on a punchline throughout the entire special. He said a couple funny things and showed a little physical comedy but not enough to make up for what it lacked. It wasn't nearly as good as his earlier performances. With all the crazy that's gone on the past several years, I was expecting him to have some major jokes.

    I'm still a fan though and hope that he'll come back with something that's totally gonna make up for this flop. I have faith that if anyone can do it, Katt is one of those people.
  • I was literally just saying last week how I missed Katt, I was reminiscing about how funny and revolutionary his comedy was. I turned on Netflix today and to my very pleasant surprise, this special popped up. No questions asked, pressed play immediately.

    Oh god i regret it. I need to bleach my memory. What happened to Katt??

    Maybe he wasn't that funny to begin with and it was all about the time and place of his original comedy. I don't know.
  • I think the special started off good and was funny but when he started talking about sex, it never left the topic for the last half of the special. Way too drawn out. It got boring after 10 minutes of hearing about his favorite "cats". Very one note.
  • Humor, especially dark humor, is linked to intelligence. Keep that in mind when you read reviews saying this isn't funny.

    I enjoy Katt Williams, bc much like George Carlin, his comedy punches up (poking fun of authority/media) instead of down at disenfranchised groups of ppl.
  • Women, Biden's age and chicken joke just wasn't enough for this lackluster routine. This isn't the Katt I'm used to seeing! No real camera shots of audience laughing either, sure they were mad after purchasing crazy priced tickets to be let Down!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love Katt but this wasn't it, he was funnier on drugs. He was speaking facts but I just couldn't laugh even if I tried and I'm high asf so I'm even more disappointed. Oh yea & Joe needs to go you reaching he's not doing the best for anybody. Maybe u was just too high.
  • Very disappointed in this special. Like so many others I found this to be particularly unfunny. Occasionally I cracked a smile, but struggled to get 3/4 of the way thru the program. I finally just turned it off.

    "truths" and "lies" themed with a massive load of "God" preaching interweaved. Kat's "truths" were stretches of logic very often, and not really funny. Sometimes I actually had no idea what he was ranting about (been to 300 planets?!).

    Excessive use of the falling limp on the stage stool body language to garner a laugh and indicate the punchline when the crowd was unsure if the joke was finished. I disliked that considerably. Was almost a caricature of himself when he did this after almost every joke.

    I like Kat and wish him the best always. This was certainly not the best of his works for me, and I actually wish I had not watched it. It has detracted from my image of him after such a long wait between specials.

    I will say that he is in great shape! I cant run around and prat fall even 1/3 of what he can do!
  • I could not believe what I was reading the reviews that were left about this special everything he talked to have a spot on and hilarious and hilarious the goddamn Illuminati must be in writing all those bad reviews best kat special ever. Without a doubt you're not a cat what you're not a real Katt Williams fan if you didn't give this the 10 stars that it deserve I was crying laughing the whole time maybe you guys I don't know what most people must have been watching when I see the bad reviews cuz they weren't watching the same thing I've seen or they just didn't get the jokes either way haters going to hate no matter what.
  • While this isn't his best, at least he's back. He did seem a bit one note during the second half of the show. Heck (not what I really want to say, but ...) I don't think any of us are at our best after these past few miserable fricking insane years.

    I'm hoping this is just his warm up.

    Welcome back, Katt!!
  • I've always been a huge fan of Katt's work, but this performance was not good. In the past, his "pimp" persona added humor to his delivery. In this special, he removed that persona and replaced it with a goofy voice and awkward mannerism. I found his new delivery more annoying than funny. There were a few funny moments in his act, but overall it lacked creativity and originality and replaced them with raunchy and effortless cliches. The overall feel of this special is that he put it together without any heart just to fulfill a contractual obligation.
  • OMG, I have always loved Katt, but what was he doing here. There was nothing funny, and what was he wearing, he looked like a high school kid from today!!! Dud really, ; This is not you. I'm done - Never again.
  • Not his best work. Material has absolutely Nothing to do his WW3 theme. Some interesting insights as usual but spent too much time on his favorite pet cat- meow. Get the drift?
  • I don't know what happened he is my favourite comedian.

    Just was not funny. If he wanted to do a documentary about his beliefs abbé his understanding of the World then fine but as a stand up comedy show it just did not work.
  • Not going to lie this wasn't my favorite Katt, but only because the entire second half of the special was one long winded joke that i found particularly unoriginal especially for Katt.... The first half however was brilliantly hilarious, the way he gives opinions on the world was perfectly tailored to the times. He cleverly shared his stance on ideas but managed to stay safe, if you cant read between the lines you probably wont find it funny because of your lack of inference skills; I'm not saying he didn't cross the lines into very opinionated unsafe territory at times (as we'd expect from Katt) I'm simply saying he tiptoed around ideas but still got his points across masterfully.... All in all first half genius, second half reminded me of a drunk uncle at a cookout trying to be funny. Maybe this was intended though, sometimes misdirection is needed when you speak on taboo topics that attack the rich and powerful 🤔
  • ompatel-8094022 May 2022
    Something wrong with the sound. Wasnt funny at all!

    Skip it! Save your hour. The chappelle one was better. Kat isnt the same , horrible! Wish i could give it zero stars.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first part was hit and miss, then he says that adam and eve comitted incest- that's when I was like what the hell is he talking about. I just hope more people dont start believing this. Otherwise crickets. Not his best work at all. I hated it.
  • kosmasp15 January 2024
    No pun intended - he is not entirely wrong when he talks about WW3 - which by the way a former president got wrong (just saying) ... but like me pointing that out, if he (Katt) chose a side and stuck by it, he would get love from one side and hate from the other side. Choosing not to .. well choose, he might get everyone angry. Which I reckon kind of explain the rating.

    I wouldn't say that the stand up special is superb or great or whatever, but I do feel that a 5 is way too low. That said, I don't want to just push it up with one vote (mine) ... also I am not too happy about him not being clear ... or funny for that matter on certain subjects and ... it matters (again no pun intended).

    That said and I like him (he is funny overall), you can't be too sensitive about his choice of words ... or themes ... because they are not all political ... they are quite nasty too ... shock value and all that.
  • Great comedians such as Don Rickles, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, comedy comes natural. Katt Williams World War III was painful to watch. Humor was predictable. Some of the comedy I've even heard before. I'm not a prude when it comes to language, but when you rely on it constantly it gets very tiresome. I can't in all good conscience recommend this to anyone. But if anybody reads this I will say in all good conscience don't waste your time.
  • It's outrageous that it has such a low rating. It doesn't have joke that are just set ups and punchlines.. Its odd that either people hate on it, straight raging, or just are too simple minded to understand it's a different style, less punchlines and more of a man spilling his thoughts, ideas, advice and outlook of life in a slightly over the top way but is constantly funny and entertaining the whole time. It's like he rambling but tangles you up in interesting subjects and his conclusions while BEING VERY FUNNY. It's not a 10/10 but it's worth viewing. It's pure humor from a entertainer (comedian) sharing his thoughts.
  • Way too much reverb in the sound mix simulating a large auditorium. That made it impossible to understand without subtitles.

    I know it takes hard work to make it look easy but I don't want another Kanye rant.

    -Boomer out.
  • meadejamesf21 May 2022
    Not even the live audience was into it. Mainly just witless attempts at hot takes and shock humor that totally fall flat: if there wasn't a royally obnoxious sound effect being blasted over the P. A. at every major punchline I don't think I'd know when he expected me to laugh. Williams is relying 100% on gimmick and zero percent on effort.
  • epeep-371715 August 2022
    This special made me recall watching one of Mike Tyson last fights in which he was knocked to the ground. Such a moment I remember vividly as it cause a extreme period of disbelief to witness the GOAT be defeated ,,While I've never granted Katt Williams the title of "the Goat", he was close to it as his voice, intellect and energy dominated every show!!

    Sitting with my snacks and excited to watch, I unfortunately felt that same pain , sadness and disappointment in seeing one that was great , struggle to connect jokes with his millions of viewers. I honestly don't remember laughing heartedly at all throughout the special .

    I hope this special and its not so appealing views cause some humility to be displayed .
  • LloydChristmasss18 May 2022
    Not what he used to be. Lame concepts. Nothing original. One dave chappelle is worth a hundred Katt williams. Nostalgia is the only reason he gets attention now. Lame.
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